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11202362 No.11202362 [Reply] [Original]

I don't like destruction of cultures and languages (of unique worldviews and lives and history) wrought by globalism, consumerism, and ultimately: capitalism. Especially because they're replaced or subverted by cancerous American-Anglo culture and institutions. However, I can appreciate the idea of a united humanity. A truly global world. Where one identifies primarily as human (in an ethnicity sense), or at least secondarily. I think this combined with aggressive emphasis on revitalising and preserving the aforementioned cultures and languages is probably the only path available given the circumstances. Otherwise complete, unabashed homogenisation will ensue. I suppose the youth of the world bring this more and more into the fold too, their ancestors moreorless continuously discarded their own ways, eventually arriving at a neutered and alien state. While the youth are, in contrary to the recent times, extremely conscientious of these things. I think in many countries there is a real rejection of progressivist upheaval, as the youth are more and more the ones that have to deal with the resulting world. But then, this conscientiousness sort of removes the naturalness of ones tradition, culture, language, etc. It becomes somewhat artificial and perhaps degraded.

Anyway: a singular human ethnicity. Being humans we share a lot. So, there's plenty of material for a shared ethnicity. There is innate mutuality there. Yet, most of us don't seem to be very conscious of it (when related to our other groupings). We often speak of it philosophically and especially existentially, but not in terms of ethnicity. Do you think an introduced 'Other' could start making people think of their humanity in ethnicity-like terms? Imagine alien contact, especially of the hostile sort. What do you think would happen to people's identities?
vid related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1CQ7Vwz8Eo

Recommend books on identity and the like. Also, on this shared humanity.

>> No.11202508

Fuck you