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11123848 No.11123848[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you study sexuality as a power relationship between men and women, women being privileged, what then is the solution if not society sanctioned rape?

>> No.11123861

But a possession can't have power.

>> No.11123863

Found the incel.

Fuck off back to /r9k/ you turbo virgin.

>> No.11123878

Why should Chad get 80% of the pussy?

>> No.11123945

It's how nature is. You've lost the genetic lottery. Deal with it.

>> No.11123979

But women aren't privileged, men can say no too.

>> No.11123980

men can unify to take down chad and share the puss-puss

>> No.11123984

the poor can say no to employment as well, but it isn't the same.

>> No.11124000

But porn already exists

>> No.11124004

>inequality is how nature works!!
>t. Capitalist

>> No.11124020

But both men and women need sex for their mental and physical well-beings. Blame the patriarchy for shaming women if they act on their natural desires.

>> No.11124035

but they do act on their natural desires by fucking only chad. Patriarchy isn't forcing women to fuck men they are attracted to but men they don't find attractive.

>> No.11124036

I'm sorry, I don't understand. Can you repeat the question with a few vigorous hip gestures?

>> No.11124040

Because those sexually “liberated” women go for everyone equally right?

>> No.11124045

>sex for their well being
t. brain poisoned by bernaysian p.r.

>> No.11124050


>> No.11124053


>> No.11124054

Enact an arsenal against them

An arsenal of good cooking and sweet nothings

>> No.11124057

plenty of women "settle" for less than attractive men if they're horny. Its a common thinkpiece topic on women's websites.

>> No.11124062
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>implying sexual activity is an issue of equality

Sorry to burst your bubble, but inequity is only an issue in regards to public institutions and the law. You aren't an oppressed class because you aren't attractive or outgoing enough to find someone that wants to have sex with you.

You act as if inequality isn't the driving force behind literally all of the natural world. It is. Difference is what drives the evolution of species. Life is quite literally the survival of the fittest. In nature, weak animals die or are killed, and even strong ones are struck down by random occurrence like wildfire and disease. Nothing is fucking fair.

The difference for you is that you live in a human society, where we get to feel mostly insulated from these concepts. However, it still plays out. People with severe mental illnesses or predispositions tend to not advance as far, are more susceptible to removing themselves from the gene pool through suicide, etc. This isn't even edgy. People who are ugly or have poor social skills are going to have a harder time finding a mate, and that's just life. It isn't inequality or injustice, it's human physiology. State sanctioned rape squads, where fat internet addicts can go derive minute amounts of pleasure in the 3 seconds it will take them to orgasm is not equality or justice, and it will never happen.

What makes me happy about incels is that they know it will never happen, deep down. They know the only thing in the way of their social condition is themselves. They sit around on their computers talking about rape squads, uprisings, etc. All because they can't get pussy. All while knowing it will never come true.


>> No.11124068

This is statistically false. The top 70% of women will only ever fuck the top 30% of men. The bottom 30% of women go to the bottom 70% of men. This works because men are much more sexually imclined than women, so that top 30% of men can very well fuck the vast majority of the female population. Making marriage sacred was done to prevent this by encouraging monogamous long term commitment that would mean the top 30% of men can only take the top 30% of women, and everyone gets their slice of cake.

>> No.11124072

Go shoot up a school about it you whining little faggots.

>> No.11124081

Requesting CIA arrest him after the next guy offs himself

Also any statistics about dating are entirely based on a certain locality.. Move if you cant get a date. Worked for me for a long time actually, now I'm making girls cum

>> No.11124082


Cite objective sources for your figures, incel.

>> No.11124090

>haha look at all these plebians who were born autistic

You are right in every respect in the natural world, but to get the “bottom majority” of males who will never/ rarely have sex engaged in society humans invented monogamy and marriage.

>> No.11124096

>plenty of women settle for lower men, even though this is both biologically unrealistic and unprovable, im going to call out the OTHER person for their sources

>> No.11124100

Something like 80% of people will reproduce by the end of their life e.g. most of these incels are only being driven insane by reddit propaganda.

>> No.11124102
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>i-it's because marriage isn't important anymore that I can't get lad y-you guys

>> No.11124103

>but inequity is only an issue in regards to public institutions and the law
And why should we care about it in the case of institutions?
I agree with your view, the weak should perish in the most painfull and humiliating way possible.
The strongest should kill and rape, and do whatever he wants, this is the true law of nature. All human laws are a form of degenaration and herd mentality.

