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/lit/ - Literature

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11232183 No.11232183 [Reply] [Original]

Goodreads thread.

Add/share/recc/discuss currently reading/etc.

How is everyone's reading challenge going?

>> No.11232188

I posted in one of these years ago and added a bunch of people but there was no point. No one posted reviews or discussed anything, at most some people upboated some updates by other users. What's the point again

>> No.11232193
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9 books out of 20 for the reading challenge. Was three books ahead of schedule before I started reading Dostoevsky's The Idiot. My progress is slow but I am thoroughly enjoying it so I'll just take my time with it.

Got a big stack I want to read this year: Walden, Confederacy of Dunces, Catch 22, Jane Eyre, Rashomon, The Odyssey, The Metamorphoses, etc. I know some of those are entry-level and I probably should have read them sooner so I plan on remedying that this year. Feel free to add me, I'm likely to ask "how is it" if you're making progress on a book I'm interested in.

>> No.11232202

It depends on who you add. I see a lot of users on my friends list who write reviews, offer recommendations when asked and frequently ask for people's opinions. I suppose it just depends on who you ask.

At the very least, at its most basic, Goodreads serves as an efficient way to chart your reading progress and to find recommendations based on the website's algorithms.

>> No.11232280

Why do you engage with a public site that uses your information and habits for advertising instead of tracking what you read on your own? Why do you treat reading like a challenge? Why are you asking us for more recommendations when you have plenty of other stuff you should get around to reading?

>> No.11232285

Did you actually try starting a conversation with someone?

>> No.11232292

Don't really care about the advertising since every site does it and i'm enough of a recluse for it not to matter. I like to see what other people are reading and what obscure books they've dug up.

>> No.11232303

Okay, but why?

>> No.11232343

I find it difficult to track what I read on my own as I'm often busy most of the time - Goodreads allows me to track my exact progress, the ratings I've given each book and the categories I've placed them in (i.e. to re-read, favourites, pre-owned, etc).

> why do you treat reading like a challenge?

It's just a fun little motivator to set yourself a goal and then to achieve it. I understand that people can criticise this as some users will be more motivated to speed-read than to actually savour the book, which is a fair point. I think it depends on how many books you actually set for yourself. I try to set an achievable goal that doesn't conflict with my busy work schedule and also doesn't mean I have to feel the need to speed-read something and then miss out on any significant subtext in the book.

You don't have to take part in it, of course, it's completely optional. It's just there for users who want to encourage themselves to read more really.

> Why are you asking us for more recommendations when you have plenty of other stuff you should get around to reading?

Not everyone has a ridiculously large backlog, but even if someone does, there's no actual harm in finding more books you'd be interested in that you may not have discovered by yourself. Plus, you can strike up some good conversations with people when they recommend something based upon why they enjoyed it so much and why they think you might enjoy it. No harm done in any of that.

It's fine if Goodreads isn't really your thing too. I use it as a breath of fresh air for when /lit/ gets a bit too autistic and petulant. Most people behave themselves on Goodreads.

>> No.11232357

Thanks for taking the time to answer, anon. I appreciate your reply. Glad to have learned something about another reader instead of having received some bitter shitpost reply. Keep it up, and enjoy your time on Goodreads.

>> No.11232385

No worries, pal, all the best

>> No.11232386

because Oliver here is an extrovert

>> No.11232407

/lit/ and goodreads are really the only places I can just chat the shit about literature, my guy. If there were other places that were as enjoyable for me I'd probably use them frequently too

>> No.11232456

Why did you post this series of questions?

To posture and show how aloof you are?

>> No.11232481

Definitely not to posture, and if I were aloof, I wouldn't be here, and I certainly wouldn't have asked for OP to elaborate. I was curious about OP's habits and motivations, and so I asked those questions. If you want to play this game, then I'll parry.

Why did you post your series of questions? Did you detect some antagonism in mine because of your own insecurity? Do you think that by questioning others that one is trying to tear people apart instead of see how they've been put together?

I find social reading strange, and I presumed OP (like most) already has a reading list and should be spending more time with it than asking for more, so I posed questions about those things.

