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11292783 No.11292783 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking hate words and their limitations, is this the guy for me? Where should I start?

>> No.11292790

He has like two books, just read them chronologically

>> No.11292793

with the greeks

>> No.11292796

Alright, seemed like he had a lot more work.

I already saw all the Crash Course videos on them!

>> No.11292804

as far as i know he only gives words more limitations sort of the modern kant

>> No.11292939

Tractatus > Blue & Brown books > Philisophical Investigations

>> No.11293091

Blue & Brown books are the best place to start IMO. Tractacus is gr8, but probably not what you're looking for and it's very different than his other work. I imagine people are recommending it because it's chronologically first, but it would be unfortunate if it turned you off Witty

>> No.11293114

don't start with Tractatus, as other folks have suggested. I'd recommend starting with On Certainty -> Blue & Brown -> Philosophical Investigations

>> No.11293133

Don't start with Tractatus. Witty thought nearly everyone got it wrong and even he changed his mind later in life. Do what >>11293114 says. Or just read PI, then follow into Goodman and Quine, since you seem interested on nominalism.

>> No.11293135

Not OP but I'd be interested in some good secondary literature on Wittgenstein as well. I've seen it come up before but there were a lot of "no, don't read that guy, he's got Witty all wrong" posts and I don't remember any specific recommendations. I get the feeling that no matter which book I read there's probably someone who thinks the author's full of shit, though.

>> No.11293156

>even he changed his mind later in life
doesn't really detract from the major points of the Tractatus, especially in regards to the field of Linguistics in general.

I get the point most people are making about starting with it, though, and maybe On Certainty or B&B would be better. In saying that, Tractatus is quite short and though (at times) jargony, it is very digestible and sets the grounds for his later revising of his ideas.

maybe do this, but do read Tractatus at some point. It's excellent.

>> No.11293158

David Pears on Wittgenstein is good. Blue and Brown is secondary also.

>> No.11293224

What this guy said.

>> No.11294938

>their limitations

you think you know them already, let alone actually go beyond them?

think again. protip: can't be done.