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/lit/ - Literature

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11223278 No.11223278[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books on how to become a social powerhouse? I'm an autistic Chad as in I've had sex with over 10 women but I sometimes I clam up when I see old friends from high school or meet new people. I sound like a douche I'm fully aware of that. Don't give me some Jordan Peterson bullshit or
"drugs" or some "just go talk to people bruh". I know how to do that but I need to go deeper. Am I doomed? Completely serious here.

>> No.11223294

when you put your faith in god your anxiety melts away as you begin to see worldly things as inconsequential. you also have to swear off pre marital sex tho so its a catch 22

>> No.11223309

The Rational Male

>> No.11223312
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Anyone who posts Jezebels really should be banned from the board, desu.
The pasta is completely right.

>I've had sex with over 10 women
Confessed normies really should be permabanned, desu

>> No.11223322

denial and error

>> No.11223327

I am sorry anon but there's no cure for autism. The best you can do is gain experience by spending a lot of time socializing with people as practice and never let yourself fall back into your old mindset

>> No.11223332


Go away, /asp/ie

>> No.11223335


>> No.11223341

>beautiful women offend my fragile sensibilities

>> No.11223350

>10 women
Lad, chad has 1000+ partners and a new girl every day. How do you think women are racking up partner counts of 50-100 so often?

>> No.11223358
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You know it isn't fair to constantly post shit like this to remind us.
It's just common courtesy and politeness to not remind people of their failure as human beings. It's not like posting Jezebels helps discussion.

They really do, though. And I can't discuss literature in tumblr

>> No.11223361

Even as a virgin, I've had up to 50 partners a day (shared between other men, of course).

>> No.11223374

how old are you?

>> No.11223383

How the fuck do you explain sex with 10 women then? Maybe that would shed some light. Work backwards and what not.

>> No.11223422


>> No.11223441

Diovana Königsreuter for those interested.

>> No.11223448

>i'm a failure as a human being
take responsibility for yourself

>> No.11223455

just report this thread and move on.

this isnt your fucking blog, go to /adv/ you show off.

>> No.11223472

I don't shy away from the fact that this is my fault, just like a cripple can't shy away that it's his fault he's one after driving drunk
I'm just saying I'm not the only one like this, and that it isn't a good thing to keep reminding people of their own failures.

>> No.11223511

>had sex with over 10 women but I sometimes I clam up when I see old friends from high school or meet new people
post pics of boipucci

>> No.11223647

This. Even better to not reply at all. Limit these faggots to /adv/, that's already a shit board full of failed normalfags.
at least he's self-aware enough to know who his >>11223312
what the fuck is this 'Jezebel' thing? Is this /r9k/'s new word for roastie? It's weak as fuck, just call them roasties it's the perfect insult for a woman.
You literally quoted him taking responsibility retard. What you want is for him to be some optimistic retard because you watched a Jordan Peterson video and think that'll fix your autism. Enjoy your shit job, your ugly girlfriend that even the anon you're replying to wouldn't fuck, and your lonely life on 4chan.

>> No.11223718

Work out, go hiking every weekend, meditate, keep the Gita and Hero of Our Time next to your bed and read them every night before you go to sleep.

Also no matter how many women you sleep with its never going to be enough. I've had sex with about twenty woman, and I'm just starting to get to the point where I feel I can understand woman's sexuality... it seems like most women my age have slept with at least that. It really makes no statistical sense, as very few men seem to get anywhere close having to the amount of sex the average woman takes for granted.

>> No.11223740

>over 10 women
I remember my junior year of high school...

>> No.11223745

Anything below 100 is legitimate 6/10 territory.

>> No.11223747
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>what the fuck is this 'Jezebel' thing?
Newfags really should be banned, desu

>> No.11223751

>over 10 women
I remember my second year of middle school...

>> No.11223753


>> No.11223761

I been here since 2012 faggot
you're posting on 4chan retard. something is wrong with you. Everyone knows you're a failed normalfag.

>> No.11223764
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It makes me really sad that sex is no longer a sacred ritual of marriage. Is this what "liberation" is supposed to feel like?

>> No.11223770

>something is wrong with you
whats the alternative?

>> No.11223776

Jezebel is a 2,860 year old reference, mate.

>> No.11223778
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>> No.11223780

>I been here since 2012 faggot
>you're posting on 4chan retard something is wrong with you
>your lonely life on 4chan
>shit board full of failed normalfags

You are the most obvious newfag I've seen in quite a while

>> No.11223782

>Thinking 10 women makes you a Chad
Oh no my dear sweet incel. You aren't one of us. 10 is less than normal

>> No.11223790

See this is the stupid shit I don't like. Get the FUCK off 4chan, loser. We don't need faggots like you here. You just keep bringing us down.

