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/lit/ - Literature

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11219303 No.11219303 [Reply] [Original]

Like moths to a flame

>> No.11219304

>t.beta orbiter

>> No.11219306

I wish I could have had sex with a girl before I killed myself. Oh well.

>> No.11219311

Hopefully girls like her will submit themselves as acolytes to Cthulhu cults for ritual fertility orgies

>> No.11219312
File: 21 KB, 808x101, 723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like moths to a flame

>> No.11219315

damn she hot af

>> No.11219317

does she realize Lovecraft was a racist??

>> No.11219318

Will she be my gf?

>> No.11219322

>will submit

It has already begun

>> No.11219323

I didn't know that came in hardcover. I just got a shitty soft cover version.

>> No.11219332
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What ever it takes to keep the elder god fed...useless women are a small price to pay to prevent 1000 years of darkness

>> No.11219347

They're not particularly smart but special-snowflake-SJW-hippie-hipster-nerd women are more cultured and more interesting and more sexy than basic bitches and it'll do. The main drawback is dealing with anxiety, depression, and bipolar.

>> No.11219360
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Like moths to a flame

>> No.11219392
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>> No.11219447

Does she buy her lipstick at a circus supply store?

>> No.11219516
File: 42 KB, 500x322, 1526839189335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watching a video about an SJW roastie on why she likes the stories of gothic horror author while glossing over the fact that he was an overt and unapologetic racist

>> No.11219569

It's overrated dude

>> No.11219605
File: 576 KB, 1200x788, 1527296382505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like moths to my folder

>> No.11219655

Like thots to muh dick

>> No.11220241

All I see is an attractive woman holding what seems to be one of her favorite books.
Can somebody tell me what did he mean by this?

>> No.11220252

>lovecraft was a racist
this has to be bait, right?

>> No.11220291

We hate women. Books are our turf. It makes us who we are. She has no right to encroach on it, as she doesn't look like a lonely bitter loser and probably has other things going for her than posing as an intellectual on an anime imageboard

>> No.11220306

I wanna cum in her face

>> No.11220318
File: 89 KB, 736x920, 1509845531805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So to enjoy art you have to be a lonely incel who's a couple of nuts away from killing himself?

>> No.11220331


His cat was named Niggerman.

>> No.11220338

>tfw I own this edition
Got it as a gift and it's quite nice. There's a couple of minor editing errors but overall I'd recommend it for anyone that want a huge ass Lovecraft collection for whatever reason.

>> No.11220343

I woild shove my "dick" so far down her "throat" that she'll have my "cum" running out her "nose" once I'm done with her, if you catch my drift familia.

>> No.11220372


>> No.11220374

>The main drawback is
The main drawback
>The main

>> No.11220384

Familia don't tell me op's pic has a penis.

>> No.11220385

No idea, I am just meming.

>> No.11220389

he was against uneducated/uncivilized people (like most underdeveloped tribes were/are), but he didn't actually care about skin colour or where they came from

>> No.11220396


It was a black cat.

>> No.11220593

I know a long reply is unwarranted here, but trust me, you won't be that much happier. The majority of the anxieties regarding sex and intimacy are mostly just a need for validation. Once you realise that you've just been chasing an escape, you'll end up shittier than before because now you have nothing to look forward too.

It's overrated. Keep in mind I'm projecting hard.

>> No.11220702
File: 461 KB, 1200x900, IMGP0316edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a lot of confusion and debate over the quality of the Gollancz black books, so allow me to clear it up. They come in three versions.

1. Original UK hardcover editions. Decent stitching & covers, good quality, not prone to fall apart. What you'd expect for the list price.

2. Reprint hardcover editions. Made in China and shipped to U.S. Distinctly inferior and weaker. Too fragile for the money.

3. Paperback editions: will turn into a warped phonebook as soon as you flip through it. Avoid.

>> No.11220718

It's also worth noting that the Conan books does NOT feature the original Howard texts, they have been edited by other authors for later publication.

>> No.11220753
File: 258 KB, 1200x755, weirdbooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of them, yes. Most of them are as they appeared originally in Weird Tales (which of course involved editing), or are posthumous edits from his archives. The Lovecraft ones are similar. These aren't definitive versions, but they're generally the ones that made the authors popular in the first place.

>> No.11220766

Well, the Weird Tales editions are not always the best. For example, even though they liked to feature naked chicks on the covers, some of Howards more lewd sequences were edited out. If anyone want to read Conan they should get the Del Rey editions.

>> No.11220776
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I agree, the original texts are more accurate, but they aren't the original published ones, so it's a matter of preference (and these are easier/cheaper to pick up). The Joshi-edited HPL is far superior for textual accuracy as well, but there's no harm in starting with a collection of the pulp versions.

>> No.11220781

Who is that in OPs pic? Some booktuber?

