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11233645 No.11233645[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are you religious?

>> No.11233646

also not literature
head to >>>/lbgt/ if you want to talk about non-existent things

>> No.11233651

absolute blowout

>> No.11233653

I hear people say "I believe in God but I'm not religious".
I'm the opposite. I like religion but I don't believe in God.

>> No.11233658

>"I believe in God but I'm not religious"
I hate this one. There isn't a more meaningless statement.

>> No.11233659

no i strongly dislike institutionalized pedophilia and tax parasites, also lying for money and influence

>> No.11233669

I'm Catholic.

>> No.11233672

>that pic
I'd spill my coffee if I had one

>> No.11233699
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I grew up catholic. Like actually went to Sunday school and did my communion and all that stupid shit.
Like all good Catholics i eventually became an atheist.
I was i dunno, in my early teens, this was the peak of like the richard dawkins, bill mahr, edgy atheist 2000's.

As i grew older i decided all those people were homosexuals. I decided its possible a sort of god could be real. But there was still no doubt the books of the major religions were written by men.

I spent my early 20's exploring lots of different political and religious ideologies. The conclusions i came to are thus

1. Abrhamic religions are pure poison

2. The occult and paganism appeal to me but im lazy

3. There is no hope for change in a post cold war world and the only way we get out of this is through a nuclear bomb

4. the catholic church died the second it enacted vatican 2 and embraced liberal modernism

5. the protestants are con men and jew lovers

6. Islam is a barbaric relgion that should be wiped off the face of the planet

7. Jews are parasites that work in their on tribal self interest whether religious or not

8. the occult is about pushing your will and desire into the hivemind of humanity and using it to manipulate reality

>> No.11233709
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>> No.11233718

>the occult is about pushing your will and desire into the hivemind of humanity and using it to manipulate reality
care to extrapolate?

>> No.11233748

“Magick is the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with will.”
― Aleister Crowley, Magick in Theory and Practice

Whats funny is i came to the conclusion about the occult by myself before ever reading this quote by crowley

>> No.11233789
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>> No.11233801

I really wish I was

>> No.11233813
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>hide your will and desire behind a symbol, a piece of art, a sigil
>push it in front of many people, used to be only tv, movies, books, artists and capitalists could do it
>you could do it with meme's and use the internet now
>you push it in front of people
>it seeps into their counsiouness
>then it seeps into reality
>either in the present or the past through synchronicity

Look, we know alan moore practices the occult.
So dont you find it interesting, that period in time where everyone was protesting the government and wearing V for vendetta masks?

Moore really is a god damn master

>> No.11233823
File: 49 KB, 645x729, wojak(you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice blog nerd. unironically i agree with #3 and #4, but you sound like an obnoxious ignorant teenager. try starting with the greeks doofus.

>> No.11233830
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he's refering to pop/chaos magick. the kind espoused by comic book writers. he's a dummy.

Yes. Philosophy led me to believe in God. My religious beliefs are voluntary and reflect that faith, and not the other way around.

>> No.11233834

It's actually interesting that someone from a supposed Catholic background could end up this retarded. Usually you only see this from the protestants.

>> No.11233917

>but I don't believe in God.
God being the prime mover?
>>"I believe in God but I'm not religious"
>I hate this one. There isn't a more meaningless statement.
But the prime mover is God

>> No.11234012

Your opinion and wojack posting on the other hand are totally valuable and not obnoxious at all.

>> No.11234032

the abarhamic god AKA "Yahweh", Or as we shall call him.
The demiurge.
Has trapped us in this prison of suffering.

He is a blind and demented god who thinks he is the only god

>> No.11234132
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You mad.

>> No.11234137


>> No.11234150

yikes how tacky

>> No.11234226
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>> No.11234260
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I have no choice but to be.

>> No.11234266

Prime mover ain't real

>> No.11234282

>the prime mover
>taking ancient physics seriously

>> No.11234328

Yes, I'm Catholic

>> No.11234357

>the primer mover isn't real

Spot the brainlet

>> No.11234377

priestarchy’s have significantly higher rates of pedophilia than the gen pop, this because two reasons: they engender inordinate degrees of good faith from the public which is inevitably abused by human greed/lust/gluttony; priests are effeminate faggots to begin with who deny their desire to assfuck beautiful women, so they assfuck little boys instead

priestarchy’s are tax parasites who amass fabulous stores of wealth they spend secretly on themselve and publicly on arrogant and ostentatious temples

priestarchy’s bewitch low iq peasants and emotionalist nobility into worshipping their ideals, which are grounded in nothing

So, fuck you

>> No.11234443

kinda fighting a spiritual battle rn; I've been an atheist/agnostic my whole life but recently I felt that God has called out to me. I know this sounds kinda silly, and usually I would be the first to make fun of that, but this feeling is not going away, growing ever stronger, and I am kinda scared bcus I know that in order to accept and follow God I will have to change my whole way of life and thats a hard thing to do; so I`m hesitant atm, continuing my "sinful" ways while all the while feeling this feeling and basically thinking nonstop about God -- ahhh what do.

anyways sry for blogposting, just had to let this out somewhere

>> No.11234451
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I'm a rationalist with spiritual leanings (read psychonautics), but sometimes I can't shake a certain feeling of reverence to something, a force or agency, I can't quite comprehend.

>> No.11234480

I've felt a similar thing before and it was quite intense. The feeling faded eventually and I'm now back to being completely content with the detached agnosticism that I've always felt. It was an interesting little intellectual excursion though and I feel slightly more empathy towards religious people now. Maybe it will be the same for you.

>> No.11234509
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>this thread

>> No.11234512

I think that most of us got the atheist or agnostic phase during teen years. I am in my early 20's now and I can't help but feel that there exists a bigger picture, something that I am missing. I am quite sympathetic to idea of "god" but I would rather support pantheistic or some sort of non-abrahamic god, maybe it's because I got really into hinduism, buddhism and taoism.

>> No.11234514

I grew up with a Christian mother and Muslim father in a Protestant country. I was an extremely stereotypical edgy "hurr durr bibles are fairytale books for adults xd" teenager until I was like 15. I let a bunch of lads fuck me (gay btw). Got depressed, got like 10 diseases, went to a psychiatric hospital. I ended up in a halfway house of sorts. It made me reevaluate my entire life, including my neckbeardism. I suddenly became a firm believer in God. I started reading the Quran and Bible, I took classes in religious studies and philosophy and I became really interested in Islamic theology. I started considering myself a Muslim. I started browsing /r/islam and /r/izlam until I realised that contemporary Islam is decadent and blasphemous.

Now I don't really feel proud to call myself Muslim any more after I've realised how almost all Muslims except some Hanafis, Sufis and Shias hold extremist views while calling themselves "moderate". They're like a cult. Some nights I lay awake wondering whether I should give Christianity a try but in the end I don't think it really matters.

>> No.11234533

Yes. I'm an orthodox christian. I don't go to Saturday/Sunday regular church as much as I should, but I almost never miss out on holidays.