>> No.11124106

SExual reproduction includes randomization without selextion. Thx

>> No.11124110

Percentage of adults ages 45 and older who have ever had a biological
child (2000)
Males: 84%
Females: 86%

US Department of Health & Human Services
"Charting Parenthood: A Statistical Portrait of Fathers and Mothers in

>> No.11124112

yeah me too

>> No.11124113

Yeah, taken from figures in the 1950’s and 60’s, the state of monogamy has changed from back then. Nowadays a very significant portion of millenial men are virgins at 30 and will probably be for life, let alone have kids
>le frog strawman

>> No.11124115


Burden of proof is on you. I'm still waiting for someone to cite a source and I'm willing to bet that nobody will, because those figures were plucked from thin fucking air.

>> No.11124117

To produce a society where more people are happier by distancing ourselves from natural law. To not understand this is sociopathy or delusion

>> No.11124129

>45 and older
>make an assertion
>no actually X is true heres a logical explanation why
>Show me proof
>No you made the assertion first and I explained my position
>Haha you still havent given me proof get rekt faggot

>> No.11124130

No way man youre not s version if you jherked yourself off

Also, women are just as likely to put out being more slutty now. Some people just have bum luck with chicks, and with them being so terrible it makes it easier

Seriously move somewhere chicks arent retarded, like out of the States. Learn Japanese. Be rich. Woimen will coume

>> No.11124136

We should care about it in the case of institutions because society needs to differentiate itself from the natural world. Obviously this can never be done fully, but if we want to have order and laws then generally speaking men, women, separate races and non-violent sexual orientations should be treated the same, barring biological requirements like birth control and athletic event separation.

My point was obviously not that rape and murder is okay because it is in nature. Being murdered is very different from not having any sex. Sexual decision making is also a product of the natural world, the difference is that "my feelings are hurt because I can't control my weight," is a very different predicament than "someone is killing me."

My point is that certain parts of the natural world obviously can't be allowed in our societies. Rape is one of these things. But being unattractive to mates is part of the natural world that has to be carried over, as the only other solution is the incel fantasy state-enforced rape squads, at which point we're back to nature in its full brutality.

So yeah, being an incel is just a product of the way our physiology works, and if you try to fix that through violent, savage means then our society will punish you. Not sure what's so hard to get.

>> No.11124139
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That is taken from a statistic in 2000
>inb4 tinder is changing everything
Tell that to shareholders

>> No.11124143

Incelbux when? Give them 50 dollars at month to fugg with a prostitute so they'll shut up

>> No.11124145

/lit/ - literature
Fuck off you whiny little shits

>> No.11124146

Women being slutty is only directed towards Chad, and I just am worried about the birthrate crashing and young men checking out of society to live on gibs and play video games. And yeah anyone can go to some porrer country and be rich and will be flooded by women, but they just are looking for an easy way out.

>> No.11124153


>still no figures to back up quoted stats

Not at all surprised. Stay mad, frogman.

>> No.11124157

A lot of these millenials are having sex, just not children, but that is a consequece of income inequality, not feminism.

>> No.11124174

Oh so you understand this when it comes close to home?
So on the things that you lack, we "must" distance ourselfs from natural law, because it would be unfair for you (probably things like: money, power, strength).
But when ugly and retarded incels, protest against the natural law of sexual market value, then it is wrong to go against our natural instincts (that probably will destroy our "society").
I can't believe someone is could be so biased and completly in denial.

>> No.11124177

Society is not obligated to find you a partner. Women are not obligated to touch you. Piss and moan all you like but neither of these facts will change your gay little incel revolution is never going to happen because you're too busy crying on the internet.

>> No.11124190

This is for you too >>11124174

>> No.11124207

I never know whether to be sad or to find the incel shit funny. On one hand these people don't need to reproduce, but on the other the parents of millennials really dropped the ball letting subversive media raise their children.

>> No.11124213

Being an incel can lead you down two separate paths:
Redistribution, shitty option, noone likes commies.
Or rejection of sensual pleasure and asceticism.
The second is wiser, the first pathetic.
One can only overcome involuntary celibacy by making it voluntary.

>> No.11124231


It's hilarious. The thing is I bet these guys aren't even ugly, they're just so abhorrent as people that no woman will go near them. And, instead of acknowledging the onus is on them, they throw their toys out of the pram and blame everything else because they aren't open to self-improvement.

