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File: 1009 KB, 760x920, 92032_saviez_vous_que_voltaire_esprit_eclaire_s_il_en_est_aimait_le_cafe_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11261768 No.11261768 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you drink 50 cups of coffee per day like Voltaire did, /lit/?

>> No.11261774

because i'd like it if my heart didn't explode in my chest. Also coffee tastes like dirt

>> No.11261792

>>>11261768 (OP)
>because i'd like it if my heart didn't explode in my chest.
But Voltaire lived into his 80s
>Also coffee tastes like dirt
You need to be 18 to post here

>> No.11261803

>I drink coffee like an adult
>I am so mature
Yeah, nah, go Earl Grey or go home, poser.

>> No.11261804


Coffee makes you pee a lot

>> No.11261812

I prefer green tea.

>> No.11261813
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>Tea, Earl Grey
Is there a more Reddit drink than this?

>> No.11261818
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Caring what someone drinks on an anonymous image board.

>> No.11261828
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>basing your drinking habits on Captain Jean-Luc Picard, U. S. S., Enterprise
Your Fedora is showing

>> No.11261840
File: 10 KB, 180x233, 180px-Maurice_Quentin_de_La_Tour,_portrait_de_Voltaire_(1735)_avec_agrandissement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost like you guys don't want to unlock you mind's creative potential.
Voltaire is amused by your plebian status.

>> No.11261978
File: 2 KB, 125x124, 1520106266932s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Voltaire's coffee was watered down French garbage. If he had drank 80 cups of a modern medium roast every day he would've been dead by 50.

>> No.11261988

>basing your drinking habits on Captain Jean-Luc Picard, U. S. S., Enterprise
the fuck are you on about. did the dude from star trek drink earl grey? because im pretty sure it's literally the most common tea there is

>> No.11261994

My personal coffee high was 20 cups a day when i was 18 and writing on my high school thesis

>> No.11261998

youre thinking of balzac

>> No.11262023

I would and I used to drink like 6-8 cups of coffee a day (along with 4+ 16oz glasses of water), but I stopped. I'll probably get back into, but for the last few years I've been preoccupied with opiates before any other drugs, but now being clean I think I might get back into coffee.

On a related note, it's crazy how big of a difference tolerance makes. I haven't drank much caffeine at all in the last few months, and when I finally had some coffee the other day, two small 8 oz cups was enough to have me wired for hours, with heart palpitations, tons of energy, sweat covering my face and body, and goose bumps all over at the same time. With such a low tolerance, I imagine 8-10 espressos, or roughly 3 large Americanos, could literally kill me (under favorable circumstances, that is).

>> No.11262024


> Who?

>> No.11262026
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>that 25 year old boomer who sips Mocha Monster™ all day

>> No.11262033
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200mg caffeine pills and pineapple juice. Most patrician choice.

>> No.11262035

I bet my five cans of Rockstar have the same effect. How much caffeine did coffee back in the day even have? How big where his cups? 50 normal cups these days would lock the guy into a drin&piss cycle.

>> No.11262375

>two small 8 oz cups was enough to have me wired for hours
You're gay for that
>could literally kill me
Lethal dose for caffeine is insanely high, you'll just vomit once you're past your limit. Definitely not 3 drinks.

>> No.11262378

I like tea too but teafags are worse than coffeefags

>> No.11262399

Is there any better combo than 2 cups coffee + 2 cigs for an INT/PER buff before you write/work?
Do nootropics actually work or are they just a phenomenal waste of money?

>> No.11262440

I used to drink 10 cups a day back in high school. I would wake up at 4am and brew myself 8 cups. I would drink 2 of those before my morning shit. I would drink another 4 before I went to the gym. I would get to the gym and take another shit. I would lift (starting strength) for an hour. Then I showered and got back home. I drink two more cups of coffee and an 600kcal oat shake. I take another shit. I am telling the truth btw. Then I drink another oat shake. I get to school. The pump is unbelievable. I flex my fatceps during morning english class. I try not to sweat, I am so fat, from merely writing a paper. Lunch time. Another 2 cups of coffee from the vending machine in the 'trojan room'. I cut it with water so I can drink it faster. I piss and take another, very long, very wet shit. I get to my 5th hour math class late. The teacher is used to this. She tells me off for being late one too many times but I say no, "No talkie, until I've had my coffee". Okay the last sentence is fake but the rest is real.

>> No.11262492
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Even though I love the taste of instant coffee and agree espresso gives me immeasurable speed and power I crash off of it pretty hard. I stick to English Breakfast now

>> No.11262499

>Drink tons of caffeine and adderall

>Become psychotic

worth it.

