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/lit/ - Literature

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11185635 No.11185635 [Reply] [Original]

Can I get the non-Peterson course on Jungian psychology and literature? Jungian enthusiasts willing to bring their expertise to the board are welcome too.

>> No.11185879

Probably not a bad idea to start with reading Jung himself. Wish I could help you further than that but I don't know much about psychology. In any event, primary sources are always the way to start. Then explore the people referenced in the footnotes and bibliographies and find out who you like. Expand from there.

>> No.11185953

joseph cambell

>> No.11186044
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based niles

>> No.11186320

Thats like asking to get a non-Jungian course on Jungian psychology

>> No.11186476

Lol i feel you m8

Literally the same month i ordered about 10 books of jung and heidegger , peterson and his babby philosophy go viral

I dont want to be lumped in with these guys

>> No.11186478

Try Jung himself, and if you find him too unreadable then then start with Campbell. The Masks of God and Myths to Live By are good jumping off points but if you're a brainlet start with the Power of Myth and the Hero With a Thousand Faces.