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/lit/ - Literature

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11201933 No.11201933 [Reply] [Original]

What authors helped you grow out of Christianity and mature as an honest human being?
For me it was Stirner, Nietzsche and Hume.

>> No.11201972

Whence cometh evil?

Absolutely no response other than just admitting to a somewhat malevolent and unreasonable deity. Unless of course our morality is nothing like God’s but this would then make the similes and analogies of his traits worthless and superfluous, which would then bring up the question of why we have to learn them or call him those false traits. And it would call into question the values we’re supposedly instilling and eventually leads back to unreasonableness which is much harder to get out of without admitting to total ignorance and absolute faith, which then again brings up new questions of teleology, soteriology, the necessity of the Church, of Christ’s resurrection. I think that Theodicy is pretty much an admission that all you can hope for with Theism is that there is a God and everything else is basically uncertain and faith based (assuming you think you have knowledge of God, specious at best) which ruins religion, which is the reason people believe in God, because they want to moralize, to bind a community to a Law and to give power to priests. So, Epicurus doesn’t refute God but he makes a mockery of Christianity, specifically the Church and Christ’s resurrection or the idea of Sin.

This removes most impetus for theism and if you’re still a believer of the general notion of God you have to deal with total poverty of proofs and isolation from others who don’t think about god. Would be uncomfortable because of sociality, and eventually most of these lineages would die off without a faith to give. You’d see sporadic theism at this point but it would always be ostracized and negated by a lifetime of social indifference and probably reduced mating opportunities.

Sad to think about, hence religion is depressing by default. I hate the idea that much of this shit is fake and unbelievably diseased, its just another stain on our record as sapient life, and nothing replaced it in the 20th century. Science is hollow and for corporate power; politics is pure deceit and hedonism spreads you so thin you can’t justify it to anyone after its had its way with you and you’re a hollow wraith banshee begging for highs. Really fucked up. But this is all the case, im sorry anons!

>> No.11202015
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>grow out of Christianity
cutting myself on the edge you got there

>> No.11202021

Going to a christian college, that was in a cultural bubble that I had some family in, but wasn't a part of.
Tying back to /lit/, I went through the whole evangelical christian "my son discovered porn" routine, and William S. Burroughs no homo, I watched the Cronenberg movie and realized I had the stomach for smut helped me recover from being shamed for having a libido. and just cementing my assumptions that religious moralizing just figuratively castrates your potential as a human being.

I don't get you fucking dweebs needing some intellectual jerk-off to convince you that christianity is a scam. Just get some outside perspective and take an inventory of how absurd and self-destructive it is and decide how you want to proceed from there.

>> No.11202030

>catholic apologist memes

>> No.11202035

I didn't need any authors. I was raised by educated parents who never discussed their personal spiritual or religious beliefs with me, and let me figure things out myself. Since religion had no compelling evidence on any level, and its loudest proponents were usually complete illogical assholes, it never tempted me. Life is quite wonderful enough without worrying about a deity's agenda.

>> No.11202038

>religion that helps you to confront the absurd and destructive nature of life
>gets accused of being absurd and self-destructive

It's a thing called honesty. You can't hide from life forever.

>> No.11202040

You think that's edgy? Look at the shitshow they started this with.

>> No.11202056
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>Tfw you see through the facade of religion and assend to a higher level of rationality only to post low-quality bait.

>> No.11202064

What is worse, coming to terms with your sexual history honestly with your wife and finding some consensual resolution together, or buying into the "shame" game, completely ignoring and repressing the issue to maintain appearances, only to be stuck walking a thin line where the meer mention of the word "pornography" could knock you back into a porn binge and self-loathing (because a false "solution" to your problem didn't work, so it must be your fault).

Real story: I was at Calvin College in MI. They cancelled a New Pornographers concert for that reason. Literally any other culture could have offered that man a better framework to process his issues than christianity. Any other culture has a more nuanced approach to sexual morality and deconstructing what pornography is.

>> No.11202162


>> No.11202258

>buying into the "shame" game, completely ignoring and repressing the issue to maintain appearances, only to be stuck walking a thin line where the meer mention of the word "pornography" could knock you back into a porn binge and self-loathing
I have no idea what shame game you're talking about. At my church we've spoken quite openly about pornography, not just denouncing it in some idiotic one-dimensional way. It's complex issue and what you're referring to sounds more like the paranoid temperance of American Protestantism than Christianity generally.