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/lit/ - Literature

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11317664 No.11317664 [Reply] [Original]

write what's on your mind

>> No.11317705

I'm writing with outlines now. I need to focus and have clear narrative goals in mind.
My process
1. outline. Almost like a wikipedia article summary of the story. Beginning middle end.
2. detailed outline. Almost like a screenplay. All the character movements, dialogue, and interactions are hammered out as clearly as possible
3. Actual literary product, first draft. Style, mood, imagery gets added onto the narrative skeleton
4. Second draft, final touches

Then I'm done. I got the process from Lovecraft, seemed to work for him alright.

>> No.11317707


I think I will kill myself this Friday

>> No.11317727

Don't do it, anon. Shave your head, burn old clothes, do something as different as before as they could be, talk to people, make plans to move out. Die but stay here and live something else entirely.

>> No.11317730

I know what I want to say but I don't know where to say it

>> No.11317737


I can't. I literally can't do anything. I've been looking for something I could do with myself, but I can't join the military, I can't do charity work because I don't have a bachelors degree, and I can't do evangelical work because I'm transgender, or really do anything affiliated with religion of any kind. There is no "out" to move to. I'm homeless, I've been homeless for two years. Life just isn't working for me.

>> No.11317746

Join a universalist church

>> No.11317758

>I'm transgender
No you're not, man. Just come to terms with reality and help others avoid the path you've taken

>> No.11317759


Universalist churches are not churches that do anything, they're places that wealthy dilettantes congregate to feel special. I was brought up Unitarian. They wouldn't even help me once I became homeless, so how are they going to help me do anything to justify my existence like evangelical work (which they don't do anyway)?

>> No.11317763
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Ah, the source of your problems.

>> No.11317766


Shut up, idiot.

>> No.11317770


The only thing I would do differently would be to start as early as possible instead of trying to fight it.

>> No.11317775

I love being alive.

>> No.11317778
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>> No.11317779
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I will help you if youre homeless bud

>> No.11317805

Really? How?

>> No.11317807

pay rent in ass

>> No.11317808

Does that work?
I usually open up my document and wait for it to start pouring out, without a direction, sometimes it's good, and when it's bad I just delete it and start again?

>> No.11317810


I'm a hideous monstrosity. You don't want to fuck me.

>> No.11317812

>I got the process from Lovecraft, seemed to work for him alright.
Post your poems about niggers now

>> No.11317817
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Are we to blame?

>> No.11317826

That wasn't me what do you need

>> No.11317828

Just got out of First Reformed?

>> No.11317829
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Really what do you need dude money what?

>> No.11317834

To be honest right now I am looking for literally anything I can do that will justify my existence in this world. I guess a place to live would help, but it wouldn't really change much since all I long for for my own sake is death anymore, so some sort of charitable work, I dunno, something I can do to help others maybe, or a way to make money so that I can do that.

>> No.11317835
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¿Was ist Daß?

>> No.11317837

Fart loudly in my cubicle? Wait?

>> No.11317844

Can you write a book instead so I wont kill myself

>> No.11317847

Where are you in the world

>> No.11317848


>> No.11317852



>> No.11317860

Goddamn i am in nc i would house you up

>> No.11317865

1119 Mokapu Boulevard
Kailua HI 96734

Come by

>> No.11317876

Do Buddhists reject trannies?

>> No.11317885

Buddhist really dont do shit(A) direct action gets the goods

>> No.11317889

Hey bud if you happen to be in NC I could offer you a couch to sleep on for a few weeks.

>> No.11317890
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>> No.11317896


>> No.11317901

>because I'm transgender.
If you didn't cut your dick off, just live without the internet for a year, you have nothing to lose, try it.

>> No.11317903


Yes, actually. They call them "effeminate men" I think but it's pretty explicit from context.


I don't have transportation, so I'd be taking the bus. Is a given day better than any other for you?

>> No.11317906

This is the most care I've ever seen on this website in the nearly ten years I've been going on here.

>> No.11317907


The problem with moving to new places is that I spend all my money on moving and then I don't have any money to establish myself wherever I move to. Right now I'm waiting on my tax refund, which is about $1000, after which, if I can find work again, I should be able to rent a room. But everywhere they rent rooms wants first and last and/or security, and so moving around really isn't working for me, especially for the sake of only a couple weeks to stay in one place or another. Thank you though.

>> No.11317908

ok I'll be honest I was just trolling that's a random address I pulled up when I searched "Hawaii homes"

>> No.11317910

Dude look up dirty kid couch surfing on FB rainbow family should help out

>> No.11317915

Really? That’s your advice? Without the internet he would do it right away.

>> No.11317925
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>> No.11317927

I really do hope the best for you. Would you be interested in keeping in touch? Having someone who can talk and listen to you helps.

>> No.11317931

Actual first anon who replied to you here.

You think you can't do anything because you were stopped at doing certain things. Find the people who could comfort you, they exist, you just don't believe they exist because you've never seen them. Give in to some things so that you can gain a room for yourself, literally and emotionally. Don't give it all in. Years ahead from now, you'll see this moment as a long lost dream and you'll be thankful for all that you'll learn from it.

>> No.11317943

Of course. It’s not like someone would give their real address to random people on the internet

>> No.11317945 [DELETED] 

Hmu i am not a creep just a dude with a family trying to be a true person

>> No.11317958
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I got diarrhea and nightmares after eating pigmeat.
Now my mood for writing has gone completely out of the window as well and i still have to message back 50 girls on interpals.

>> No.11317960


Are you >>11317945 ?


I hope so. Thanks anon.

>> No.11317961

Didn’t he tell everyone he’s ugly? Maybe that’s what’s stopping him from seeking help.

>> No.11317970

Nah im another anon email me. I spent like 10 years of my life on the road. Just want to help a kid out.

>> No.11317974

Nope I was the second anon from NC

>> No.11318032

Dead thread

>> No.11318048

Agreed, the tranny ruined it with their attention whoring.

>> No.11318054

>I can’t do charity work because I don’t have a bachelors degree

wait what

>> No.11318064


Most positions in charitable organizations require a bachelors degree. But I did double check after I said that, and I sent out an email to a peace corps recruiter, so maybe one of the exceptions will prove true? It would be nice.

>> No.11318071

Come on guys. Help the tranny! It needs our help!

>> No.11318172

The most comfortable position in my life is the glow of the monitor in an unlit room in a comfortable chair.

Access to the kind of people I prefer to talk to, the kind of music I want, the kind of visual media I want

It's all here. It's the perfect alternative to physical reality, which is all roads and dumb shops and bars and girls short girls with purses and big sunglasses and billboards and parking lots and government buildings and police cars and traffic lights...

If I came across a million dollars, I'd stay in.
Mother nature had her moment to impress me, but every time I go to a park to try to feel something, I only get a really vague sense of "this is kinda pleasant", never anything mind-breaking in the slightest.

This society needs to collapse. Not just for my sake, but for many, many people's sake. I get that people are "doing their best", but the machine they are supporting doesn't care about them, never did.

Well, gonna go wash dishes and feel suicidal again for the 400th time again today.

>> No.11318199
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peace in life is destructive
conflict is nessecary for growth

>> No.11318277

You know Lime is the villain of that story, right... He steals penicillin and sells it in a form so diluted that it's useless, effectively murdering thousands of people, including children, while robbing them.

