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/lit/ - Literature

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11414211 No.11414211[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/pol/ here
I've always kinda avoided the humanities because of all the liberal brainwashing going on but I figured I could use some help. Can you rec me some good right-wing books? I've read basic stuff like CoC and The Bell Curve but I could use more ammunition more it wouldn't hurt?

>> No.11414214

Fuck off

>> No.11414219

You people really are the worst. What exactly is it that you want to read about. CoC and The Bell Curve have almost nothing in common.

>> No.11414221

Sorry you can't circlejerk in private

>> No.11414227

I'd like to read books that defend right-wing thought and/or object to left-wing thought.

>> No.11414230

my penis is really itchy right now

>> No.11414264

Carl Schmitt.

>> No.11414266

Read some Evola, faggot

>> No.11414269

Literally any marxist will btfo you if you only read midwitcore like that garbage

>> No.11414270

You talk tough. Prove it.

>> No.11414279

Go and have discussions outside your meme forum and you will see

>> No.11414286

Another non-answer? Yikes

>> No.11414291

>being american
it's already too late for you.

>> No.11414298
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>hey guys what are some books that won't hurt my feelings and reaffirm my beliefs

>> No.11414300
File: 58 KB, 463x366, C279A6EE-8621-4715-9B29-E288F4465EA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wahhh wahhh baby only wants to read things that baby agrees with wahhh wahhh baby doesn’t like new ideas wahhh wahhh baby doesn’t want to evolve wahhh wahhh baby is scared because scary life scary baby scared baby little baby mommy mommy wahhh wahhh baby baby baby moo cow goes moo read baby story

>> No.11414301

The Passing of the Great Race by Madison Grant and The Rising Tide of Color by Lothrop Stoddard are hands down the best early 20th century books on race realism. The former was referred to by Hitler as his Bible.

Also -- for a broader analysis that attacks liberalism, check out "Why Liberalism Failed" by Patrick Deneen (no race realism but a great book nonetheless) as well as most books by Patrick Buchanan or Samuel Huntington. They don't ignore race but they consider other factors in the fall of Western society -- it's not ALL about race regardless of what stormfags want you to think. Glad you're detoxing from /pol/ and seeking more balanced information though. MAGA

>> No.11414306

We’re just going to tell you to kill yourself bro, and desu you should

>> No.11414308

Holy shit /pol/tards BTFO'd! How will they ever recover?

>> No.11414312
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>/pol/ here


>> No.11414330
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You don't need to read a book, you already know everything you want to.

>> No.11414351
File: 38 KB, 314x314, 58D4438F-F00A-483F-B8ED-26B7BA73420B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TO live outside the Law you
Must be honest
Well, I don’t know how it happened
But the riverboat captain, he made America Great
Yes I can take him to your house
But I can’t unlock It
You forgot to leave me with with the leaves
Where are you tonight, Blistering Pree-Sisters swallowing a donkey’s eye?

>> No.11414369

>complains about brainwashing
>comes here to ask for books that will brainwash him
Nice job

>> No.11414375
File: 67 KB, 640x640, C8427371-D41D-4204-9F3C-0BD2758A2D6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Señor, señor Can you tell me where we're headin'? Lincoln County Road or Armageddon? Seems like I been down this way before…

>> No.11414385
File: 78 KB, 629x794, C6079015-DB52-4A57-8B15-401C9029754F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the Talmud. Unironically you should do this. It’ll dispel a lot of the Stormfag propaganda you’ve probably heard about it,