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/lit/ - Literature

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11332335 No.11332335 [Reply] [Original]



You guys are basically fucking brainlets

>> No.11332340

>Marx was a capitalist

Is he doing this on purpose to wind people up?

>> No.11332371

Truly the agora of the 21st century

>> No.11332373

Basically. Staying relevant nowadays is not that difficult, you just gotta say some controversial, uninformed stuff that appears to be intelligent but really isn't and you will a trending topic in no time.

>> No.11332432

Marx was a capitalist insofar as marx believed State Capitalism was a necessary transitioning phase which would usher in a communist system.


In a free market system, the value of capital is determined by price (whatever people are willing to pay for it.) In a State Capitalist system, the value of capital is determined by the state (state determined utility.)

>> No.11332455

> be Karl Marx
> never work a day in your life
> have your well-off friend who thinks you've got some goofy but interesting ideas house you and pay for all your bills
> critique your experience and what you can observe of those around you, blog about it
> die fat and well-fed

checks out

>> No.11332464

Marx thought capitalism was the surest road to communisn

>> No.11332470

It's bizarre that people have no idea about Marx's biography. and then use the bastardized biography in any measure to discredit someone's work.

>> No.11332473

>Marx thought capitalism was the only road to socialism

>> No.11332476

gotta accumulate a large cult following that praises/memes you for being a genius through successful action first

>> No.11332480

We already had this thread. Saged and reported.


>> No.11332481

based Musk strikes again; reminder that Marx said he was for a free market insofar as it served to destabilize traditional relations and move us towards socialism.

>> No.11332483

his poorly construed, unsubstantiated line of reasoning regarding marx and his proclamation of being a "good socialist" is pretty well explained by his reference to having read das kapital 32 years ago.

great job elon, you did the le epic trolling on twitter today. sjws were pwned. how're your shares doing, buddy?

>> No.11332486


>> No.11332499

Yeah marx lived off his mother's money not Engel's.

>> No.11332510
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>never work a day in your life
uhhh sweetie...

>> No.11332520

>By 1837, Marx was writing both fiction and non-fiction, having completed a short novel, Scorpion and Felix, a drama, Oulanem, as well as a number of love poems dedicated to Jenny von Westphalen, though none of this early work was published during his lifetime.
>He began co-operating with Bruno Bauer on editing Hegel's Philosophy of Religion in 1840. Marx was also engaged in writing his doctoral thesis, The Difference Between the Democritean and Epicurean Philosophy of Nature,[48] which he completed in 1841.
>submit[ted] his thesis to the more liberal University of Jena, whose faculty awarded him his PhD in April 1841
>Marx moved to Cologne in 1842, where he became a journalist, writing for the radical newspaper Rheinische Zeitung (Rhineland News), expressing his early views on socialism and his developing interest in economics. Marx criticised both right-wing European governments as well as figures in the liberal and socialist movements whom he thought ineffective or counter-productive
>In 1843, Marx became co-editor of a new, radical leftist Parisian newspaper, the Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher (German-French Annals), then being set up by the German socialist Arnold Ruge to bring together German and French radicals
All before he met Engles by the way. This "Marx never worked" meme really doesn't fly when you actually look at how much fucking shit he wrote. Or, are you on the literature board arguing that people shouldn't write as a career?

>> No.11332525

is elon musk going to be the new jordan peterson

>> No.11332534

Elon Musk is a great troll, I love counting the verified twitter jews in his comments

>> No.11332537
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Anyone read this author?

>> No.11332543

*author sells millions of books and designs widely-adopted political ideology*

>> No.11332559

>reading genre fiction
Elon is a turbopleb

>> No.11332563

Remember when we used to ignore the trolls and encouraged others to do the same? Along with not putting your real name online. Gone the way of the dodo, it seems.

P.S. fuck Musk the welfare whore who fucks over his workers and has a cult of retards

>> No.11332564

but has he read industrial society and its future??

>> No.11332567

He married the daughter of a baron, gave away all the money that was given to him as a gift from his father-in-law during the first week of his honeymoon, and somehow let his kids starve to death. It takes skill to fuck up your life that badly when you have very easy mode switched on.
Work as in labor, you daft nigger.