>> No.11318284

was a good movie
he wasn't wrong tho

>> No.11318310

>giving children brain damage for your own short term profit isn't wrong
What exactly do you consider "wrong"?

>> No.11318315

obv what he was doing was wrong but what he said wasn't

>> No.11318465

I just unironically bought an anime body pillow

>> No.11318489

is that annie clark?
stupid dyke get away from that man!

>> No.11318492

ironically i also think a lot about transgender stuff and my life has been in the gutter for 2 years (more than 2 actually)

>> No.11318513

yes he was wrong, because increased warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed increased the chances of da vinci being killed,

>> No.11318542

is that putin or houellebecq

>> No.11318628
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They’re banning child sex robots. WTF.

>> No.11319037

it didn't kill him tho
and the Swiss never got a da vinci

>> No.11319044

Poetry is utter horseshit and the lowest form of writing.

>> No.11319073

the tiger is in his cage

>> No.11319077

Opposite. You're a brainlet. Pathetic.

>> No.11319176

da vinci esques could have been killed, and switzerland is a great place with great culutre and im sure they have had many inventors and artists

>> No.11319208
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I just got a good paying job last week, and I was confused as to why my boss shared the same last name as my best friend (it's pretty rare in my country), turns out he's the father she told me about that left her and her mom to go get married and start a new family.
Now I'm torn between staying in my job because I really need it, and leaving. I still haven't told her about this.
What should I do? I feel really bad about this

>> No.11319239

how does the last sentence relate to anything he said before it? it's like he pulled it out of his ass, DUDE LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR LMAO

>> No.11319315

I don't have intellectual friends. Anyone want to exchange emails and be /lit/ buddies?

>> No.11319351

anyone who considers themselves an "intellectual" is most certainly not one

>> No.11319353

I had to do a 15 minute presentation on Angels in America that comprised 40 percent of my grade. It's pretentious, self-indulgent, overlong horseshit written by a mediocre hack and you'd have to pay me good money to watch a full production of the show. I ended up getting an A in the course, but if not for Sparknotes, I almost certainly would've failed.

>> No.11319355

yes they couldn't have been killed
but without the conflict they would have never been created

>> No.11319384

Agreed. What's your point?
The implication in my post was that I find most here to be more intelligent than me (intellectuals), and that it would be nice to make some friends considering that. The implication wasn't an arrogant statement of "I am an intellectual, I need friends of my mental caliber."

>> No.11319404

Has anybody other than hollaback ever held a cigarette like that? I've never seen this shit before him and it looks so dainty and gay. He might as well use the long ass cruella deville filter and wear his dead dog as a fur coat

>> No.11319451

I was sure Wittgenstein was a self-important cunt hiding a steaming pile of nothing behind pseudo-system speak. Turns out, I was just too dumb to understand and too arrogant to see that I didn't understand.

How do I make peace with being a brainlet?

>> No.11319510

What is one significant point he made (besides words don't always or maybe ever absolutely capture what they are attempted to point to and may different from mind to mind)?

>> No.11319909

That objects and propositions and even natural phenomena such as sound waves can all have a similarity, called logical structure, and this can determine the truth of the proposition.

Why do you ask?

>> No.11319924

>Turns out, I was just too dumb to understand and too arrogant to see that I didn't understand.
anon made this statement so I was wondering what it was that was so not this
>I was sure Wittgenstein was a self-important cunt hiding a steaming pile of nothing behind pseudo-system speak
so I was wondering if anon could point to some specific epic things he learned from him

>That objects and propositions and even natural phenomena such as sound waves can all have a similarity

I don't know what you are trying to say here: can you give some examples: sound waves are similar to each other, have similar structure, so this can be used as evidence to determine truth of propositions?

>> No.11319970

Tchaikovsky's swan lake--the notes on the page, the pattern burned into the record, the sound waves, the sensations in our head upon receiving the sound waves, they all contain a similarity that Witt calls "logical structure". He envisions the notes as a "picture" of the song as we hear it in our heads. It's a subtle and beautiful point, and it's epistemic status is also in question, furthering the mystery and thus interesting-ness.

The truth of a proposition can be determined by verifying similarity of logical structure between proposition and the thing represented in the world. If you don't already understand this after having read Wittgenstein, I'm afraid you're even more of a brainlet than I, friend.

>> No.11320021
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I'm thinking of returning to religious faith. My world is making too many threats for me to handle without the guidance I used to have.

>> No.11320268

I know you stole that pic from me OP

>> No.11320289

I know that there is no objective truth in political argument. Our political views are virtually genetic and the result of our past experiences. Yet I can't keep myself from getting involved in political debate.

I absolutely detest the left, but I detest the fact that I get emotional over politics even more.

>> No.11320320

I went to bed at 2 AM. It's 7:30 AM now. I lived in the desert a long time ago, had to steal night's hours to make any kind of work. The day's heat would only let you have nightmares. Fuck insomnia. I don't want to become dependent on pills. My only wish is that everyone forgets about me and any evidence of my existence disappears so I can sudoku. I wouldn't have this last thought if I believed in an afterlife. Fuck postmodernism. I can't believe in an afterlife, I've been trying to. I hate that I'm actually a pretty successful person. It doesn't feel like a facade but something less than that. Like I've been forced to live this life I didn't choose but that it was the life that I actually chose. It just doesn't make sense. Doesn't matter who is to blame, I'll still feel the same.
I hate sleeping because it means I have to wake up to another day. Fuck being a son of middle class pseudo intellectual parents in a third world country in a post modern society. I've used that word twice now. Fuck you and your memes.
Fuck my father. 20 fucking years of putting up with his bullshit and only now the mere chance of questioning my upbringing. How can I hope to be anything other than what I hate most when it's already so deeply embedded into my personality? How can you rewrite your brain to stop behaving the way it was forced to behave?
At this point my only hope is that money will give me some way out. I only need to wait for 5 fucking to get out of uni, some 10 years to pay the debts. I hope I die in my 40s.

>> No.11320333

casual friday?

>> No.11320356

The wrong stuff.

>> No.11320397

I haven't practised my scales enough. I really haven't practised my scales enough. But I read a book today. But I won't tomorrow, because I will need to do scales. Good day today, probably. Many are. Unemployed life suits me.

>> No.11320531

A specie that instead of oxygene requires caramel

>> No.11320554

I’ve got the goddamn INFP sickness

I confuse being as despaired as I am with being as sharp as I am

I suspect that instead of a woman I was really looking for friends to enjoy intellectual banter with
People who may be amused with stuff like the diary entry of that crazy Japanese poet I came upon recently
Where he is so frustrated after sleeping with a bored whore that fell asleep immediately after he’d fucked her
That he starts forcing his fingers into her and she only wakes up once he has his whole fist inside
Wakes up and screams "go on, go on, that feels wonderful"
(That was in 1908; a nice premonition of what goes on in my brain now 110 years later)

Seriously, women get screwed up so badly today
No one is telling them they could have children to become happy
Everyone is telling them they must build a career, to be independent
In a lot of cases it takes until you’re 35 to "build a career"

I proposed my gf to have children now, let me earn the money, but she would hear nothing of it
She feels she’s a complete failure if she doesn’t finish her education and accrues at least three years of "work experience" before having children
BUT HER MIND ISN'T EVEN MADE TO TAKE THIS ON, she can't take a rejection letter, she can’t take confrontation with a daunting task, she has no inner drive to do anything specifically, she just feels she has to be able to make money
And then of course I’m the one to comfort her through the breakdowns induced,
To build her up so she can finish her paper, her thesis, her job application
While not believing in any of it.
I don’t think I’d even want children with her anymore, even if she changed her mind.

