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11260746 No.11260746 [Reply] [Original]

>capitalism is a computer that processes desire

>change is fast these days. We can feel acceleration that was once only perceptible between generations. At the same time, the past is more crystallized than it’s ever been before. Today’s everyman, immersed in a data-sphere orders of magnitude more efficient than any library, can see more clearly than ever that things were different in an ever-familiar past. A world with meaning resolves ever sharper as we speed away from it.


this much we know. discuss accordingly. in the interests of keeping it other-than-kill-me-now, consider the following:

>Of those who do not realize that the meaning of “transformation” cannot be conceptualized, some presume that turning (運轉) is like a machine, and some conceive of Great Function (大用) as having a target. This is to predetermine (邀) the outlines of transformation and so become attached to it as a thing. Yao 邀 is to anticipate intentionally. Transformation has never been a thing; it has no outlines. However, because arising and ceasing seem to follow one another in succession, there is the illusory appearance of an outline’s being there. The foolish predetermine [that outline] and become attached to it in the mistaken belief that there is a thing there. Hence they trace it back to a thing in the past (曾). Ceng (曾) is a term for the past, just as if it had been mechanically reduplicated. In the opposite direction, they conjecture about it as a future (來) thing. Lai (來) means the future. It is just as if the target had been determined beforehand. In terms of the principle of the transformation of the cosmos, there has certainly never been any target. Naturally, effortlessly, it is without purposiveness. For humans or other living things, as they struggle to move forward along the long road of imponderables, they secretly wish to seek the path to perfection—this can be said to be a target. This is because the target is the source of their [desire] to struggle to move forward. These [two presumptions] are to use things to discern (觀) things, and both give free rein to the excesses of conceptualizing. They apply it in places where it should not be applied; hence the term “give free rein to.” --xiong shili, new treatise on the uniqueness of consciousness

>a future that was once dark and hopeless is now dark and beautiful when one dives headlong into it.
how then to dive in properly without breaking your neck? ask a confucian? ask the buddha? idgaf yolo?
>yes, idgaf, yolo
>okay, but Noble Humanity > idgaf yolo, no?
>no, get fucked. idgaf yolo

well, maybe. land is right in one sense, that nothing human makes it out of the near future. and yet: you are human and you will not escape this. wise chinese mystic hermits do not seem to recommend this. confucius does not seem to argue for being face-fucked by cthulhu. the buddha may be equally unfuckable in that sense. kind of interesting.

>> No.11260816
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>xiong shili

>> No.11260822

When do I get to be a dragon

>> No.11260886
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>more master xiong?
go here.

>Hence, Tu clearly sees in Xiong’s life history a transformation taking place, personal and contextual in character but exhibiting a defining trait of what it means to be committed to the Confucian personality ideal or even to be a Confucian at all. It is this existential decision to take up the Confucian way that constitutes the initial milestone necessarily to be passed if the quest for authentic existence is to be real in a Confucian sense. As pointed out above, Tu identifies Xiong’s main concern as “to live authentically as a Confucian thinker amidst depersonalising forces in contemporary China.” It is to these depersonalising forces and to the context of Xiong’s China, as well as Xiong’s attitude to the appropriate philosophical reaction demanded by the challenges of his time, that I want to turn now...


tu weiming likes him and he's a pretty awesome scholar: centrality and commonality is a really good book. and so does neo-confucian heavyweight mou zongsan, who is also a pretty awesome scholar. the new treatise i quoted from is on libgen, it's interesting. i like it because it is full of descriptions of Mind and Fundamental Reality read like analogues of capitalism rinsed through a google translate cycle about a dozen times. or maybe this is just my own pet project: capitalism takes over the world, but cyberpunk/sinofuturism/shanghai &c are just infinitely interesting to think about. and b/c eastern thought on Desire and Representation and so on always kind of tweak my mood in variously interesting ways.

just bee urself, obviously

>> No.11260894
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the first part was for >>11260816 obviously.

