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/lit/ - Literature

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10978751 No.10978751 [Reply] [Original]

>I am the child of my father and mother.
>Japanese children's book illustration of the concept of ancestors.

Which country has the best children's literature?

Is it Japan?

>> No.10978831

I have no idea.

But let me point out that lots of those paps and grannies will come from a common ancestor. And there's of course the dirty "you have multiple times as many female ancestors than male ancestorss" alpha male truths

>> No.10978839

>lots of those paps and grannies will come from a common ancestor

Who is this common ancestor?
What is his secret?

>> No.10978840

centre right great grandpa clearly shagged all the great grandmas

>> No.10978844

Typical Anglo post. Had to subvert something beautiful and couldn't let anything be sacred.

>> No.10978845
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I'm still mad at Germany for its blatant mycophobia.

>> No.10978846

my parents share the same great-grandmother

what does that mean? are they second cousins?

>> No.10978847

this tbqh

>> No.10978863
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You could btfo of any other country's children's literature with Roald Dahl's contributions alone.

>> No.10978864

yeah, same great grandparent is second cousin

>> No.10978871

ok, second cousin is okay, I guess

>> No.10978877
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>> No.10978883
File: 189 KB, 1024x768, winnie the pooh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The age of charming children's books is over. The age of
>my uncle's 11 year old boyfriend
children's books is upon us

>> No.10978900
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>you have multiple times as many female ancestors
What did you honestly mean by this? Explain to a brainlet.

>> No.10978929

Because promiscuous men might have children with more women than promiscuous women having children with different men

>> No.10978953

third cousins I think

>> No.10978973

My elder siblings are both having children soon, and I wanted to get them some books to make sure they have good reading material, since my siblings and their respective spouses are plebs. Books basically saved me from being a massive faggot, and my hope is that the same will work for my nephews.
I was thinking this would be a good general-purpose volume, an anon here suggested it: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0684868741/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1523314188&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=stories+for+intelligent+children+of+all+ages&dpPl=1&dpID=51HBGR2FDKL&ref=plSrch
I was also thinking of things like classic Pooh. I see some on posted Moomin ITT. I've never read it, is it good for children?
I'm also worried my siblings will never actually read to their kids, especially literature in the classic range.
Any suggestions? What did you anons read and/or what was read to you as kids?

>> No.10978986


Just a heads up my friend. Amazon links can be shortened like so.


>> No.10978992
File: 2.72 MB, 2828x1828, 8d05fa9a81445d3bb1678c52bff5c97e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this literature?

>> No.10979000

>What did you anons read and/or what was read to you as kids?

I probably had three dozen kid books when I was very young. My mom read to me regularly for years. Out of all of these, I really loved a handful of them. These were read to me many times. Alas, I cannot remember their names, but I recall the themes. Fantastic races, battles, adventure, revenge, etc.

>> No.10979018

But you can only have one mother and one father.....?

>> No.10979019
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sorry but it's clearly england

>> No.10979025

Thank you anon. I was actually wishing I could shorten it.
I got a copy of Aesop's Fables for one of the kids. I'd also like some fairy tale and adventure esque stuff, I read that sort of thing as a child and enjoyed it.
Do you remember any details about the books, like characters or names? Were they like Narnia or something? Were they a series?

>> No.10979040

Most women got to reproduce, not many men did.

>> No.10979052

Boring, sear, Victorian, haughty, straitjacket, emotionally poor.
The greatest English children's writer was a madman.

>> No.10979062

So? Your personal ancestors are still 50 50 male female

>> No.10979066
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quite right

>> No.10979088

Then a lot of people would have the same ancestors? If my dad had a child with another woman that woman wouldn't be related to me. You can't have two moms.

>> No.10979123
File: 107 KB, 572x800, robinson-crusoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you remember any details about the books

I remember the sizes and colours of the books, but not much else beside. They were old French books. I'm not sure where my parents got them. Some of the books came in boxed sets. Five or six small pale hardcovers. Seven or eight large yellow hardcovers. Some thin black paperbacks with stories about dinosaurs.

Some of the first books I read on my own belonged to 'Les grands classiques illustrés'. I'm not sure if the stories were abbreviated or what, but they were very easy to read, and were full of images. Voyage to the Centre of the Earth was my favourite. Looking back on it, I guess it was my first exposure to literary classics.

I mention these, because I think they'd make great bedtime reading.

>> No.10979127

>Cheshire Cat

What was his problem anyways?

>> No.10979139
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>> No.10979159

there's plenty of good english kids' books and yet you choose these

>> No.10979160
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I still have a few of them. I'm glad I kept them for all these years.

>> No.10979165
File: 533 KB, 614x857, cgv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you might've had better manners if you were read some nice robert louis stevenson books as a child

>> No.10979180
File: 545 KB, 1264x1600, ozbooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get them the original Baum Oz books, good shit

>> No.10979213

I also read those a lot, at least the English versions. My grandmother would send them to me. I think some of them are indeed abbreviated.
I think I still have a few packed away. Those would be great. I hadn't even though of it, thanks anon.

>> No.10979236

robinson crusoe's an english book

>> No.10979243

I know that. But the anon I'm replying to had the French language version.
I was unaware that Great Illustrated Classics was a multilingual effort.

>> No.10979375

Oh man, those Jesse Wilcox illustrations.
Literally my childhood.