When I imagine breaking up with her, I imagine being very sad and listening to Rossz Csillag Allat Születtet and it feels good.
Then I imagine her further life without me, how she’ll have children at 38 and cry every night because of her job or whatever, and if I do vividly imagine that I feel way too sorry and like I have to save her from that and stay with her and make her HAPPY SOMEHOW.

The terrible thing is that I really feel so damn successful whenever I manage to improve her work mindset or whatever so she can churn out scientific paragraphs with less despair.
It is the INFP disease.
Is there a drug that makes you lose all your Myers–Briggs letters? Cyanide maybe?

>> No.11320647

I really don't think I'm capable of functioning in society. I've tried, I really have tried, but no matter how much progress I make or illusory successes I gain I'm still an outcast at the end of the day. No friends, no goals, no reason to go on. I'm just too fucking sensitive.

What the fuck do I do? I'm not going to even pretend to LARP that I could go live alone in the woods, I'd be cold and miserable and would probably die the first time there was bad weather.

>> No.11320652

I keep falling for women that I'm friends with and I have no idea how to change the dynamic from friends to something more

>> No.11320656

Children, like a career, are not an automatic path to happiness for a woman. Or a man for that matter. Carefully scrutinize your motivations. Venetian Snares sucks shit.

>> No.11320661

oh just shut up fags
nobody gives a flying fuck about you or your feelings or what you think about anything
get used to it

>> No.11320667

i was cruising around the city today on a bike and i stopped at some park and there was a bulletin board with a bunch of flyers from failed musicians offering to teach future failed musicians their techniques, but towards the bottom there was a bright red booklet that said "The Word Became Flesh" i was like woah someone finally figured out how to make literary waifus real? i reached out and opened it up, first page was a bunch of shit about jewish prophets predicting a messiah, i was like oh, shit! it was about the time a biblical saviorfu became real...

>> No.11320724

stay at the job, why should you leave because the boss is an asshole (many are, so what?)?
also, you might see the job as just a stepping stone for the next one, your not loyal to this guy.
if you feel like this secret is weighing on you and she wouldn't do anything crazy, then why not tell her?

>> No.11320739

I didn’t mean so much to imply she should have children in order to become happy. Obviously I just personally wanted children. Surely I’m beginning to see it’s a bad idea anyway, already. And the last thing I believe is that children make one happy IMMEDIATELY. Probably it’s terrible to bring them up.
Anyhow, what my girlfriend is extremely afraid of is having no money.
And marrying her and providing for her and having children together would make me feel like I had a sense in life. (Certainly that’s just more INFP shit.)

Of course it’s not that women are to blame for losing trust in marriage. Since there’s no social repercussions for men who leave their wife anymore, who’d trust them to stay?
Certainly I myself can be glad that I could leave my first gf (who was a bit on the insane side) so easily.
Chances are I’d be going to leave my current gf after a few years, even if we had children. Being the useless pile of depression and despair that I am. Maybe she’s sensed it, too.

Which brings me back to my point: I maybe should have been looking for friends instead.

>> No.11320757
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Today I will stop going to uni for some months,finally I will have some time to do some projects that were "archived" until now and really mean something to me. Feels good to be this relieved of this burden (even if just for a while).

>> No.11320809
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>Venetian Snares sucks shit.

Go away and never come back, mr pleb plebbington.

>> No.11320896

I watched the first half of the HBO miniseries, absolutely hated it also. You know Bloom includes it in the Western canon? No fucking joke

>> No.11322260

Is the best way to shill your poetry to superimpose it into an "artistic" background and post it on instagram?

>> No.11322291

Possibly; but why would you shill your poetry.
You’d have a better shot at making money by creating a soft drink with water colors and caffeeine, and shilling that.

>> No.11322327

"shill" may not be the right word, I'd just like people to read my stuff. Even if 99% of the people reading it are rupi-tier poetry fans.

>> No.11322351

they didn't and that's why you can't think of any.

the only interesting people in switzerland are exiles from other countries

>> No.11322407




>> No.11322458

god tempts me with this girl but i must resist

>> No.11322525

What a fucking retard

>> No.11322535

where do you live senpai?

>> No.11322576

man is wretched
garfield isn't funny
my life has no direction

>> No.11322593

no. kms anon is speaking from ignorance

>> No.11322621

Time is running short.

>> No.11322864

>had to check wikipedia because nobody, even (You), had heard of them

>> No.11322879

your premise and belief was wrong

>> No.11323024
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>Friends found my journal
>Every single entry is about how much I hate myself and need to commit suicide

>> No.11323053

post an entry

>> No.11323093

your selfish when you get in my bed
crimson stickers blue lashes
and so many suns
how come i cant find
something like
something like
something like
your absoltely diabolical knees
coated and kissed by star light,
star night so bright

misses miscelinous
passion pisses slices
adolf eyes hisses

i had a crazy ass meltdown
i had a crazy ass meltdown

holy fuck
you had to live
you had to live

"dude stop doing that"

loxkws uo?
feels like a pusha t diss
calibrate my behavior correctly

>> No.11323168


>> No.11323211

It's part of the struggle to love each other even though we (7bi) are all annoying idiots.

>> No.11323239

I think of all the love that we shared in a very dark time. I think about the winter, with those long days with that cold in your face, our fires and family, and the phrase "don't ever leave me". I hope sorrow won't be finding me no more. Are you coming home soon?

>> No.11323270

I can relate anon. I try to write purely descriptive journal entries now, what I did during the day, what I want to do tomorrow. Anything about my feelings is kept short and to the point ("I still really miss that girl", "Felt very alone seeing other people going out to parties tonight"). It's a lot better, first because your friends won't judge it as harshly and second because you can actually read it back without wanting to kill yourself out of shame.

>Are you coming home soon?
I don't think mine is ;_;

>> No.11323326

>you can actually read it back without wanting to kill yourself out of shame.
This implies I only want to kill myself out of shame when reading my journal

>> No.11323755
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>> No.11323757

consume the gloom and place it in a room, deep down secured in a dark tomb so it cannot corrupt and bloom, maybe place him back inside a womb so he can attempt a reroll and gain more control over his role, maybe then he’ll become whole? he searches for that fragment, laments its absence and needing its balance, lest he fumble stumble and crumble, the illusory guise so difficult to maintain yet

this is as far as I got
yeah idk it's another miserable day of loneliness with zero desire to exist, what can I say

>> No.11323761

The process of which I will forge my future

>> No.11323772

>download tinder to try to meet qt's
>too self conscious to use it
Why am I like this? There's not even any interaction involved unless you match with someone.

