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11133243 No.11133243 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth it?

>> No.11133250

The Voyage is better. Cheaper, significantly more compact, more comfortable to hold, same resolution and features

>> No.11133259

Kobo Aura One, if you're not pathetically poor.

>> No.11133271
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>Screen not flush

>> No.11133275

Get a Paperwhite for $100.

>> No.11133438

No, the main battery is in the case. It’s a compromise, not a breakthrough in thinness.

>> No.11133544

The 7" doesn't have a battery case.

>> No.11134295

Just get a Paperwhite. Best bang for your buck.

>> No.11134382

This. Always this. You won't find a better deal than this. Everything you'll ever need in an ereader.

>> No.11135656

Why e readers are not accepted as the superior platform for reading?

>> No.11135732

paper is romanticised

>> No.11136027

Can this even fit in a coat pocket?

I have a paperwhite and honestly it's almost perfect. I would take the paperwhite over this thing anyday. If you want to spend more then buy the voyage or whatever the fuck.

>> No.11136217

I don't use Kindle or ePub format.

For me, I have to get the big ass e-readers and download the PDF instead. I have a page number I can go back to.

Epub has just progress bar shit.

It should at least correspond to a rough estimate of the page in real life.

>> No.11136241

Convince me why I should buy a Kindle instead of physical books

>> No.11136308

1) You will literally save thousands of dollars if you pirate books. This is specially true if you like the classics, as those books are almost guaranteed to have pristine epub versions online, which you can easily convert to mobi with Calibre.

2) Related to one: ease of access to books difficult to get in your country. I live in Argentina, and if I want to read books in foreign languages, getting them in physical format is not always possible.

3) If you read books in foreign languages, the incorporated dictionaries are a blessing, since you don't need to put down your book to look up words online in your computer/cellphone.

4) The backlight is awesome. No longer need to struggle with lighting. You can read in plain sunlight or in total darkness.

5) You can literally have a whole library in a single device.

6) You can highlight and make notes without ruining the thing (I know not everyone is like me, but I hate writing on books).

7) Weight. It's MUCH more comfy reading in a Paperwhite than having a heavy, thick 1000 pages book in your hands. This is specially true in long reading sessions.

Honestly, just try it. I was a paperfag and kinda unconvinced by ebook readers until I bought my Paperwhite; it really is THAT good.

>> No.11136402

Easy access to "free" (pirated) books and the ability to carry around hundreds of books without having to actually carry around the books is great. I work on the ocean for months at a time and being able to cram a library into my backpack was a lifesaver.

>> No.11136433

I have a Kindle but I feel like I can read physical books faster. I still prefer the convenience though.