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/lit/ - Literature

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11053828 No.11053828[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Seattle the worst "cool" city? There is no fucking culture here and the people are psueds, dumb as doornails, or wannabe faggots. What's the most /lit/ city in America? New York? Mexico City? Even LA is better than this shit hole.

>> No.11053942

i hear some good things about Austin. they aren't too precious to be stuck-up about it.

>> No.11053945
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>> No.11053955

Small cities. Get over the big city meme--they're all the same.

>> No.11053959

op did u read that article about the homeless wedding in seattle bum encampment in the nytimes marriage section? i thought wow the nytimes is finally covering the marriages of people besides ivy league lawyers for once, amazing, then u find out the bride is the daughter of rich executives in alaska and she just ran away and became a bum because her dad molested her and she got into meth, and the groom actually owns property in phoenix area and a job in construction but he prefers to live homeless for adventure, i'm like ok even when the nytimes covers a fucking bum marriages they turn out to be rich privileged assholes, the nytimes never changes

>> No.11053961

when you're calling an entire city shit how do you know that it's not just the people you yourself are speaking to? birds of a feather flock together ie how do you know that you're not a piece of shit and therefore connect with the same

>> No.11053963
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it's knoxville

>> No.11054016

To add:
Santa Fe, NM
Harrisburg, PA
Providence, RI

>> No.11054028

New york has had so many great authors

>> No.11054090

Savannah, GA
Asheville, NC
Charleston, SC

Atlanta is also pretty sweet but I wouldn't call it a small city

Austin is dope

>> No.11054152

I live in Atlanta, it's okay
I don't exactly know the cool places to hang out admittedly. There was a /lit/ weekly meetup there that I got emails about for a solid month and thought about going to but haven't. They had at least like five or six meetings, might even be ongoing now.

>> No.11054167

/lit/ cities don't exist. You might have a higher chance of finding some literary people in cities that have higher populations, but if you can't find anyone or anything to enjoy in Seattle then you will eventually hate wherever you move to.

>> No.11054192


>> No.11054205


who claims Knoxville is cool?

>> No.11054264


I was legitimately thinking about these types of cities today. The best "cool" and "up-and-coming" type cities are going to be medium-sized historic cities in the south, probably ones that have a decent college or two in the area. Think Charleston, Nashville, the research triangle in NC, Virginia cities, and possibly a few major college towns.

The same goes for the midwest - think flagship university or research center blue dots in primarily conservative states. This comes with the obvious drawback of having to deal with dumb shit rednecks, but it may be better than having to rent a room from an old divorced person to live in a tech hub where you are living life as if you're being sucked through a tube.

I just moved to Seattle and let me tell you, it kind of sucks to be in this situation. In most places in the country I would afford a two bedroom apartment with my earnings. Public transportation is good, there's plenty to do - but it is so damn crowded and all the really cool stuff is limited to the type of people who are rich as shit and decided Brooklyn was through or something. Austin, Denver, and Portland are in dangerously similar situations, but not quite as bad as this. My Chad HR co-worker was complaining about not being able to afford a studio today, and he probably makes way more than me.

If you can swing it in a place like Seattle, yeah; it's a great city. But if you're poor or even average at this point you're not even going to get to experience the cool stuff.

Oh, I forgot: if you live in a house with ten other people you might be able to make it. As a white dude who can't afford his own place, though, I can't even find a good roommate situation because the best deals are taken up by women and foreigners who band together and won't consider someone like me. I have gotten lucky before but I've had to live with psychos, too.

I wouldn't necessarily recommend it, but if anyone can point me to where the cool literature qties are in Seattle I'd be grateful.


I guess that's true.

>> No.11054320

Why did you move to Seattle? What do you do at Amazon?

>> No.11054329
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Baltimore, unironically.

>> No.11054336

"Universities" in the south are shit tier state schools for the most part though. Hardly /lit

>> No.11054340

any place that is solid majority black just aint gonna make it, too much risk that if the cops shoot a guy there will be a major riot or the cops will just stop working and stay in the car and let the thugs take over, also the public schools are guaranteed to suck so you can never move beyond hipster playground to serious adult culture because no one wanna send their kid to a shit school

>> No.11054342

Hey anon I moved here 1.5 years ago and lucked out with Craigslist roommates. I'm paying about $600 for a small room in a large house on the North side. Staying as long as I can haha

>> No.11054356

the risk is what makes it /lit. It keeps out fake upper middle class whites who will never produce anything of value. There's something about the contrast between the high culture and research that goes on at places like JHU, and the everyday struggle to survive outside of the security perimeter that made it magical for me, even having been mugged. It's a whole other realm of existence beyond the suburbs and domesticated cities like DC. Everything is aggressive here, people and ideas.

>> No.11054362


I don't work at Amazon but I work for a rando software company. One day I just decided to move to the PNW. I don't have any coding skills or anything, hell my degree is completely unrelated. I just kind of talked my way through a hodgepodge of jobs in the PNW until I got this one. It's unsteady but it pays.

I do love Seattle but I'm a pleb here. There is lots of fun stuff to do and I love the sports and weather when it's not shoot-yourself depressing and raining all the time. Trees are cool. But mostly I came here because the economy is on fire. The flip side is that this is a housing crunch that I'm not sure has ever existed.

>> No.11054366

Boston is the greatest fucking city in America. New York fags btfo

>> No.11054371

if thats how you think then new haven should be a big lit city but its actually a horrible waste pit with an ivory tower in the middle, nothing lit about it. also, the point of moving to "hip" and "creative" cities is to get rich gentrifying the place not to do some dumb slacker adventure, you buy a big abandoned factory for cheap, use it as a studio/crash pad for a ten years, and then sell it to a developer to make luxury condos and move to the place with good schools to start a family, don't be naive about "artists" roles dude they are a pawn of real estate investors, either be in on it or get played

>> No.11054373


I was more ranting about what cities make sense as "cool" cities which poor shits like the ones on /lit might have a chance to move to. But places like Oxford, MS, Knoxville, TN, and Baton Rouge/NO, LA have rich /lit connections.

Granted, part of what made them so was being shit-tier.


Solid arguments for Baltimore.

I'll address Santa Fe. In theory, it's an awesome desert place with rich history and stuff. In practice, it's full of hippies and retirees.

>> No.11054385

I'm a stemfag and people like you are why I hide my undergrad major from other people. May Starbucks and Apple be with you.

>> No.11054406 [DELETED] 

>I'll address Santa Fe. In theory, it's an awesome desert place with rich history and stuff. In practice, it's full of hippies and retirees.

i'm betting my investment dollars on phoenix, its all retirees now but they will die and be replaced by mexicans, moreover within maricopa county there is one of the top 20 highest income zipcodes which means there is capital available for building an entrepreneurship, granted there is only one school there and a state uni at that, but i also like that there is no exposure to natural disasters, and as solar power and battery tech becomes more mature that climate could be fare quite well, also the property taxes are one the low side, but at 4 million total metro its also one of the top ten largest urban area in the us which means there will be a good labor pool....

oh wait, you guys are looking for cities to hang around pretending to be beats, nevermind carry on

>> No.11054420

>does a mind numbing oriental degree to get a shitty middleclass career
>gets mad when "artsy" motherfuckers figure out ways to make big bank

stay mad, nerd

>> No.11054421

It has to be somewhere on the east coast, preferably in New England. It can't be /lit/ to my mind unless there's old stuff around.

>> No.11054429

>implying the next lit movement wont be all about the future and new possibilities

you lost before you even started