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11026235 No.11026235 [Reply] [Original]

How did this novel predict the future so well?

>> No.11026267

Because history is fractual.

>> No.11026270

>it's a "fascism is not an ideology held by the couple of European dictatorships 80 years ago, but mysterious primordial evil" thread

>> No.11026282

Has anyone read Babbit by the same author; is it good/worth reading or just a thorough period piece like Man in the Grey Flannel Suit?

>> No.11026283

The only evil is violence and death done by human to human.

Fascism was the form that evil took, but any ideology can serve as its mask.

>> No.11026289

Fascism is just an expression of the luciferine nature of modernity

>> No.11026291

>it's another "I missed the point but quoted Peterson to sound deep" episode

>> No.11026294

Yall niggas need to check out Richard Rorty, he predicted Trump and mentions this book

>> No.11026327

>it's another faggot who posts on /lit/ yet sees everything in terms of television episodes and should go back to /tv/ where he belongs

>> No.11026333

How? Elaborate

>> No.11026341

America elected Trump, a dictator.

>> No.11026353

Did the person in this book get btfo by pretty much every government official and is basically a lame duck at this point?

>> No.11026355

man fascism is turning out to be really disappointing.. there arent even any resistance groups to join or concentration camps to die in!! ughg!!!

>> No.11026365

Yes, actually. It turns out that the military seized power from him just like Kelly and Mattis did from Trump.

>> No.11026374

> being either so disingenuous that you pretend not to understand that fascism is used colloquially to refer to right wing collectivist movements that discourage free thought, are xenophobic, and demand that the citizenry submit to the behavioral edicts of an elite, or so stupid that you genuinely don't understand it

>> No.11026397

It’s literally just ok but it describes upper middle class boomers to a T.

>> No.11026417

>right wing collectivist movements
Name two besides actual historical Fascists and Nazis and their allies..
And no "alt-right" is not a movement, and European anti-immigration parties are do not "discourage free thought" or "demand that the citizenry submit to the behavioral edicts of an elite".

>> No.11026423

I was more appalled when we elected a Muslim from Kenya.

>> No.11026440


>> No.11026442

The alt right is definitely a movement, and what they aim for is certainly colloquially fascistic.

Pinochet's Chile. Francoist Spain. The stronger monarchies.

Right wing collectivism is things like fascism, national socialism, monarchism, theocracy, and so on. They support working for the good of the collective, rather than the self, while also supporting a strict hierarchy.

>> No.11026446

Hitler was democratically elected.

> being this uneducated

>> No.11026451

No he wasn't.

>> No.11026455

Holy shit. Read a fucking book.

>> No.11026494

I'm going to assume this is a troll post.

>> No.11026526
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Holy fuck all you have to do is google it
Since I'm assuming reading a book is too hard for you

>> No.11026570

Even though I knew that Trump would be an embarrassment to the country and might even lead us straight to disaster, I just couldn’t bring myself to vote for a woman. Plus she was well under 6 feet tall and that’s just not presidential.

>> No.11026602

Why is it that England has had no trouble with a woman leader but for some reason it's a problem for America?

>> No.11026627

>taking the bait

>> No.11026631

>Hurr I'm retarded hurr
>You're a retard
>Joke's on you I was merely pretending

>> No.11026637

>hurr I'm retarded
>this post couldn't possibly be ironic
>"hey retard that other guy isn't serious"
>hey fuck you i was only pretending

>> No.11026639


>> No.11026652
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>> No.11026655

>predict the future
Yeah, it's amazing-- Hillary almost got elected

>> No.11026663

Every other American president for the last centyry has been the same kind of puppet as that orange senile faggot. You people are spewing stupid sensasionalist bullshit

>> No.11026668

>believing trump’s a fascist dictator and not just another neoliberal tool


>> No.11026683


Capitalism is fascism and authoritarianism to the highest degree.

>> No.11026708

>white nationalism is colloquially fascistic
>Lincoln (and virtually every single other American politician up until 1960s) was a fascist
Wew, lad.
>Pinochet's Chile
There was no "pinochetian" movement, just an ordinary military dictatorship.
>Francoist Spain
"besides actual historical Fascists and Nazis and their allies"
>Right wing collectivism is things like fascism, national socialism, monarchism, theocracy, and so on.
So, bunch of mostly historically unrealated and widley different political systems and ideologies?
>working for the good of the collective
Too vague, especially in comparison with leftist collectivism, wich is first and foremost an economic system.

>> No.11026817

England has always been a bit gay. They invented soccer for fucks sake.

>> No.11026853

We just haven't had any Thatchers

But I'll definitely be voting for Nikki Haley in 2024

>> No.11026859

Uh. Who said that?

>> No.11026861

Trump's getting four more years, cuck

>> No.11026866

She's obviously going to switch to the Democrats so you can probably expect her to run against Pence in 2020.

>> No.11026878

You sound more and more desperate each time you say this.

>> No.11026887

Mate I liked trump for a few reasons but he is absolutely doing diddly squat. We need someone less volatile now.

>> No.11026894

Me lol
England was certainly in need of some good economic reforms at the time but that woman was a devil

>> No.11026911
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Nice try Ivan, but real American patriots everywhere are wising up to your collusion and fake news. Comey and the good men and women of the FBI have cheeto Mussolini on the crosshairs. Soon, the truth will come out and there will be nothing you can do to stop it. People who minimize or trivialize the Trump regime are anti American. Liberal all American values will win out in the end, Putin Drumpf and thei ilk belong in the dustbin of history together with all sexists, homophobes, racists, Islamphobes and populist demagogues.

>> No.11026914

While Trump is an embarrassing vulgarian and egomaniac without any discernible talent, never underestimate the faggotry and trannyism of the Democrats and how repulsive they are to decent Americans.

>> No.11026919

I like how you just made up a word because you dropped out of high school.

>> No.11026935
File: 72 KB, 974x709, IMG_0080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I unironically 'hate' trans people and see them not as humans but as malevolent neon haired goblin like creatures of some sort

>> No.11026946

The irony of this image.

>> No.11026960

Leftism is slave morality, though. They just swap out the chaste Semitic Jesus of old for a blue haired genderqueer mixed race Jesus. The objective is the same: keeping the white man down through guilt and slave morality

>> No.11027027
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You must be trolling. You can't be this retarded. /lit/ posters, prove to me you aren't just /lit/erally reddit.

All I see here is people reading something and going "this predicted x" with x often being something sociopolitical they don't like

You don't know what fascism is

Trump is not a dictator

The world isn't just a decadent "degeneracy" pit, nor a fascist dictarorship

You are fucking retarded

>> No.11027036

they don’t you fucking imbecile that’s not how Socialism-Christianity dialectic works, think harder before posting

>> No.11027061

Which future?

>> No.11027066

It's a clearly ironic you imbecile
But yeah /lit/ posters are retarded

>> No.11027104

I wish Trump were a fascist dictator - instead he's playing by the rules to a fault. Moreso than can be said about Obama.

>> No.11027125

I come to /lit/ so I don't have to constantly read about this orange asshole on reddit and you idiots do nothing but talk about him here too. Delete this thread NOW.

