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11308076 No.11308076 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the great american book? Is it really underrated?

>> No.11308085

rather just read Woody Allen's books desu

>> No.11308136

oh. I thought Jerry had written some secondary lit on Heidegger for a moment.

>> No.11308257


>> No.11308335

He's done more for contemporary culture than Heidegger has done.

>> No.11308507
File: 8 KB, 256x256, 37d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heidegger, more like Hi Nigger

>> No.11308513

absolutely jewish thing to say

>> No.11308524

The following work consequently focuses on the most distinguishing
feature of the “Thing” lecture— the fourfold— and attempts to do so
“on its own terms.” So much confusion and befuddlement has attended
Heidegger’s thinking of the fourfold that his basic insights into the thing
have largely gone unheeded. Too often commentators have taken flight
from the perplexity of thinking through the fourfold in Heidegger’s work
by assimilating it to some outside framework or set of concerns, be they
Platonic, Aristotelian, Ancient Greek more generally, Native American,
Chinese, Hölderlinian, or a recasting of Heidegger’s own Being and Time.
But even when this is not the case, commentary has not remained very
close to the actual wording of Heidegger’s text.3
In making my case for
the fourfold’s central place in a Heideggerian thinking of relationality,
my intention is to take Heidegger at his word and follow the presentation
of the fourfold as given in “The Thing” lecture of 1949, as well
as the complementary presentation in the lecture “Building Dwelling
Thinking” from 1951.4
The following chapters devoted to the fourfold
thus examine these initial depictions on a word- for- word basis. Instead
of explaining away the fourfold, I endeavor to trace out the importance
of each term used in these presentations, following their resonances
throughout the surrounding texts. Broadly speaking, then, the chapters
devoted to the fourfold stake out and survey the terrain of Heidegger’s
later concerns out from this epicenter of the fourfold. In so doing, I
develop a conception of mediation and relationality as operative across
Heidegger’s thinking of the thing. While such an approach may not grant
us comprehensive coverage of Heidegger’s later thought, it does allow us
an ordered approach to the bulk of his motivating concerns of the period
and a point of conceptual purchase for reading the later Heidegger.
- SeinLanguage, p. 5

christ i had no idea Jerry has such command on this topic

>> No.11308527

What is the point of this post?

>> No.11308677

Is this the birth of an epic new meme?

>> No.11310014
File: 9 KB, 187x293, 71HBK3M1H6L._SY291_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats nothing. Look at this.

>> No.11310053
File: 394 KB, 1342x2160, grmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

paper books are for plebs

>> No.11310059

Seriously try reading it. Kelsey Grammer is a fucking nutcase

>> No.11310150


>> No.11310156

I wouldn't.