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11097400 No.11097400 [Reply] [Original]

Books that predicted the future.

>> No.11097407
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>> No.11097408

you go first OP the traditionalist right wing conservative Christians are a dying breed in america

>> No.11097413

Digits: the book

>> No.11097422

you say that like it's a bad thing, a sick dog needs to be put down

>> No.11097424

dubs confirm

>> No.11097427
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>> No.11097430

there have never been true christians in america

>> No.11097441
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>> No.11097444
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>> No.11097459
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It totally works. Trust me.

>> No.11097469

You're only a traditionalist because the algorithm allows you to be

>> No.11097473


>> No.11097482

>this book predicted the future
>no it didn't the future is nothing like that
>good why would you want that you sick fuck

>> No.11097538

Reflections on the Revolution in France

>> No.11097577
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Lmao 2 hours from now.

>> No.11097598


>> No.11097599
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>> No.11097652
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>> No.11097658

Infinite Jest

>> No.11097670

t. roastie

>> No.11097723

Can I hear your take on this? Politics-wise to me what we ended up with is a less literally aesthetical progressivism. I think DFW deserves a solid B+ for prescience in that department.

>> No.11097734

I have never read it.

>> No.11097738

Not OP, but I'll chime in: Netflix binge-watching, for one

>> No.11097741
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take the Tedpill

>> No.11097793

Whatever by Houellebecq should be mandatory reading for everyone.

>> No.11097906

checked hard

>> No.11097927

It didn’t predict 1984 accurately.

>> No.11097951
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>Nobody predicted the culture of smartphones

>> No.11097985
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>> No.11097994

mass automation will induce insanity through unemployment resulting in the Butlerian jihad

>> No.11098040

>insanity through unemployment
oh yeah not toiling to make someone else money is such mind-wrecking torture. if nobody lets me clean their toilet today i will snap

>> No.11098049

why is the picture mirrored?

>> No.11098057

The real trick is extrapolating from smartphones today. What is to come? Some sort of widespread backlash; or maybe a more seamless integration of the device into everyday life’s interactions?

Actually, one amazing thing nowadays is people in high school are far faster tappers than typers. They type essays out on their phones; and smartphones are allowed in class, for that’s where all their textbooks are nowadays.

I was the last graduating class not allowed to have phones out. Not to mention growing up having my parents say “no phones at the table,” and, well, now look at us. It’s a chilling shift.

>> No.11098062


>> No.11098083
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>> No.11098089

Its about the present in Muslim country's.

>> No.11098277

SF writer Frederic Brown wrote a story "A Logic Named Joe", about a crazy future where everybody had a computer in their house, and they were all connected together through telephone lines, and you could ask them any question and they'd all confer to find an answer.

One of the computers broke down and started telling the family's children how to make explosives and such. the protagonist had to find that computer and fix it before the problem spread to the other computers. weird, right?

>> No.11098282

But Muslim countries have always been like that

>> No.11098288

>people in high school are far faster tappers than typers
That means that they are bad typers, not good tappers

>> No.11098395

this but unironically

>> No.11099414

Yep, even communist Afghanistan was exactly like the Handmaid's Tale.

>> No.11099514


>> No.11099523

Both of you need to fuck off. That anon merely pointed out The Handmaid's Tale didn't predict the future.

>> No.11099526

I hate evangelicals but the idea that they were ever going to establish some sort of theocratic, totalitarian state (or that most of them even wanted to) is extremely retarded.

>> No.11099545

Are you serious? They've only been like that since Sharia law was enacted. Islam isn't homogeneous across Middle Eastern history. I mean, it's shit, but it's not all the same, and hasn't always been there.

>> No.11099554

Is The Handmaid's Tale the most wrong dystopia novel ever written? 1984, Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451, and other dystopia novels got some things right whereas The Handmaid's Tale was totally silly when it came out and has gotten progressively sillier over the years. Although it wouldn't be so silly if it was about Muslims instead of Christians.

>> No.11099567

The Islamic Revolution in Iran, to be precise

>> No.11099594
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The Chronological Prediction of Every Significant Event That Will Ever Happen by Nostradamus Nostrilamus, 1500's

>> No.11099662

>Both of you need to fuck off. That anon merely pointed out The Handmaid's Tale didn't predict the future.
>That anon merely pointed out
>That anon
Wink wink, nudge nudge.

Occasionally, very occasionally, white knighting your own trivial comment may go unnoticed, but 99% of the time, even though nobody can be bothered to point it out, everybody knows it's you. There are only six of us posting, and one of us is a janitor who can see your IP address.

>> No.11099700

I'm neither of those anons and I just want to point out that this is the second time in this thread someone has proven a point wrong only for someone to ignore it and startinsulting the anon.
>Handmaid's Tale predicted the future
>No it didn't
>Why would you want it to you sick fuck?