>> No.11124234

>>inequality is how nature works!!
Yes it is, you loser.

>> No.11124235

Lol, it isn't about being in denial. I am proudly biased in this regard. Some parts of the natural world must remain in our societies and some can't.

Seriously, what is your solution to the issue of "sexual market value?" If this is such a barbaric thing that society must be rid of, what's your fucking proposal? It appears you're implying rape, in which case YES, IT'S WRONG. You should be biased against rape.

This argument is just so fucking pathetic. We distance ourselves from natural law in areas where it would cause horrific suffering in vast quantities of people... things like rape and murder.

I understand that being an incel is unpleasant, but if the only solution to it is to return to savagery then yes, I'm fucking biased against that. There are so, so many ways to improve yourself and find a partner. Half of the incels I see are overweight, a changeable condition. They have ugly, unflattering haircuts, which are easily changeable. They spend all of their free time playing video games instead of say, writing, exercising, reading, making films, hiking, volunteering, etc... literally anything to make themselves interesting.

I'm sorry, but just as there's that inherent unfairness in nature, even civilized society has bias and unfairness. Ugly people are just less likely to have partners, and you cannot morally justify rape in response to that.

>> No.11124242

No incels should either kill themslefs or be killed by somebody else.
And if you are stronger then me, you should kill me, take my money and rape my gf.
This is justice according to natural law, because all animals do this.
Why do you think that when it comes to humans it should be any different?

>> No.11124247


Disagree, all incels should kill themselves.

>> No.11124251

They're spoiled little whiners that had been granted everything by their parents. Then they come up against people that don't feel like indulging them and they throw hissy fits and bitch and moan at the first sign of rejection. They're also clueless when it comes to dating or any social interaction whatsoever so they have no clue what is appropriate and what isn't. I met a guy like this, everyone avoided him and whenever he talked pure bullshit came pouring out of his mouth. He wasn't even ugly, just insecure and obnoxious.

>> No.11124254
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based OP showing how retarded postmodernist precepts are when applied to their own grievance topics

>> No.11124312

>You should be biased against rape
Why all animal do this, therefore it just according to nature.
>We distance ourselves from natural law in areas where it would cause horrific suffering in vast quantities of people... things like rape and murder.
Again why? Because people suffer?
When a lion kills a gazelle, the gazelle feels pain! Is this unjust? Is this wrong?
When an orangutan rapes a female, she feels pain and maybe even emotional suffering? Should we care?
It is natural for the strong to destroy and abuse the weak.
And no i'm not ironic about it, and i don't give a shit about incels (they are weak and deserve being humiliated and destroyed, natural eugenics is the way i show my love for humanity) what i don't understand is the bias.
I think that morality is only a form of brainwashing, a form of manipulation that the weak try to use against those who are powerfull (the ressentiment of the herd against the lions).

>> No.11124322

It is obvious a lot of problems were the result of poor development and yet people like you celebrate the mistreatment of them. On and on it goes. Mankind is unkind.

>> No.11124323

>I don't know what post modernism is and dialectics the post

>> No.11124336


>bloo bla bloo my feefees

Hang yourself.

>> No.11124345
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>> No.11124348

Start viewing sex as a sacrament.

Darwinists will be gassed.

>> No.11124350

They are weak. They are genetic junk, so they should be bullied and tortured, it is fair.
And if after years of humiliation and bullying, they become mentally challenged/disfunctional, it is only their fault.
And if they start to feel resentfull and angry against us, we should suppress them like dogs and laugh at their disgusting dead corpses.
They were never meant to be born, and we shouldn't feel any sympathy for them, because this is justice.

>> No.11124352

Ah, it is good looks great.
I can fuck pretty and good girls, maybe not too often, but there is always a 6/10 girl that want to drink a beer, eat an icecream or a coffee and fucks after that.
Well, what was the last book did you read, /lit/? Was it good?

>> No.11124359
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>> No.11124365


t. 18 years of age and has just read Ni-shii

>> No.11124378

Do you have an argument against the will to power?
Or you are only capable of making meme responces?

>> No.11124384
File: 30 KB, 498x400, 9f337f73b06b91f9cda8ce99b3c38287--friedrich-nietzsche-lou-salome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The virgin neetch vs. The chad ree

>> No.11124387

Why don't men just stop being pussies and disregard sex?

>> No.11124391

anyone else /tWiStEdFuCkInGpSyChOpAtH/ here?