>> No.11232562


just finished blood meridian about an hour ago, not sure after that novel if i want to read something light as a palate cleanser or jump into mein kampf, a joke birthday gift from a friend

>> No.11232588

i definitely needed a palate cleanser after blood meridian, needed something light and gentle, i love mccarthy but his books can really ruin my day. felt the same about Outer Dark too

>> No.11232590


>> No.11232596

i have the cosmicomics unread on my shelf, so Calvino might just be the author for me right now, cheers

>> No.11232600
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>tfw I'm already friend with you but have turned of posting to my feed when I update a book

>> No.11232625

I felt the question fit the scene quite nicely, did it not?

>> No.11232629

I think you misread the scene, anon.

>> No.11232668

Who's asking?

>> No.11232694

No one's asking anything, anon. Get some rest.

>> No.11232706
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>reads book
>book mentions another book or thinker

>> No.11232714


>> No.11232729

Has anyone successfully picked up a woman on Goodreads?

>> No.11232783

Yeah. You.

>> No.11232787

>reading challenge

ha! ha! ha!

As though I was ever going to complete that. If anybody knows where to find this book without having to pay for it, hit me up: https://www.amazon.com/Anthropology-Machine-Tokyos-Commuter-Network/dp/022655855X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1527599451&sr=1-1

>> No.11232905


>> No.11233056

almost done with my reading challenge

>> No.11233133

very behind on my reading schedule but I just quit my job so I think I can make it by the end of the year
just finished 3 Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
now to start Maze of Death by PKD
Carlos Castaneda trilogy
Flowers for Algernon
The Third Policeman
Travels with Charley
Desert Solitaire
Earthsea Quartet
Book of Disquiet
Lonesome Dove
Infinite Jest
The Idiot

>> No.11233160
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>> No.11233212

hi fellas

I'm on book number 28/30 at the minute. Wouldn't have made it that far if I hadn't suspended from university. Anyway, I do write reviews for things that are sufficiently interesting, though sometimes I slack off..

>> No.11233284

Are you a trap?

>> No.11233314

I used to be called Lucian by the boy I used to bully/teach

>> No.11233320

no, nor am i a tranny

>> No.11233345

What's up, guys? Just finished The Idiot and I'm reading The Brothers Karamazov right now. Working my way through Dostoyevsky whilst reading into Buddhist meditation on the side. Feel free to add me.


>> No.11233417

>Why do you engage with a public site that uses your information and habits for advertising instead of tracking what you read on your own?
I also have an autistic xml table of the books I've read but GR looks better (covers, statistics etc). Let them have my reading data - why shouldn't amazon know how well-read I am? Let them advertise shit to me - I block the ads.
>Why do you treat reading like a challenge?
It's not a challenge, it's just a reminder that I can always read more. I never had to put in any particular effort to meet the "challenge". As the other anon said, it's just a motivator.
>Why are you asking us for more recommendations
I'm not

>> No.11233442


>> No.11233446

You people need to organize your shelves better so that I can judge you more efficiently.

>> No.11233514

Shelves other than the default ones are kind of pointless, I feel.

>> No.11233523

I must concur

>> No.11233529

>I should have read this

get this obligation crap outta ya head and just read at least 30 pages a day nigga

>> No.11233545

What did you do to merit a suspension?

>> No.11233625


Haven't logged in ages until today

>> No.11233644

Do any of the goodreads people have somewhere they discuss books aside from on gr? Most of the groups on there are dead

>> No.11233655

I sometimes use discord for individual people. I know there's a /lit/ discord but not in it and don't know who is in it.

>> No.11233679

maybe a goodreads cord would be a good idea

gr is nice enough, but neither it nor 4chan make for good discussion-homes

>> No.11233695

Do you guys rate poetry books individually or do you rate the collected poems edition?

