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/lit/ - Literature

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11369316 No.11369316 [Reply] [Original]

Post the book you would like to read, mood you are in or whatever else and get a book reccomendation

>> No.11369332

I need something rainy and romantic for my depression

>> No.11369402

I need a book with a story that covers a long period of time (a lifetime basically) with friendships and nostalgic elements

>> No.11369437

War and Peace

>> No.11369441

I've been reading a bunch of downer history books like With the Old Breed and The Unwomanly Face of War. Can anyone suggest war history that isn't depressing?

>> No.11369446

Book of Disquiet. Unless you mean the other kind of romantic.

>> No.11369453

Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.11369463

I mean romantic as in romanticism romantic

>> No.11369482

Catch 22 is really funny and the good soldier Švejk is also pretty humorous.

>> No.11369525

Is flowers for algernon good? What about Lovecraft?

>> No.11369551

I need something bleak, post-war, modernist, psychological, depressing, preferably european. Imagine a mood evoked by a black and white still from a french movie

>> No.11369553

I need guns a'blazin

>> No.11369582

read under the volcano

>> No.11369585

Keen for a non-fiction book. Something light, interesting, inspiring.

>> No.11369592

No Longer Human but it’s Japanese.

>> No.11369624

Need a book about acute anxieties about the passing of time, living only in memories, feeling like everything is fading away, etc.

>> No.11369643

My whore gf just broke up with me after 3 years and didn't give me a reason and blocked me from all social media and won't answer my calls.
I suspect she just wants to fuck other guys and "be a free spirit." I thought she was the one and we were planning on getting married.

Books for this feel?

>> No.11369649

The peaceful pill handbook

>> No.11369652

A Little Life

>> No.11369653

damn thats icy cold, were there any signs in hindsight?

>> No.11369654

The Foundation for Exploration. It's not light but it's simply written.

>> No.11369705

I need a book about intense paranoida/black-and-white thinking

>> No.11369720

Sort of but not really. There were a few red flags I should have picked up on I guess, but for the most part we had fun together. But she basically admitted that she needs me more than I need her, so she'll come crawling back after she realizes she fucked up. I know her too well at this point. But she burned all chances of making up. She said some unforgivable things.
I'm going to get over her this weekend by getting drunk and banging this cute girl who works at the convenience store by my house. I basically have reached full /r9k/ levels in hating women by now though. They are just fuckholes and I have no intention of settling down. She basically just ruined any trust I could ever have in another future gf.

>> No.11369726

Is this a meme suggestion or actually good?

>> No.11369735


>so she'll come crawling back after she realizes she fucked up

Dont fall for that one m8, she's not coming back

>> No.11369742
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Whatever by Michel Houllebecq might be the book for you my dude

>> No.11369762

She already did it twice before. I wouldn't say it unless she had an MO. She gets bored with monogamy, says we need "a break," confesses that she loves me and I fall for it because I think with my dick and have no will power. She's insanely hot and out of my league, so I was thinking with my dick too much probably.

>> No.11369770

I want something Post-Apocalyptic, akin to "life without god". Kinda like Nier Automata or Last of Us. If the characters have some good psychology behing their motivations, then all the better

>> No.11369776
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Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Phillip K Dick my dude

>> No.11369781

Will this book make me wallow in my depression or help me get out of it?

>> No.11369814

Confessions of an English Opium Eater

>> No.11369820


>> No.11369841

Christopher Isherwood, The Berlin Stories

>> No.11369848

Bachelard's Poetics of Space

>> No.11369867

I'm guessing that this is a prompt, but here goes anyway:

>> No.11369875

Laughter in the Dark

>> No.11369886

>living only in memories, feeling like everything is fading away

the First Man by Camus

>> No.11369923

What book can I conveniently carry around in public to let girls know I'm intellectual, but be a little bit subtle about it?

>> No.11369945

Mein Kampf

>> No.11369984
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Need a book about only being able to think in extremes, someone who consistently fucks their life up because they're incapable of taking things in moderation

>> No.11370234

I feel like I don't have control of my life and even if I did nothing I do would make me feel any better.

Any recommendations?

>> No.11370343

the rings of saturn

>> No.11370358

You guys should check out my autobiography

>> No.11370371

The Phantom Major is a true story about a couple of guys fucking around in the desert in ww2

>> No.11370384

I want a book on how to economically and culturally integrate 2 nation's into one.

>> No.11370472
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I'm fascinated by literature's ability to combat depression/suicidal thoughts, which has been clinically proven by a field of psychology called bibliotherapy. Both for my own mild treatment but also to help many other people in my life who are depressed.

My list right now consists of a lot of Hesse, Nietzsche, Dostoevsky, Proust, some of Tolstoy's shorter works, and Willam Blake's major poetry works.

Any other works that help fight depression would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.11370698

Schlump by Hans Herbert Grimm

>> No.11370814

Is there a British equivalent to Pynchon, and if not what's the closest thing to a British maximalist novel?

>> No.11370820
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>literature's ability to combat depression/suicidal thoughts, which has been clinically proven by a field of psychology called bibliotherapy.
fuck, do you also belive that "reading" fiction makes you enlightened ?

>> No.11370836
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>My list consists of Nietzsche
What people are doing when they even think about Nietzsche

>> No.11370838

This one hundred percent.

>> No.11370907


>> No.11370918


>> No.11371826

Give me something about fighting the government, preferably by socialists

>> No.11372041

Maybe Suttree, but it's pretty subtle and the living only in memories part doesn't apply.

>> No.11372065

>disputing something proven by science

>> No.11372089
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>> No.11372108

The world according to garp

>> No.11372113

this is a cool idea

>> No.11372242

perfect rec man, top

>> No.11373090

Not saying I don't feel tempted to read it, but can someone please point out why I should read this book? Does it resembles like War and Peace?

>> No.11373154
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It's winter here and raining. I feel slighty depressed (as always), stressed and without a sense of what I'm doing with my life.

I'm just finishing War and Peace, more 200 pages and I'll be done, finding it incredibly deep, but boring at the same time. I want to read a book that after ending it I feel some sort of hope, that Crime and Punishment feel, that even after commiting the most grotesque errors of all you can still have hope and do something with your life, that all is not lost no matter where your feelings lie.

>> No.11373489

Do you had a shit relationship and somehow that means marriage?
Read Genesis I suppose