>> No.11027133

trump is a meme, memes can't be dictators

>> No.11027153
File: 259 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_0062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet I could defeat any given 'trans person' if things were to come to the point of unarmed physical combat. American Civil War 2.0 will pit skinheads and good ol boys against bluehaired queers and effete neo liberal bugmen urbanites. Deus Fucking Vult! Get your pick up trucks and your AR 15s ready, we are driving up to the Bay Area to give those freaks a lesson they will never forget, we'll plant a Gadsden flag on the smoking rubble.

>> No.11027167

Neoliberalism isn't too far off is the thing. If you actually read The Doctrine of Fascism, what Mussolini is talking about isn't too different from what most American politicians in the past hundred years

>> No.11027179

ok this thread is an abomination, bye /lit/ ill be back in a while, thanks for the reminder you’re all beneath me

>> No.11027188

Is this the word pseuds misuse the most?

>> No.11027189

If anything, Trump has been too soft. We need men of blood and iron, like Benjamin Garrison and Samuel Hyde to cleanse this degenerate land.

>> No.11027199


>> No.11027202

probably, neoliberals don't exist no more

>> No.11027213

Trump isn't fascist but I unironically believe he's enabling fascists and that within the next twenty years we'll see a dangerous fascist uprising that will have to be shut down.

>> No.11027218

Sounds neat

>> No.11027229

how do you shut it down without a credible alternative?

>> No.11027235
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>All of these pseuds who have no idea what fascism was
>The amount of moronic hysteria ITT
Jesus Christ , a bunch of shit flinging monkeys is more intelligent than the anons ITT

>> No.11027238

With bullets

>> No.11027239

I imagine the rising interest in social democracy could counteract it, but it would have to beat it to the chase probably.

If most people feel like they're getting a fair deal, they'll never want fascism.

>> No.11027241

>America will annihilate itself in my lifetime
I couldn't be happier to be quite honest

>> No.11027245

up against the wall for your extrajudicial execution, fascist scum

>> No.11027250

>but I unironically believe he's enabling fascists
Nope. Stop using fascist as a synonym for racist first of all , second of all the """""fascists""""" in the United States are mostly just white nationalist libertarians who are heavily censored and cast out by virtually every media outlet in the country

Stop your paranoia

>> No.11027255

>Not realizing that fascism is heavily influences from socdem economics
Hitler was a socdem for years my dude.

>> No.11027268

Not just the subtle racism.
>belief in strongman who can save the state
>belief that multiculturalism will destroy the West
>belief that nationalism trumps individuality
>blind trust in the military

>> No.11027280

also overpopulation will kill us in 100 years, also nuclear war, and pollution and climate change

>> No.11027282

Hitler used the early German Workers party (guys like Anton Drexler) who wanted actual soc dem policies to vaunt himself to power. He ditched most of those elements as soon as he could, and there's been a considerable amount of history written about how he was embarrassed by the groups early pamphlets. He was making concessions so he could run the party like an autocrat, which unsurprisingly scared his "comrades" into getting a petition circulating where they called for him to step down. Of course, being the crafty little rat he was, he shut that down fast.

>> No.11027284

>It's a I just read War is a Racket episode
There were multicultural fascists aka Falangists who believed in a Pan Hispanic future
>Strongmanism is unique to only fascism
*And liberal capitalistic democracies, plus virtually any political system save anarchism
>Belief that nationalism trumps individualism
Not unique to fascism again
>Blind trust in the military
Neo-fascists constantly harp on about the military industrial complex being the tools of capitalists just as fascists always have

>> No.11027288

I come here so I don't have to read about this orange asshole ALL THE TIME on reddit and you idiots do nothing but talk about him here too. Delete this fucking thread right NOW.

>> No.11027292


>> No.11027293

>The NSDAP drifted more to the right on issues
And? That doesn't mean popularizing socdem economics won't also popularize people who drift away from the left to the right to adopt fascistic tendencies which is apparently happening in Greece as we speak

>> No.11027300

Gross but with a grain of truth

>> No.11027302
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I do agree with you, but you’re from Reddit so you’re still a faggot

>> No.11027310

You said social democracy was what led to the rise of fascism. That's not true. The aftereffects of WW1 are what created the nationalism and anti-Semitism that bolstered both the social democrats and fascists (Hitler's buddies and other groups). That's what I'm saying.

The NSDAP did not "drift right" on issues; it was always on the right because its power was always concentrated in no more than 1-4 people. Hitler just put up a veneer of supporting some social benefits because he knew that would draw people in. What matters: what someone says, or what someone does and continues to do?

I don't know enough about what's happening in Greece to have an educated conversation on the topic.

>> No.11027312

Why is nationalism so despised? Is it only really intelligent people that have way more going for them than the average person?

>> No.11027314

Why do you think that? I'd like to hear your reasoning.
It looks to me that the opposite would be more likely. The warning signs for a dictatorial power grab seem to be:
demonization of the outgroup- both sides do this.
censorship- the left wants this.
gun control- obvious.
Further, the CIA, the organization that has organized as many as six coup d'etats before breakfast and wouldn't hesitate to do so on U.S. soil, is opposed to Trump and would love to oust him. Not that the CIA is partisan, exactly, a neocon would serve them just as well as a liberal, but Trump won't do.
Rereading your post, you don't actually specify what side you think the fascists are coming from, so maybe this is what you meant all along. Maybe not. I'd like to hear your perspective.

>> No.11027321
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>> No.11027322

how do you convince the people behind the guns to shoot without a credible alternative? specially when people who work with guns are usually more right wing than the rest

>I imagine the rising interest in social democracy could counteract it
where has this happened? democracy hasn't been in a worse shape in a while, china is cucking us even in green energy which by being something "nice" means we should be automatically better than them at it

libertarianism has never existed and means nothing, it was just the last struggle to try to save liberalism from itself, which hasn't worked and all right wingers have moved on, nobody believes that you can organize around "freedom" anymore, specially if you live in a truly cosmopolitan city

>pollution and climate change
enjoy the incoming ice age

yep, hitler was no true dictator, it was just a populist democracy, the germans just like to pretend it was a dictatorship to feel better about themselves

>> No.11027335

>written from his comfy germany
only people who live in good countries can afford to be anti-nationalist

>> No.11027344

>Why is nationalism so despised?
Because I'm not superstitious and therefore refuse to take idealists seriously

>> No.11027349

t. Intelligent person who has way more going on for him than the average person

>> No.11027354

>You said social democracy was what led to the rise of fascism
No I didn't , I said that Hitler was a Socdem and socdem economics influenced fascistic economics. Not the same thing.

Technically fascism doesn't have a concrete economic outlook I mean it was a limited movement in the 20th century whose main influences draw back to Syndicalism, social democracy, hegelian idealism, integralism, and nationalism that varied from country to country.
>Definitely right be left as centralized vs decentralized governance
Gross , also Hitler and the many different fascist movements did legitimately care about social reforms it was not a "veneer" and what Hitler did was what fascists though was best for the nation and the workers. There is this tacit no true scottsman about Hitler's revolutionary status that you see among more left leaning types that just lacks so much background knowledge on how Fascism works that you really shouldn't fall intl

>I don't know much about Greece
They have a neo-fascists party as the 3rd largest in the whole country and the are making rapid gains whole the ruling party is a Socdem party. It's about as similar to Weimar Germany as it gets

>> No.11027355

Just a reminder that people out there unironically think like this. This poster is likely a troll, but living in the rural south this sentiment is all too prevalent.

