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11244410 No.11244410[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How did this one man single handedly BTFO the credibility and reputation of Post Modernism?

The paper which was published as Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity circulated for months and managed to fool the so called "greats" like Derrida, Althusser and Foucault before Sokal came out and announced it was fake.

>> No.11244422

>managed to fool the so called "greats" like Derrida, Althusser and Foucault before Sokal came out and announced it was fake
nice bait

>> No.11244429
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Related. Shows how much of a joke the whole field is

>> No.11244433

Worst fates (bad ends): have your name associated primarily with a hoax

>> No.11244443

The funny thing is that STEM is full of rubbish papers with experimental results that cannot be reproduced in the lab.

>> No.11244449

It was literally a pay-to-publish journal

>> No.11244483

I never understood the logic where if one journal accepts one paper, this somehow means we can now discard Foucault and Derrida. Like how does the Sokal affair mean power doesn't exist?

>> No.11244522

The journal he published to was not peer reviewed. The editors sent his submission back, asking for significant reworking to clarify what the fuck he was actually trying to say. He rejected the input. They decided to publish it anyways because he was a well credited scientist and they wanted to help foster cross discipline interaction. They should never have published it, but they were giving him the benefit of the doubt. It wasn't that they pretended to understand it, they thought it was nonsense too, but they wanted to throw Sokal a bone. Sokal then turns around and epically BTFO's a small, NON-PEER REVIEWED, postmodernist publication. Even Sokal never suggested his stunt discredits postmodernism.

>> No.11244541


>> No.11244548

>wanted to foster cross discipline interaction
Did this stunt lower it?

>> No.11244567

Probably, yes. It certainly seems like it poisons the water a bit.

>> No.11244588

That sucks, I wish more people were interdisciplinary minded

>> No.11244613

It would have been interesting to see the same sort of stunt with a scientist actually trying to bring post-structuralism together with modern science; obviously not as a synthesis, but a detailed treatment of the conflicts inherent to the two disciplines. We need a new Leibniz.

>> No.11244759
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I'm a statistics phd and I'm currently going through this recent textbook "Machine Learners: Archaeology of a Data Practice" that does this. Pic attached is a passage from where the author is tying Foucault to the scikitlearn package in python lol. The passage here is probably too goofy sounding in isolation but in general it makes sense when as you read through the whole thing.

>> No.11244778
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>> No.11244807

Sokal didn't even think he 'owned postmodernism',if i recall correctly.

>> No.11244833

nigga thought klingon was real?

>> No.11244851


>> No.11244890

...and 15 years later:
Original (has obviously been retracted after the hoax has been revealed): https://www.cogentoa.com/article/10.1080/23311886.2017.1330439.pdf
Archived: https://www.skeptic.com/downloads/conceptual-penis/23311886.2017.1330439.pdf

>> No.11244914

xkcd is a comic strip for dorks. No, retard, nigga didn't