>> No.11124393

>just sublimate bro :)

>> No.11124396

>believes in the will to power
What went wrong?

>> No.11124403


>> No.11124409

>women don't want to have sex with me
Is it something I'm doing wrong?
>no, women are mistaken. Let's change society because changing me is hard

>> No.11124412

Societies and law are just as natural phenomena as raping like a beast. The behavior is different because we're distinct from other animals. Deriving your oughts from what other species are and do - the absolute state of this board.

>> No.11124417

lmao, where the fuck is that from

>> No.11124423

>i'm weak and people beat me up and joke about me
Could it be my fault because i'm subhuman?
>nah lets change society so that weak shits like me don't have to suffer

Untermensh thought pattern

>> No.11124426
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The true natural selector has returned from beyond.

>> No.11124436

>your oughts
Lol the usual untermensh
>muh morality
>muh feelz
>muh people shouldn't suffer
>muh human rights

Disgusting herd mentality

>> No.11124437

>implying not getting laid = violence

>> No.11124441

Yes. It's retarded.

>> No.11124456

Lady in the middle is lou salome, cucked nietzsche so he abandoned a rigorous skepticism for his homoerotic superman

>> No.11124458
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>> No.11124460
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I don't get it. Why do you call yourself subhuman?

>> No.11124463

>Waaaaaaaah ur weaaaak
>But weak people were able to change society
how does that work

>> No.11124470

I'm a fag and my fetish is basement dwelling incel neets. I want to savagely top them bareback and watch my Aids riddled come trickle out of a bleeding incel asshole. Unfortunately, incel neets don't want to fuck handsome fags like me. I think the state should arrange it so I can fuck them.

>> No.11124473

Because they act like a herd against the solitary wilf.
But what will they do against a pack of wolves?

>> No.11124479

I am aware of his relationship (or lack thereof..) with salome, but I didn't think the picture was real lol. thought it might've just come from some really terrible porn parody. but thanks anyway

>> No.11124482

If you are strong enough to rape them.
Then do it, because it is your right to do so. Please kill them after you have finished.

>> No.11124514

maybe you should quit thinking about sexuality as a "power relationship" and instead view it as the product of the bond between "consenting" entities. or maybe the "physical" story of a relationship

also if you are implying that there is a problem with viewing sexuality as a power relationship, then not viewing it as a problem seems like a pretty easy solution.

but also even more easy is to imply that there is no solution.
becuase people trained in tactics and warfare, will tell you that reping women is only going to escalate things.
or atleast keep this machine in perpetual motion.

>> No.11124516
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>foucault wasn't a postmodernist when even his wikipedia article says it
>I'm going to defend my degenerate ideology by obfuscation: the post

you're the cancer killing /lit/ please kill yourself or return to reddit

>> No.11124519

You are trying to assert your power/dominance on me and nietzsche's view of the world, by using an insult.
Everything you do and everything that you are is just will to power, even when you try to deny it.

>> No.11124524

false dichotomy

>> No.11124525
File: 28 KB, 400x600, 7A145A3C-A14D-46C7-B3D0-F45DAEC058AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Augustine anticipated, engaged and accepted postmodernism you pseud

>> No.11124528

Kill me if you can, and then take my stuff.
It is fair. This is justice.

>> No.11124544

It's not justice but a naturalistic fallacy.

>> No.11124550

Monogamy and infidelity is a Catholic invention for anti-chad and we ruined it

>> No.11124552

statistics are for /pol/ and /his/ and /sci/
not lit.

fuck you and your statistics.
making everybody think that 70% is pretty much 100% ,ALL THE TIME UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES.
regardless of how faggots arrived at these numbers.
and how well you understand the nature of statistical "investigations".

>> No.11124554

You think you're trying to assert power over me but in reality you're projecting your failure to play the human game by subscribing to a meme worldview that makes you feel superior and lets you disregard the rules.

Everything you do is mere rationalization that let's you run from the sudoku path, even when you deny it.

>> No.11124557

There is nothing but nature.
What do you want to appeal to, god? humanity?
When a blackhole consumes a star, is it just?
When a virus kills a bacteria?
The entire universe is nothing more then will to power.
There is no justification for anything.

>> No.11124558

"lower men"

i thing the biggest issue is standards

people need to quit thinking that a 100 foot tall women is going to climb out from the clouds and shove you up her snatch with flushed cheecks and a smile for all eternity. which is illustrated in that statistic.

but most of those statistics are based off of online dating.
which is a very disingenuous form of courtship IMHO.

if you actually made a study on relationships that were form specifically "in real life" I think you'd find a bell curve, or a more even distribution.