>> No.11332569
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>musk was secretly an-prim-bol all along

>> No.11332572

tfw trying to impress mistress clairchan tfw high on hipster pheromones

>> No.11332584
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>> No.11332586

Marx actually did talk about what positive things capitalism brought. But seriously Grimes need to straighten him out

>> No.11332587
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>> No.11332588

>the current year of our lord
>not being an accelerationist
speaking of brainlets

>> No.11332591

How are these useless jobs a contribution to society. I meant a real job.

>> No.11332592

>writing a heap of shit is the equivalent of work
Fuck off

>> No.11332599

Nerd culture is fucking disgusting. Would unironically rather live as a medieval farmer than in this fag's idea of utopia

>> No.11332601

Funfact: Marx's children died of starvation while he was in his own make believe world writing this bullshit and not trying to actually go out and make money for his family.

>> No.11332606

>cucking for the service industry is "work" while actually writing dozens of books isn't
Why are you even here?

>> No.11332609

please be fake

>> No.11332612

>Marx was actually for classes with their own self interests competing against each other


>> No.11332615
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>The guy who wants to bring humanity to other planets has his philosophy influenced by Douglas Adams.

>> No.11332619

I choose to believe this is another epic troll because the alternative is too terrible

>> No.11332620

contribute to society? in what way? why? it always baffles me when people say this.

>> No.11332624

found a BA barista

>> No.11332627
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>> No.11332629

Ah yes, I'm sure you are contributing much more than Marx has to society, you know, jerkimg off and shitposting at your desk and sucking your boss's dick

>> No.11332630

Musk is ensconced in a milieu that promotes anti-competitive, anti-productive, anti-human wealth stratification and monopolization of the means of production, Musk does nothing about DMCA’s, paid journals, lack of funding for STEM in public schools, contributing to infrastructure. all he’s done is make spying and ZOG vision easier with his sattelite shuttle service that doesn’t pay for itself. He ran away from paypal (a scam service) and then made a scam car that is more damaging to the environment than an F-150 and LARP’s about Mars which people give him credit for despite it being technologically and biologically impossible to live comfortably on mars. Marx has unironically contributed vastly more to the human corpus of knowledge than Musk. He and Theil are primitive, reptilian, sociopathic gamesman and nothing more. Their meme potential goes further than their limited upper midwit insights into distributed computing or space tech or hyper loops ever will

>> No.11332640

He also worked as a journalist throughout his life and even had his own paper for a while.
No. They didn't. Two died of bronchitis. Another died from a seizure and one was stillborn.

>> No.11332641

>lack of funding for STEM in public schools
This is a copypasta isn't it?

>> No.11332644

Nerd culture is the woooooooooooorst holy fuck

>> No.11332646

no not at all, and there is a lack of funding for STEM in public schools its why white americans are doing so poorly on math and science standardized tests, performing far below what their iq would suggest they’re capable of. i wasn’t talking about nigs and spics who are incapable of genius or asians who are naturally gifted in STEM fields and don’t need programs to excel. It was not a copy pasta, i have never posted copy pasta and never will not have I ever posted a meme and i never will

>> No.11332650

White Americans scored above nearly all of Europe on the latest pisa

>> No.11332697

Musk always comes off like an insecure manchild. In 1 (one) Twitter post he tries to flex his adolescent intelligence, the fact he can speak at least 2 (two) languages, and that he allegedly read a several thousand page long economic treatise when he was 14. Why would you even read the English translation if you can understand German and if you can't understand German well enough to read a book in it then you wouldn't be able to "check the translation" anyway.

>> No.11332714
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>> No.11332726

ah, the Kanye Method

>> No.11332747

At least Kanye is funny when he gets on his soapbox. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWZEkVV9EO0

>> No.11332750

I like how you pick his most productive eras and just ignore the parts where he b writes a single article a week in the shittiest apartment in London while his kids died off one by one and he still didn't get an actual job with dependable income because "people will think I'm a greedy Jew:("
Best correspondence between him and Engels was:
>Engels: hey Marx my mistress just died im pretty sad about it
>Marx: sucks. Gimme £10 and write some articles for me for free
>Marx: sorry I'm bad at feels lol. Mony plz?
>Engels: i dont have £10, Karl
>Marx: that's cool. I'll just go tell me wife we're gonna be homeless, declare bankruptcy and send my kids off to live with other people
>Engels: okok, i borrowed £100 with no way to pay it back. Don't die plz

