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File: 13 KB, 220x304, Aleister_Crowley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11199835 No.11199835 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of Crowley? I think he's brilliant.

>> No.11199863

incredible to think that there are people who still read this daft old turd and take him seriously

>> No.11199892

Leah Sublime,
Goddess above me!
Snake of the slime
Alostrael, love me!
Our master, the devil
Prospers the revel.

Tread with your foot
My heart til it hurt!
Tread on it, put
The smear of your dirt
On my love, on my shame
Scribble your name!
Straddle your Beast
My Masterful Bitch
With the thighs of you greased
With the Sweat of your Itch!
Spit on me, scarlet
Mouth of my harlot!
Now from your wide
Raw cunt, the abyss,
Spend spouting the tide
Of your sizzling piss
In my mouth; oh my Whore
Let it pour, let it pour!

You stale like a mare
And fart as you stale;
Through straggled wet hair
You spout like a whale.
Splash the manure
And piss from the sewer.
Down to me quick
With your tooth on my lip
And your hand on my prick
With feverish grip
My life as it drinks—
How your breath stinks!

Your hand, oh unclean
Your hand that has wasted
Your love, in obscene
Black masses, that tasted
Your soul, it’s your hand!
Feel my prick stand!

Your life times from lewd
Little girl, to mature
Worn whore that has chewed
Your own pile of manure.
Your hand was the key to—
And now your frig me, too!

Rub all the much
Of your cunt on me, Leah
Cunt, let me suck
All your glued gonorrhea!
Cunt without end!
Amen! til you spend!

Cunt! you have harboured
All dirt and disease
In your slimy unbarbered
Loose hole, with its cheese
And its monthlies, and pox
You chewer of cocks!
Cunt, you have sucked
Up pricks, you squirted
Out foetuses, fucked
Til bastards you blurted
Out into space—
Spend on my face!

Spend again, lash me!
Leah, one spasm
Scream to splash me.
Slime of the chasm
Choke me with spilth
Of your sow-belly’s filth.

Stab your demonic
Smile to my brain!
Soak me in cognac
Cunt and cocaine;
Sprawl on me! Sit
On my mouth, Leah, shit!

Shit on me, slut!
Creamy the curds
That drip from your gut!
Greasy the turds!
Dribble your dung
On the tip of my tongue!

>> No.11199894

I think that his fiction is mostly really terribly written self-insert masturbation.

>> No.11199923

For some reason I always thought this was Henry Miller

>> No.11199951

This is unironically good

>> No.11199953

The idea of Crowley is much better than the reality, which is dull.

>> No.11200128

absolutely based

>> No.11200175

God just is the force that reconciles greater and greater contradiction. His ascent up the aethyrs is like a dialectical ascent to the absolute. All that edgelord stuff comes from Crowley's deep awareness of evil and the reality of Sorrow, which is why the visions are so consistently terrible and rapturous together.

>> No.11200187

Fiamma of the Right was a better villain, but loli Aleister makes for a good sidekick

>> No.11200194

He is very systematic and his books are a good way to gather a lot of information quickly HOWEVER so is the internet.

>> No.11200232

>Shit on me, slut!
>Creamy the curds
>That drip from your gut!
>Greasy the turds!
>Dribble your dung
>On the tip of my tongue!
found my new tinder bio lads

>> No.11200292
File: 5 KB, 240x210, images (44).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lot you can say about Hegel and Crowley. Big difference is that for Crowley reconciliation is ecstatic, not notional.

For both soul exists as an opacity that just is Chaos' self-interpretation. For Crowley the sun (logos) is blinding. Reason is an anomaly of truth. Crossing the Abyss is living the realization that reason is grounded by its antinomies.

The Night of the World in Hegel is also Choronzon, the absolute dispersion of contradiction that is A = B: or otherness is the condition and basis of your existence. The nauseous preconscious slurry of images. This is also the idea behind CHIM. The Gnostics were right to feel that life is captive to the movement that it is.