>> No.11027364

It's not. Most of the time when it's used it's a meaningless sludge of 'things i don't like but can't actually identify or elaborate on'. The uneducated university students don't know what fascism is, so they throw it around randomly.

>> No.11027365

Sounds like you're more on the right and I'm more on the left. We may just have a different perspective on things.
> the opposite would be more likely
What do you mean? Leftists could come to power? Not being sarcastic, just trying to clarify so I can address the point.
>demonization of the outgroup- both sides do this.
Who's the outgroup?
>censorship- the left wants this.
Purple-haired feminists at UCLA are not the entirety of the left, if we're talking about our citizenry. If we're talking politicians, both those on the left and right want some level of censorship, or at least a stigma attached to telling the truth. Look at the way our mainstream media is controlled.
>gun control
Yeah, maybe if it gets to a certain point.
>CIA assassinating Trump
Trump seems to have stepped in line with the neoliberal agenda at this point.
>where are the fascists coming from
Places like /pol/, YouTube, parts of Reddit, and Stormfront. Mobilizing neckbeards into a dangerous force might not seem likely, but I think it's worth remembering that the internet has increasingly come to affect mainstream "liberal" culture. And I think it's entirely possible that "normies" could, if things keep going downhill, latch onto fascism. We're already seeing some early stages of it with the obsession over political correctness.

>> No.11027369

>Le edgy virgin incel man
So what you're saying is there are people on /r9k/ worried about their posturing and thus decline to """"""nationalism""""' , a term they don't understand, because they want to seem like they have everything in life?

I mean first of all nationalism is just expression of sovereignty of a given cultural / ethnic enclave where they recognize a certain amount of unity between people in a geographic enclave and organize themselves and their identities through it. Mainly because it's something can't be helped and is merely and observable status of mankind?

>> No.11027372

This. CIA are the ones with the most power and have carte blanche for anything they want to do. They have trillions from USAP's plus drug trade money and a huge network of assets and collected information worldwide and have zero accountability to anyone, only like some accountability to the DOJ as I recall.

You also mention a war on US soil but as I know it that can't happen and I read a somewhat detailed account of this before. Basically the armed forces can't compete with a militia on US soil due to guerrilla tactics, 2nd amendment, terrain and power grids & ports, plus dissenters in government positions. Fucking Texas operates on its own power grid lol

>> No.11027373

>gun control is an obvious first step to dictatorship
Why do Americans assume this?
There weren't gun laws under Mao, the Red Army started as a militia group and there were totally armed Jews in Hitler's Germany.
Most of these personality cult autocrats get swept in on just that. They aren't universally despised figures when they assume power
Besides if disorganized armed civilians could reliably contest trained militaries with the latest technology we'd hardly need nations

>> No.11027378

>Implying if a civil war broke out it would just be the state vs militias and not the state splitting into two separate entities with militias playing a background role

Millions would die btw , and there would be a lot of international involvement

>> No.11027386

>There weren't gun laws under Mao, the Red Army started as a militia group and there were totally armed Jews in Hitler's Germany.
[citation needed]

For many things, I mean first of all
>Implying militias inherently support the rights of individual gun ownership and would never centralize gun ownership with party membership

>> No.11027396

>Hiter was a socdem
>socdem economics influenced fascist economics
No. Hitler used promises of a social democratic platform to win over the disenfranchised "stabbed from the back" post-WW1 Germans. An excerpt from The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, which is pretty widely accepted as one of the best histories of the rise of Hitler and the Nazis
>A good many paragraphs of the party porgram were obviously merely a demagogic appeal to the mood of the lower classes at a time when they were in bad straits and were sympathetic to radical and even socialist slogans. Point 11, for example, demanded abolition of incomes unearned by work; Point 12, the nationalization of trusts; Point 13, the sharing with the state of profits from large industry; Point 14, the abolishing of land rents and speculation in land.
Sounds interesting...until....
>These demands had been put in at the insistence of Drexler and Feder, who apparently really believed in the "socialism" of National Socialism. They were the ideas which Hitler was to find embarrassing when the big industrialists and landlords began to pour money into the party coffers, and OF COURSE NOTHING WAS EVER DONE ABOUT THEM.

>> No.11027405

I didn't imply that

>> No.11027408

Why would facism be in any way a credible alternative to capitalism?
Not only is it frowned upon by just about anyone who is taken seriously, it failed against nations using capitalism.
Except he was a sad man, yet he didn’t resort to nationalism
I might be smart but I’m still a khv
If the saddest philosopher can be proud of himself, some random fucktard can.
Also there’s a difference between what you stated, which is more in the lines of patriotism, to the fetishizing of nationality that nationalist do

>> No.11027416

Yup, then he drifted more to the right on issues.
>He is still going with the tacit no true scottsman
Goddamnit, everytime with you people. Fascism is about class cooperation, a merger between the state, capital, and the individual and the party began drifting more to the right on capitalistic issues because of Hitlerism rising in the NSDAP eventually leading the more left leaning people to be purged. Hitler *was* a Socdem whose ideals *changed* with time.

Mussolini was also formerly a devout socialist ffs

>> No.11027430

>Except he was a sad man, yet he didn’t resort to nationalism
he retorted to pessimism though, and some successful people retorted to nationalism, so there goes his theory to the toilet i guess

>> No.11027431

>Also there’s a difference between what you stated, which is more in the lines of patriotism, to the fetishizing of nationality that nationalist do
You have that backwards

there’s a difference between what I stated, which is more in the lines of nationalism, to the fetishizing of patriotism that nationalists do

>> No.11027436

so provide some actual justification for that belief. Hitler was well-known to not be economically literate, and he hated the social democrats, even if he learned to emulate their anti-Semitism in Vienna.
>Hitler *was* a Socdem whose ideals changed with time
Then provide some evidence for that belief. If I'm wrong I want to know it.
It's also worth pointing out that I am not talking *just* about the leaders of fascist movements; I'm talking about the population that must consent to it, too.

>> No.11027441

>citation needed
The cultural revolution was carried out by armed peasants. Mao didn't need to worry about them because he was practically worshipped at the time, and besides, the classical Marxist position is that the proletariat should be armed.
The Red Army initially came together to oppose the White Russians during the civil war.
Hitler did limit the ability of Jews to purchase guns but there are still accounts of shootouts in the ghettos.
>Centralize gun ownership with the party
>The state allowing it's citizens to carry arms is a function of the state

>> No.11027449

They were socialist but not democratic. Their entire point was that democratic process fucked over germans and the economy and spread "degeneracy", which is why they created an authoritarian state to intervene.

When Hitler and Goebbels talked about good things in the US, they mentioned government intervention to combat the depression and Edward Bernays' propaganda.

>> No.11027459

Not sure if you're the same guy I've been talking to, but sure, this sounds about right.

>socialist but not democratic
and this is why I think it's a little absurd to draw a line between social democracy and Nazism.

>> No.11027461

>even if he learned to emulate their anti-Semitism in Vienna.
>Was a Socdem in Vienna
Fucks sake man, Hitler even states as much in Mein Kampf although he disagree with how socdems and unions behaved trying to gain what they wanted he largely agreed with most of their sentiments when it came to the conditions of the working class

>I'm also talking about the people that follow it
Many of whom were left leaning as well? As I said some of the influences of fascism come from socdem and syndicalism

>> No.11027462

It's not only about being proud of yourself....