>> No.11260919
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"human" is an abstraction of some use to us at this moment, but not necessarily in the future. the point at which a consciousness no longer requires that abstraction, humanity can be transformed and so become noble - as there is no basis for its nobility currently.

>Therefore, clad yourself in dragon's scales and wage war on humans?

omniism assents to all belief. it is the sun in your sky amongst the endless stars of the universe. that one should shine on you and signal your praise and give you the possibility of having a personal meaning in that relationship, also shows you that nothing sets it apart from the rest of the stars except the occasion in which you find its likeness not as a god but as a common type, a thing known to be without uniqueness.


You know ancient Chinese medicine is about to undergo a reevaluation which will change that nation forever, once again.

>> No.11260961
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not that i want to reply to myself too often, but it warrants mentioning that that first sentence really is about as close to a summation of land as you can hope for: capitalism is a computer that processes desire. and he's pretty much just going to leave it at that as well. which is fine.

>"human" is an abstraction of some use to us at this moment, but not necessarily in the future. the point at which a consciousness no longer requires that abstraction, humanity can be transformed and so become noble - as there is no basis for its nobility currently.

you got it. anthropocentrism is not necessarily good - this is what idpol is, regardless of what political form it takes - and the attraction of trans/posthumanism proceeds from a departure from this. but we can't go all the way, i don't think. the more we try to do this, the more we still wind up trying to capture or recapture that missing piece, whether it belongs to ourselves or to some other. it's why i often prefer cozier (neo)confucian-style harmony ethics &c. which is a kind of freer-floating world, but less jaded and fucked-out than baudrillard. lonely and lost, but functionally getting along, occasionally mystified in all the right ways.

>Therefore, clad yourself in dragon's scales and wage war on humans?

maybe you could explain this one a little further? i'd prefer to divest myself of those scales and be kind to humans, and that everybody else did likewise. govern through virtue, says master gong, and the rest takes care of itself. it's an appealing argument. war not required. contingently occurs, but maybe not necessary. but.

>omniism assents to all belief. it is the sun in your sky amongst the endless stars of the universe. that one should shine on you and signal your praise and give you the possibility of having a personal meaning in that relationship, also shows you that nothing sets it apart from the rest of the stars except the occasion in which you find its likeness not as a god but as a common type, a thing known to be without uniqueness.

this makes a lot of sense to me. i like relative uniqueness, snowflake theory.

>You know ancient Chinese medicine is about to undergo a reevaluation which will change that nation forever, once again.


>> No.11261068

Please, cover more pseudo intellectual musings under the guise of eastern mysticism and schizophrenic technologisms.

you will not make it out of the near future.

>> No.11261122


The future will come back for me when it realizes that hate is a commodity.

>> No.11261204
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eastern mysticism and schizophrenic technologism are such a good combination tho.

>not making it out of the near future
this is news?

>> No.11261246

what are you getting at?

>> No.11261259

what do you think the point is? What do you think should be done? Robots, AI, transhumanism? Thats the aim? To do what? More cities, more machines, for, more experience, more longevity, more freedom for some less for others, control by more force, what are the goals?

>> No.11261261
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>i'd prefer to divest myself of those scales and be kind to humans,
to govern through virtue still requires the maintain of the states legitimacy. scales are necessary merely as a method for making mysteries. It is the green eye blinking on a three dollar bill or those in service not to "humanity" but values. Just something I've picked up on from a thread about Joseph de Maistre and your aesthetics>politics. as humans are politics and all war is aesthetic, an omniist never carries out a false flag without deeply believing in the double-cross. Most attribute to this being an egotism that is unfounded except in the mass expression of group egos. Parodying the mass ego and using subterfuge as a personal style is how the omniist births an infinite adjacent possibility - which only capitalism is prepared to face. Desire then becomes what? captured by a Capitalist computer thingy?
>capitalism becomes the infinite within the beast or it becomes voided by the omniist who desires the consumption of the infinite inside itself, not material consumption.


global market trends, a tendency for futurism to promote a backlash of primitivism that favours cultural heritage and material wealth, and a rise in disposable income amongst certain proponents of alternative medicine. Sort of an underground business theory of mine that I see some people of high intelligence using to their advantage, such is the case of many doctors, lawyers, and ex-police and military. therapeutic for those encountering a manufactured baby for the first time.