>> No.11124561 [DELETED] 

Yes you speak of justice you imbecil. Consistency is a virtue.

>> No.11124563

not an argument

>> No.11124567

Yet you speak of justice you imbecil.

>> No.11124574

>monogamy is bad
shit taste

>> No.11124592

>your failure to play the human game
Because i was born weak, ugly and retarded.
I failed either due to genetics/environment or some combination of the two.
People abused me my whole life, and justly so because indeed i should have never been born.
Someone should purify the earth, by puting an end to my misery.
I am naturally inferior and subhuman, nietzsche helped me to realize this. And i wish to perish at the hands of the strongest one, who should take away everything that used to belong to me, he will make a better use of it.

>> No.11124597

Indeed justice is just a human immaginary concept, that makes no sense once you analize this world.

>> No.11124614

I hope you actually believe this anon, because if so you've done one right thing
The weak shall be destroyed by the strong and that is what you should hope
God bless you

>> No.11124615

Purify why? Strongest how? Shouldn't have been born why? How were you justly punished if there's no justice? How is misery determined and what its based on? Are you buying into Nietzsche because he gives you an out? What is "you" and why do you keep attaching oughts to it despite your emo relativism/nihilism?

>> No.11124622


>> No.11124626

You at least are analizing Nietzsche with your projections.

>> No.11124627
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>> No.11124631

>> will to power.
do not fall for this male spook. Relation of submission and power are in the head of men more than anything else

>> No.11124637

>The weak shall be destroyed by the strong and that is what you should hope
Yes, but not before doing the same to those who are weaker then them ^_^
May the strongest among us destroy everything in his path.
Dionysus will indeed bless us

>> No.11124645

God choice, I'm glad you see the natural state

>> No.11125126

>>inequality is how nature works!!
It is.

>> No.11125345

I wonder if there's anything that can actually be done to reverse this trend of women getting more agency.

This is obviously the worst possible bit of evidence to quote on the subject, but the basic idea of this infographic is correct, I would bother to make citations here but come on it's 4chan, just look this stuff up if you're that curious.

Women are more selective than men, humanity over the years actually developed a peculiar trait compared to apes and our other evolutionary cousins.

We practiced monogamy. The reason we did this was because, unlike our evolutionary cousins, cooperation was necessary for survival, so even non-"top 20%" men had the advantage of being able to attract partners.

Now, in modern society, obviously this has changed, as have female preferences. I'm not trying to say there's some kind of highly objective classification of conventional attraction and that individual sexual choice is a strcitly monotonic function of this variable or anything like that. But, the basic principle that women are more selective than men persists, with the difference being that men do not, in a society of excess, have the ability to compensate for this weakness because they can provide food via cooperative work.

The problem for most men in modern society is that women can do that themselves, with the additional problem that there seems to be some kind of pre-theoretical belief that women AREN'T quasi-possessions that ought to be rewarded to good men. So, it is not the case that, the same way you'd say a hardworking man ought to earn his daily bread, you'd say that a hardworking man ought to be able to get his dick wet.

Women now, unlike bread, seem to be escaping their categorization as objects. This is a problem for most men.

I can understand why people would argue that women aren't obligated to put out, as a matter of principle. But it seems dishonest to look up research on what we find attractive and still disagree that, as a whole (emphasis on as a whole), women are more picky than men.

A cultural shift that empowers women isn't just going to empower women it's going to rob most men of privilege. Know this, we've already lost and there's nothing we can do to reverse the trend, but do not forget that, even if you don't fit in to the conventional, gendered, description of what makes an attractive MAN, robbing women of their sexual autonomy STILL benefits you.

It's worth it, gendered conception of attractions might change a bit with empowered women, but the basic "selectiveness" of women WILL persist, hold on to your privilege, do not let it get away. It will, you cant change that, but you can try.

The left will try to convince you that the patriarchy hurts you, especially if you cant check all the boxes of "toxic" masculinity.

IT DOES NOT, it only helps, take this as someone who hasn't only done research on the topic but has lived in different societies that give women starkly different liberties.

>> No.11125356

>take this as someone who hasn't only done research on the topic but has lived in different societies that give women starkly different liberties

And I've just focused on the more controversial bit, sexual privilege aside, why the fuck would you want to lose out on your economic and cultural power? What the fuck is wrong with you guys? You can't possibly tell me that you don't derive benefit from thaat?