>> No.11323902

Feeling the suicidal feeling right now. I've learned quite a few things. One is that there is no rational basis for it. It's usually described as "suicidal thoughts" but the worm is more like something which exploits thought rather than being some kind of thought itself. I've learned to quiet my mind to cut off all the lines of thought that go in that direction and found that it still happens in the form of an abstract sensation. The good news is I can tell myself "this is not identifiably myself, but some malignant foreign thing." But it's also almost more scary that there is a thing in you (which is not you) that is trying to seduce you into suicide. Another thing is it is indifferent to achievement and positive emotion, because I'm in a progressively increasing great time in my life. I'm not "sad," it's just I sometimes have a buzz in my brain that wants me to put a bullet there. All that said, it's disheartening to hear people talk about suicide in terms of rationality (why did he go and do that) or in terms of emotion (she must have had some terrifying demons), because neither hits to the core of what this thing is. They both can surface in these ways, but that's just the worm working through them rather than those being root causes.

>> No.11323910

Honestly you're better off approaching women in public. Tinder is speed dating with added passive aggression and grinds shyboys into the dirt.

>> No.11323913
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>love really lo-fi, diy music
>want to start hanging out at venues where those kind of musicians play
>not trendy enough to know where those places are or how to find them
how do I get into this scene?

>> No.11323919

I'm not hinging all my hopes on tinder, but I thought it would be a good supplement to my usual routine of
>go to event / meeting / whatever
>make smalltalk with girl
>ask for girl's number
which usually fails on step three.

>> No.11323932

I was in your exact place a few years ago and now I'm in a band in the scene playing 2-3 shows per week.
Search bandcamp for bands in your city that play the genre(s) you're interested in. Listen to everything you can find. Look up band members and find band Facebook pages and see where they're playing and when, who they've played with, side projects, etc. really immerse yourself. Find out when some of your favorite local acts are playing and go to their shows. Talk to them after their set.

>> No.11324400

stream it faggot

>> No.11324497

I love imperialism and i love how it's more profitable for war criminals to drop bombs on brown people than it is to help its own citizens

Millionaires and above should be hanged

>> No.11324537

Same boat. I've never really been in a music scene, so I'm currently discovering local artists and all the different genres being played in my mid-sized town. exciting new world to explore.

I might check out a local noise artist just for fun lol

>> No.11324657
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>a Carl combines the best elements of chad and virgin. Not only is he physically fit and incredibly attractive, but he is also refined and reflective. He has a business card and will retire someday. He's not got a lot of money. But he himself is even more rare than chad, and all because he's got a bar. The type where everybody knows whatshisname and herthejacketladyweirdscarf, sort of intellectual looking, that one. Carl continues to dominate the social hierarchy even after his youth, though it is speculated that the reason Carl dominates is due to a weird translation problem whereby he sees accrued essentials as the best measure, being that he is the one getting measured. This is the Carl, and you have come to see him without intention.

>> No.11324662

just got slapped on the back by a massive bird shit while walking my dog this morning, it was disgustingly warm

>> No.11324944
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im dumb
i try to read philosophy but i just cant understand it, i understand each word yet i dont know what they are saying. i think ill stick with fiction

>> No.11324959

I haven't slept.

This is the first time this has happened since I started taking anti-depressants. It was a regular occurrence before I started taking them but ever since I started them my sleep schedule had gotten fairly regular so this is frustrating.

>> No.11324975

Just put more time into it. I thought I was retarded going into Hegel but then I slowed down and took it one sentence at a time and it started to make sense

>> No.11325086

Were you vaccinated as a child? Do you live in a city?
You've been poisoned.

>> No.11325191
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How the fuck do i sort out a messed up sleep schedule? I haven't slept properly in years and i've tried everything.

>> No.11325221

You'll be here forever, didn't they tell you?Accept your suffering as is or chemically lobotomize yourself and become dependent on pills.

>> No.11325499

Friday is here! Hope you haven`t killed yourself yet. I already miss you. Please, for me, go out, go to a place you have never been, take a bus, a bike, on foot it doesn`t matter, go to a place you have never seen. It might be right next door, who knows.

>> No.11325511
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Well, today is eid. Now it's time to pretend to be muslim for 24 hours

>> No.11325520

What do you do in your free time? What do you do the most. Think of the closest thing to what you do in your free time that can make a career(e.g. reading books -> making book covers). List the things you do in your free time. Find where they cross. Find a need in the world that would be me by you doing these things. Profit. If you have time, download and read this:
bookfi net/book/796357
If nothing works, KEEP ASKING HERE. By the time you stop asking you will have already started doing what you are here to do.

>> No.11325525

No, any Western country can name some inventors and artists because if you have no great ones you just put forward the best you can find and pretend they're relevant. Kind of what the USA does with authors, or their own sports they made up just so they can be the best at something.

>> No.11325531
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Cioran in an interview on how he finally dealt with his insomnia:

>Yes. I’ll tell you, apropos of that, this period of deep insomnia came to an end in France, and you know how? By the bicycle. It’s rather curious, this phenomenon, I was a bit like someone suffering hallucinations, I’d been in Paris a few months, and one day on the boulevard St. Michel someone offered to sell me a bicycle. It was a racing bicycle, not expensive at all. I said yes and bought it, which for me was a stroke of providence, unheard of luck. I went all over France with that bicycle, I’d be gone for months. Because I had come here on a grant for several years from the French government to do a thesis, from 1937 until the war, till 1940. It was for me to do a thesis in philosophy . . . Which I certainly did not! I never went to the Sorbonne, I lied. But with that I’d cover kilometers and kilometers, for months, I went all through the Pyrenees. I’d do a hundred kilometers a day. And it’s this physical effort that allowed me to sleep. I remember, France was very cheap before the war, I’d come into a village, I’d eat whatever I wanted, drink a bottle of wine, and then I’d go sleep in the fields. It was a very natural life, very healthy. Physical exercise morning till night. When you do a hundred kilometers a day, there’s no way you’re not going to sleep, it’s out of the question. So, it wasn’t due to medicine. Because I had, unfortunately for me, seen a lot of doctors in Romania and in France, and they all gave me medications that messed up my stomach and everything, that was the big danger, and even with sleeping pills I only managed to sleep two or three hours at most. And then I’d have a headache all day, it was horrible. I was poisoned from sleeping pills, I don’t take them anymore. And so, this providential bicycle saved me.

>> No.11325536


>> No.11325628

just take sleeping pills whenever you wake up

>> No.11325640
File: 60 KB, 353x526, heart-of-darkness-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh kurtz
>dude niggers are savages lmao
>dude rivets lmao
>in the end we truly did become the heart of darkness™

i dont get whats supposedly so great about this book

>> No.11325732

>have always been the person people turn to when they are struggling
>if i try to talk to anybody about what im going through they don't take it seriously
>don't talk to anybody about these things anymore
bottling these things up doesnt feel so good and 100% im going to crack one day and an hero if i continue on like this. unlucky

>> No.11325742

>lives off a grant for years while not evening attending

Fuck man, Cioran had it good

>> No.11325754

I feel like I'm too good for my brainlet family even though I'm well aware I'm a brainlet myself.