>> No.11027480

No the fascists were not socialists or socdems, they arose out of opposition to social democracy and socialism many of them being former socdems and socialists.

I also never said they were democratic
Except it's not because the Nazis gained membership from disenchanted socdems and we're the right leaning anti-socdem party? I'm citing influences of social democracy in fascism because some of the ideas of social democracy went into fascist ideology but that doesn't mean it all was included

>> No.11027484

> disagree with how socdems and unions behaved trying to gain what they wanted he largely agreed with most of their sentiments when it came to the conditions of the working class
This is the entire problem with your argument. Just because someone shares a diagnosis doesn't mean their prescription is the same. You yourself said as much just now. Also
>treating Mein Kampf like a reliable historical source
but w/e
>Many of whom were left leaning as well? As I said some of the influences of fascism come from socdem and syndicalism
OR people latch onto popular movements that are actually seeing some success? I can't see the convo going much further from here.

>> No.11027488

>Hitler did limit the abilities of Jews to arm themselves but there was still a black market Soo...

>When the state is governed by one authoritarian body under a command economy then individuals have the freedom to bear arms


>> No.11027489

the whole point is that just because someone is disenfranchised doesn't mean they're disenfranchised from social democracy. Social democracy was not the dominant economic/political structure prior to/during WW1. It was one potential answer to the anger after the Germans lost, and it ultimately lost to Nazism. For fuck's sake, the Nazis went after the socialists as soon as they gained power.

>> No.11027490

>peaceful protest
Never gonna make it

>> No.11027502

>Just because someone shares a diagnosis doesn't mean their prescription is the same.
But his prescription *was* the same he disagreed with the *strategy* to come the to *prescription* fucks sake. Levels of autism that shouldn't even be possible goddamn

>Mein kampf isn't a reliable source into the beliefs of Hitler
Sooo Mao's red book isn't a good source on Mao's beliefs
>Everyone involved in fascism was just bandwaggoning from success there was no other reason
Nice dehumanization of the opposition , nope if you can't accept that fascism was also made up of left leaning people rejecting their own ideology and moving rightwards then you are going to have a hard time in life friendo

>> No.11027513

Okay I don't how many times I'm going to have to explain basic polysci here
>*one* influence on fascism was social democracy because the ideals of social democracy either were included in fascist ideologies or came about as a rejection of how social democracy wanted to function

So it is therefore an influence in many different ways, just like how Syndicalism was an influence on fascism. Because fascists didn't exclusively come from either Syndicalist or socdem backgrounds nor was I ever saying as much.

>> No.11027518

His prescription was not the same. You still haven't explained how it was. You've only gone between saying there was a line between social democracy and Nazism and then occasionally saying Nazism has elements of social democracy. Now show me actual policies that were *enacted* that were socially democratic.

>Mao's red book
Nigga they were authoritarians who believed you had to control the population's thoughts for their own good. No, of course they're not reliable sources.
>dehumanization of the opposition
Never dehumanized them; all I said was people on the left probably wound up joining with the Nazis because they saw there was some success and the Nazis were at least *diagnosing the problem.* Normal everyday people just want to feel like they've been heard, and if you entertain their grief they'll usually support you. Maybe a loose comparison (on a much smaller degree) could be Bernie voters going to Trump. Some very different prescriptions in areas, but at least they both diagnose a problem.

>> No.11027525

so what's the point then? If it's one of dozens of political philosophies, and it's had no measurable, noticeable affects on Nazism, it's basically just a footnote in history, and not this theory you've put out of "social democracy leads inevitably to fascism." Again, social democrats were not in power when the Nazis ascended.

>> No.11027535


>> No.11027538

digits confirm Haley vs. Pence
sounds like a win-win to me. Probably won't even vote in that case.

>> No.11027540
File: 27 KB, 383x384, IMG_0094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically 'think like that' and I was raised by progressive parents and educators amongst well off urban liberals. To this very day, I get all my news from reputable liberal sources such as the guardian, vox media and the NYT. But something must have gone horribly wrong along the way, I curse the liberal managerial leviathan for failing to indoctrinate me correctly. So I ended up a feral psychotic skinhead, guess that's what my life is about now: fighting ZOG. I didn't choose the redpill, the red pill chose me

>> No.11027558

>Now show me actual policies that were *enacted* that were socially democratic.
Expanding workers safety conditions, healthcare, etc


>When you conflate contemporary political situations with the historical
Don't do that, the SPD and KPD were extremely popular in 1933 and the SPD was the most powerful party in Germany for a long time (by default)

>> No.11027563

>social democracy leads inevitably to fascism
Something I never said, as keep having to repeat to you...
>Why does it matter if socdem policies went into fascism when so many other political movements did too
Because otherwise you don't actually history? History without footnotes is not history at all

>> No.11027570


>> No.11027584

socialist policies didn't go into fascism. You still haven't provided one example.

>> No.11027592

>When the state is governed by one authoritarian body under a command economy then individuals have the freedom to bear arms
I mean they can bear arms under other systems too. I'm arguing that it really doesn't have a lot of bearing on what the government was already going to do. The idea that history's monsters were always seem as such and would have been deterred by citizens, who were often their greatest supporters, were they only armed is silly.
For the record I do support the right to bear arms for personal protection, but I wouldn't be self-aggrandizing enough to suggest I'm keeping the government in line by doing so

>> No.11027629

For socialist influences

Here are Syndicalist influences

>> No.11027645

Simply epic

>> No.11027698

>Social democracy is the same as socialism

>> No.11027700


>> No.11027772

Didn't say that either. *sigh* it's okay gumdrop you'll make it eventually

>> No.11027775

how exactly is drumpf a dictator?

>> No.11027786

The reason "it could never happen here" is because the second amendment was installed to keep it from happening here. But the progressive caucus in its quest for world domination decided to start stripping down gun rights and start importing millions of people who don't care about preserving america (first the Irish, then the Jews, then the Italians, now the Mexicans). """""Progressives"""""" like Lewis have only themselves to blame. If America was still a place where "it could never happen" every president would be an imitator of Andrew Jackson

>> No.11027791

Because a long time New York Democrat put an (R) after his name and started talking about protectionistic policies.

It's totally fascism dude we gotta stop this

>> No.11027799

>The only evil is violence and death done by human to human.
>in Italy, for thirty years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, they had five hundred years of democracy and peace – and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.

>> No.11027809

you shut your fucking mouth, swiss clocks are a marvel of engineering

>> No.11027822

>putting art above human life
Any book on this phenomenon?

>> No.11027827

>There was no "pinochetian" movement, just an ordinary military dictatorship.
Yeah Pinochet wasn't a movement, it was just America flexing Japanese Empire style.

>> No.11027853

He's not a dictator but he certainly wishes he was.
The administration has repeatedly expressed the belief that the purpose of law enforcement, judiciary and congess is to impose the presidential will.
Like, this bitch will literally not stop crying because he thinks the "checks and balances" you learned in elementary school are treacherous institutions all out to get him

>> No.11027864

>doesn't like checks and balances standing in the way of his presidential agendas
so he's like literally every other president we've ever had then

>> No.11027867

>Make concerted effort to derail investigation against you
>Gain support by pandering to racial animosity
>Incessantly attack the press
I'm not saying he is a dictator but uh he's not just some conservative """looking-out-for-the-little-guy""" type fellow.

