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11395331 No.11395331 [Reply] [Original]

it's the haflway point of the year. what are the 2 best books you've read since January 1st, 2018?

>> No.11395333

I haven't read any books this year.

>> No.11395348

I'd say Kafka in the Shore. I've read it twice

>> No.11395358

Penguin Classics recently released a new translation of Ibsen’s “Brand” and “Peer Gynt “ by Geoffrey Hill. The tenor of both plays are worlds away from “A Doll’s House”, what most Americans know Ibsen for. “Brand” feels like early Ingmar Bergman. Some Ibsen scholars and critics consider them his best plays, though they are hardly read in America.

>> No.11395365

The Pale King by David Foster Wallace and The Recognitions by William Gaddis.

Both are absolutely phenomenal and the prose is to die for.

>> No.11395385

Blood meridian and stoner

>> No.11395395

Unsong and Works of Love

>> No.11395396

I was in a production of Peer Gynt. I think Doll's House is better

>> No.11395399

The Heart is a Lonely Hunter and Ask the Dust

>> No.11395402

>it's the haflway point of the year


>> No.11395444

better late than never mate

>> No.11395451

I've only finished one book this year, On the Geneaology of Morals

>> No.11395457

Lolita and Death of Ivan Ilych

>> No.11395463

The two best for me have been
The Rainbow by DH Lawrence
Goodbye to All That by Robert Graves

>> No.11395471
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>it's the haflway point of the year

>> No.11395477

what did you think of it

>> No.11395481

I like the first volume of lolita better. The tension is lacking once he becomes a rapist

>> No.11395568

Stoner and The Trial

>> No.11395645

How is the rainbow compared to sons and lovers? I read Sons this year and didn't care for it

>Why liberalism failed
>light in august

>> No.11395668

Forest dark by Nicole Krauss and Austerlitz by WG Sebald

>> No.11395672

Lawrence Sutin, Divine Invasion
Gass, Fiction and the Figures of Life

>> No.11395677

The Leopard
Shadow of the Torturer (first part of Book of the New Sun)

>> No.11395679

The Captain's Daughter
As a Man Grows Older

>> No.11395682


Heart is a Lonely Hunter is a fantastic book.

>> No.11395690

American Psycho and A Scanner Darkly, probably going to add The Gift once I'm done.

>> No.11395798


Have almost exclusively read philosophical works. Best fiction was The Crying of Lot 49 and The Red and the Black.

>> No.11395806

Meditations - Marcus Aurelius

>> No.11395817

crime and punishment and the subterraneans.

>> No.11395827

What did you like about american psycho? some people liked his descriptions of brands and his lecture on music like whitney houston and stuff while i personally hated them

>> No.11395833

notes from underground

the elliot rodger manifesto

>> No.11395842

Latro in the Mist
The Savage Detectives

>> No.11395855
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Forbidden Colours, Yukio Mishima
Whatever, Michel Houllebecq

>> No.11395869

The People of the Abyss
Mickelsson's Ghosts

>> No.11395887

goddamn i want her.

>> No.11395905

Why do you like the Recognitions? What do you think Gaddis is trying to do?

>> No.11395916

dr jekyll and mr hyde
the stranger

>> No.11395928

kant btfo

read it to read deleuze's book on spinoza before reading difference and repetition

>> No.11395932

So contrary! Well, aren’t you being the Troll King!

>> No.11395996


>> No.11396004

The stranger
The Trial

>> No.11396008

Savage detectives is one of em without a doubt. The other prolly the odyssey?

>> No.11396028

Brand is great, but sadly overlooked almost entirely. Peer Gynt is known to everyone here in Norway, but nobody reads it. The only play that gets read in school is 'The Doll's House', mostly for it's women's progress topics etc.

>> No.11396044

A Tomb for Boris Davidovich by Danilo Kis and Phèdre by Racine. That said, I'm currently reading Magic Mountain and that's probably going to the top as soon as it's done.

>> No.11396179

the part where nietzsche presents a dialogue with another spectator at the workshop will forever stay in my memory. also some of his wording, he has that ability to create intense flashes like lightning with his writing

>> No.11396189

Leon Walras - Elements of Pure Economics
Aristotle - Metaphysics

Thanks for asking.

>> No.11396191

Racine >>> Mann

Kis is great, too.

>> No.11396357

dude.........exact same

>> No.11396410

What blows my mind about his manifesto is how vividly he seems to recall his childhood memories. I'm only 23, and I can remember jack shit about my childhood. I can only remember sexual experiences. Probably why I'm all kinds of fucked up.

>> No.11396480

Lolita and 2666
Part 4 of the latter was soul crushingly monotonous and made me want to drop it but it redeemed itself with part 5.

>> No.11396484

The BBC produced a magnificent adaptation of Brand https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGtTLHY5mhalJe9ER7fFkUtEaJs4X9v4L

>> No.11396491

Simulacra and Simulacrum
Midnight's Children

>> No.11396501

John Williams - Stoner
Phillip K. Dick - the Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch

>> No.11396543

War and Peace
The Idiot

Hard to pick since I’ve read only good stuff this year

>> No.11396554


>> No.11396600

Hey that’s my gf

>> No.11396610

You have a tryhard girl who doesn't finish anything she starts and either is conveniently directly in the middle of all of her books or is just posing like that with the books for a picture, which is unbelievably superficial and wouldn't garner anyone's fancy who actually reads and appreciates literature?