>> No.11325978

im 6'6, 250 lbs of muscle, got gangbanged my first night by white supremists...they said to estabilish dominance because i was so big and they couldnt take a risk for a power shift.they explained to me in a very respectable manner before they gangbanged me, that it was needed to let the hierarchy stay the same and not challenge the guys in for 20+ years which finally got this power status. I respected my gangbang in a way to let the young loco'guys have their leader, because id be out in a year anyway. I had no desire to be a leader nor be up in the food chain. So they gangbanged the shit out of me, the biggest guy in the entire block, and the long timers respected the boss even more. created some sort of, steady power hold of the whites, even after I was gone, 5 years later, the same guy still ran the show.i didnt fight the gangbang, it was more a display of fucking the big guy, in a way all the supremists knew why it happend. it was more of a deep poetic respect of power gangbang. they knew i would pose a risk if i was not penetrated.Alright it is gonna take a while. you gotta realize Im the type of guy, that is an enforcer, but im small at the same time and keep on the down low because im chill like that. They caught me slanging a pound of marijuana with some gummy bears laced with LSD, they weighed the gummy bears with the drugs, so they sentenced me to a year in the pin. you gotta remember im a big fucking guy, I can kill people with one blow type of fella. So I come to my block, and everyone knows what is gonna happen, I, myself, means a power shift. There is gonna be automated nature submissiviness by my sheer size alone, disregarding boss capabilities, ie: shanking, loyals, etc. the size of me would visually destroy this social hocus focus. So they tested me here and there, nothing big, but I was started getting followers myself and this is where the boss invited me in the yard one day and said: We all know you are a nice guy and have nothing to do with this gang shit we longtimers are pulling off here, but im starting to feel a unsettlement in the fucking pond, and you are it big guy. So here is whats gonna happen, here see us here us fellas here, (20-30 guys) are gonna tell everyone what is gonna happen too, even other races, that you, will be gangbanged without resist or noise, to settle this little physchial appearance you have, which, we all know, in nature terms of visuality, is dominanting. Post gang bang? pfff, just nobody noticed me. everyone just kinda nodded out of respect like i was some 80 year old for lifer, left alone. cuz they all knew why i was gangbanged, for power stability. that was what it was all about.you think inmates cannot create some shawshank redemption shit after a while? you think everyone is just some wild crazed, that see through the deep shit and just disses everything? this fucking block had seen so much fucking bloodshed, now they finally had some pecking order,

>> No.11326193

Does it really make any sense saying "I've read X books the last year?". I mean, books come in different sizes. For example since june 2017 I've read like 16-18 books. The problem is that in that number are included books like The count of Montecristo and Gravity's Rainbow, that have together almost 2500 pages ( so like 8-12 average books). Is there a better way to quantify how much do you read during a year? (excluding the total number of pages)

>> No.11326395

>Did you write much through all those sleepless nights?

>Yes, but not so much. You know, I’ve written very little, I never assumed it as a profession. I’m not a writer. I write these little books, that’s nothing at all, it’s not an oeuvre. I haven’t done anything in my life. I only practiced a trade for a year, I was a high-school teacher in Romania. But since, I’ve never practiced a trade. I lived just like that, like a sort of student and such. And that, I consider the greatest success of my life. My life hasn’t been a failure because I succeeded in doing nothing.

>And that’s difficult.

>It’s extremely difficult, but I consider that an immense success. I’m proud of it. I always found one scheme or another, I had grants, things like that.

A NEET icon.

>> No.11326674
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Go to random places that sell you things/services and them make smalltalk to the people and subtly talk about your problems. They will be obligated to listen and you wont have to pay absurd amounts of money to see a shrink.Massage parlors are specially good for this.

>> No.11326680

the Chad lunatic schizo pasta repost
the virgin neurotic bug

>> No.11326710


What I really want to do is make video games. In my free time I mostly shitpost online and occasionally write ridiculous philosophical overanalyses of video games.

>> No.11326762

It's shark week and my tampon is mauling my vagina. Somebody recommend me a book with gratuitous violence.

>> No.11326801

American Psycho, Blood Meridian, 2666; whore

>> No.11326810

I've read all those, cockslap

>> No.11326900
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Other people are out having fun and enjoying life's pleasures while I'm posting on 4chan and trying to find the anime body pillow that will be the least awkward to explain to my parents

>> No.11326921

I can't remember the book about a young guy having sex with older women. It was French, I would really appreciate it if someone remembers the title...

>> No.11326928

You are doing that because that's what you want to do. Be happy or do something else.

>> No.11326930

then kill yourself and make sure to do it in a gruesome, visceral, messy way whore

>> No.11326937

stuff it down your dickhole

>> No.11327285

Just stop being trans, I bet you're scared of other people because of it

>> No.11327290


I tried to stop, and that was the source of all my problems.

>> No.11327309

So now you're sad only because you can't find a job?
Well you said you wanna kys because you can't find work, some people may reject just because of that. I believe that you will have better chances at employment/military.

>> No.11327314

I believe that you will have better chances at employment/military...if you went in like a man

>> No.11327331


I've already changed my name and gender marker on all my ID, I can't afford to change it back and the procedures are also too complicated/demanding to do so in most states.

>> No.11327370

Where do you live anon?

>> No.11327376


Hawaii, right now.

>> No.11327612

Well at least the climate's nice. But I'm sorry anon, I hope you can find some kind of peace. Have you tried any local non-profits to see if they need volunteers? You may be able to find someone who will put you up in exchange for your work.

>> No.11327662
File: 13 KB, 243x243, 832928788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm started trying to do proper photography, it's quiet fun. It really feels good to set up a shot, take it, then edit the result into something nice. I just wish I had more things to take pictures of, which might sound dumb because you can take pictures of literally anything, but I'm trying hard to only do shots I really feel inspired by. I don't want to turn into one of those instagram photographers that takes pictures of everything they see and peddle them as fine art.

>> No.11327690

Fixed exercise and sleeping schedule

>> No.11327789

Boston has nice weather for about six weeks a year, prove me wrong.
>tfw it's going to be near 100 on monday

>> No.11328009

To put this simple, Hawaii might not be the best place to just find a job, how many trans people do you see in vacation areas? How about trying to find a minimum wage job somewhere where there's a shit ton of them available, like you know, in a big country, where the language is english or your native language, apply for 10 a day, do it for a while, and then complain about killing yourself. Maybe your CV needs some work too. Just go on Indeed or whatever and apply from your phone or a library for the lols and see how it goes now as a test.

>> No.11328028


I couldn't find work in Denver or Seattle that paid enough to afford housing. Anywhere that I can survive as a homeless person will have the same problem.

>> No.11328342

this is why trannyism is a fun fantasy but don't actually do it, sheesh

>> No.11328375

I wish I had a girlfriend. Or sex. I wanna hold a girl and smooch her nnnggghhhh

>> No.11328428

At least you tried, but if you can go back to USA, there are plenty more places you can try, maybe you will find a job at some gas station in one of those little towns or something. Try again, don't kys, go through this shit ride till the end.

>> No.11328436

why dont u go to a shrink who will actually treat your mental illness instead of encouraging it, although i realize these can be hard to find

>> No.11328445

Not that guy, but there isn't a treatment for gender dysphoria other than things like HRT.

>> No.11328458

I've manipulated myself into going to a punk show tomorrow. Christ. I hate mosh pits and loud noises. I'm going to bring ear plugs, I don't care if I look like a loofah. If you see a baby-faced ponce-looking manlet with orange ear plugs shifting uncomfortably in place while everyone else is having a good time, that is I.

