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11412440 No.11412440[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11412570

that's my favorite website too

>> No.11412575

that cover's fucking cool the book must be great

>> No.11412579

this is essential schizocore philosophy don't be a faggot just because you never learned how to read shit like Kant and Deleuze

>> No.11412602
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coincidentally large crossover with tumblr and links 2 leftist reddit portals


>> No.11412603 [DELETED] 


>> No.11412605

his twitter is still dead after 2 weeks
he's probably been detained to a chinese concentration camp

>> No.11412608


>> No.11412649

Why are you spending time on reddit? Looks like a bunch of Debord fags as far as I can tell. What was the point of this?

>> No.11412657

i got your dumb ass bitch

>> No.11412674


>> No.11412717

Fanged Noumena isn't self published; Land doesn't even agree with this shit anymore
>When I contacted Land about the republication of his works, he did not protest, but had nothing to add: It’s another life; I have nothing to say about it – I don’t even remember writing half of those things ... I don’t want to get into retrospectively condemning my ancient work – I think it’s best to gently back off. It belongs in the clawed embrace of the undead amphetamine god.

>> No.11412735

the publisher of fanged nomena is founded and owned by land u stupid shill

>> No.11412765

why would Land waste his time operating a small fringe publishing company centered in a country he doesn't even live in? people are buying his work regardless, he doesn't need to bother. you're just resentful you never went full tenured proffesor gone raving lunatic all while remaining wholly influential a la Neech

>> No.11412775

selfpublishingposter is going to go ballistic over this post

>> No.11412806


so nick do you ever get jealous that peterson has been able to sells books to alt-right neets so much more effectively than you? do u ever reflect on where ur life went so wrong? being reduced to shilling uninteresting books to neonazi trolls on 4chan daily

>> No.11412822

NICK finish your goddamn book on blockchain I really fucking need it

>> No.11412870

lol writing books about the latest tech fads? ship already sailed on blockchain, like 3d printers, no one cares

>> No.11412900

when the techneme of decentralized consensus mechanisms brings operating costs of VM platforms like eth to compete with the costs of VPS services, the entire field of distributed networking will need to be rewritten from the ground up.

>> No.11412911

does anyone have the copypasta of the mom who bought Fanged Noumena for her daughter because her daughter was into vampire shit and the cover/title seemed relevant, and then got really mad because the ideas in the book were dangerous?

>> No.11412946


>> No.11412960

Customer Review
1.0 out of 5 stars
Stick to Stephenie Meyer, for heaven's sake!
By Amazon Customer on 14 February 2014

My 15-year-old daughter Tricia is a great fan of vampire fiction, and I bought this for her from a remaindered book stall, thinking it would be just up her street. The rather childish daub on the cover did make me think that perhaps the book would be too young for her, but seeing as it was priced at 40p I reckoned I could not go too far wrong.

This is possibly the worst mistake I have ever made.

From being a happy-go-lucky Goth with a crush on Robert Pattinson, Tricia has become a 'post-human nihilist' who stays up all night listening to the sort of machine music that makes your ears bleed and gibbering about the 'Dark Enlightenment'.

I have written to the book's author to complain, but received no reply. I am informed by his publishers that Mr Land has in any case disowned all his previous writing and decamped to Shanghai.

None too soon, in my view - but too late for Tricia, I fear.

>> No.11412965

nice try at sounding tech savvy you old ass clown

>> No.11412972

Have you guys read the Gig Economy?


>We imagined ourselves as samurai sword VR pirate pioneers, but it turns out we’re pointless argument vegetables growing in walled gardens, harvested for the benefit of robots that serve us ads. Corporations are organisms, not city-states; they signal to each other via markets; they build interfaces into human social protocols through brand identities; they occupy slots in our Dunbar rings.

>> No.11414292

the most tech savvy people are old ass motherfuckers, people >45 are the only people that have a good view of the entire technology stack

>> No.11414313


>> No.11414346

This site was spin-off from /r/occult back in the day. Some guy kept posting off top political rants and was told to make his own sub. I believe he was exiled from his own sub by the other mods over the years. He was up-front about being a post-marxist.

>> No.11414352

No, it is owned by someone else from the CCRU. Land's publishing house is Time Spiral Press and it so far mainly publishes his horror fiction and a travel guide to china he wrote with his wife.