>> No.11233712

>5 stars to Larkin
>3 stars to Cavalcanti

>> No.11233725
File: 5 KB, 233x202, worried ghost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw post in these threads to get >You's on 4chan, but instead people just go and try and add me on goodreads and i apparently have 40 strangers following me

>> No.11233729


lots of poetry collections are cohesive pieces in and of themselves - arrangement of the poetry is important, they might have some shared theme etc.

i might only like 6-7 poems by a poet so i wouldn't rate a collected edition highly like i would for the individual collection with those poems

>> No.11233752


Rate my books

>> No.11233787

are you a trap?

>> No.11233804

Oi! don't you be doing that, lad.

>> No.11233826


>> No.11233892

5/10 I'd let you succ me off, but I wouldn't date you.

>> No.11233957

Individually because >>11233729 and it will inflate the number of read books.

>> No.11233973

It's way easier to get an overview of peoples tastes if they have well organized shelves, especially if they've read many books.

>> No.11233988

just use the compare books functionality and go from there

>> No.11234188

Oliver, you are only the consistent thing to ever exist in my life.

>> No.11234259

How was Palmer Eldritch? I loved Ubik and I was told it works as a sort of spiritual sequel to it

>> No.11234296

30 pages to 50 pages is usually my daily goal when I'm motivated but a little part of me still can't help but to see the books I've had for a while and question why I haven't read them yet. I tell myself it's better late than never, always trying to chip away at those backlogs.

I probably need to organise my shelves more.

You're flattering, anon. Would quietly read with.

>> No.11234318


>> No.11234444
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>Christian literature

>> No.11234612

probably will steal books you read and might comment on your reviews

>> No.11234643


>> No.11234670

>casually chat to a girl for a few months on goodreads
>reply once a week or once every 2 weeks
>suddenly she disappears
well i tried because she kept liking my stuff... talking on the internet is meaningless if you want to make connections. Eventually one gets bored and leaves. I wish everyone a comfy silent experience on goodreads

>> No.11234781


>> No.11234788


>> No.11234793
File: 326 KB, 850x478, CF165C1F-9FC0-4080-8B84-B7E84D3E0594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I’m at 30/52, though I don’t log everything. I like the idea of writing reviews but let’s be honest I’m too lazy. I like goodreads for keeping track of what I’ve read, as well as the edition and isbn and whatnot.

>> No.11234800

Hi Joaco!

>> No.11234811

I know this is bait, but she seems pretty cool

>> No.11234813

lol fags

>> No.11234824

hey anon!

>> No.11234826

A girl reader? 'tis a wonderful sight to see! Please accept my friend request, so I may like thine updates with due deference in hopes (may I be so bold) that ye reciprocate those likes? Oh ho ho, may they be akin to hugs from ye my fair maiden reader!

>> No.11234835

lel she seems angry

>> No.11234846

are you that fatso in the background?

>> No.11234848

How do I become a Goodreads Librarian? There are a few books of mine that have duplicate entries and I want to fix them without posting in the librarian's group. I already applied twice but nothing has happened.

fuck off

>> No.11234858


might take a month or two to get approved

>> No.11234866

Ah, a feisty one do I perceive? Oh perchance we may jostle and tostle across this smorgasbord of dynamic and discipline! Oh ho ho how I get carried away and be rude to thine mine lady! Mine lady, oh you rotten egg!

>> No.11234868

joaco pls

>> No.11234890


>> No.11234891

God, I wish that was me

>> No.11234892

Would anyone be interested in like a discord server for the goodreads /lit/ people? It'd have channels for general discussion, literature, arts, vidya even.

>> No.11234898
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Unfree, information stealing botnet reeeeeee

>> No.11234901

im prettier than you and im a straight man, also absolutely retarded for putting your face on 4chan you dumb bitch

>> No.11234907

me, joaco and the fatso behind the cute girl

>> No.11234909
File: 118 KB, 1135x623, not me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not me, sorry

>> No.11234911

>still being homophobic

>> No.11234924

I think we should try it sometime, even if it fails it could be ok for more casual chat about the stuff we read or find.
Lower the expectations and it might just exceed them.