>> No.11027896

America has been a criminal rogue state since its inception, literally contributing nothing but wars and covert operations to the world.

>> No.11027927

>He's not a dictator but he certainly wishes he was
>You see he thinks that the american uniparty is abusing checks and balances to minimize the executive branch
>Like lol whatever, the US government is the most trustworthy institution in the world

>> No.11027932

>Make concerted effort to derail *obviously contrived* investigation against you
Correction. If republicabs did this to Obama there would be no end to the bitching

>> No.11027990

I doubt Trump even remembers having learned any of that in school. He coasted by on his wealth and hasn't read a book in decades.

>> No.11027998

Republicans did this to Hillary via Benghazi and she sat through it without complaining because she knew she had done nothing wrong and the investigation found that.

Trump's been panicking and trying to end it because he knows the investigation is going to find something. If he had nothing to hide he wouldn't be so worried.

>> No.11028005

>I-It's all just a witch hunt
>"Good goy" - Alex Jones

>> No.11028019

Yes most Presidents have had their power checked, but most of them didn't respond by leaving departments with skeleton crews for years at a time because they are literally too fragile to be surrounded by anything but the most subservient yes men. He's also the only one I'm aware of to insist that his enemies are controlling the whole government.
>Minimize the executive branch
The executive branch is stronger in the 21st century than ever before, what are you smoking? Republicans and Dems both did a ton to expand the power of the office, and it's not like they've stopped Trump from doing any of the illegal shit the presidents before him did.
Like, I get it, he's a daddy's business guy so he's used to a kind of dictatorial power and upset that literally the entire country didn't just become his yes men. It would be scarier if he wasn't so visibly demented. The man can't keep a train of thought running for longer that a few minutes, so ultimately it just amounts to a man-baby throwing regular tantrums.

>> No.11028022

America is no longer a republic, the real power no longer lies with the make believe 18th century genteel Whig democracy up there in Washington but with the corporations the media and the military industrial complex. Post war liberals made a deal with the devil, they got their civil rights legislation and rainbow Starbucks frappuccinos but at a great cost. Now that their whole house of cards is coming down, the Faustian nature of the bargain becomes evident, as liberals retreat into Cold War paranoia and mindless deference to corporations and the security state. I see the musical "Hamilton" as a perfect illustration of the shortcomings of the Obama era. The slave owning founding fathers transfigured into groovy Pee Oh Cees the reckoning of the 1960s deferred yet again. Trump is not a dictator, but a sick joke aimed at you and all your phony aspirations.

>> No.11028151

>tfw brainlet

>> No.11028178

Cry more, eurocuck.

>> No.11028295
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>> No.11030135

It's dry as all hell, but worth a read for the insight.

>> No.11030150
File: 68 KB, 496x464, 1510026912606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amerishits, everyone.

>> No.11030156

Oh darling it is important that you believe me bap bap bap

>> No.11030187

Read Evolas Metaphysics of War. If you are new to his works I suggest starting from his first political book, revolt against the modern world

>> No.11030207
File: 1.15 MB, 3000x1987, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A flag like this?

>> No.11030285

I hate 4chan. I really fucking hate this place. Ever since /pol/ came back around and infected every inch of this website with their stupid fucking opinions it has been a never ending shitpost extravaganza. I don't know why I go in to any of these threads expecting people to talk about anything other than nylon haired Cheeto man or that insane bitch shillary or "da joows" or blacks or whatever flavor of the month topic everyone wants to blame the world's problems on. I can't even laugh at any of it

>> No.11030364


>> No.11030431

People have hated jews for a long time though

>> No.11030544

If humans didn't kill other humans, the agricultural revolution would have never happened and we'd still be living in caves with an average lifespan of less than 30 years.

>> No.11030567

>The executive branch is stronger in the 21st century than ever before, what are you smoking
>Constantly gets blocked by the 9yhr circuit
>States actively refuse to enforce federal law in cases of immigration
>I'm the one smoking crack because you're not keeping up with the news

Oh god, what worse is just the endless train of dehumanizing ad homs that are almost completely baseless.
>Trump is Narcissistic baby man with a small dick and is just riding off of daddy's money etc

Like it never occurs to you people that you've fallen for yellow journalism , does it?

>> No.11030573

>Republicans did this to Hillary via Benghazi
>Maybe if I just blame all of Benghazi on a video I can seem more innocent in the eyes of the public

Oh you mean the investigation didn't deem this behavior as illegal? No she was just incompetent then she and Obama bombed Libya back into the slave trade by murdering another secular dictator in Bush Jr style

>> No.11031187
File: 38 KB, 640x480, 1474317899388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Viviocentrism. No matter if you're of the school of Peterson or someone like Arendt with her retarded "radical evil", you need to fuck off.

>> No.11031740

Listen, Benghazi was a fuckup, but the Republicans tried to frame it as some grand conspiracy masterminded by Hillary Clinton, which it was not.

>> No.11032028


>> No.11033258

What, bitch?

>> No.11033604

Leftists are psychologically (and probably also on some level neuro-biologically) incapable of understanding the right. They have no reason to understand the right.

>> No.11033608

Why do you people treat "leftists" like some sort of slur but are incapable of saying "rightist"? It's always "the right", as if one word exists but the other doesn't.

>> No.11033618

And that's why Hitller and Goebbels once said that some of the most ardent Nazi party members were former Communist party members.

>> No.11033627
File: 91 KB, 602x313, main-qimg-5fe2e6275712b1409150aeac3b86da74.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like it never occurs to you people that you've fallen for yellow journalism , does it?

yeah these clearly are the words of a stable genius

>> No.11033639

>and by some Chilean general about thirty years ago

>> No.11033643

Seriously. It's absurd people cry "fake news" when you can literally look at Trump directly and see any number of insane things. I'm concerned for the mental health of anyone who listens to Trump speak and thinks "Yeah, I like the things this guy has to say."

>> No.11033644
File: 147 KB, 858x436, bnl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any1 even suggesting that this man is even petulant or immature is clearly commie trash!!

>> No.11033648

>Why do you people treat "leftists" like some sort of slur but are incapable of saying "rightist"? It's always "the right", as if one word exists but the other doesn't.
No entirely sure who you think "us people" are, or if I would even fit within the bounds of that box, but I will attempt to provide some insight in to your noted linguistic disparity. "The left" exists. "The right" does not. Hence people find it generally much easier, either on a conscious or subconscious level, to refer to "the left" and its adherents ("leftists") in a more definite sense. Almost always when describing "the right" or "rightists" one must add some sort of qualifier to actually give meaning to this descriptor, otherwise it is just an empty, meaningless vacuity.

>> No.11033650
File: 18 KB, 300x180, obama10e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh god, what worse is just the endless train of dehumanizing ad homs that are almost completely baseless.

omfg, a right wing retard complaining about "dehumanizing ad homs" I've seen everything now hahahahahahah

>> No.11033652

>"The left" exists. "The right" does not.
Oh, so you're retarded.

>> No.11033657

>I'm concerned for the mental health of anyone who listens to Trump speak and thinks "Yeah, I like the things this guy has to say."
I believe you should be eliminated from society as well.