>> No.11332762

no they did not they are ranked behind most northwestern european states, when i am talking about achievement i am only discussing nordic-germanic achievement, asians and jews. all other peoples are intellectually incompetent and lack the prerequisite genetics to achieve anything in STEM. The US is behind he nordic states, behind UK, behind Germany, behind France in PISA scores and certainly far behind East Asian tigers. Even the Poles and Fins (partially non-white Iranics/Uralics/Mongoloids) are superior to the US. Musk does nothing because he is a media darling narcissist and like all lolberts has no idea why the State exists what socio-biological herd management entails or what is happening to g and iq in the west (they are secretly stagnating and dropping, not rising as the media would purport). >>11332714

>> No.11332770

Don't worry, there are those of us working on that. We will design an AI that's sole purpose is to keep up in the renaissance era forever.

>> No.11332779

I can't speak for him but you shouldn't assume "checked the German" = "can read German fluently". I read Capital myself and had to check the original several times because there are zero (0) good translations. For example: Marx never uses the word Capitalism, and this is because it's bad (in Marx's view) to separate the object from the subject. But this subtlety is lost in literally every translation, and thus you see the word "capitalism" many times, even in the "best" translation by Ben Fowkes.

>> No.11332784
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>no they did not they are ranked behind most northwestern european states,
Stopped reading there. This is from 2015, and they did even better on the last one, scoring above Asian Americans

>> No.11332789


>> No.11332798


Ok Anon

>> No.11332817

>I like how you pick his most productive eras
No, he was far more productive after he met Engles and wrote all this >>11332510
This was his early period before he wrote anything substantial. Your narrative does not conform to reality

>> No.11332822

yeah why didn't Plato grow olives like a normal productive Greek what a lazy asshole

>> No.11332831

the absolute state of /lit/

>> No.11332833

no no no anon, that only happens because there are too many taxes now. once you get rid of that and have a proper free market, competition will naturally get rid of monopolies, drive costs down and increase the customers' options and satisfaction.

>> No.11332835
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>this entire thread

>> No.11332844

just like (You)

>> No.11332848

Good job evading my point anon; even when he wasn't earning near enough through writing to support his family he never tried to find gainful employment. It's completely irrelevant what his most productive period was, and it's not even what I was arguing.

>> No.11332856

>having a negative opinion of marx

>> No.11332890

what is it with nebbish lefty soiboiz kvetching about “nerd culture” as if they don’t embody all the stereotypes of a classic “nerd” except for technical knowledge? I see it a lot and I don’t get it

>> No.11332904
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>I meant a real job.
MAGA, amirite?

>> No.11332913

The meme that just keeps giving. Loving every laugh!

>> No.11332916

Marx celebrated Capitalism as a translation towards communism, though. And he hated so called Marxists and the working class, because he thought the are too dumb to understand his ideas.

>> No.11332917

I can't even use /his/ anymore because of all the communist threads. please don't bring it here as well

>> No.11332938

>His mode of living consisted of daily visits to the British Museum reading-room, where he normally remained from nine in the morning until it closed at seven; this was followed by long hours of work at night, accompanied by ceaseless smoking, which from a luxury had become an indispensable anodyne; this affected his health permanently and he became liable to frequent attacks of a disease of the liver sometimes accompanied by boils and an inflammation of the eyes, which interfered with his work, exhausted and irritated him, and interrupted his never certain means of livelihood. "I am plagued like Job, though not so God-fearing," he wrote in 1858.

>> No.11332959

Based Elon

>> No.11332969

It's funny when someone says "I've read this at this early age" as if it meant "I understood this way back then" when I actually hear "I've read this when I was too immature to comprehend it properly".

>> No.11332981
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>only physically laborious work is a valid form of work

>> No.11332985
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>> No.11333053

found a stupid fucking retard who couldn't think of a proper response.

>> No.11333515

what's writing some of the most influential and discussed works in history compared to crawling down some hole and digging coal with a shovel for years

>> No.11333580
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direct hit, boys

>> No.11333594

>disproves the ltv

>> No.11333598

right wingers on suicide watch

>> No.11333604

>all other peoples are intellectually incompetent and lack the prerequisite genetics to achieve anything in STEM
The russians put a man in space before any of the "superior" countries. A lot of the mathematics required for engineering comes down from middle eastern and central asian scholars who picked up on the works of the greeks while the nordics were living in piles of sticks and mud. In India certain thinkers independently invented parts of calculus. The reason why any group gets ahead of others is just systems of thought. Were the ancient chinese great at math? No, their whole education system was disciplined but focused on memorization and law. The only reason why they score high now is that culture of discipline - they were shit at STEM until they were introduced to the system of mathematics, and the system of the scientific method. Old chinese structures were cleverly built but they were too dumb to invent the screw. Because they didn't have a unifying, totalizing system of knowledge accumulation like the west had via aristotle-->bacon. Every ethnic group produces engineers and scientists now because its only a matter of education. You can be very dumb and succeed in STEM because you're standing on the shoulders of giants. You just need to be organized and thorough.