>> No.11396621

i haven't finished even one book yet. i'm halfway through lonesome dove which i started like two months ago. i've been too busy with other things, mainly being anxious and depressed

>> No.11396635

Shut the fuck up virgin

>> No.11396651


>> No.11396675

That guy I'm responding to (you) is the virgin here.

My criticism is spot on, incel.

>> No.11396683

>garner anyone's fancy


>> No.11396874

Crime and Punishment, Don Quixote(reading it right now). Also, special mention to the Upanishads and Ashtavakra Gita.

>> No.11396891


>> No.11396900
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Dominations and Powers: Reflections on Liberty, Society, and Government, by George Santayana
To Walk by Night, by William Sloane

>> No.11396911

she looks like her pussy is so warm my dick would melt instantly upon touching her interiors

>> No.11396925

you are a pervert, same

>> No.11396951

"Leviathan" by Hobbes and "The Immoralist" by Andre Gide.

>> No.11397468


>> No.11398606

Soon to have read my 18th one.

>> No.11398610

Women don't understand how male lust actually operates. Women think that men experience women as "the Beautiful," as something pleasant and trifling that can be enjoyed at a distance and then allowed to pass on. They think that a picture of themselves wearing clothing that shows off all their fat and all their soft skin and warm nice holes is like a postcard with a picture of a beach on it. But to men, female beauty is not the Beautiful, it's the Sublime, it's not trifling but great and terrible, and it stirs something great and terrible and daemonic in man's subterranean depths that impels him forward to fuck things from roughly below and behind the prostate area.

When a man sees a picture of a beautiful sexy woman he feels half a million years of race knowledge thrumming in his veins, an infinity of sexy women reaching around behind themselves to spread their asscheeks and pussy apart with one hand and say "fuck me." He hears the drums from the movie Jumanji, his soul tangibly but invisibly leans forward outside of him grasping desperately for the pussy and gnashing its teeth. He wants to taste her holes and squeeze her fat and smell that combination of smells girls have that when you ask them what it is they say it's just normal shampoo and fabric softener but you know it's something more.

It's not fair to post these hot sluts constantly. The jezebels guy is right and this post is not an homage. I'm going to kill myself if I can't escape from this feeling soon. Women don't understand what they're doing. I saw a girl on a bicycle yesterday and I started thinking about what it would be like to be a bicycle seat for 10 minutes.

>> No.11398618


>> No.11398716

Ways of Seeing and The Grapes of Wrath

>The tension is lacking once he becomes a rapist
It was consensual

>> No.11398777


>> No.11398783

Gravity's Rainbow and Br. Karamazov

Fuck me in the ass and call me a pleb

>> No.11398861

I really enjoyed "What a carve up", and "The Nix".
They're both light but super comfy.

Last serious book I read, was growth of the soil by Knut Hamsun. Embarassing that I hadn't read it yet as I'm Norwegian, but it was amazing While surprising that it could win the Nobel prize, it definitely is a work of art, and has stood the test of time well.

>> No.11398890

doktor glas and no longer human

>> No.11398902

the savage detectives and ficciones

could also be the magic mountain (if you count books i started last year but finished this year) and ficciones

>> No.11398913


C. K. Chesterton Orthodoxy

>> No.11398923

Martial chronicles

>> No.11398928

Satantango and I reread Confessions of a Mask.

>> No.11398933

Faust pt 2 and Joseph and His Brothers

>> No.11398936

Heh Jumanji

>> No.11398941

Tunnel and Long Goodbye

>> No.11398981

Neuromancer and No Longer Human

>> No.11399008

It is pathetic in a way that men can be so obsessed about female body. I cannot comprehend why I am also aroused by such photos, since this one shows just legs and ass. What is in ass and legs that has so much power over men? It is a curse, a pestilence of lust, and I detest myself when it takes control over me and pushes me to do what I don't want to, just to feel her warmth.

>> No.11399070

War & War and probably Kokoro, although the former made much more of an impression on me.

>> No.11399095

Probably Invisible Man and The Sound and the Fury, but there are some other really close choices, as well

>> No.11399096

Ubik and Slouching Towards Bethlehem

>> No.11399122

Pathetic compared to what? Men have a greater capacity for asceticism than women. There are more priests than nuns.

>> No.11399132

if you're being serious, legs and ass and tits and etc. signal fertility

>> No.11399142

Not him, but that doesn't make it right.

If you believe in God you should understand that these feelings are wrong and you should push yourself and others around you to treat every woman the same regardless of how she looks so these women do not expect to be lavished upon with gifts from beta faggots.

Sounds harsh, but the women will respect you for this attitude at the end of the day.

>> No.11399168

The Book of Disquiet and With The Old Breed.

>> No.11399591

Best is definitely Oliver Twist.
Second best goes to Thus Spake Zarathustra.

>> No.11399707

Cities of the Red Night, Burroughs
Gravity's Rainbow, Pincoin
>Fuck me in the ass and call me a pleb
Taking it with ya. I'm catching up on the meme series and slobbin the psuedcocks. I've accepted my place.

>> No.11399726


>> No.11399852

The Rainbow is a lot more sensual. I fapped to a couple descriptions than realized I was capping to a description of a field of wheat.

>> No.11399861

On the other hand priests seem to diddle kids a bit more often than nuns do.