>> No.11262500

Did you have the coffee with sugar? I used to spoon in a retarded amount which gave a stronger rush and far rougher crash.

>> No.11262521

Nope, I already liked the way it tasted without. But I do notice a pronounced crash if I allow myself an occasional root beer, but i avoid sugar as a rule

>> No.11262530


overall these will only accelerate cognitive decline. nicotine itself is safe and might actually stave off neurological disorders, but the thousands of other chemicals its laced with in cigs neutralize these benefits. i suggest you just chew nicotine gum or wear a patch.

>> No.11262582


>> No.11262591

you may not like it, but 50 cups of coffee=voltaire-tier genius

>> No.11262851

>shitting your brains out all day
Sounds like a miserable existence

>> No.11262863


Can't afford it/don't spend enough time at home/don't have a home.

>> No.11262872

I did this, only with Vyvanse. It actually wasn't worth it in the long run. And it does make you psychotic, not even memeing

>> No.11262880

balzac was the coffee guzzler, op tryna ruse u

>> No.11262887

I'm aware. However, LD50's for drugs are notoriously inaccurate and sensitive to the peculiarities of experimental and laboratory variables. If you look up the lethal does of heroin or cocaine for an adult human, I wouldn't be surprised if you found something like 200 mg and 500mg, respectively, but I can guarantee you that a 50 mg shot of pure heroin or a 100 mg shot of pure coke could potentially kill someone with no tolerance.

>> No.11262909

>guarantee that it could potentially
Wow you sound really sure about this

>> No.11262922

I drank so much coffee once that my heart was having major palpitations, then I had a panic attack and called 911. They found me with my shoes off freaking out, took my blood pressure, told me I was fine and sent my insurance a thousand dollar bill.

I still drink a fuckload of coffee.

>> No.11262949

English breakfast is fantastic I have about five or six cups when I’m loafing around.

>> No.11262987

Mocha Monster gives me the worst smelling piss. Do not recommend.

>> No.11262992

coffee is aiight but if u really wanna get that next level u gotta get into taurine that shit not only gives u energy it makes u horny as shit, i only finally got laid in college after i bought a pallet of redbull and started drinking like 3-4 a day, i wacked it all the time, got head from homos, but finally i had a deep junglistic need to fuck pussy, and despite extreme austism, got some

>> No.11262998

Who the hell drinks 50 cups of anything per day? I don’t think I could drink that much if I tried. If this bullshit is true Voltaire must have spent the vast bulk of his time drinking coffee and pissing it all out again. How do you get anything done living like that? Cretinous. They must have been very small cups.

>> No.11263012

yo one time i tried the monster energy + protein shit, the indian lady at the store looked at me like "u sure u want that kid?" and then my stomach started feeling real full, and more and more bloated, and then later that night i puked like a fire hose, i opened up my throat brothersport style and ejected my entire stomach contents in like one giant stream, never ever again

>> No.11263031

Its more like 50 shot sized glasses though.

>> No.11263036

ugh it was called "muscle monster" just looking at the can makes me queezy

>> No.11263045

Three cups a day is my limit. I love that crap but it gives me existential dread tier anxiety if I drink more than that.

>> No.11263081

>name is Voltaire
>talking to him is literally like experiencing 50 volts of pure electric current as he jitters about, stuttering on everything he says and speaking about 50 words a second because he has to drink AT LEAST one cup of coffee every 30 minutes

Uh... ooookay Voltaire... *looks around nervously as his friends and family acquiesce with a knowing glare of opprobrium*

>> No.11263150

I thought they used milliliters over in the EU

>> No.11263187
File: 7 KB, 236x226, disgusted (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got head from homos
Disgusting. Keep your degeneracy out of my board, this is the cultured gentlemen's safe space.

>> No.11263215

>being this autistic

>> No.11263267

I chew nicotine gum (4mg) one per hour when I am reading or writing. I have never smoked in my life.

>> No.11263345

Underrated comment.

>> No.11263373

Because water and proper sleep does the same shit and you don't have to be a MUH COFFEE fag

>> No.11263389

i have sips

>> No.11263396

>Most patrician choice.
no, that would be normal black coffee.

>> No.11263405

>i suggest you just chew nicotine gum or wear a patch.
i quit smoking but gum or vaping or anything doesn't even come close to the feeling and focus of a cup of black coffee and an unfiltered camel in the morning.

>> No.11263433

because the doses of nicotine in cigs are way higher and the effects more immediate due to inhalation. it's also partially why cigarettes are so addictive while nicotine gum isnt very (the other chemicals in cigarettes have also been shown to make them more addictive).

>> No.11264238

Is this a /ck/ raid?

>>>/ck/ 10700692