All processes are excremental, Crowley says every heaven is the excrement of the one below it. Because the subject is a porosity to nothing, it exists only as the creative membrane that appropriates non-sense to its Sense. So in a way it's a stomach, and God is the All-Stomach and All-Sense - the Eye, Ouroboros, Ain 70. Life-deniers are those who are invited to the banquet and do not eat. I don't remember accepting the invitation. One never does.

>> No.11200301

This desu.
Laura a best villain tho.

>> No.11200533

>Laura best villain
When did this happen? I dropped Index in vol. 20 of the OT, didn't even get to touch NT.

>> No.11200549
File: 156 KB, 709x595, 1526434458345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for this post.

>> No.11200712
File: 114 KB, 500x576, Mind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So for Crowley the Sun obfuscates the truth. For Hegel the Sun IS the truth, because just is its intelligibility in the Sun - because for Hegel the serpent didn't lie about Adam and Eve becoming like Gods, because God is the knowledge of God.

The summit of Hegel's Tree is Da'at, he can't see beyond the rationality of experience, but at the same time, Crowley and Hegel understand this movement to be nothing but the void's obfuscating itself to itself; an obfuscation that is a revelation. That which hides the Void is itself the Void in the mode of its own negation. The circle begins and ends with Nothing, but that Nothingness has to bloom for having undergone the movement. Crowley says light is just the negative. Light is the (self)-negation of darkness.

>> No.11200888

>He is very systematic

> let's experiment with the effects of various drugs on the human nervous system!

> marijuana. hmm.
> cocaine. hmm.
> morphine... huh...
> morphine...
> morphine...
> morphine...
> morphine...
> morphine...
> morphine...
> morphine...

>> No.11200937

Did all his best work before Kanchenjunga.
People forget the part where he was living on an island alone with a mohawk and formulated "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law."
It's no coincidence that's an eleven word sentence. Each word fits in place according to the Sephiroth.

>> No.11200943

Pretty recently. Penultimate volume.
Also, it's actually Lola Stuart, but I lapse into Laura because fandom.

>> No.11200962

I wasted a lot of time on Crowley in my 20s and deeply regret it. Ultimately he's spiritual/intellectual junk food. Yeah, Leah Sublime is cool, but then there's AHA! and suchlike trash. Read literally anything else there's a thread here on instead.

>> No.11200964

If it ain't broke

>> No.11200965


>> No.11200967

Can i just join a monastery? Sit in a corner and meditate in silence? Eat the occasional bowl of cabbage water and look towards the heavens?

>> No.11201200

Darkness is the self-negation of light according to the kabbalists.

>> No.11201231

And the negation of this darkness is light.

>> No.11201243

thanks for your opinion.

>> No.11201340


How can I get into contact with you, ascended one?

>> No.11202477

>praised as a brilliant Occult writer
>people who follow his methods are 99% degenerate deadbeats

I know this from experience

'You will know them by their fruits' isn't a joke

>> No.11202485

That’s grody

>> No.11202488

Same here senpai

Still love mysticism but tbqh the modern occult is a road to absolutely nowhere

What's more, most of the states Crowley was discussing (and is praised for as some innovative spiritual genius by thelemites) were well familiar to the Church mystics by the fucking 1400s

Makes more sense when you realise the GD were all protestants

>> No.11202491

I find Hubbard's writing more interesting

>> No.11202496

He's free negro food, other than that I don't see the value

>> No.11202497

Hubbard makes Crowley look upstanding and legit

And that's saying something

>> No.11202510

Recently picked up NT, but the lines of Laura at the end of WW3 cemented her for Best Waifu. Let's see how that holds up against her NT characterization and this famous one-eyed girl

>> No.11202528


>> No.11202529

He'd be okay if he didn't keep telling you just how amazing he is every other sentence. The terrible thing is there are people who drink that coolaid and apparently take him at his word. Nobody told Crowley ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.11202535

Fuck off Michael Kirkbride, memospore was a spook and /lit/ is my new home

>> No.11202540

This is exactly what I hate about Crowleyan mysticism

>bro this has 11 words
>like 11 sephiroth
>remember those brah?
>then 1+1 is 2 like duality

Number wanking does not produce legitimate spiritual insight or change within oneself

Neither does saying words so your throat vibrates.