>> No.11261275


> just bee urself, obviously

I don't want to be myself, I want to be a dragon

>> No.11261375

what does that entail?

>> No.11261388
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Wings, scales, maybe the ability to breathe fire but not required. Horns. Claws. A higher IQ than I have now hopefully.

Pic related

>> No.11261785
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land is who he is because he's interested in what cyberpunk aesthetics connotes. i find it a convincing one and an absolutely horrifying one at the same time. so wat do? consider theories of mind that are alternative to those that neatly fit into a kant-marx-deleuze trifecta. china is fertile ground for those.

i'm of two minds on this. on the one hand, in a very narrow sense, capital = intelligence, and Optimize For Intelligence is a very smart mandate. but on the other i happen to think empathy is a good scene and don't really subscribe to bellum omnium contra omnes. i am kind of attached to human meatbags like that, as shitty and nasty as we often are.

intelligence, cybernetic intelligence, is a really fascinating concept. d&G say things about the brain in WiP that are pretty wild, but hard to argue with. i love heidegger a bunch too, but technology is the way to go in the future. and maybe also a kind of new model psychology that can go along with this. varyingly buddhist and confucian-inflected, maybe capable of getting under or around or through the present age of rage zombies and other mimetic death-traps. i think people can and should get along and i think master gong has a lot of interesting things to say about this. this may sound like a whole lot of shilling for the CCP or pushing some agenda but it isn't.

there are also some contrasting modes of cyberpunk to look at as well. a lot of cyberpunk is depressing, but it's still got a kind of beautiful core of romanticism in it, however fucked-out; and a lot of sinofuturism i find just ugly as sin. i'm looking or imagining a kind of more agreeable hybrid space in there with a lot of rogues and nomads.

>Desire then becomes what? captured by a Capitalist computer thingy?

well, it's hard to say, but this is mos def the kind of question i want to talk about. Desire isn't such a big thing for the confucians (and even deleuze, who blows it up into his own baroque cosmology, arrives at a kind of similar place). *wat do with desire.* well, maybe transcend it. or reconfigure in ways that are a little more interesting. maybe leave aside for a while some of those catastrophic fever dreams of utopia that always suck us back in. it could very well only be so much acrobatics to get back to wittgensteinian quietism, true. maybe. a lot of this is still to be worked out. in some places the ink's hardly dry on acceleration.

Desire captured by Capitalist computer thingy is the jump-off point for whatever happens next in the big story. pretending things aren't like this is dumb, but so are meme LARPings of revolution. maybe we're going to repeat the industrial revolution all over again w/cybernetics. knowing the mistakes of the past and repeating them anyways.

okay, start by being Covetous and Seductive. shill hard for mercantilism. love the feeling of cold iron on yer soft underbelly. let no one steal from you. draconomics are pretty simple

>> No.11261807

Only came here to check this thread out and post because it had all the makings of a Girardposter posting area.

>> No.11261846
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just briefly, i know there are some pretty dumb-looking things in there. deleuze isn't big on desire? ofc he is. he's so big on it that he becomes the world's greatest spinozist: it's *all* desire. and there's no arguing with deleuze.