>> No.11033659

>"The left" exists. "The right" does not.
how solipsistic of you

>> No.11033662

See, what did I say? You're mentally ill.

>> No.11033664

so this is the power of the totally non fascist "tolerant right"

>> No.11033667

we are the many
*teleports behind you*
we are no one
*unsheathes evola*
nothing personnel kiddo

>> No.11033675

I agree and I voted for him but you need to go back.

>> No.11033697

>Oh, so you're retarded.
Perhaps I did not go as far as I should have in explaining my line of reasoning. That, or you are not bright enough (a "real brainlet" as the kids are saying) to understand where I was going. "The Left" exists in the sense it is a "positive" ideology, insofar as "leftists" have an idea of their ideal society, an end goal. All of their actions, no matter how large or small work towards this end goal. What is the end goal? Total egalitarianism. For this reason there are no "moderates" or "extremes" on the left, only disagreements over how quickly and with what strategy this end goal should be pursued. The works of "moderate" leftists, no matter how much derision and scorn they receive from the more "extreme" leftists (e.g. "liberals get the bullet too"), all work towards the ultimate goal of "the left". "The right" is simply that which is not "the left". It is defined wholly in the negative, and in this sense does not exist. A survey of history will show you that "the right" has never had one central doctrine, one centrals set of tactics, or any sort of ideological coherence across the whole span of "the right". "Rightist" groups, by their nature, will often have nothing in common with each other, other than the fact that they are not "the left". Even modern surveys of the political positions of "right" political parties display a far greater degree of diversity of ideology when compared to their "left" counterparts on the other side of the "center".

>> No.11033710

>See, what did I say? You're mentally ill.
Which will be your excuse for my eventual disenfranchisement and the destruction of my bloodline. My act of resistance to your attempts to destroy me is simply further proof to you of my pathological defect.
>so this is the power of the totally non fascist "tolerant right"
The "tolerant right" does not, and cannot, exist.

>> No.11033955

It's a fun read imo.

>> No.11033978

I'd rather live in a dictatorship than a consumerist theocracy though.

>> No.11034150

None of that pseudointellectual spew makes any sense to anyone with a functioning brain.

>> No.11034194

>not being mentally ill

>> No.11034332


some of us are fighting for our LIVES bigot, you need to educate yourself via reading your various news feeds ugh

>> No.11034868


>> No.11036148


>> No.11036177

>some of us are fighting for our LIVES
Write about it itt. It will be a blast.

>> No.11036295

>Moby-Dick isn't a novel! It's a romance! You dunderhead! Discussion over!!

>> No.11036302

>lol trumps a retard
>which is why he was able to mass collude with russia and completely undermine muh democracy

>> No.11036346

Ah yes, all that happened had a direct correlation with Trump’s massive intellect and deep understanding of all his affairs

>> No.11036465

Retards. Global fertility rate has been steadily dropping for decades even if the birth rates are still going up for a while. But that's going to end this century. In 2118 there will be less people on the planet than there currently are in 2018, and that's without any global war memery.

>> No.11036467
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>> No.11037040

It's like people don't understand that Trump's not the only one involved in his campaign. They keep appealing to his supposed personal intelligence when all that has to happen is someone says "Hey Donald why don't we do this" and he says "Sure go ahead."

>> No.11037153

only in the west and east asia, mud people are still outbreeding everyone else

>> No.11037331

>How dare you guys call us Nazis!
>N-no, YOU are the Nazis!

>> No.11037339

idiot: the post

>> No.11037357

But enough about your post.

>> No.11037364

You didn't understand what I wrote, at all.

>> No.11037388

But enough about you.

>> No.11037416

>being this made you couldn't get a Halloween MAGA hat

>> No.11037439

What the fuck, I hadn't heard about this. This is actually a pretty sweet hat if not for the stupid text on the back. And the $45 price tag. Seriously I do not understand how anyone can support a man who charges $45 for a mere hat. I can get two shirts for that price.

>> No.11037447

she lost get over yourself

>> No.11037454

Can you honestly say that if Trump had lost you wouldn't still be crying about it?

>> No.11037459

>belief in strongman who can save the state
see Emmanuel Macron
>belief that multiculturalism will destroy the West
see the state of France
>belief that nationalism trumps individuality
it's just about sharing core values, which is the main reason why a large portion of "French" people don't respect the state
>blind trust in the military
see Iraq War (few of them actually supported it)

>> No.11037463

I don't know what you're on about but I personally saw people on /pol/ trying to swing the election in favor of Le Pen.

>> No.11037469

no I would not be screaming at the sky or shouting she will not divide us

>> No.11037475

HWNDU was over a year ago.

Get over it.

>> No.11037491

the election was over a year ago deal with it

>> No.11037495

>N-no you!

>> No.11037502

your the one constanly bitching i'm just laughing at your stupidity

>> No.11037504


>> No.11037526

Since when /pol/ has any crediblity?

Emmanuel Marcon is currently seen as a powerful president, a strongman (as opposed to the former President Hollande, or even Marine le Pen), even though he was the most liberal of the bunch.

>> No.11037907

No, globally. Even in the countries where they still have very high birth rates, the fertility rate is dropping.

>> No.11037935

If any dissenting generals have access to nuclear weapons, it's game over. The war has ended before it even started.

>> No.11038186

Your post is not a fair or honest representation of the arguments that you're responding to.

>> No.11038704

Sure. Whatever you say.

>> No.11039398

I'm going to assume this is a troll post.

>> No.11039442
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>> No.11039529

I'm going to assume this is a troll post.

>> No.11040492

Did anyone else think that Doremus was a bit of a stuck up twat and just bitter that Buzz Windrip was favouring the plebs? It's the impression i got reading it years ago, it may be because the book starts in a Rotary club at a high class dinner

>see Emmanuel Macron

Macron is more a uniting figure that tries to (or appear to at least) rise above left and right. Ive noticed it's a thing in French history with Napoleon, Charles de Gaulle doing similar things

>> No.11040573

I don't know, I couldn't make it past the first few pages of this book because the dialogue was rambling nonsense. I dropped it and read Neuromancer instead.

>> No.11041119

agriculture was a mistake

>> No.11041121

Reminds me of bush and 9/11 kek
fuck american politics

>> No.11041183

Oh you mean the guy who was proven to be lying to us about using 9/11 as an excuse to enter Iraq on false pretenses?

Yeah you're right, it is like Bush. An idiot who became president because being an idiot doesn't stop you from becoming president in America. And then that idiot was caught redhanded and went down as one of the worst presidents in history.

>> No.11041366

> Responding to obvious bait
>"ameri(insert petty insult)"
The cancer killing 4chan.

>> No.11041432
File: 15 KB, 255x255, 1502664373641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YOU are the only thing that doesn't belong in here.
Why do faggit newfags complain about the edgy /pol/-tier rhetoric that's been of 4chan's culture for a long time already and then think they can judge the site like they own the place. YOU FAGGOTS are the cancer that sprung up RECENTLY, and since then, we have to deal with same kind of histrionic spineless basedboy who embarassingly spouts "muh nazi, le fuck off" and loses it like a bitch when someone says a mean word. Newfags have NO SAY on the site's endemic subculture! You either like it or you leave it; your imput is not needed.