>> No.11333605

He’s right. Capitalism and neoliberalism is prerequisite for creation of post scarcity society. In post scarcity society communism will naturally occur

>> No.11333616

And socialism naturally leads to communism
So that anon you’re replying to is right

>> No.11333617

>Douglas Adams
What the fuck.
Holy shit, musk is actually retarded.

>> No.11333631

This. Race literally isn't real and genes only determine cosmetic features.

>> No.11333641


>> No.11333646

>writes fan fiction for children's shows
>collects black series Star Wars toys
>is socially-retarded
>knows absolutely nothing about any creative achievement that isn't just consumerist pop art
>is an atheist who fetishizes science as a series of proven axioms you can own Christians by referencing as opposed to a process that can often only approximate truth
What's not to despise? It's not even political; these people are just as present on tumblr as they are on the more reactionary parts of reddit

>> No.11333658

americans are the masterrace?

>> No.11333680

Mostly Asimov I hope.

>> No.11333698

Jews are skewing the American sample upwards.

>> No.11333951

Only the white once

>> No.11334046

>>knows absolutely nothing about any creative achievement that isn't just consumerist pop art

go on...

>> No.11334053

>because he thought the are too dumb to understand his ideas.
They are, even today. OP's elon screencap is all over zuccbook making red shirted normies angry.

>> No.11334056

kek, based

>> No.11334093

Adam Smith plagarised Kant

>> No.11334096
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Why didn't we listen we warned us?

>> No.11334099
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>> No.11334168
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definitely trolling

>> No.11334181
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>> No.11334195

At first I thought it was an act but he really does write like a redditor

>> No.11334198


Pseud detected.

>> No.11334202
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the thread is now /lit/ related

>> No.11334206

>best book
no, he's still trolling. banks is dope though.

>> No.11334209

>Musk was groomed from a young age for financial success


>> No.11334215
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>> No.11334252
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here's the real data

>> No.11334260

Iain Banks is rolling in his grave, Musk is truly a retard. Yeah I'm sure the guy who made his setting as a practically socialist society would love the guy who abuses workers.

He seems to think something like "The books are set in space and I'm Space Guy, so I'm just like the books!"

>> No.11334274

>puts articles online
"I know everything about the newspaper business!"

god I hope tesla crashes and burns, he's insufferable

>> No.11334294
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#badgalriri #queen #rihanna #thick #curves

>> No.11334319

fuck his stupid, shallow opinion

>> No.11334353

It's mostly justification for proletarian greed, I guess some people call that capitalism.

>> No.11334367

sorry if anyone knows how simple it is to manipulate pathetic journalists its sv hotshots, the only journalist worth a damn was that guy who actually ad the incredulity and balls to expose theranos, to bad after that story the newsroom director had to step down, the owners claimed it was because he was too sympathetic to trump, but lets be real we all know its because he let theranos get exposed and in the process embarrassed some very wealthy people

>> No.11334377

If you listen closely, you can hear the thousands of beard-surrounded mouths on bespectacled faces forming into onions grins so big they shouldn't even be possible.

>> No.11334378
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Marx did a lot of good work. It triggers the blue collar subhuman that will be forgotten in time and nothing will be left of his shit stain existence once he is gone.

>> No.11334385
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#badgalriri #queen #rihanna #thick #curves

>> No.11334386

Unironically don't even mind using these tactics to shit on those condescending faggots.

>> No.11334389

Do you realise that his chart is broken up by race and yours is not?

>> No.11334398

unironically prefer thicc rihanna

>> No.11334409
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#badgalriri #queen #rihanna #thick #curves

>> No.11334426

Does white also include subhuman Italians, slav niggers and brown haired people in general? Asking for a friend.

>> No.11334478

lmao you're all just mad that he's infinitely more successful than all of you.