Even if it can produce some psychological experiences such as visions, so what? You can see from those following his teachings that it just creates permentant edgelords, there's no actual transformation of the self, despite what he claims (his own life being a prime example of this)

>> No.11202563


>> No.11202569

Apparently Nick Land spent a whole month locked up in a small apartment in Shanghai studying this guy.

>> No.11202572

Hegel didn't say anything about the sun being truth

>> No.11202618

Yeah that figures

>> No.11202650

Crowley is the beginner's guide to the occult.

>> No.11202655

Can anyone tell a bit about Thelema? All I read about it was vague and perplexing.

>> No.11202659
File: 32 KB, 300x475, 32993979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11202662
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>> No.11202669
File: 42 KB, 323x499, 51YGXf+7NHL._SX321_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11202671

Is he the English Georges Bataille?

>> No.11202912
File: 491 KB, 1350x1198, Shadow_in_the_Warp_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think he's brilliant
Literally practice manipulation his own for his own malicious purposes and practiced pedophilia

>If it ain't broke
>become broke by wasting on morphine
>develop opioid addiction you can't sweat out

Crowley is the demon side of the occult. Like pure demon... keep reading but don't get caught in the warp

>> No.11202953



>> No.11203239


> son of a scottish lord
> ... morphine, huh?
> dies penniless, trying to eat a boiled egg a day with filed-down teeth

it wasn't broke, but he fixed it, all righty.

>> No.11203248

When i lived in Boston i met a Harvard literature student out looking for kicks and i turned him on to crack cocaine. Did i do wrong?

>> No.11203299

He wasn't the son of a Scottish lord though

>> No.11203312

The biggest jolly about him dying a withered old addict is his preaching in his books eg Diary of a Drug Fiend about how if one knows their True Will™ it's impossible to become addicted because one has a guiding purpose, darling, and drugs are merely tools to ends, not something to over indulge in. That's Crowley - everything he writes is an expression of his egotism, and therefore it's really not worth very much. He had value because he knew a lot about obscure occult philosophy but the Internet has rendered him obsolete.

>> No.11203865


>> No.11203874

>it's an even edgier version of Nietzsche episode

No thanks

>> No.11203879

I've literally never met one Crowleyean/Thelemite that wasn't miserable or batshit insane or inflicted by some physical disease or some combination of the three.

>> No.11203904

Bataille is ten times the genius Crowley was.

>> No.11204367

Are you being purposefully obtuse? The Sun represents reason, rationality, Logos

>> No.11204382

Robert Anton Wilson was pretty chill and also fairly big on Crowley. I myself don’t like Crowley however and don’t really know what Wilson saw in him.

>> No.11205827

Spiritual equivalent of antivaxxer blogs who tell you to eat animal bones to increase ur power

>> No.11205849

another pre-packaged burn from someone with a pre-packaged personality, next

>> No.11205855

Thats actually the first time i had that thought or used that sentence

>> No.11205891

> antagonist in that one book
> pretty big on

>> No.11207477

Source for this claim?

>> No.11207515


>> No.11208892

if this is true then I'm in.
and btw fuck you dumb monkey.

>> No.11208914

>a pre-packaged personality
That's mightily ironic coming from a crowleyan. You people are the hipster equivalent of chakra thots.

>> No.11208949

Manly P Hall is better

>> No.11209020

brah, you really think if he had fucked everything on two legs and summoned child-raping succubus in 19th century england that would stop us from reading him?

>> No.11209306


>> No.11210067

Difference is I actually know what he's talking about. Take your pseudery somewhere else.