>> No.11328469

Gender dysphoria is a fantasy and anyone with 110 IQ or above who has gone through the process will tell you the same thing. Gender therapists are self-deluded charlatans.

>> No.11328501

>Gender dysphoria is a fantasy
Well I suppose I don't have a way of disproving this, but I'm curious in what sense you think it doesn't exist. Do you mean that everyone claiming to suffer from it is LARPing, or that they're suffering from something else and misinterpreting their symptoms? The former seems unlikely to me, given the scale of the issue, the latter may be plausible I suppose.

>gone through the process
What process?

>> No.11328515
File: 34 KB, 500x375, 4d463379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"...you can hold and smooch me, anon :)))"

>> No.11328518

Also, how do you account for the studies that have shown physical differences in the brains of cis and trans individuals?

>> No.11328522

soon ill have an 'introduction camp' from my academy. This scares me desu since im a depressed shitbag and idk if i can act like a normal human bean during those days.

>> No.11328535

The process of attempting to transition genders. I thought I was trans until I started going to the therapy and found that it's nothing but make-believe pervert fun time. There is no pure objectivity in it. Say you're a woman for a year to a psych grad student, get on hormones, change your name, etc. I think it's a screen illness, an illness of alienation that causes you to re-objectify your body as the desired object rather than the pure objectification of your will. You become so removed and separated from the life and use of your own body that rather than seeking the desired object outside of yourself, you turn yourself into it. Your will becomes ingrown when it isn't worn down against the world. But I don't know much about psychology. Gender dysphoria could be real, and I was merely conjuring an ideal to cling to out of loneliness.

Aside from that, though, gender therapists are the lowest of all psychologists. That's a rigor-free pseudo science if I have ever been exposed to one. Look at the shit that passes for a "study," 29 women respond to a biased questionnaire. Repugnant.

>> No.11328538

Show me such a study and I'll tell you why it's bullshit. Neuroscientists can't even agree on whether there are differences between cis male and cis female brains, to say nothing of the alleged differences between trans and cis brains.

>> No.11328562

anyone in their mid to late 20s still feel like the same person they were in high school? not necessarily the same interests but the same general disposition. i feel like i haven't matured at all and it becomes more embarrassing and upsetting everyday.

just writing that made me feel like a whiny teenager.

>> No.11328614

no what im saying is the cure to gender dysphoria is learning to accept your real actual gender instead of your pretend gender, its like those people who think they are napolean, do you think its legitimate and responsible treatment to tell them "yes yes u ARE napolean my friend"

>> No.11328620

ur probably just a manchild due to masturbating to cartoons and playing childish video games all day

>> No.11328628


That was my childhood.

>> No.11328633

well u should have stuck with it instead of your current path of being another mentally ill homeless person

>> No.11328636


I would have killed myself 10 years ago if I hadn't started transition.

>> No.11328643

why would u do that?

>> No.11328650

The difference, as I understand, is that there's been minimal luck convincing people "to accept their real gender". If the Napoleon guy was incurable it would probably be best to indulge in his delusion as well.

>> No.11328657

so its a sense of over entitlement? like "but moooom i wanna be a GIRL!"

>> No.11328662


Because being male is extremely physically unpleasant. Because I was tortured as a child and I came to hate myself because of that and put all that hatred into trying to be a man, and so it was either accept that all of that was wrong and transition or conclude I was a failed man and kill myself.

>> No.11328666

so instead of working through the issues of getting buttraped by your dad you're going to be a homeless tranny? ohhh kay bro good luck

>> No.11328668

It's an illness. I mean I guess you can say that, in the same vein that you can say
>"but mooooom I don't want to be happy!"
for a depressed person or
>"but mooooom I want to have hallucinations!"
for a schizo

>> No.11328673


No, tortured for being trans. Only nobody would explain to me that I was trans, they just screamed things at me like "stop acting out for attention" and "stop doing that! What do you mean what, you know exactly what!" and then beating the shit out of me.

>> No.11328676

what about junkies who would be more happy if the government provided them with a constant supply of opioids? also, since you cant hold a job or function at all as a human being clearly your self-medication aint cutting it

>> No.11328681


I can hold a job, I just can't get a job.

>> No.11328687

so why didnt you just stop doing it? the dopamine rush from wearing your moms panties was just too much to resist? i dont blame your dad for being mad

>> No.11328688

I'm not the homeless Hawaiian anon.
>what about junkies who would be more happy if the government provided them with a constant supply of opioids?
But addiction can be treated, there is no treatment I'm aware of for transsexuality

>> No.11328691


I didn't know I was doing it and wasn't doing it on purpose and still don't even know what it was exactly

>> No.11328692

then that is a failure of the healthcare industry

>> No.11328694

i don't masturbate to cartoons and i only play games for adults like call of duty and rocket league

>> No.11328697

yet somehow you're sure its related to "being trans" even tho u dont know what it is

>> No.11328698


Well they weren't beating the shit out of everyone

>> No.11328699

maybe youre a little shit whos always looking for excuses

>> No.11328702


You're not even trying.

>> No.11328704

Why is it that a large portion of these threads always ends up devoted to transsexualism, blogging, or transsexual blogging?

>> No.11328706

"trying" what? i'm just amusing myself by talking to a mentally ill kid on 4chan

>> No.11328707

I'm romantically attracted to a woman who's more interested in a casual friends-with-benefits setup than a long-term romantic relationship. Depression has almost entirely extinguished my libido. My friends keep rescheduling (or cancelling) plans we make at the last minute and it seems like they only call or text me to make sure I haven't killed myself. For some reason I've started craving cigarettes even though I've never smoked in my life. Even the desire to read literature and shitpost here is slowly fading. I feel like I'm turning into a mannequin or something. Is there a way out?

>> No.11328708

because everybody has hot takes on the trans question

>> No.11328709


Find literally one other example.

>> No.11328713

becomes trannies are attention whores which is why they transition to faux roasties because they think they can get more attention

>> No.11328718

These threads attract the more mentally ill /lit/ posters (who if they're anything like me feel they're too good to post on boards like /r9k/). This enrages the conservatives, who hate transexuals now since hating gay people fell out fashion. This leads to the inevitable shitflinging.

>> No.11328720

Of blogging? In one of these threads? Surely you jest. The very last one was a protracted blog post.

>> No.11328721


maybe it's because "smoker" is your true identity that you've been denying your whole life! a smoker is who u REALLY are! i'm sure it has nothing to do with the constant marketing of cigarettes like this thread for example

>> No.11328727

i don't hate trans people any more than i hate other types of insane homeless people like junkies or schizos, i just hope some day people will give you the help you need to stop living in a fantasy world

>> No.11328729

smoking is simply necessary. it fucks with my obsessive exercise regimen but it is necessary

>> No.11328731

yeah I'm sure the constant marketing plays into it, but I just think its weird because I've never had any interest in smoking before.

>> No.11328734

it's the literary lifestyle bro all the coolest writers smoke, thats how u can tell dfw is a fucking phony he was never once photographed with a cigarette

>> No.11328735


I already received a heaping helping of that "help", as I explained. That "help" was what destroyed my life and made me schizophrenic in the first place.

>> No.11328740

oh so you ARE schizo, see i told u were a fucking nut, not like its hard to figure out from the fact that u pretend to be a girl

>> No.11328764

yeah, but Londonfrog smokes too, so the correlation between smoking and coolness seems rather weak.

