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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 14 KB, 226x350, disquiet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11289141 No.11289141 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: comfiest books of all time. Go!

>> No.11289159

the bible

>> No.11289163

little, big by john crowley

>> No.11289172

Both good picks actually. For me, it's Pale Fire.

>> No.11289196

Harold Bloom samefagging.

>> No.11289219
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I'm looking at Gérard Castello-Lopes's other photographs right now. It's interesting stuff, but the Disquiet cover is still my favorite of what I've seen

>> No.11289221

something about symbolism makes me comfortable

>> No.11289234
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>> No.11289333

>>11289141“Are you aware that rushing toward a goal is a sublimated death wish? It's no coincidence we call them 'deadlines.”
― Tom Robbins, Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas

comfy Tom

>> No.11289339

Fierce Invalids is one of my all time comfy books actually.

>> No.11289426


>> No.11289444

check out chekhov's short stories they are super comfy

>> No.11289481

I have, thanks and I agree. I'll recommend to you the stories of V.S. Pritchett. He's kind of like an even comfier version of Chekhov.

>> No.11289491

The stories in themselves aren't comfy but the whole ambient is

>> No.11289495

books shouldn’t make you comfortable. if you seek comfort from reading you’re low iq

>> No.11289499

I could see that. I'll add another geographically focused collection of stories: Winesburg, Ohio. Super comfy desu.

>> No.11289508

I have a genius level IQ and you are a pseud with generic opinions. I'm specifically looking for comfy books to supplement my more substantial reading when I'm resting. That's how superior I am to you, pseud. My break from reading involves more reading.

>> No.11289520

(literature) is not one thing. Its the only way to get inside the brain (psyche) of a person, dead, alive, alien or comfy Tom Robbins brain, every experience gifts you strange offerings, theres books for iq and there are stories for eq, comfy books extend the latter

>> No.11289524

You’re not a genius, i can tell from your diction. Your iq is irrelevant
Literature isn’t an intelligent way of relaxing at all.

>> No.11289538

>Your iq is irrelevant
I agree. You brought IQ into it and I refuted that retarded claim. But it is in the genius range. And I'm definitely smarter than you since I don't rely on generic opinions to insult strangers. And your diction is that of a mediocre autist.

>> No.11289593

you’re not a genius, and my diction is much more fluid and less terse than yours. im also correct in my assessment, reading is not an intelkigent way of relaxing. your posturing is meaningless to me, i could not care less what your iq was or wat u read in your free time. all that matters is that reading is deleterious to creativity and encourages poor posture and improper breathing/circulation and relationship with the world. You’re ignorant of the things worth understanding and a vicious nitwit almost entirely unprovoked yet as rabid as any 100 iq insect on this board. Go read, you’re an idiot for reading outside of when its necessary. That you read more just shows a lack of self awareness or impulse control, that anyone reads most than 2 hours a day is a sign that the literati are degenerate overhealthed arthropods. Its a waste of time, one should be with friends, women or one’s thoughts not engulfed in fantasy or worse other men’s ideas. Nothing ive said comes from others, its always disgusted me that people read for pleasure or play vidya for hours on end or use snapchat or discord or take social media as a legitimate pass time. you have no idea what it is you know or believe and are reacting purely defensive, inference based, reactions. no first principles, no basic mode of dealing with people, i said its low iq, because doing math proofs (another bug activity) or working on a home project (do-nothing slave work) is more productive than continuing to read past the point of necessity. im only here because this board bullies /pol/ and keeps the anime swarm at bay, if there was a different board divorced from literature without such a slow pace, like /his/, then id move there. literature is horrible for the mind, the people ive met who engage with it the most are incompetent philosophically and debased spiritually. You seem like you’re: contenptuous of others, a poor judge of character, spiteful that people might not share your interests, moody, incapable of tempering your aggression, vindictive, arrogant, self-deluded and more than anything, probably a bore, since all you do is read unless you were posturing and your free time isn’t more reading and you just said that because you’re really a 130 iq upper midwit whose LARPing. Regardless, you seem like a petulant childish fag

Enjoy my diction i won’t be replying or looking at your awful thread

>> No.11289603

Damn you care about diction on an anonymous image board
Why waste your effort on such trivial matters?

>> No.11289704

Ultimate comfy:

While the moon smoothly shifted the shadows from one side of Edgewood to the other, Daily Alice dreamed that she stood in a flower-starred field where on a hill there grew an oak tree and a thorn in deep embrace, their branches intertwined like fingers. Far down the hall, Sophie dreamed that there was a tiny door in her elbow, open a crack, through which the wind blew, blowing on her heart. Dr. Drinkwater dreamed he sat before his typewriter and wrote this: 'There is an aged, aged insect who lives in a hole in the ground. One June he puts on his summer straw, and takes his pipe and his staff and his lamp in half his hands, and follows the worm and the root to the stair that leads up to the door into blue summer.' This seemed immensely significant to him, but when he awoke he wouldn't be able to remember a word of it, try as he might. Mother beside him dreamed her husband wasn't in his study at all, but with her in the kitchen, where she drew tin cookie-sheets endlessly out of the oven; the baked things on them were brown and round, and when he asked her what they were, she said 'Years'.