Just because you're a failure posting on 4chan does not mean anyone else is.

>> No.11223880

There isn't an alternative. You're on 4chan. Something is wrong. If you had any self-awareness you'd stop trying to 1-up people on how you're such a normal person.
You're a failure. No one here is normal. If you had friends like normal people have friends you wouldn't be here. Stop pretending you're normal just because you're not a NEET virgin, most of us aren't but we're still substituting social lives for here because we don't have good friends or we don't have friends at all. I've been here since 2012, I first posted on 4chan in 2008/2009, the only difference is 4chan is less self-aware people and more failed normalfags like you pretending you're normal.
Also you type like a faggot.

Just give up and join a discord you lonely faggot.

>> No.11223912

Sexual liberation is just a guise for the increasing commodification of basic human instincts.
I'm not at all prudish, but modern, liberal, high minded sexual culture even makes transgression impossible. Not only can one no longer have regular, romantic relationships (and this is true, in most relationships sex proceeds romance, and if you're being romantic before you've had sex you'll always have the bitter feeling of knowing that for some other man sex was nearly instantaneous and he did not have to wait nor try like you), but sexual debauchery is becoming so commonplace, so normal, that there's no thrill or feeling of debasement to accompany it, nor is there any discretion, nor the genuine human feelings that come with mutual transgression of moral norms. Perhaps its just part of becoming older, but I feel like something's been lost in modernity.
What's worse is apps like tinder are only accelerating it. Now having sex with a different random stranger every weekend is quickly becoming considered the new normal. It's not that this is more fulfilling for anyone involved, but it's marketed as "liberating", and critics are easily branded as "incels" or having "sour grapes", while we're told not to seriously believe that such a virtual whorehouse being pushed on us (through million dollar marketing campaigns) has any effect on the population (clearly it does, otherwise it would not be happening). Capitalism has turned us all into prostitutes, and transformed sex into a way of generating capital, at the cost of genuine emotional bonds and any feeling of the transcendent.
Ride the tiger, friend. Join a mosque, move to a more traditional society, find a likeminded woman, marry young and homeschool your children. Practice weapons training and eventually when it all comes crashing down hopefully there will be enough people to seize the situation.

>> No.11224013

Thank you for the insights and advice, brother. My main drive in life right now is to find a woman with traditional values. Good luck and godspeed.

>> No.11224109

>I need to go deeper
You need to go shallower.

>> No.11224147

I do work out and hike. I just put the amount of chicks I've banged to let everyone I'm not a autistic spazz. I can speak to people fine but I really want to be a charismatic social heavy weight.

>> No.11224170

This desu. Up to more sexual partners than my age, but a return to faith has stunted that - which is painfully okay for me at this point.

>> No.11224195

The only possible cure for autism is having sex with multiple women in your youth. Since you have already done this, I'm afraid your autism is inbuilt and therefore permanent.

>> No.11224211

>big post mean correct
No one listen to this faggot. He will kill himself like the others in time.

Meanwhile, the strong of heart will prevail. I've been with like 3 different women in a two week span faggot. That's all that matters. You don't 'need' a social life, you just need to make women have a good time. Women are at parties, sure, but they are also everywhere else.

Just be good at life, you fucking insufferable twat. And stop doing drugs.

>> No.11224214

Trying to improve your social skills by reading is mostly a meme with EXTREMELY few exceptions like "How to meet friends and influence people" and that's only useful if you need to be smacked over the head with obvious shit like "People you work with will like you more if you remember their names and call them by their name all the time. If you have a sincere compliment to give another person you should give it."

Reading books to learn about social skills is basically the autists leading the autists. Try actually being social if you want to improve your social skills. You can MAYBE do stuff like toastmasters.

>> No.11224237

>lying on 4chan to win an argument.

Fucking retarded

>> No.11224259

I first had sex at 15 and I'm still autistic so idk about that

>> No.11224266

If you think I'm lying let me ask you: why? What would be the benefit of lying on a completely anonymous imageboard?

Not everyone is a loser here, moron.

>> No.11224272

I've literally had sex with over 1 woman. Not counting vaginal or anal.