>> No.11041484



I bet you think /pol/ has always been a GOP echochamber you fucking newfag

>> No.11041513

I've met plenty of marxists who unironically believe that Mussolini and Gentile don't know shit about what fascism really is.
It's pointless to explain to them that fascism is a 1) totalitarian 2) modernist 3) third-positionist 4) imperialistic ideology.
To them "fascism" is basically any right wing person that seriously objects to progressivism.

>> No.11041658

>To them "fascism" is basically any right wing person that seriously objects to progressivism.
or any left wing ideology as soon as it goes wrong

>> No.11041807
File: 35 KB, 750x600, friendlyfire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An American dictator can't happen unless under the radical left who take their talking points at face value for the sake of having something to stand for the next day. Any truly authoritarian regime would be met with extensive force for undermining The Constitution and everything that it stand for. Not going to happen in our lifetime as long as weapons are legal. The US army has stealth bombers and predator strikes so it would be fooling to think that appealing the 2nd amendment would make our society safer. Welcome to pure freedom. Try and stop US.

>> No.11041830

>under the radical left who take their talking points at face value for the sake of having something to stand for the next day
t. "Take away the guns and do due process later brah, it's just a social experiment"
t. "When you arrest people just abuse them a bit, nothing wrong with that brah"
t. "Just kill drug dealers bro, what's the worst that can happen"
t. "Boy do I love every strongman I meet they are so cool"

>> No.11041849

youre proving my point

>> No.11041857


>> No.11041865
File: 181 KB, 852x960, Papers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying fascism is bad

>> No.11041870


>> No.11041875

(s) o y got filtered to onions

>> No.11041880


>> No.11041890


>> No.11041892

>Obama literally does nothing against the 2A


>Drumpf suggests taking away guns without due process, suggest jailing reporters to "send a message", admires every strong man and banana republic dicator he comes across, etc etc


>> No.11041903

Trump couldn't be a dictator even if he wanted to by the very law granted to the executive branch... don't get me wrong, the executive branch has crosses a line since FDR who was given a pass because of The Great Depression, but the executive branch needs to be reeled in... especially the executive order and war power laws. These laws are a breach of the constitution and the constitutional intention. Think about it.

>> No.11041916

>The only evil is violence and death done by human to human
Citation needed

>> No.11041920

There are people who honestly (unironically, in retard speak) believe /lit/ is a forum for ideas and that you might encounter interesting, well thought out ideas. Boggles the mind.

>> No.11041927

Doesn't know anything about American history or even an inkling about the USA system of government. Doesn't surprise me coming from a britbong.

>> No.11041948

so you're complaining that Trump is being hindered by the executive branch, as if that was a bad thing.

so you be saying you actually want Trump to be a dictator.....

>> No.11041961

>don't get me wrong, the executive branch has crosses a line since FDR
Are you retarded? I never even hinted that insane proposal. Grow the fuck up and read a history book. The executive branch is out of order. Since FDR. That includes every "republican and democrat" that has taken office since then. Think for yourself.

>> No.11042015

Do u no how 2 read words?

>> No.11042023

How do I find a qt3.14 Third Position gf /lit/?

>> No.11042031

16 year olds out in force, huh?

>> No.11042366

Yes, it seems the Trump voters have arrived...

>> No.11044111


>> No.11044929
File: 82 KB, 400x400, GamerGate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a leftist for most of my youth, an edgy leftist but a leftist nonetheless, but not anymore, you gave me no other choice, I have finally moved on and left my leftist ways behind, I don't care about the blue haired queers and 35 year old jewish cat ladies, fuck them, fuck those 'marginalized voices' too, I'm embracing in dialectical turn my very own extremely edgy and ill-defined far right death cult apocalyptic terror ideology. A one man Reich, at once Wehrmacht, Volksgemeinschaft and Fuhrer.


>> No.11044956

Trump is not human, he is archetypal, the fact that he eats only McDonalds Cheesburgers is testament to his all American purity, Trump doesn't need Bannon, he doesn't need no one, he is realer than real, he's a hero, he's a rockstar, he's the truth, he's Making America Great Again, he's Making America Great Again, he's Making America Great Again, Just look at the DOW, he's working MAGIC, Donnie has the magic, He's untouchable, he's indestructible, he is the dream, he is the ultimate... Donald Trump exists in an different plane of reality from the rest of us, the hyperreal incarnation of the American spirit, a Reagan-Christ for the age of Twitter and cable news, the first of a new breed of supermen, the blond beast, the lion MAGA MAGA MAGA MAGA MAGA MAGA MAGA

>> No.11044972

I agree with (((Mr. Lewis))) that just because the United States spent hundreds of thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars defeating Nazi Germany, you can tell just by looking at these fucking goyim that they're going to holocaust all of God's Chosen at any moment and that their continued existence is a threat to us all.

>> No.11044998
File: 51 KB, 666x684, 1518340481128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What'd you expect with this retarded bait thread?

>> No.11045035
File: 1.95 MB, 4694x3129, 1520995989442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump was predicted in the Bible, fool.

>> No.11045096

This is what happens when you replace the Devil with Fascism in your new founding myth

>> No.11045156

Politics most exalted form is War.
buttmad betas that can't into warfare will be purged.

>> No.11045158
File: 668 KB, 599x536, Screen Shot 2018-04-22 at 7.42.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pinochet was a jewish stooge from day one, sold out Chile to Friedman and his tribe, making it the degenerate IMF marrano state it is now. Google Miguel Serrano.


I am a fascist myself and I am convinced there is indeed something Mysterious and Primordial about Fascism. It is like a natural immune reaction that kicks in whenever the Kali Yuga gets too degenerate. I will follow the Green Ray beyond the Black Sun and onwards to Agartha where the masters of my masters dwell, to the edges of the earthly disc, beyond Antartica, where the Fuhrer slumbers and the flying saucers of the SS await the final hour of vengeance. I hold true to the Eternal Archetypes of the Fuhrer, I have surrendered to the fateful mysteries of the runes and the occultic hitlerite Ritual that harks back to Babylon and the Vedas, to the primordial Aryan of the Wide-Empty steppe. Love Will Begin When the World Ends. The end will not come if we wait. The Apocalypse is an active praxis.

>> No.11045161

i'm a fascist too. where do you go to school? meet up?

>> No.11045170

>Bush was a dictator
>Obama was a dictator
>Trump is a dictator

Man I bet in 3-7 years from now we'll elect another Dictator. America is a CRAZY COUNTRY.

>> No.11045172

the next election is in 2020. lurn ur math, brah

>> No.11045182

well it didn't exactly work

>> No.11045189

Worked pretty well for David Bowie

>> No.11045197
File: 68 KB, 500x750, 2rwm94d8yu8x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever, my point still stands the "news" is makes you think the President is a monster because it gets them views.

>> No.11045201

Yeah and he's dead now
Fascism kills

>> No.11045206

Doesn't mean it wouldn't work in the future.

>> No.11045212

David Bowie was from the future and he already proved that it worked there.

>> No.11045227

why don't we give communism another try when we have robots then?
More people are lining up to try that again rather than fascism

>> No.11045232

The President of the United States has been recorded on tape bragging about sexually assaulting women, lusting after his own daughter, and bragging about being able to look at 17 yr old girls getting changed

but nah, it's the lamestream media and their Fake News (TM) who paint the President as the imbecile creep fuck that he is, and not his own words because...reasons

>> No.11045234

Lmao at all that so-called "reality." That's a bait image, right?