>> No.11289716

Calvino is SUPER comfy

>> No.11289766

holy shit good pick

>> No.11289771

good fucking pick bro, dubs confirm

>> No.11289816
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A Month in the Country. The Film adaptation is pretty good as well.

>> No.11289985

Catcher in the rye

>> No.11290016

Sounds really interesting. Thanks.

>> No.11290142

Reading Dubliners now and it made me think Winesburg, Ohio is like the American version of it. Lots of empathy in those books for people that most of us wouldn't spare a thought to

>> No.11290154
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The Hobbit and Redwall

>> No.11290266

Is the Book of Disquiet not a normal book?

>> No.11290399

it is basically the quintessential my diary desu
>“My soul is impatient with itself, as with a bothersome child; its restlessness keeps growing and is forever the same. Everything interests me, but nothing holds me. I attend to everything, dreaming all the while. […]. I'm two, and both keep their distance — Siamese twins that aren't attached.”
>“I suffer from life and from other people. I can’t look at reality face to face. Even the sun discourages and depresses me. Only at night and all alone, withdrawn, forgotten and lost, with no connection to anything real or useful — only then do I find myself and feel comforted.”
>“Everything around me is evaporating. My whole life, my memories, my imagination and its contents, my personality - it's all evaporating. I continuously feel that I was someone else, that I felt something else, that I thought something else. What I'm attending here is a show with another set. And the show I'm attending is myself.”
>“Being tired of all illusions and of everything about illusions – the loss of illusions, the uselessness of having them, the prefatigue of having to have them in order to lose them, the sadness of having had them, the intellectual shame of having had them knowing that they would have to end this way.”
>“I asked for very little from life, and even this little was denied me. A nearby field, a ray of sunlight, a little bit of calm along with a bit of bread, not to feel oppressed by the knowledge that I exist, not to demand anything from others, and not to have others demand anything from me - this was denied me, like the spare change we might deny a beggar not because we're mean-hearted but because we don't feel like unbuttoning our coat.”
>“Having never discovered qualities in myself that might attract someone else, I could never believe that anyone felt attracted to me.”
>“In the ordinary jumble of my literary drawer, I sometimes find texts I wrote ten, fifteen, or even more years ago. And many of them seem to me written by a stranger: I simply do not recognize myself in them. There was a person who wrote them, and it was I. I experienced them, but it was in another life, from which I just woke up, as if from someone else's dream.”
>“It's been months since I last wrote. I've lived in a state of mental slumber, leading the life of someone else. I've felt, very often, a vicarious happiness. I haven't existed. I've been someone else. I've lived without thinking.”
>“I'm always horrified whenever I finish anything. Horrified and desolate. My instinct for perfection should inhibit me from ever finishing anything; it should in fact inhibit me from ever beginning. But I become distracted and do things. My accomplishments are not the product of my applied will but a giving away of my will. I begin because I don't have the strength to think; I finish because I don't have soul enough to stop things. This book is my cowardice.”
>“I'd woken up early, and I took a long time getting ready to exist.”

>> No.11290422


>long IQ dick
>"wat u read"

>> No.11290425

you sound insufferable

>> No.11290434

He's one of the more retarded people I've seen on here in awhile.

>> No.11290589

A few fall to my mind:
>Cannery Row
>Winesburg, Ohio
>The Manuscript Found in Saragossa
>The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman

>> No.11290607

Watched the tv series as a kid, how does it compare to the book?

>> No.11290626

Good pick with Tristram Shandy.

>> No.11290686



pls go

>> No.11290808

Shut up, retard.

>> No.11291380

Thanks, Anon. Those scenes with Tristram's father and uncle talking are maximum comfy.
I don't like a few parts of the book though, for example uncle Toby's romance. The best part of the book is Tristram describing his birth.

>> No.11292579
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>> No.11292730

Candide, Watership Down, Great Expectations, and the Once And Future King are all comfy.

>> No.11292742

The Sound of Waves

>> No.11292768

Why can't everyone in the world talk like David Foster Wallace

>> No.11292852

oh is this the original? That one with the basketball was just a meme. I see now

>> No.11293203

Good picks.

>> No.11293598

Great Expectations might be peak comfy lit. Most of Dickens is good for that though. I'll add Henry James.

>> No.11293974

this is definitely going in my cringe collection

>> No.11294483
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>> No.11294503
File: 425 KB, 800x1000, 1510088674445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Remains of The Day.
Three Men in a Boat.

>> No.11294509

Nice desu

>> No.11295878