>> No.11234949

Are there better services to use? Not /g/ so I don’t follow this stuff

>> No.11234954

I'll look into it tomorrow. I think there's a litcord already, but I've heard it's shitposty, maybe the guys on gr already have a goodreads, if so then let us know before we set shit up

>> No.11234978

the litcord is all about winston and his minions

>> No.11235157


I'm looking for more books to start reading today, so don't be afraid to suggest things.

>> No.11235184

It was my first PKD book. The first half felt disorganized and I almost dropped it but then it became consistently good til the end. Super trippy with some heavy handed gnostic christian lessons

>> No.11235245


I'm in Japan right now and I only have some Dostoevsky and Goethe to keep me company. The Idiot is pretty fucking wild so far, though I can understand why someone like Tchaikovsky would not like him as ol' Dusty seems really keen on making fun of everyone and turning up ordinary situations to 11

>> No.11235259

>0 ratings
convince me to add you

>> No.11235267

because his reviews are top notch, even though it's been some time since the last one

>> No.11235269


>> No.11235587


Hmu famalam

>> No.11235600
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Fuck the challenge this time I don't think that i will make it, but had been a good reading year so far.

I may or not may be a girl btw

>> No.11235655

>The Idiot is pretty fucking wild so far
wrong book to get your mind oriented on slaying oriental puusy t.b.h

>> No.11236216

I just made this account https://www.goodreads.com/apollinarix

>> No.11236431


I haven't had the time to read as much since I've been taking two intensive summer courses, but I'm always interested in seeing what other people have been interested in.

>> No.11236900

Mainly IRC but also Riot.im, Rocket.chat and several other Skype clones.

>> No.11236961


>> No.11236973


>> No.11237275


I'm on track for my challenge so far, 25/52, but I need to start reading some longer works since the average length of the first 25 has been just below 300 pages.

>> No.11237296

Is joacio the new memed person?

>> No.11237303

There's a bunch of litcord splinters as well. Maybe 4-5?

>> No.11238588

Damn, you're cute

>> No.11238642

Well it was my decision, kinda.. anxiety and adhd that was undiagnosed for the first two years fucked me up

sry senpai

>> No.11238681
File: 49 KB, 324x499, 51oER7psoDL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dostoevsky's TBK.
I really like it, am about 1/6 in. It's kind of depressing in the beginning, but I hear say that it leaves a feeling of there being good in the world when it's over. The writing is great, though the plot is slow very often.

>> No.11239176

Im halfway through and its really great. It does kind of switch to a philosophy nook sometimes though, where it feels like its the author talkkng not the characters

>> No.11239189

That's a bit sad. What are you going to do?

>> No.11239708


>> No.11239795

>r/books — 920 members — last activity Jan 13, 2018 01:39PM
Reddit meets Goodreads and has a love-child.
What do you have to say in your defence?

>> No.11239817

Why do people feel the need to explain their rating system? If you hover over the stars it tells you what they mean

>> No.11239820

That isn't you. [spoilers]I fucking hope[/spoilers]

>> No.11240538

thinfiction is better than goodkeks

>> No.11240625

Because my rating system may be different from the one that appears when you hover over. (And the little note that tells you what a rating means appears only after you wait a bit, so it is unlikely to be noticed by most people. I noticed it by myself but it is so tucked away and generally ignored that I can't take it seriously.)

>> No.11240687

I was in the process of adding everyone who posted here but it turns out Goodreads has a friend request limit. I have had only two people added since I made my account last year so I thought I'd branch out.
Since I can't add anyone else for the next 24 hours, it seems, just add me if you want;

My reading challenge is going ok so far, I'm behind with 10/30, I tried hitting 30 last year but got like 7 short, I'm hoping to actually hit it this year though.

>> No.11240769
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>> No.11240825

Well atm I'm learning Spanish and I started a project on magic and mysticism/shamanism and potentially the links of those to the arts. I have a few other ideas but I have a tendency to be too ambitious. And I guess I'll learn some maths too, starting with group theory. Should be fun. Makes a change from having to think about physics all the time. Well, feeling like I have to think about it all the time, anyway.

>> No.11240963

you suck dude

>> No.11240988


>> No.11241106

uncalled for

>> No.11242176

Cute image