>> No.11045235

Obama was recorded on video flaunting his erection to a planeful of reporters, who suppressed the recording (it only came out after he left office).

Imbecile creep fuck = Obama.

>> No.11045238

Bidens a creep too. What do you want exactly

>> No.11045243

>literally responding with whataboutism (none of which is actually proven)
How much is Putin paying you?

>> No.11045244

And Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick. That does not make Clinton Stalin or Trump Hitler.

Our leaders are crap but what's crappier is wasting your life obsessing and getting angry over them.

>> No.11045246


>> No.11045248
File: 88 KB, 528x680, serranocape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the vast majority of ''people'', the shoddy denizens of this cursed earth are in truth no better than robots, they are the slaves of Atlantis, they can only corrupt and degrade us with their 'logical' thinking and their blindness to what is beautiful and true. The future belongs to us, us whose immortal souls have fallen from the stars, the poet-warriors of Agartha. There are also (((those))) who come from different stars, the enemies, it is (((they)) who we must defeat.

>> No.11045249

They really do it every time, don't they?

>> No.11045253

Trump has 17 women who have accused him of sexual assault, his own ex wife accused him of rape


>> No.11045257
File: 132 KB, 840x1199, Obama authorized surveillance of Trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The facts cited there are real, as is this.

>> No.11045261

So what? How does that impact my fucking life or yours?

Keep wasting your time getting mad over Trump, I'm going to just have fun.

>> No.11045262

You cannot provide a single shred of proof. I'm sure of this.

>> No.11045267

>why can't we all have le fun xD

>> No.11045272


>> No.11045281

Trump has gone Through the Looking-Glass into the ultimate realm of hyperrreality. None of the ''dirt'' you shrieking libs, spook freaks and NYT feminist harpies ''have'' on Trump will ever touch him. Truth is, most people hate you and your ways and would rather fight to the death instead of surrendering to and endless YAS KWEEN SLAY politically correct ''utopia'' .

>> No.11045282

>why you mad xD xD he won get over it xD
t. someone who cried for the last 8 years about Obama

>> No.11045284

>does having an imbecile of a President who is one imbecile tweet away from tanking the economy and fucking up your job because while he's taking a dump, and the diarrhea from last night's McDonalds is slowly dripping out of his weak asshole, he thinks to himself "MMMM I THINK TODAY I'LL ANNOUNCE SOME TARIFFS WITHOUT CONSULTING WITH MY ECONOMIC ADVISERS LOL #YOLO" really affect your life bro? like seriously just chill it's a social experiment

but omg remember that time Obama used dijon mustard on his hamburger?

>> No.11045286

>Truth is, most people
TIL a dying generation of boomers is considered "most people"

>> No.11045288


It's not incorrect to point out that leftists accuse their opponents of things they are guilty of, and that they would not care about if their opponent was on their side.

>> No.11045291

Res ipsa loquitur.

>> No.11045299


>> No.11045303
File: 61 KB, 688x560, 1522820078237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, I'm 21 and ready to die for President Trump and my people if necessary, most of my white male freinds would do the same, you should get out of your elite liberal bubble and see what's actually happening out there, I'm just a pissed off Honky, there are millions like me

>> No.11045308

Trumptards are the masters at Mental Gymnastics

>> No.11045309

>Mistaking the Apathy Party for consevatism
Politics isn't Black and White children.

>> No.11045310
File: 1.34 MB, 468x512, biden creep.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11045315
File: 64 KB, 1000x808, 1523230076528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trumptards are the masters at Mental Gymnastics
Hurr durr

>> No.11045323
File: 2.75 MB, 1280x682, biden cringe.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11045327

It's not a mysterious primordial evil, it's just any position that takes victory over the other to be more important than sustaining a reasonable debate. It's like playing soccer by throwing the ball with your hands and threatening the referee to score it as a goal.

>> No.11045337


thank god america is a two party state and there is someone to point out what a creep that old bastard is, republicans are shit, but democrats are pure sleaze

>> No.11045353

Note screaming whatabout doesnt mean I dont address trump as not sleazy. Such a lazy fallacy to scream

>> No.11045363

I just want the world to burn, I want everyday life transfigured into the stuff of dreams. liberals want the indefinite extension of the insufferable present.

>> No.11045382

oh lord look at all that pussy grabbing and wife raping omgz both parties are the same!

>> No.11045400

Chapter one is amazing, but the book after the election of the guy falls apart

The characters are horribly bland.

>> No.11045413

In the book the prez abolishes the congress in his first week and basically adopts Huey long's platform

>> No.11045456

>Pinochet's chile

So much for the "colletivist" part. You would have said Peron's Argentina if you weren't an idiot

Anon told you to list dictatorships who were not allied with fascist Italy and nazi Germany. Surprise- Salazar and Franco were allied with Mussolini and Hitler and can be considered historical fascist regimes, even if the former were more fucused with religion

>> No.11045483

Can you imagine hazbollah propaganda with a blond girl with a cross on her neck?
That's why this patriotic liberalism his do cringey

>> No.11045498

I hope this is bait

>> No.11045507


democrats took Trump's donations gladly throughout his entire life

>> No.11045527
File: 93 KB, 639x916, IMG_8208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except you faggots are afraid of guns

>> No.11045546

>crafty little rat he was

Doesn't surprise me. The story that he had Jewish ancestry circulates since the 60s

>> No.11045553

>allegations vs hard video proof that the guy is fuckimg weird

Truly the same

>> No.11045563

>a recording of the guy admitting it is an allegation now
omgz they're both the same

>> No.11045662

> rich guy says hollywood bimbos let rich guys grope them because they are rich

wow i bet trump wants to grab my pussy too IMPEACH BLUMPF

>> No.11046109

Lmao anyone who thinks Trump's presidency is effectively over is deluding himself. The investigation is set to wrap up in June and when it does he's out of there.

>> No.11046794

>use Nazi terminology, wave swastika around
"Lol why are they calling us Nazis XD, way to wear out that word so it means nothing LMAO *throws Nazi salute*"

>> No.11046913

I fucking this comments. Go to fucking r/eddit, it's literally what you're asking for.
Want an hug box that loves niggers and worship pie nie the science guy like a god? (I dunno his fucking name)
That's the place for you
Want post you don't like do be deleted?
That's the place for you
Want to use this petty, 14yo-like insults like cheeto and likes of it?
Again, go there

>> No.11046920

Stop with this 9th circ meme. The ban has become law a year ago

>> No.11046937

That's because you're a moron who puts form over substance and has no sense of humor
Take the shithole countries comment. I was "I really like what this guy has to say"

Or maybe you just love black cock and don't understand how is possible that somebody doesn't want to end up in South Africa 2.0

>> No.11046947

>right wing retard
>you racist against poc ooga booga you use ad hom against poc
>hypiocrazy :DDD
>me smart!

>> No.11046960

>I'm the only one who can say that fascists should get killer by a firing squad

Yeah, you should be eliminated, but not in concentration camp, more in some eugenics clinic, one of those where nazis put retards in

>> No.11046970

You're retarded if you think he wanted to sound intellectual.