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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.11422594 [Reply] [Original]

What are we going to do with the jezebels?

>> No.11422601

Anyone kind of annoyed that boards like /a/ get lightning moderation because mods are weebs and because none of them read there is virtually no oversight on /lit/ beyond slow reports? As I'm typing this there is a porn thread that has been up for almost 20 minutes.

>> No.11422603

this, I just want a board with white, heterosexual, masculine men engaging in male bonding and male love of virtue and conservatism

>> No.11422610

>t. Mishima

>> No.11422613

This is part of the reason I posted this thread, this fucking porn thread that people even bump.

>> No.11422614

Make them our mommies and eat their milkies and braps

>> No.11422620

The board's reaction to Jezebels has become an amusing meme.
I say nothing should change.

>> No.11422622

u guys act as if better moderation would lead to better posts when the truth is /lit/ is one of the numbest boards

>> No.11422628

we need to post more Land memes to scare off outsiders.

>> No.11422630
File: 81 KB, 420x420, pepecardinal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

throw them into the fire!

>> No.11422647

Making /lit/ a text only board like /news/ is the solution, but even without OP images.

>> No.11422667
File: 1.10 MB, 1601x850, dfwloser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but think of the innocent dfw memes

>> No.11422735

Numbest? What do you mean?

>> No.11422738

Contribute to a culture that would make Jezebel posters uncomfortable. Moderation does nothing.

>> No.11422743

get rid of fetish threads

>> No.11422750
File: 27 KB, 480x480, 1505484360647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we give these fuckers a philosophy board? I'm tired of coming to a spade of "but if Kant can shit how can hegel take a piss, checkmate heidegger". Burn in hell.

>> No.11422756

There's already /his/

>> No.11422788

fiction babby just wants to talk about the same 3 scenes in Karamazov all day

>> No.11422841

There is much more fiction than there is philosophy mr. boomer

>> No.11422843

>quantity over quality

the absolute state of fictiontards

>> No.11422848

moderation destroyed the largest and most influential culture on 4chan in three months or so back in 2013 lad

>> No.11422865

You made the quantity argument first, brainlet

>> No.11422971

CREATE AND ENFORCE AN ABSOLUTE BAN ON SOCIAL MEDIA POSTING. No more Twitter screenshot threads, pseudtube e-celeb threads, newspaper headline faux-outrage threads, fucking tinder/text message screenshot threads, it all has to go.

>> No.11422976

>No more Twitter screenshot threads, pseudtube e-celeb threads, newspaper headline faux-outrage threads, fucking tinder/text message screenshot threads
And the /pol/ catalog will suddenly become empty empty

>> No.11422998

I don't care what /pol/tards do on their own board. Just enforce it here.

>> No.11423014

Just remove the pictures. You won't even have to do it for very long, just long enough for clickbait shitposters to get bored and go to /tv/

>> No.11423016


draw inspiration from the Sirens

do you think Faulkner or Hemingway would be so frazzled by women in open-toed shoes?

>> No.11423019


>> No.11423034

yeah sometimes i think this site would be way better without images, but then it basically just be slow anonymous irc