>> No.11220783

>"The more prolonged is Lovecraft's enforced sojourn in New York, the more his repulsion and terror grows until it attains alarming proportions. As he wrote to Belknap Long, "one cannot speak calmly about the mongoloid problem of New York". Later on in the letter, he declares: "I hope the end will be warfare -- but not till such a time as our own minds are fully freed of humanitarian hindrances of the Syrian superstition imposed upon us by Constantinus. Then let us show our physical power as men and Aryans, and conduct a scientific wholesale deportation from which there will be neither flinching nor retreating."


What did he mean by this?

>> No.11220788

>le wacky rainbow hair
>whore make up

This one has BPD, time to put her through a struggle session and lower her self esteem some more so she'll suck my dick

>> No.11220805

That spics and niggers need to hang from trees.

>> No.11220815
File: 15 KB, 636x536, 1519645263572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I had this feeling when visiting America and walking in any of the big cities I visited on the west coast. The general tension was horrible. To a season of political and social upheaval was added a strange and brooding apprehension of hideous physical danger; I recall that the people went about with pale and worried faces.

>A sense of monstrous guilt was upon the land, and out of the abysses between the stars swept chill currents that made men shiver in dark and lonely places. There was a daemoniac alteration in the sequence of the seasons—the autumn heat lingered fearsomely, and everyone felt that the world and perhaps the universe had passed from the control of known gods or forces to that of gods or forces which were unknown.

>And it was only then that I saw it: La Creatura...

>> No.11220868
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> they don't even read lovercraft for the racism

>> No.11221127

the biggest lovecraft fan i know legit ticks every single SJW box. she's genuinely a mystery

>> No.11221365

>she's genuinely a mystery
I'll solve it for you. She doesn't tick every single SJW box. She obviously skipped the one about not separating works from the author.

>> No.11221404
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>walk in
>see this
Wut do?

>> No.11221431

>my grandmother was a fish, u wan sum fuk bby?

>> No.11221449
File: 1.07 MB, 869x865, brittany chenteale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move over sweaty, real bookthot here

>> No.11221476

>no books in the picture
u wot m8

>> No.11221480
File: 269 KB, 2550x802, 1503743269200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex is a meme, I wanted to have this one girl and spent 2+ years pursuing her before fucking her.

Now I want to kill myself more than ever and haven't talked to her in months.

>> No.11221488

Walk past her.

>> No.11221493

She's a booktuber, you could have googled the filename. Either an apish brainlet, or phoneposter, and I don't know which is worse.


>> No.11221501

t. Werther

>> No.11221505

I have the Conan one. Pretty great collection because it only includes Howard's work, not gay conan stories other people wrote that usually make it into other "canon" collections.

>> No.11221517

Pretentious midddlebrow cunts are literally the worst kind of women.

>> No.11221521

>hobo fashion sense, ugly tattoos, lice removal haircut
Yeah no

>> No.11221528

>I can't apply myself, so everyone who is remotely intelligent is a cunt
Lol. Why are you on the literature board?

>> No.11221538

>If anyone want to read Conan they should get the Del Rey editions.

Are these out of print?

>> No.11221549

To read Lovecraft and ignore the racism is to read Flaubert and think Emma was altogether innocent or guilty.

>> No.11221562

every woman is bipolar though

>> No.11221576

That;'s quite a fucking leap you made about me there, bruh. 'special-snowflake-SJW-hippie-hipster-nerd' was the subject in question, who definitely deserve the title of pretentious middlebrow cunts.

>> No.11221620

Look up the meaning of those words, you simpleton. They're the insults of reddit bugmen who hate having to do homework.

>> No.11221654

I'm pretty sure reddit wouldn't call a booktuber woman that. But anyways you're fucking retarded, probably a butthurt middlebrow special-snowflake-SJW-hippie-hipster-nerd.

>> No.11221666

wtf I love abortions now

>> No.11221675

I bought them on Amazon for a reasonable price like 2 months ago.

>> No.11221678

Middlebrow has a long though obscure tradition of usage on this board, it's lowkey effective for triggering amerimutts.

>> No.11221736


>> No.11221767

Reddit spawned the anti-intellectualism of incelism and t_donaldism. If you think calling anyone a cunt is controversial, and only epic 4channers can do it, I can tell you're an Americunt.

Fuck off, you sound like a Facebooker.

>> No.11221829

Ah! That monkey face startled the heck out of me

>> No.11221834

What happened after you railed her?

>> No.11221913
File: 226 KB, 748x443, IMG_1460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are lovecraft fans disproportionately retarded and/or Dyed-haired dykes? These are the people he dreamed of removing from society.

>> No.11221998
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>> No.11222004

>Reddit spawned the anti-intellectualism of incelism and t_donaldism
That was literally /pol/. But judging from your posts so far you're a newfaggot who's just bringing up other sites in an effort to sound 4chan.

>> No.11222044

I've been here for years, you fucking virginalhomo. Swallow your words, or I'll have you by the night's end, strumpet.