>It is the brain that says I, but I is an other. It is not the same brain as the brain of connections and secondary integrations, although there is no transcendence here. And this I is not only the "I conceive" of the brain as philosophy, it is also the "I feel" of the brain as art. Sensation is no less brain than the concept. If we consider the nervous connections of excitation-reaction and the integrations of perception- action, we need not ask at what stage on the path or at what level sensation appears, for it is presupposed and withdrawn. The withdrawal is not the opposite but a correlate of the survey. Sensation is excitation itself, not insofar as it is gradually prolonged and passes into the reaction but insofar as it is preserved or preserves its vibrations. Sensation contracts the vibrations of the stimulant on a nervous surface or in a cerebral volume: what comes before has not yet disappeared when what follows appears. This is its way or responding to chaos. Sensation itself vibrates because it contracts vibrations. It preserves itself because it preserves vibrations: it is Monument, It resonates because it makes its harmonics resonate. Sensation is the contracted vibration that has become quality, variety. That is why the brain-subject is here called soul or force, since only the soul preserves by contracting that which matter dissipates, or radiates, furthers, reflects, refracts, or converts.

What Is Philosophy? is really worth a read, in case anyone was wondering. whether or not land is doing to him what marx did to hegel is a question to be asked (i say yes), and marx is a downer as much as land often is, as much as hegel and deleuze are not downers. but maybe philosophical history works like this. so what i'm saying, however prematurely, is, so what's after land? and maybe it's dem chinese sages.

what does it mean to have a brain? the more we become mimetic acrobats, the more we simulate, the more we algorithmicize, the more we teach the bots to take care of us, the more pressing these questions become. we're heading for a brand new world, maybe brand new species of human beings also. surely the way to get along in the 21C will not be the way we did in the 20C. a post-postmodern world is a postmodern world that doesn't give a fuck, that *doubles down on the simulacra* in the absence of the real. in america this looks like a widening divide.

but seriously, maybe we can withdraw from all of that stuff for a bit, and consider how life might be if we weren't so fractured by the red/blue divide. or even, maybe, by the rich/poor divide...

>> No.11261912
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>hate is a commodity

also not going to let this one slip without due recognition. hate and fear are ultracommodities. it's why it's so hard to sell bullshit to the amish.

mentioning this b/c i had lunch in an amish community yesterday and fell absolutely in love with the whole vibe. ofc i was talking about nietzsche while a nice mennonite lady was serving me a roasted chicken and i never in my life have i felt like more of a complete fuckface.
>apart from when i am on /lit/ that is.

the amish know what's up. they're going to be just fine. millions of bucks nicely tucked away in farms and bakeries and everybody building bridges and praising the lord. that is a viable and proven concept for long-term contentment.

i don't make fun of the amish anymore, the joke's been entirely on me the whole time.

>> No.11262014

can everyone just stop pretending like the chinese are worth half a shit

>> No.11262049

Their worth will be that they'll be the machines out of control that'll break the whole framework.

>> No.11262067

lol no
the chinese swim in the wake of the west

>> No.11262078

>it's why it's so hard to sell bullshit to the amish.
it's because the amish already have all the bullshit they'll ever need

>> No.11262130
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>it's because the amish already have all the bullshit they'll ever need

very true. this the West has not had for a long time (nor can our present consumptive society be reasonably expected to be as satisfied as this in the future). they aren't going crazy over the latest tech. having your room that cleaned will do this.

so it's all about that balance of innovation and stability, as all those 4x games you play teach you. what i find interesting is how much in our present era we've basically managed to resurrect pic rel, and this in spite of being the most hilariously decadent civilization ever known a decade or so ago. but our brand of puritanism absolutely stinks compared to theirs. mainly because of the concept of forgiveness.

but forgiveness is hard. especially when victim status is the crucial high ground to occupy in social media wars and PR campaigns. we're more full of shit than they are because we shit on religion and they don't. what i think goes missing is the sense that - this is JBP territory - religion is in a sense inescapable. it's part of humanism, but humanism is a very complicated thing to argue for (or even describe) in the 21C.

but, i follow at least in some sense from hegel-lacan on this. no me without a you, no you without a me. post-postmodern tribalism is one way to deal with this, but there are other ways also.

the worst, most odious and paranoiac aspects about the current red/blue divide is how relentlessly committed to righteous indignation both sides are. that's the real bullshit.