>> No.11334483
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>> No.11334490

It's more about the fact that Marx wrote a fuck ton and devised an internally coherent ideology. To say he didn't work is dumb. He was also probably smarter than you.

t. Capitalist

>> No.11334492

>scroll through thread
>charts with biased sources of manlets
Gee I knew that lit contains disgusting subhumans that are tinier than 195cm. But it's always amusing to see how helpless their efforts are.

>> No.11334507

>implying Plato didn't solidify an ideology so strong it literally defined European Christianity

>> No.11334513
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#badgalriri #queen #rihanna #thick #curves

>> No.11334518
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>tfw no model girlfriend to fatten up
why even try anons

>> No.11334519

He probably has more net worth than this entire board combined. Why should he even consider your plebian opinions?

>> No.11334520

damn dude ur gonna make me have a straight fap u keep postin that

>> No.11334524

Its a joke you twats

>> No.11334531

You know if you guys just got a job and worked at it instead of reading your infantile books you could be rich like him too

>> No.11334537
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#badgalriri #queen #rihanna #thick #curves

>> No.11334558

I'm like 95% sure most of these comments are ironic.

>> No.11334563

Then why isn't everyone with a job a millionaire?

>> No.11334585

Because not all of them work hard enough

>> No.11334589

Concentrate a great deal and*really* consider how lazy you are, and how lazy everyone you've ever met is. Now hold in mind the top 1% of hardworking people you've met, and then discard 9/10 of these people for spending energy in the wrong things. Those that remain are hardworking and have their goals aligned with their efforts. How many of those have being wealthy as a goal?

That's my attempt to explain to you how people with a certain perspective (the view that being hardworking is not their condition, but is easy to access), can both believe that it's very easy to be very wealthy, and that it is exceedingly rare for people to be wealthy.

>> No.11334610
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#badgalriri #queen #rihanna #thick #curves

>> No.11334613

oh yeah, well I remember telling my 7th grade science teacher about lasers being electron shell excitation and drawing up the concept on the blackboard. Take that Elon Faggot

>> No.11334616

prestige in academia >>>> bourgoise money

>> No.11334642

I, too, shitpost.

>> No.11334647
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The pictures of "perfect bodies" you see on Instagram... don't let them get you down. Most of them don't represent reality and if they do, it doesn't mean that these bodies belong to a healthy and happy human. lt's just what we are made to believe, but it's mostly not true. Our bodies are pretty incredible machines that never ever take a break.Day in day out, minute after minute, from birth to death, our bodies do the work without ever resting. Pumping blood through our veins, making our heart beat in our chest, allowing us to move, drive, walk, travel, see, smell, hear, taste and FEEL love, happiness and positive energy. So, why do we as a society put all our focus on how little fat needs to sit under our skin, how we can make our muscles pop, how we can shape our body in a way that isn't natural or how we can hold back from feeding our body for as long as possible? •-• As I'm posting this, I am placing a hand on my heart and thanking my body for sticking with me through years of self-punishment, self-loathing, starvation, stuffing it with food, purging food, beating it down and destroying it with way too much exercise.Thank you, body, for never letting me down, even though I always used to think you did. l was wrong and I'm sorry. l don't care what you look like as long as you are healthy and happy.

>> No.11334648

>get paid by a trust fund to sit on your fat ass and write meaningless correspondence for years
>after you die, this gets published so people will think you were super smart because you, like, wrote and stuff
Just because /lit/ is jealous of him doesn't vindicate Marx for being a leech.

>> No.11334653

Its a joke you morons, he didnt actually read Das Kapital at 14

>> No.11334654


>> No.11334656
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Words out of the mouth of an amerimutt subhuman have to be taken with risk.

>> No.11334657

The ancient greek notion of shole and later otium in the Roman culture, was used to describe the situation when a wealthy individual does not have to work, but can pursue intellectual endeavors instead. To sum it up, considering writing books to be work is a relatively new phenomenon, but marxist scum has to label it as such because in essence you are low test faggots with a power trip who crave for comfy office jobs after "the revolution"; every single one of you fuckheads firmly believes that picking up a shovel is below you, therefore you label writing and reading as work, just to conceal the fact that you are at best useless, at worst poisonous like your buddy marx.

>> No.11334665
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It's easy to feel less confident about your body when your Instagram feed is full of gorgeous models who always look flawless.

