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/lit/ - Literature

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11033826 No.11033826 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone help me to understand realism vs. Modernism vs. Postmodernism in literature? Call me a brainlet if you want but I just honestly don't know what defines and separates each of them and I'd like to understand. And no, I'm sure it might sound like it, but I'm not trying to get help with homework or something. Just confused.

>> No.11033831

check the archive

>> No.11033851

Realism - the Norwegians and the Danish
Modernism - the Germans and the British
Post-Modernism - the French and the Americans

>> No.11033860

I'm still trying to understand it myself, so take this with a grain of salt, but I believe that Modernism is a sort of idealistic philosophy that we can discover the laws of nature and what things mean and what is ethical. It's basically the philosophy of the enlightenment. And Postmodernism is the idea that everything is constantly changing and everything has an infinite number of interpretations, so you're wasting your time by trying to categorize and sort out the world and you'd better just pursue aesthetic pleasure. This surely isn't the best explanation, and I'm certainly leaving out a fuckload of context and other information, but that's my rough idea of what those things are.

>> No.11034107

Sure you aren't leaving anyone out there, amigo?

Modernism can be understood using (mostly accurate) mainstream interpretations but what came after is trickier.

Postmodernism is mostly jewish/Marxist inversion. No form over form; search for superficial identity, since biological identity = racist for whites to identify with; social order and traditionalism are not inherently stabilizing forces, but evil fashist nahtzeeism (read:bad for jews).

And so on.

These notions and others have been getting infused into white culture for a century or more by jews but became institutionalized in the 60s by boomer useful idiot youth. Nearly every postmodern writer imbibed these ideas and expressed them in literary form.

Postpostmodernism, new sincerity, or whatever you want to call it, was the gen x (mostly) literary attempt to step off of that destructive path and mend a little of what the boomers tore down, but the rot was too deep for them to do anything more than wallow in the misery created by the previous generation, talk about drugs, and be hiply ironic. Half-measures, really; the next big wave is the full, restorative measure since we know (((who))) the root problem lies with now due to the internet and the widespread availability of information explaining how these cultural forces arose. That's on the way.
>b-but muh capitalism
Don't listen to idiots who say this. They do not understand the details of how and why people are different and produce different results, and thus must explain everything away through abstraction.

>> No.11034164
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>> No.11034167
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>> No.11034235

you can understand postmodernism if you, you know, understand what the ancients wrote about postmodernism because, even though you might not think it, the postmodernists have been around for a very long time. you know, if you look at the story of adam and eve in the garden of eden, you know, the snake was the first postmodernists, because the post modernists will tell you "you know, maybe you should eat the forbidden fruit, maybe you should disobey the divine father, maybe you should kneel for the national anthem". everyone knows one of these snakes, he's the guy telling you to skip out on studying to smoke gang weed, or your bitch wife telling you you should've picked your dumbass son from his clarinet rehearsal instead of spending 14 hours on a thursday night having a good time with The Boys. we've known from ancient times that the postmodernists are the one who enable a certain kind of narcissism, you know, the kind of narcissism that makes you say utter nonsense like, "you know, I really should eat the fruit" or "you know, maybe real communism hasn't been tried" or "maybe we should see a couples counselor." you know, I see so many young people around with these kinds of postmodern attitudes and I have to ask myself, you know, are these guys even really people, you know, because the postmodernists are like the snake because they've rejected logos, they've rejected reason, and they've been possessed by the devil, so to speak, of ideology, and you know, you gotta be like Jesus in the desert and make a stand against the devil and say "no I will not eat the forbidden fruit" or "I will not call you xir" or "I'm not signing those divorce papers, Debra", and you may say to yourself "wow that sounds hard" and you'd be right, but luckily for us our ancestors left us a guide in our genetic memory to help us out whenever we need to kill a snake, or call the cops on that illegal immigrant lawnmower your wife is spending too much time with, now I'm not saying you need to do LSD to find this guide, I'm not saying you need to get circumcised, all I'm saying is you can find all of this out in my book available for free download on my tvtropes user page where you can also find a link to my paypal, ok? praise jesus