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/lit/ - Literature

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11292017 No.11292017 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11292035

It was one fall morning and a number of peripheral events were happening around me. I tuned out everything besides the algorithmic program I used to start my day and thought about my career arch. I ate 10 pieces of white loaf and felt my visible disgust for black people sharing 100s of years of my vicarious work.

>> No.11292041

A stupid frogposter.

>> No.11292056

Fuck off! there is no writer, only the action and the written word, but most important are the constant barrage of words springing from our hearts like waterfalls into the written vessel where it lies dead.

>> No.11292068

"No billy, that's not quite right. Why don't you look at the book and try again." This was Billy's third day in his new class that accomodates his intellectual disability.

>> No.11292449

Anon had big nigger lips that dried and cracked when he went more than a day without wrapping them around a fat cock.

>> No.11292708
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An altogether boring place, save for one beacon in the fog that the section of my memory pertraining to that backwater bookstore now is. Memorable by contrast, i assume, lips engorged to what must be their limit yet speaking nothing you would not hear anyway by mere accident in TV advertisements or could not readily synthesize in your head from general, or should i say, basic, knowledge, popular culture and contemporary library of acceptable opinions. Beard, reasonably lush, indicated a healthy male, but that is quickly deconstructed by the soft, unremarkable facial features and willowy limbs. I followed him discreetly between the shelves, curious as to what he was going to pick. Then a woman approached him, with his name on the lips as a query, like when you would approach someone you know but who does not know you. I glazed over to the cover of the "local poet" 's volume i had tucked under my armpit. It matched. I straightened all my fingers in what was part disgust part disbelief, and the book fell to the floorboards. Nobody heard it or otherwise noticed, so i was free to hurry outside, with slightly elevated pulse.