>That anon didn't support Christianity, he just proved OP wrong
>Wow samefag much?

You're a cunt or multiple cunts

>> No.11099706

Atwood is clearly in denial when she talks about Christians as having a more imperialistic bent than Islam. Christians are known for converting /cleansing people through their books, Muslims are known for being forceful and appearing infamously terrorist like.

My bet is that Atwood secretly knows what's going on but feared being Rushdie'd to oblivion.

>> No.11099713

>My bet is that Atwood secretly knows what's going on but feared being Rushdie'd to oblivion.

this applies to most leftists

>> No.11099732
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Damn son, you really don't want to admit you were wrong about The Handmaid's Tale. Your off-topic shitposting is pathetic.

>> No.11099744

I've read Atwood's book on literary criticism, Survival. Honestly, yeah, she was a bit of a firebrand in her early years, she probably agrees, why do you think she lives on Pelee Island so much now? Not for the birds, but to survive, to be away from {{{them}}}.

>> No.11099809

She uses Piexoto as a means to educate us to become less academic and more sympathetic but there's nothing to be sympathetic about in her characters.

It's like people telling you to want to fuck a fat chick. There's no convincing, she meant to write a feminist book but she merely explained why not to bother through fatalism.

>> No.11099987
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>> No.11099994
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>> No.11100814

unironically a prophet

>> No.11100830


>> No.11100900

Herman's Idea of Decline in the west was much more accurate

>> No.11100922

Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf ("The Jews had brought the Negroes into the Rhineland with the clear aim of ruining the hated white race by the necessarily-resulting bastardisation")
Oswald Spengler - Decline of the West
Ted Kaczynski's manifesto
Aldous Huxley - Brave New World
James Burnham - Suicide of the West

didnt read the other answers before writing my reply, these are the most obvious ones.

>> No.11101527

oh yeah, didn't you check out the latest Christian movie to win at the Oscars? Fucking Catholics control all the culture in America. Feminism is such an obscure thing.


>> No.11101558

Welly Becky's books

>> No.11102325

Fucking kek

>> No.11102331

>far faster tappers than typers.
I don't believe this.

>> No.11102344

They could probably become faster typers if they spent any amount of time actually typing. Smartphones are designed so that apes can use them.

>> No.11102387

This, but unironically.

>> No.11103218
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>> No.11103222
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Upholder of the dubs confirmed

>> No.11103240

employment is the only source of identity and community for the majority of people over 25.

>> No.11103270


fucking feel this. getting together with a bunch of acquaintances and all we can ever figure out to talk about is work.

desu im probably just spiteful because i havent amounted to shit.

>> No.11103277

moreso in volume 3

>> No.11103282

Op was probably talking about Islam

>> No.11103300

It's not really a bad thing entirely, it just sucks nowadays b/c less favorable employment opportunities plus it's frowned upon to take pride in your job unironically. You can be a scientist, or a farmer at home and at work, but nobody is a retail worker outside Walmart.

>> No.11103303

Didn't she say "star wars did 9/11" in an interview once? I think she's just loosing her grip on reality in her old age, which is less of a political opinion and more of a bodily function.

>> No.11103320

Very few people take pride in their work though. I had a friend who worked in a store by my apartment and he said he hated that he never had to do any sort of preparation for it, he would just get up, throw some clothes on and walk to work to see what the day had to bring. Sometimes there were good moments according to him but a few times his days would be pointless and boring and he’d think to himself, what was the point?

>> No.11103581

what is the church you disgusting capitalist

>> No.11103675

The Demon Haunted World. Sagan predicts fake news and pseudoscience conspiracies, and kinda tangentially the echo chamber aspects of growing tribalism, or at least the "feels over facts" that's the basis for it.

>> No.11103761


>> No.11103771

Still wish they'd release a new unabridged version of Decline.

>> No.11103783
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>> No.11103796
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>tfw I only met one person who was training to be a priest
>korean guy
>ask him what about the church attracted him
>he says his brother is a successful drafter and the priesthood was decent employment they would approve of
>literally never mentioned his faith once, didn't even seem particularly religious
Capitalism eats everything anon; Christianity was a light snack, packaged and fetishized.

>> No.11103797

>*they being korean guys parents

>> No.11103924
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reviews are of a certain persuasion.

>> No.11104096

Anything by Houellebecq

>> No.11104116
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>> No.11104133

Brave New World in literally every respect except for the prevalence of helicopters. I don't mean figuratively. I literally mean every respect.

>> No.11104134

My Dubs: the book

>> No.11104135


>> No.11104225

This. I wanted to post the same.

>> No.11104230

Should be required for everyone on /r9k/.