I know I've found myself hating the rolls on my stomach or my double chin that presents itself when I smile too big.

Thankfully, these models are showing their followers that the real magic is in the camera angle.

>> No.11334715

>body positive
Fucking idiot

>> No.11334719

Lmao that thing's never gonna look attractive with those linebacker shoulders

>> No.11334728
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You cannot understand, you have a perfect body.

Yes, I workout.
Yes, I eat healthy.
No, I do not have a perfect body.
And you know why ?
Because I stopped looking for it.

When I started working out, I had these crazy expectations on the body I hoped / wanted to get.
Finally, I will get a thigh gap, a flat stomach, and no more cellulite !! Because that’s how a healthy body is perceived.
Because people make you think is it not normal to have it.
But you know what ?
It is.
Yes, I still store fat on my stomach.
Yes, I still have cellulite.
And yes, I am still « healthy ». Remember one thing : your body is NOT the enemy

>> No.11334822

>i read marx at 14
obviously he didn't understand him at all

>> No.11334959


>> No.11334969

See https://twitter.com/estrusflask/status/1008055395485667328

>> No.11334974

The amount of brainlets that Elon GOAT has exposed recently is hilarious

Watching retards trying to argue with him and just getting shutdown is based and the retards in here crying about his unsurpassed understanding of economics and the current state of the world is hilarious as well.

>> No.11335000

elaborate, please

>> No.11335004
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capitalist ingenuity today
>i put-a the papers on-a the interwebs-a

>> No.11335029

I can't take musk' claims serious most of the time. Reading apparantly ten hours a day, including textbooks, but loving asimov and Douglas Adams.

>> No.11335076

Stop normalising fat. That is why there is so much obesity in the first world.

>> No.11335127


Actually scientifically speaking there is pretty much no correlation between talent/intelligence and wealth. Both scientific studies of real people and computer simulations show that the 80/20 split in wealth occurs almost every time, but never falls along lines according to ability. Capitalism is objectively not a meritocracy.

>> No.11335135

Prestige is even more vacuous than money. At least the latter allows natural, objective satisfactions. The other consists in the judgements of men.

>> No.11335141


Contributing to the collective body of human knowledge is infinitely more productive in the long term than peddling some plastic shit made in China that’s designed to break. Marx’s contributions to society, even if you don’t agree with him, are unironically more important than that accomplished by the vast majority of capitalists, the same is true of any theorist in any field.

>> No.11335144
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>> No.11335147

"White" includes lots of questionable in American statistics, and I'm not talking about Sicilians.
I've seen obvious >50% amerindian from Mexico and central Asians from -stan countries registering as white.

>> No.11335150

This has little to do with prestige (especially academic). The same information could have been distributed anonymously.

>> No.11335163

Aren't there studies that show the average self-made billionaire's wealth is like 134 or something? Suggest a pretty real relationship.

>> No.11335186

>A lot of the mathematics required for engineering comes down from middle eastern and central asian scholars
I seriously hope you guys don't do this. I could list at least ten mathematicians on the top of my head whose individual achievements are superior to everything done in these regions over history combined.
>because its only a matter of education
This is a complete delusion. No one can and will ever train genius. New ideas can never be taught before invention.
Following the trend set by others still requires noticeably above average intelligence. Even retro-engineering is often quite demanding.

>> No.11335197

While Europe was in deep shit during the dark ages, Islamic counties were doing all the math. The way we write numbers comes from them.

>> No.11335214

Islamic countries did very little, footnote worthy at best.
You could at least up your memes, because our numeration comes from India, not from islamic countries.

>> No.11335226

All most all relevant mathematicians since the renaissance have been europeans.

Middle eastern, egyptian and indan mathematics only describes the most basic principles. Why people talk about them is because the were first with like 2000 years. But their acheivements is far from impressive by modern standards.

>> No.11335243

And who do you think brought those numerals here?
They were dominating mathematics since the up until the enlightenment and even after that.

>> No.11335254

Since the dark ages*

>> No.11335258
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>> No.11335269

>> never work a day in your life
>wrote world altering political/economic books
do you define work as wage slavery and nothing else?

>> No.11335294

>Why people talk about them is because the were first with like 2000 years. But their acheivements is far from impressive by modern standards.
But they were first. And it's still impressive since the West wouldn't have shit to work with if they didn't translate what Arabs developed.