>> No.11328777


>> No.11328785
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I'm playing halo alone and i'm probably going to pay late into the night in order to take in all the nostalgia from high school.

>> No.11328811
File: 93 KB, 640x400, ultima-vii-the-black-gate_35.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought planescape torment on the steam sale cuz i didnt play it when it was new cuz it looked too gay compared to orthodox dnd like baldurs gate but im not gonna play it really, although i think i will buy the ultima collection of gog and play through ultima 7 that is the one game from my childhood im still mad about missing and will play though both parts 1 and 2 before i die i dont give a fuck, although i wish someone would do a mod to change that fucking impossible to read gothic font jesus that is hideous but i guess you get used to it like the pixelation

>> No.11328818

planescape is good, but i feel like vampire the masquerade is a funner RPG

>> No.11328824

I want to die

>> No.11328846

welcome to the club buddy

>> No.11328865
File: 82 KB, 795x1194, lovecat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am about to enter my last year of high school
(don't worry guys am 18) and I can't stop thinking about how sad my life can turn out to be. All my social interactions are bounded to my school because I figured that It would be a good way to get my needed time to socalize and get the proper amount of alone time that I love and have it be defined with being in and out of school. But that means I have no friends out of school and I dont know how to make any I've been with many of my schoolmate for more than 7 years so it was easy to make buddys of them but now I fear I'll be friendless because my crippling social anxiety keeps me from putting myself out there most of my social interactions are initiated by the other person. Out there in the real world I know I'm going to have to put myself out there to make friends and I don't think I can do it. I get horribly depressed during the summer because I'm not talking to anybody, so I can't imagine how it will be when I graduate high school. I have no doubt that if I don't have a friend group within six months of graduating high school I will certainly be suicidal.

>> No.11328914

go to college, or get a job, or join the army, u fucking fucktard

>> No.11328915

I'm you in two years. I'll give you some random tidbits of my life. They're not going to be reassuring, but hopefully they can encourage you to do better than I have.

My best friends in the world are still from high school. This isn't saying much, as I live thousands of miles away from them and basically only ever see them on holidays. There are a few I text somewhat often, but it's really not the same. I've personally found it very difficult to move on into the world of "adult" relationships, which feel like insane memes to me most of the time. Someone isn't your friend just because you drink with them after work every Friday. It's begun to be quiet painful to see my friends because of this, they have for the most part successfully integrated themselves into the larger world and have lives of their own. I've stagnated in comparison. I'd say it's important not to get too attached to people for this reason. I had a few friends that I really, really loved as people. They were my family. And they said they loved me too, and that I was their family. I haven't seen them since new years, and they don't make any effort to stay in touch with me anymore. The pain of losing them has been more immense than anything else in my life. I'm very lonely right now, basically only socializing at the gym and very occasionally in academic settings. I've tried to change this numerous times, but failed repeatedly. Right now I'm trying to either figure my shit out or accept that I'll be alone for the remainder of my life (which will probably not be too long in that case, since I'd rather burn up doing something adventurous than slowly age into a old recluse).

Are you going to college? If so, make sure to fully participate in all the first year social actives. I didn't because I was too picky about the people I was supposed to bond with and subsequently spent most of my time squirreled away in a loft in one of the buildings reading Moby Dick. This may have been literary as fuck, but now I'm in my final year and I barely even KNOW any other students, let alone am friends with them.

Good luck anon.

>> No.11328938

Hehe. I'm drinking again. Idle hands are for the devil's workshop. Plug the music into my ears. Plug myself into the wired. A ritual. An escape. Why is it so hard to express myself? Why do I always feel inferior? Why do I have so many questions and so few answers? Can I find the right words to use? Can I be poetic, with colorful phrases and beautiful rhymes? I want to send you away into a fantasy world inside your mind. It’s your creation, not mine. I’m lost. Why can’t I be happy? I’ve had glimpses, sure. A quick taste, and then it’s gone again. Just like that. Emotions are like waves crashing onto the beach. Always coming and going. Pushing and pulling. Connected to something seemingly infinite. Why is happiness so fleeting? So alien? Maybe it’s true, some people were not meant to be happy. Escaping from what? Rejection, failure, disappointment, reproof, hatred, sadness, pain, grief, sickness… I feel trapped in my own mind. Connecting with other people, not possible. What do you say, what do you do? I want to do everything, but the reality is I do nothing. You’re wasting your life. You’re young, you need to live! But what about afterwards? I think about killing myself. But for some reason I can’t bring myself to do it. Maybe it’s God. Hopefully it’s God. Maybe it’s a biological instinct. Survival ingrained in every cell. Apoptosis. Imagine there’s nothing after death. How incredibly sad that is. But there are many sad truths in nature. We are all we got. Have you ever thought about space in its apparent infinite expanse? We are all quite alone. The nothingness can be frightening. It’s what is in the nothingness that is beautiful. Speculative babel. What’s the point? I long to express myself. But I cannot. Why don’t people speak? What is this block that is preventing people from being themselves? Why do you lie to others? But more importantly why do you lie to yourself? I hurt myself, but deep down I don’t want to die. I run, run as fast as I can. It feels good. It feels like I’m alive in that moment. But don’t run from your problems. Face them, lock horns with your adversary. Suppression is a short reprieve. But it will always bubble back up. Everyone has their demons. What is a demon? Your flaws? Your secrets? Your mistakes? A fallen angel trying to manipulate you? Everything is backwards. The world runs on corruption and greed and selfish self-righteousness. What are you if not your ego? Are you controlling your brain or is it tricking you into thinking your something separate? Everything comes full circle eventually. Hehe

>> No.11328972

ffs I'm a joke, I can't stop laughing at myself

>> No.11329299
File: 147 KB, 750x852, 00rSy5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been producing music forever, but i've never been able to transfer that hobby into anything meaningful, I live in the middle of nowhere so I've never been able to make any friends or join a scene, just making music in my basement eternally

still fun though

>> No.11329388

No one has ever been alone every day of their life. Even Adam had Eve and God before her. It's an unnatural thing, being alone. Of course I could learn to grow my own food, raise live stock and shit in an outhouse, boil river water to drink, and stare at trees for fun. I fucking hate people.

>> No.11329415

so a couple of months ago, this girl messaged me on tinder telling me i was cute and that she wanted to cuddle with me, and when i asked if she wanted to go out on a date she ghosted me

i still don't understand it

>> No.11329426

she was probably drunk when she messaged you

>> No.11329435

People change their minds. Calling someone cute doesn't mean they want to get married.

>> No.11329490

I hate the appeal to nature argument aka fallacy

>> No.11329493

what do you mean

>> No.11329504

nietzsche's theme song


>> No.11329509

Getting called cute on tinder isn't that serious of a commitment and she changed her mind/wasn't too serious in the first place

>> No.11329545
File: 44 KB, 817x444, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had been in a depression/isolation/drug induced rut for a long time, and this was the first woman to express any romantic interest in me in literally years so it actually upset me a little bit

>> No.11329557

lol why are there so many sick people on this site?

>> No.11329561

where else am i going to go

>> No.11329562

you're right. 4chan really is the last resort

>> No.11329568

A relationship isn't going to fix your problems.