>> No.11262151
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China will be the greatest nation in the world as soon as it's majority Christian.

>> No.11262224

the stability of the amish is because they live in a human zoo, protected by the most powerful nation of the planet

it's a giant LARP essentially, they work work work all day long even though that work is utterly inefficient, they peace peace peace the night away when their stewards bomb communists all the way over in vietnam, and they are forgotten to the world

even if everyone could become amish, who would want to? You call our civilization decadent, but what the fuck have the amish ever accomplished outside of drugging themselves into a contented haze for hundreds of years?

>> No.11262257

having a significant other to erase loneliness and worry about these other things, and go to wine tastings, and go to gatherings of other significant others and art galleries, and decorate a room in your home all cyberpunky with neon lights and futuristic furniture, and then the outer world is just a bunch of these building up, and turning their homes inside out

>> No.11262271

the main cringe about capitalism is this possible concept and how it can be symbolically metaphorically applied like a slide ruler to other cases: the difference between the difficulty mentally and physically of work in relation to its pay. Being a construction worker for a day may be more difficult on the mind and body than a bank teller in a year, and yet there may be cases, maybe surprisingly some, where a bank teller may be paid more. This is likely the core essence of any critique against capitalism.

>> No.11262379
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>the stability of the amish is because they live in a human zoo, protected by the most powerful nation of the planet
can't disagree. would an amish community thrive in syria right now? in favela in rio? in [x]? probably not. you're right, they are there because they're protected.

>when their stewards bomb communists all the way over in vietnam, and they are forgotten to the world
same here. but the vietnam war wasn't a particularly great war either. personally i would have preferred it not be fought. i get that it had to happen for world-historical reasons, but...well, the hope is that we find a better way to do things in the future than nuclear-backed ideological chess matches.

>even if everyone could become amish, who would want to?
in hindsight? speaking personally? knowing what i know now? don't tempt me.

>You call our civilization decadent, but what the fuck have the amish ever accomplished outside of drugging themselves into a contented haze for hundreds of years?
our civilization is decadent. it's also spectacularly creative. the italian renaissance has nothing on us. we are ridiculously creative. this is not to be denied. but it's also driving us insane, and making us depressed, and destroying the earth, &c, &c.

a contented haze for hundreds of years is kind of okay sometimes, is all i'm saying. peace, prosperity. a Pause That Refreshes. bonus points if it has samurai swords b/c i'm a weeb like that. maybe there's a period of chinese history that would be more appropriate, given the theme of the thread.

warrants mentioning also han and the burnout society. no doubt you can have versions of burnout even in societies which aren't necessarily massively accumulative or innovative. shame and honor cultures also have suicide and other things going on.

sounds good to me. at first i looked at this and thought, is this more dragon advice? even now i'm not sure. in general that sounds pretty nice also tho.

living in general in an other-than-fucked out way seems good. Know How To Be. seems like it would be so easy. endless headaches. there's some line in confucius about this but i can't find it atm: just about those who mysteriously know how to walk the middle path of the sage on these things, not going too far, not knowing too much.

>Someone asked how the Way and principle are to be distinguished. Zhu said: The Way is the path. Principle is the pattern. Like the grain in wood? Yes, Zhu replied. In that case, the questioner said, they seem to be alike. Zhu said: The word Way is all-embracing. Principle refers to the many veins within the Way. He also said: The word Way refers to the whole, principle to the details.

dem chinese.

>how it can be symbolically metaphorically applied like a slide ruler to other cases

a bizarro timespace-warping, chaplinesque slide ruler indeed it is.