>> No.11222148
File: 73 KB, 700x700, wrong neighborhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread
hasn't changed at all

>> No.11222282

He didn't know anybody like that, and it certainly wasn't a dream of his to remove them. He hated races, not liberals.

>> No.11222290

"Conan's Brethren" is a good volume too, giving some Bran mak Morn, Kull, Solomon Kane, Brull, the original Red Sonja, etc.

>> No.11222296

This makes me wish I was a woman so I could have an abortion personally.

>> No.11222313

For maximum effect, should the unborn be a disabled, homosexual, black woman?

>> No.11222349

>H-he wasn't a racist, I swear. Stop saying mean things about my favorite geek cultural icon gothic horror meme author
Being this much of a consumer apologist

>> No.11222551

I'm sorry, but that's complete bullshit. Lovecraft's racist xenophobia was profound and well-documented. I don't care about it, but your claim is absolutely wrong. His letters overflow with anti-Semitic conspiracy theories of an underground Jewry pitting the economic, social, and literary worlds of New York City against “the Aryan race.” He warned of “the Jew [who] must be muzzled” because “[he] insidiously degrades [and] Orientalizes [the] robust Aryan civilization.” His sympathies with rising fascism were equally transparent. “[Hitler’s] vision . . . is romantic and immature,” he stated after Hitler became chancellor of Germany. “I know he’s a clown but god I like the boy!” And his contempt for blacks ran even deeper. In his 1912 poem entitled “On the Creation of Niggers,” the gods, having just designed Man and Beast, create blacks in semi-human form to populate the space in between. Regarding the domestic terrorism of white minorities in the predominantly black Alabama and Mississippi, he excused them for “resorting to extra-legal measures such as lynching and intimidation [because] the legal machinery does not sufficiently protect them.” He lamented these sullen tensions as unfortunate, but nevertheless says that “anything is better than the mongrelisation which would mean the hopeless deterioration of a great nation.” Miscegenation permeates his letters and stories as his most corporeal fear; he insists that only “pain and disaster [could] come from the mingling of black and white.” He wrote that “the Negro is fundamentally the biological inferior of all White and even Mongolian races.” Go read “The Horror of Red Hook” again.

>> No.11222575

why do bitches love Lovecraft so much, bros???

>> No.11222659

You want to know something funny.
He married a jewish lady

>> No.11222718

Most of non-Jewish men who were Nazi collaborators in Croatia (the leadership) married Jewish women. What's your point?

>> No.11222901
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>He married a jewish lady


>> No.11222908


>> No.11222914

Crush hard internally, and try to ignore where I don't make a fool of myself.

>> No.11222919

sexy af. nice tats and figure framework. svelte.

>> No.11222926

Right? Ain't nothing wrong with that! :D

>> No.11222992

4chan.org in a single post

>> No.11222996
File: 107 KB, 720x1079, charlotte satre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch please, my name is fucking Satre and i literally got Nausea tattooed with large fucking gothic letters on my body, so literally fuck off. BITCH!

>> No.11223306

This entire thread, and all posts within -including my own- is cringe. Purest cringe.

>> No.11223342

i love it like ya mama

>> No.11223584

I still don't understand this /sp/ meme and i never will

>> No.11223950

You're just trapped inside an illusion. The idea of perverting things excites you because at least you have some sort of control. You can always do worse, right? Shadow.

>> No.11224557

go to /pol/ his is one of the funnier quotes passed around.

>> No.11224598

She doesn't understand Lovecraft

>> No.11224604

Bud I got this and its companion. Pretty coo

>> No.11224612

Yeah and he fucking hated her. Read his letters, you prick. He's a racist. Which makes him even cooler.

>> No.11224623

>When, long ago, the gods created Earth
>In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
>The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
>Yet were they too remote from humankind.
>To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
>Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
>A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
>Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

>> No.11224965

Please. They only read Lovecraft because of the profitable symbol worship they've programmed into these LE NERD CULTURE subhumans.

>> No.11224985


>> No.11225011

this w*man is a professional whore

>> No.11225163


Do people that parrot this shit even read Darwin. Reminds me of people that prattle on about survival of the fittest without understanding it.

>> No.11225809

What's there to understand?

>> No.11225841
File: 126 KB, 1080x1350, 18252625_1091660934303138_175371043773349888_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whats wrong anon, do you not like the geeky girls?

>> No.11225847

and his best friend was a gay jew

>> No.11225906
File: 19 KB, 300x243, C322EF98-F997-47F1-B67C-DD42A1BE8E33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was best friends with Wittgenstein?

>> No.11226145

What's next, we should reject logic because the Greeks were mysogynists?

>> No.11226151

>He's a racist. Which makes him even cooler
Oh god, this mentality.

>> No.11226319

Buenos dias, reddit.

>> No.11226418

He's making a jock because SJWs have gotten To Kill A Mocking Bird and Tom Sawyer/Huck Finn banned in schools for being "racist".