>> No.11329579 [DELETED] 

go to that website incel dot me or whatever, its super toxic and filled with major losers, youll love it

>> No.11329586

go to that website incels dot me or whatever, its super toxic and filled with major losers, youll love it

>> No.11329595

i don't want to be a major loser, i want to be a normal person

>> No.11329601

>i want to be a normal person

that is not your fate

>> No.11329625

lol this place is so toxic i learned a new term "ldar" law down and rot, ive never even seen that on /r9k/ lol not like i read it that much but i did go in there when that paki bucked himself

>> No.11329631

they have a tag for posts "suicide fuel" lmao 4chan needs to step its game up might not be the edgiest place on the net anyore

>> No.11329682

So what then, either accept my miserable hell life or just kys myself rn

>> No.11329689

I'm having a fucken early life crisis, I'm at a crossroads with a thousand pathways but I choose to sit on the crossing

>> No.11329768

I like this post post ironically

>> No.11329772

Guys, does anyone miss Kolsti? Haven't seen that little nigga in years, goddamn.

>> No.11330217
File: 312 KB, 1920x816, 1497859158850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11330423

> believes their socially reinforced feelings have power over chromosomes
> calls others idiots

>> No.11330446

a few days ago i, eurofag, was at lidl and saw a morbidly obese white woman put up a flyer with a stereotypical injun on it and an invitation to come to a shamanistic thing.

postmodernity was a mistake

>> No.11330468

gEORGE MARTIN is an untalented, piece of shit that somehow has an ego despite making a career out of being a parasite.

I fucking despise that fuck, his books are elementary at best as well.. he brings nothing to the table yet somehow he is a figure above the peasants. Why? He should be flipping burgers for his idiocy, and poor work.

I can only hope a hell exists for him as punishment for being such a fucking fat, useless, parasite.

>> No.11330545

That's not postmodernity

Jesus christ anon, the man isn't an amazing writer for sure but he isn't a terrible person either. He's actually done quiet a bit for the art scene in Santa Fe.

>> No.11330552

people like terence mckenna because he is fun to listen to not because his ideas are good. it's just word salad roaming from topic to topic like a dumbass stoner would do, the difference is he has a really high verbal iq

>> No.11330564

why am i still thinking about her. why wont it go away.

>> No.11330591

it will eventually

>> No.11330595

3 years................................................

>> No.11330598

fuck man, havent you found another?

>> No.11330783

>it's an anon takes psychedelics and listens to the beach boys all day episode

>> No.11330920

My depression has been really bad lately, and I don't know how to ask for help. I can recognize that I'm in a downward spiral, but everything I try to pull myself upward just seems to backfire. I don't have think I can hang on much longer.

>> No.11330928

clean your apartment

i just did and feel better

>> No.11330929

You are not depressed, just fucking cheer up retard

>> No.11330939

Your depression? Who told it's yours? Jesus Christ dude, you can't just claim ownership of everything like you're a british colonist.

>> No.11330940

>t. normie

>> No.11330947

Fuck you faggot I've been here since b was named Anime/random.

You can'teven prove me depression exists, retard

>> No.11330974

You or I can't prove that anything exists, brainlet. NEXT

>> No.11330980


If you are so depressed and sure that nothing exists why don't you try playing Russian Roulette with a Glock?


Why not?


>> No.11330983

I don't own a gun.

>> No.11330991

wow so you admit gun exists

fucking imbecile

>> No.11331002

Are you OK anon? You're not arguing very coherently. I never claimed that things don't exist (you're the only one that's made a existence claim so far). I said that PROOF of existence is impossible.

>> No.11331004

>dude cant kno nuffin
>no dude, i meant proof of dude cant kno nuffin cant exist

lmamo dude

>> No.11331009

the gun and the game we talk about here have no existence in themselves.
Even if i shoot myself in the heda it doesnt mean the bullet has an independent existence.

>> No.11331012

of course nothing has indepdent existence you retard

what sort of a fucking relevation is that holy shit dude, we are literally universe

>> No.11331013

still means u kant no nuffin.

>> No.11331017

What point are you trying to make here? The scenario you're ridiculing didn't occur, you're angry at a strawman of your own creation.

>> No.11331020

>what I said didn't occur urr urr

>> No.11332394

is this becoming a pasta

>> No.11332399

you in dc too?

>> No.11332539

My dad's been super depressed for a long time. so bad, that for a while, I couldn't bring myself to talk to him anymore, because it hurt too much.
Today, we laughed together for the first time in years. Just a little giggle, you know, but I almost cried.

>> No.11332598

Did they change the bump limit? I'm confused

>> No.11332720

just smoked some weed for the first time in ages, and yup its just as boring as i remember, and i'll probably get paranoid depression an hour, luckily i didnt pay for

>> No.11332725

snoop dog took this fucker out

>> No.11332728

wait wat

>> No.11332932

My brother is the most reddit human on the planet. Anytime I criticize a game he says he liked it and that he plays games to have fun. He listens to NPR and says it's unbiased, says you have to do cardio to lose fat and weights will do nothing, watches binging with babish. He is a consumer. He bought some fallout pack despite owning all the games (he's only played 3, NV, and 4) just for a shitty replica mini nuke. He dropped out of a middling state school to do nothing. He's been living with my parents while I go to college. All he does is play dark souls, wait tables, and go partying with friends. Never argue with him because nothing can be criticized that he even might potentially like. I brought up politics with him and he voted to Gary Johnson. William Gibson and Phillip K Dick are his favorite authors, except he's too lazy to get a script for his ADHD that was diagnosed way back in middle school (he stopped taking his medicine around eighth grade) so he hardly ever reads anything. Despite claiming to be bisexual, every relationship he's had has been with a man. It could be he's too lazy to make the effort for women, or more probable he's actually gay -- claims to not care about breasts. Additional to his lazy reddit NEET ways he made me suck his dick when I was a wee lad. I believe this might've caused some trauma resulting in slight homosexuality but I'll never tell anyone about it. I confronted him once and he feigned igorance. Maybe he really did repress it. He argues with my Dad, who I get along with very well, constantly over anything despite being a lazy parasite. This skunk sprays at any criticism. Anything bad that he does gets rationalized to be the other person's fault, his boyfriend recently broke up with him, it's already be spun that that he should've been the one to break up with his boyfriend long ago. All of this makes me very annoyed.

I'm going to repost this in the next thread if I remember

>> No.11333102

I'm a jaded loner, how do I stop being a friendless loser and turn into a hard boiled film noir protagonist kind of guy (they're both jaded loners, so I think the transition is possible)

>> No.11333210
File: 8 KB, 509x619, 1431253410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realize the girl you've been crushing on for years is really pretty normal and unremarkable

>> No.11333216

There's not a place in the modern world for hard boiled film noir guys.

>> No.11333298

it's a shame, i wish that cynical private detective was a viable career path

>> No.11333578

Sounds annoying. Still, it's helpful when dealing with family members to try to ignore personal complications and evaluate them like a stranger. I hate my mom's drug habit, for instance, and it does hurt my ego to have that tied to me so closely, but if she were free from suffering she wouldn't rely on such drugs, and so it's best not to get too upset about it. I'm not sure how to help your brother specifically, but hopefully that view might help.