>> No.11224295

man how the hell yall infantilistic maternally-sunk losers find this jailbait shit attractive nevermind i answered my own question

>> No.11224313

Who is this

Semen Demon
Jizz Genie
Baby Batter Bringer
Cum Caresser
Lovegoo Lass
Sperm Summoner
Ejaculate Empress
Mayonnaise Maiden
Jizz Jockey
Spunk Monk
Sperm Worm
Sodomy Sentinel
Penile Perpetrator
Erection Confection
Salami Tsunami
Boner Condoner
Fluid Druid
Urethral Umpire
Wang Wizard
Knackers Knight
Prick Pirate
Dong Dominator
Cock Khan
Stiffy Sultan
Sausage Sergeant
Middle Leg Major
Pole Privateer
Shaft Specialist
Pecker Prodigy
Boner Benefactor
Baloney Poney Behemoth
Dick Juice Masseuse
Tallywhacker Smacker
Man Muscle Steam Shovel
Baby Batter Bladder
Willy Ghillie
Butt Hut
Glans Fans
Spooge Scrooge
Ejaculate Advocate
Skeet Treat
Wang Wrangler
Jism Prism
Smegma Savant
Anal Aficionado
Testicular Temptress
Spunk Trunk
Nut Slut
Cum Chum
Testicle Vestibule
Dick Duchess
Cock Sock
Testicle Tamer
Cock Clairvoyant
Scrotum Totem
Mattress Actress
Prostate Magistrate
Penis Machinist

>> No.11224327

Everything on the internet is a lie.

>> No.11224447

This insemination destination
This moneyshot honeypot
This cocksneeze snotsleeve

>> No.11224479


This brap trap

>> No.11224511

where does it say no premarital sex
highkey what the fuck even is marriage in genesis
paul is a nutter

>> No.11224520

>sometimes I clam up

>> No.11224531


This dayum clam

>> No.11224559

what a fucking fag

>> No.11224662

Honestly not bad

>> No.11224672

nigga im tryna nofap stop the jezebels please

>> No.11224700
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Stop vetting what you are going to say before you say it.

>> No.11224706

lmao hero of our time was satire

>> No.11224722

>Ride the tiger
lol do u even know what that means or did u just drop that in there

>> No.11224759

This guy is the purest form of a fedora wearing closet dweller. I went deep into red pill when I was in the worst place of my life. It attracts that crowd. You will hopefully learn it's all just neckbeards and weirdos and toxicity

>> No.11224786

You're a retard if you think having sex puts you above any other loser on 4chan. We're all in the same boat together. Leave the hostility on boards like /b/. In the early days of 4chan we openly acknowledged we weren't normal. Now everyone's out to prove how normal they are. Being here is proof alone that there's some deficit in your life, socializing on image boards is not normal.

>> No.11224898

go back to Discord you fucking tranny

>> No.11225349

It means Black wants out of the streets, Yellow wants the country, Red wants the country back, And white wants out of this world

>> No.11225763

What does that mean? I know it's related to Evola but what more?

>> No.11225789

this a million times
anyone who shills discord is a tranny or underage

>> No.11225797

this reads like a reddit post good job faggot now go back

>> No.11226434

What's the minimum amount of women one needs to have sex with to be considered a Chad?

>> No.11226445

>arguing about personal life and trying to prove shit on an anonymous imageboard
go back to facebook where your type belongs

>> No.11226451

>we'll always be the same!

I don't normally go on reddit, that's for sure.

>> No.11226882

>socializing on image boards is not normal.
Is this 2004?
Most people younger than 30 spend an "abnormal" time socializing digitaly

>> No.11226926

Please don't use words that remind us of v*g*n*s

>> No.11226943


>Setting a minimum number of women to maximize a chad-ness utility function

The virgin utilitarian vs the chad subjectivist

>> No.11227015


>> No.11227040

not op. sometimes girls just really wanna fuck, being awkward doesn't get in the way much.

>> No.11228795

You all are completely missing the point and arguing against straw men. The guy simply asked for book recommendations to be a social fien

>> No.11229491
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One word to blew your cover s.o.y. b.o.y., or even worse,may Allah forgive me for uttering these words! A... roastie.

>> No.11229675

What episode of MDE is this?

>> No.11229694

>wearing makeup to the beach
imagine being this insecure

>> No.11229702

You forgot man-milk-mephistopheles, objectively the best.

>> No.11229719

November 25, 1970. Tokyo, Japan

>> No.11229867

>November 25, 1970. Tokyo, Japan
I know that's Mishima's big day, but do you have a link?

>> No.11230012

This sneed's feed and seed

>> No.11230024

more like virgin incrementalist vs chad gradualist