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11212846 No.11212846 [Reply] [Original]

Does reading make you smarter?

>> No.11212852

No, it makes you more educated. Sometimes.

>> No.11212869

I believe it does. It helps you become more aware of your thought patterns and exposes you to the ways in which people more intelligent and creative than yourself think and interpret the world. But there's only so far it can take you, and you have to be willing to do the work. Not everybody, including many highly intelligent people, will benefit from reading

>> No.11212900

reading what?

bro pop sci online articles? no
scholarly journals and books? yes

>> No.11212902

me yes
you no

>> No.11212948

nah, still fun tho

>> No.11212952

scholarly journals without prerequisite knowledge will make you dumber.

First you need to learn HOW to read

>> No.11212966

Nope. You're only as intelligent now as you'll ever be. You should still read though. Reading is good for the mind and if done properly, will make you a worldly and wiser person, which is as good a reason to read as it making you smarter would be if that were possible. I know lots of very smart but boring people who don't read, and I know people who aren't brilliant by any means, but have cultivated an interesting personality and world view by doing lots of it. This is a cliché, but Intelligence is kind of like the sharpness of your sword and insight is knowing how to cut with it. You can't do much about the former, but you can the latter. People will willingly throw themselves into all manners of pain, all for the sake of maintaining some self-imposed illusion as to their own abilities and intelligence, which they could easily avoid if they would be courageous enough as to admit their own shortcomings and limitations. Don't read through a mountain of classics if you think that when you finish, you'll be more intelligent than when you started, because you wont be. All you'll have done is waste a colossal amount of time.

>> No.11212996

No. But brainlets who went in to humanities instead of STEM like to tell themselves that it does.

>> No.11213003

young kids benefit from reading challenging works and it will raise their iq, verbal iq, symbolic reasoning skills.

>> No.11213055

No, if anything, it reveals how dumb you truly are.

>> No.11213192

Sort of. It won't increase your general intelligence, but it will make you better at parsing and interpreting information

>> No.11213986

OP utterly btfo

>> No.11214157

No, but it makes you seem smarter, and that's just as good