>> No.11335362

It's so funny seeing humanities majors think they're smarter than a billionaire

>> No.11335387
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>> No.11335419
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F*CK OFF DIET CULTURE. It gives us the sh*tty mindset of making these kind of comments, assuming we know someone’s health from the way they look, their size, the way they’re bloody posed in a photo.
The same girl in both these photos (me lol) and we would make two ENTIRELY different assumptions based on a pose, a posture change...
You don’t know sh*t about someone’s body/health by looking at them. Someone’s health/size isn’t an indicator of their worth and lastly it’s NON of your business.

>> No.11335423
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>> No.11335433

>And who do you think brought those numerals here?
Truly an achievement. I'm BTFO. Surely I can only admire our islamic overlords now. How can the rest of the world even compete?

>> No.11335442

>But they were first.
what a retarded thing to say, polynesians were firs with traveling the pacific ocean but that doesn't mean that the west wouldn't be able to do it without looking at their palmboats.

Btw most basic-fundamentals of math comes from the sumerians which are not arabic.

The golden age of islamic math was between 700 and 900 Ad.

>> No.11335447

It's not about superiority. They just did very well while the West had a hard time.

>> No.11335450

Yeah right!

Now Musk is cocky and somewhat in over his head but hes not stupid.

>> No.11335460

how is this literature? fuck off to /his/

>> No.11335463

>the West wouldn't have shit to work with
People all over the world, especially in the west, have been able to do things from scratch. It's always useful to inherit something but it is not necessary.
>what Arabs developed.
Arabs didn't develop anything of significance in this domain. They had virtually no effect on the west. If you insist on larping as anti-western, Europe is much more indebted to India than to the islamic world. But even that is secondary. "Western" traditions took almost everything from previous "western" traditions. You have to go back to 1000BC for it not to be the case with a bit of creative interpretation. It has then nothing to do with Arabs who were stuck in their southern desert.

>> No.11335478

The difference between philosophy and literature is sometimes subjective

>> No.11335479

He was a capitalist because his book was named das capital.

>> No.11335481
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National Socialist

>> No.11335485

I'm thinking the same, though it might be my own bias kicking in.

>> No.11335486

But they didn't do very well either. Especially when the post you replies to refers to transferring an idea from point A to point B. The fact that you single out a comparative void in the west doen't make what happens in this other region important. For instance, Papua lands were also irrelevant at the time.

>> No.11335495

It's a reference to commies always hating on what they call rent collectors or whatever who according to them do nothing but leech

>> No.11335580

Please do not ever reference that "study" again on my /lit/, it is perhaps the single biggest abomination of pseudoscience I have seen parroted around as actual science, and it isn't even old.

>> No.11335587
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>Adam Smith ftw

>> No.11335652

Let's see what Iain thought about the power of """competition"""...
>Let me state here a personal conviction that appears, right now, to be profoundly unfashionable; which is that a planned economy can be more productive - and more morally desirable - than one left to market forces.

>> No.11335697
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>Real names.
As each child born now will show us in ten years, real names are as useless as prisons are at rehabilitation of murders. Your sentences of being are held by your FB friend group, your ass-eating twits, or the information companies and the government keeps on you to make you compliant and predictable. That anyone believes you can call anything human that is completely knowable and static is a sign of the beginnings of a new forgetfulness and an end to an old pilgrimage.

>> No.11335853

In the off chance any non crossposters are in this thread. Didn't Baudrillard absolutely rip this argument apart in the Mirror of Production?

>> No.11335900

I chuckled

>> No.11335962

Isn't "State Capitalism" basically merchantalism?

>> No.11336077

I don't think you listened to the part where I asked you to focus really hard and seriously consider the possibility of your own extreme and incurable laziness, lethargy, and immobility. If the average construction worker spends 1000 units of energy every hour of his job, then you spent half a unit reading my post and one unit replying to it

>> No.11336095

>wanting to contribute to society

>> No.11336110

Mercantilism is more about trade rather than production with the state acting in the interests of private companies rather than the state being those private companies themselves.

>> No.11336145

why is some anon having an autistic meltdown about rihanna

>> No.11336153
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>mfw pretending to be retarded defense has spread from imageboard to twitter

>> No.11336158

>contribute to society
lmao look at this commie fag. Marx was a BASTE capitalist

>> No.11336169
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>pay $35k
>wait literal years
>get this

>> No.11336178

is that by the qb