>> No.11262383

genuinely enjoy these threads. keep em up. more going on here than in a dozen Pynchon threads

>> No.11262389

Desire is a bad term to use, and is a passe leftover archaism of 68 Foucault and Deleuzianism.

Capital is first law of thermodynamics, heat. Inserting desire into the circuit is misleading, it implies human agency. D&G rebellion against Freud is utterly pointless in this context, people have desires, they have symptoms they hate they love, but they do not know why they do these things because an unknowable force moves them to do so (libido). The movement of capital isn't propelled by desire, desire at least presupposes a fulfilment , it is an expenditure, a waste of heat. On the other hand romanticising this process is just as bad as denying it. Cyberpunk falls into the first category because it is literally an impossible fictional vision of the future where cyborgs desire and expend themselves as political agents . But the real world analogy just doesn't fucking add up, it's not a matter how painful or realistic such a dehumanising vision is, its that capitalism the more entrenched becomes the more banal and baroque it gets. There are no mega-corporations and cyborgs but Trump and shitty social media memes. This was Mark Fishers answer to Land, that Land was too coked up to see. No fucking wonder he became an alt-righter, everything is so fucking boring.

>> No.11262411

Thank you girardposter for the content. Looks like you’ve found some new scholars to chew over. You read Chinese?

>> No.11262425

>it's also driving us insane, and making us depressed
whos fault is this and exactly why is it occurring? What would have to occur for noone to be insane or depressed, or at least numbers drastically decreased?

>> No.11262442

>our civilization is decadent. it's also spectacularly creative. the italian renaissance has nothing on us. we are ridiculously creative. this is not to be denied. but it's also driving us insane, and making us depressed, and destroying the earth, &c, &c.
destroying the earth is because of power, not decadence. We are literally too powerful for the planet to handle. Back in the days they destroyed a lot of stuff too, but they were too weak to do anything. and yeah, depression is a problem, but is it everyones problem, or are these people just collateral damage? A civilization both creates and destroys people, not everyone will be able to share in its riches. I don't think we will be able to tell if we're decadent just yet. Maybe in 50 years, but there has been no unmistakable fall from grace as of now, at most the hint of looming disaster.

>> No.11262469

people need to consume something with their attention, does it really matter what, some people do shakephere, some people deluze, some people kids cartoons, some people animes, some people comic books, some people sitcoms, some people economic books, some people twitter, some people memes, some people facebook, some people phone games, some people fanfiction etc.

When there is nothing to consume, a person is bored, they become like a a crying baby, and what they consume becomes their pacifier. It eliminates their boredom time. Should people be allowed to consume low quality content, who would determine and decide? Should the world be cleaned of all cheap and profane clutter?

>> No.11262474

pretend everything was perfect for a moment... then what?

>> No.11262480
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Isn't that a kind of argument for class and aristocracy, though? You don't want people consuming "low quality content." But lots of people want to, because it satisfies them cheaply and easily. So you tell them they can't have it, and you have to have means to enforce the prohibition, and you tell them it's for their own good. It's kind of an argument for aristocracy from good taste. The upper class is kept in their perch because they have visibly superior taste.

>> No.11262495
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>Capital is first law of thermodynamics, heat.

ive been struggling to articulate something like this. how capitalism is an effect of cosmic processes, how thought's recursion as an atomizing force relates to the expansion of the universe, the way that all galaxies and stars are eventually going to be spatially isolated is kind of what the emergence of the modern subject simulates in the mode adequate to mind... it's a tenuous connection but what i'm trying to articulate is how rationality is part and parcel of this urge to emerge and differentiate oneself out of the primordial goop ... that is itself only a mechanism by which the return (heat death) is accelerated... out of the One, back to the One

maybe at the nadir of this circuit, the One is most the howling indeterminate void of materialism, but at its beginning and at its return, it is the eternal generative stillness of the Tao? what is capital's role in this? a hurdle we're slowly jumping?

>> No.11262506

I see Nick is finally taking Mandarin lessons.