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File: 78 KB, 1081x1080, pressed_lobelia_stem_blue_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11187006 No.11187006 [Reply] [Original]

>He doesn't used a dry pressed flower as his bookmark
Why don't you love, anon?

>> No.11187079
File: 38 KB, 640x404, soblu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I found glassed pressed flowers with a pressed fish on ebay
>I needed to fucking have it
>forgot to bid

>> No.11187087

>he wilfully stains his books with pollen and bee shit

>> No.11187091

I confess I use scraps of paper.
I.. I don't know.

>> No.11187096

>Why don't you love, anon?
I don't know.

Personally I use the receipt I got when I bought the book (or one from a different book).

>> No.11187298

I do dry press flowers & leaves in old books (mostly 19th century Bibles) but they're usually too fragile to be used as bookmarks. They're just nice to have.

>> No.11187309
File: 16 KB, 360x240, 240_F_121663602_0qni7XJydLSQIGcWS7f1yk2l6pT83Jlu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you need a bookmark?

>> No.11187318
File: 152 KB, 1500x844, bookmarks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why don't you love, anon?
Too much sinning, and a sinful world besides. And because indulgences keep my place for me.

>> No.11187324

>but they're usually too fragile
this is what makes them perfect for books.
Imagine reading "Aspects of Nature - von Humboldt" and having this delicate flower to physically remind you of nature as you carefully move it in between the correct two pages.

>> No.11187335

Yeah, but they'd get ruined too quickly with use, no matter how delicately you handle them. I like having them old. I still have some from my childhood.

>> No.11187343

>I still have some from my childhood.
Yeah, ofc. I haven't thought about it too much.
probably would have to put them in plastic foil or somehow in thin paper, but all that would then loose why I would want a flower as a bookmark.

>> No.11187351
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My kindle automatically saves my place

>> No.11187374
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...if you just can eat spaghetti!

>> No.11187432

>I still have some from my childhood.
that's sweet. I have some too. A riverstone I found when I was 6. A chunk of bone I found when I was 7. A chunk of glass I found with my late uncle.

>> No.11187463

>aspects of nature
Cosmos, v. 2, coffee table version- for the next two or so weeks I'll be able to use freshly cut day lilies as bookmarks (as opposed to the rather bland yarrow I have been using)..

>> No.11187817

That sounds aesthetic and pure anon. I might adopt it.

For my bookmarks I typically use an old, incomplete set of Thoth tarot cards. I draw the card at random and lose it or add it back to the shrinking deck... whatever chance dictates and whatever I draw, I try to find those themes in the book and pay particular attention to them.

>> No.11188197
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>> No.11188381

Does he use flowers for bookmarks, do you think?

>> No.11188398
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no. The only flowers he now has are upon his grave. ;_;

>> No.11188414
File: 745 KB, 898x972, charles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why don't you love anon ?
Because I won't be loved back .

>> No.11188537

>Why don't you love, anon?
ever heard of the hedgehogs dilemma?

>> No.11188580

mb cause I ain't no 80 my dude/dudette...?

>> No.11188596