Stop letting go of our privilege.

>> No.11125371

>Because i was born weak, ugly and retarded

I feel you, I like how you can derive some kind of masochistic desire out of this though, how do you hold back the urge to kill yourself anon?

I don't think I can do this anymore and I'm just 21. This loneliness is hard man, I've managed to get pussy because I'm outgoing and shit, but noone is going to settle for me long term, it sucks.

>> No.11125419
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I sympathize, unlike many other harsh critics, with “incels”’ feelings of how brutal it is to be an unassuming/ugly/weak man in this society, and how it feels to have no female attention. But their proposed solution of “therefore let’s force society back into a monogamous Christian culture” is fucking stupid. First, it’s not happening. The modern West has become much too liberal and secular, we’re not going back to this monogamous culture any time soon. If it does happen, it’ll be a natural and probably not too overwhelming trend as a reaction on the part of some more traditional-minded people against what they view as the degeneration of society.

This isn’t going to change that women are consistently more liberal than men, and don’t feel they have much reason to support going back to what they think is “oppressive gender roles” of being chaste and monogamous. Why would they do that when the modern sexual economy gives them, as people note, so much power? Why would women want to date some nerd when they can just go on Tinder and fuck “Chad”?

Second, think about this from your own viewpoint. What if really ugly, fat, nerdy, overly resentful etc women started conplaining about how they don’t get enough attention from men and that we need to go back to a monogamous culture where it’s one husband to one wife, so that these women aren’t left out?

>inb4 “she’d immediately have a million beta orbiters running to her when she complained about that”

Really ugly and fat women, OK? How would you feel if they were saying “men MUST want to have sex with me, it’s just a moral thing to do.” Youd obviously say, “no you fucking ugly skank, no one’s obligated to have sex with you, maybe if you exercise and put on some makeup and change your personality and aim lower you’ll get a boyfriend. No ones obligated to be your boyfriend if they’re not attracted to you naturally.”

Moreover, while I’m certain there are just very ugly people who may feel really insecure about their ugliness and feel justified in being so bitter, this doesn’t detract that: ugly people hook up, and some “incels” are average looking and even perhaps somewhat handsome but just can’t get a girl because of not trying, social anxiety, or straight up having a repellent personality. Pic related, an actually somewhat handsome “incel” whose problems with women were mainly from extreme narcissism, autism, anger issues, and expecting that women had an obligation to have sex with him and want to date him without him even making the first move. Rodger looked like any theater-kid douchebag who always manages to pick up a girlfriend. It wasn’t looks, it was just shitty personality.

>> No.11125474

>No ones obligated to be your boyfriend if they’re not attracted to you naturally.

How does that change the fact that its advantageous to revert to an older kind of society?
Fuck morality, let people believe in that if its their sense of morality aligns with your benefit, but really it's just advantageous to wish for an older society. It's not going to happen as you said, but still.

>> No.11125505

>people need to quit thinking that a 100 foot tall women is going to climb out from the clouds and shove you up her snatch with flushed cheecks and a smile for all eternity. which is illustrated in that statistic.
hot. Giantess world when?

>> No.11125538
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The solution is for women and men to realize that both genders lose out in life and waste tons of resources struggling against each other, and to retreat into separate spheres like in a Heinlein book, parallel and equal and part of one greater society but not comingled in the day-to-day

I don't need to be seeing a chick's cunt and asshole through her skin-tight semi-translucent yoga pants while I'm studying in a library. I don't need to be smelling a woman's sweat and perfume while I'm working at the office. I don't need to be surrounded by half-naked ovulating 15 year old girls while I'm sitting on the cucktube commuter chunnel on my 2-hour ride to work every day. I don't need to be bombarded by intense mind-invading Bernaysian sexual imagery of women every time I buy a bag of potatos. I don't need to have billions of hours of recordings of women getting supplement-enhanced truckloads of cum blasted on their faces or being forced to lick toilet seats and eat dog turds at my finger tips any time I sit down at the computer. I should come home and fuck my wife lovingly after an appropriate courtship period and then have nice children with her. Men should not be entering into fleeting relationships doomed to divorce with heads full of porno cliches and fantasies of jamming things in either party's rectum. Having daily society infused with sex and gender conflict is deadly and destroys society. Women used to have distinct spheres. I also want a giant woman to put me in her vagina.