>> No.10979465
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I'm obviously very biased, but I do believe that America has one of the stronger contenders

>> No.10979641
File: 44 KB, 500x375, are you stupid asuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't simply have 2^n ancestors going back n generations because people inevitably have common ancestors. This anon >>10978846 has more great-great-grandfathers than great-great-grandmothers.

>> No.10979672

INCEST MAN, holy shit does it need to be spelled out for you. chad great grandpa fucked his daughter and her daughter and that third daughter.

>> No.10979681
File: 118 KB, 500x375, lrdqs2E6ba1r1qcm5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>great grandpa fucked his daughter

For what purpose?

>> No.10979685

do you like how the dads pick wives that look like their moms and the moms pick husbands that look like their dads.

stay classy japan.

>> No.10979703

might just be a desperate need for more men to work on the farm, you needed physical strength and it was no guarantee that a boy would survive, but a female child is potentially more valuable especially since boys died doing stupid shit more often in the process of growing up. maybe he was just a horny freak. dad's didn't have a lot of contact with their daughters since the sexes were more segregated and people were often busy doing maintenance and preparation work, all kinds of weird sexual complexes could've developed. today the girl with an absent father ends up being in abusive relationships with men, very slutty and so on. similarly the boy with an estranged mother also develops sexually in a strange way, behind every neet is a feminist not quite done pushing him out of her vagina, 20 years post-partum.

>> No.10979709

although this is only if you descend from peasants

>> No.10979734


>> No.10979779

gibme gibme

>> No.10979805


>> No.10979824

What book is this?

>> No.10979880
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>> No.10979884

damn.. christopher robin looks like THAT?

>> No.10979889

Thank you.

>> No.10980782

Britain did. Peter Rabbit and Friends and Wind in the willows are two popular ones. There's lots of other good ones, however modern books are probably about how Tyrone and Lisa are having a mixed race child that will be a gay asexual that will live in a community of pakistanis

>> No.10980785

And winnie the pooh.
Growing up being read winnie the pooh and beatrix potter stories was very nice

>> No.10980789

do you actually read anything except 4chan?

>> No.10980803
File: 761 KB, 428x678, tagurpidi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know, but estonia had some pretty wierd ones..

>> No.10980820

No, I live in Britain you spastic. You only have to go outside to see it, or read the guardian.
Considering we have regulation on advertising meaning it has to be 'diverse' enough, not much suprises me

>> No.10980824

26% of London's primary school children are British, I wish it wasn't true

>> No.10980831


>> No.10980872
File: 75 KB, 700x523, large_image_0.jpg?lastModified=1514476771000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. as a child I had the german translation of japanese science children's books. I was learning about light refraction at like, 4. It was amazing.

>> No.10980877

genghis khan liked to fuuuuuuck

>> No.10980890

O shit I had those too but in English. I recognize the little mascot kid in the corner.

>> No.10980891

What a nice photo, saved

>> No.10980911

>tfw learning Japanese for the past 5 months and managed to understand what's writing there

>> No.10981681

That is impossible outside of incest. You have one father, and one mother. Same is true for them. Any one person has the same amount of male and female ancestors.

What you are thinking of is that if we look at everyone's ancestors there are more females than males, because we all share many of our male ancestors.

>> No.10981697

> being this guy...

If your great great great great great great granddaddy got some, He probably got it with many many women, and most males didn’t get a sniff. Therefore he is the sexual partner of perhaps 4 or 5 people in our ancestry. Whilst the women are genetically different, his vote gets counted a few more times so you now have less genetic variation of males than females. Continue this over the span of more primitive (read non-monogamous) generations and the effect extrapolates, so you have less male than female ancestors

>> No.10981736

I had those as well. They were freakin awesome.

>> No.10981746

>If your great great great great great great granddaddy got some, He probably got it with many many women, and most males didn’t get a sniff.

Only one of those women in my great great great great gandma though. So I personally still have a 50:50 gender ratio for my ancestors. I doesn't matter how many other people my granddad slept with.

>> No.10981756

>Only one of those women in my great great great great gandma though

Not necessarily, infact not even likely when you go back far enough

>> No.10981771

As a kid I had a big book with miths from around the world. It was my favorite book for sure

>> No.10981784
File: 290 KB, 640x471, 44135B17-DEBF-437B-96FE-3CAA45ADA36D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It matters when your male ancestors two trees combine later down the line. I’m struggling to explain because you’re kind of dense so I drew pic related

>> No.10981821

wow, you're dumb.

>> No.10981847

I was recommended childerns books to learn new languages, is that solid advice?

>> No.10981902

>I was recommended childerns books to learn new languages, is that solid advice?

It's a good place to start, and reading with the new tongue is very important.

>> No.10981918

Its safer but a lot of adult books are fine once you're on a semi-intermiate level

>> No.10981939

depends, for example with children's fiction in slavic languages you will encounter a lot of diminutives which might make it harder than reading, say, some really basic detective novel or something.

>> No.10981981
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>> No.10981996

I mainly want to read science and philsophy. I'm thinking about animal encyclopedias and then Wikipedia before moving on to journals and books that's pretty much how I aquired English as a kid. Is it important to also read dialogue if I don't want to speak like a complete autist or can I aquire that from conversation?
Any search engine tips for finding things to read? I'm American so Spanish makes the most sense, i also really want French for obvious reasons.

>> No.10982005

What the fuck is an outside gene?

>> No.10982020

All analytic speech emerges from natural dialogue. Especially when it comes to hyper synthentic languages like French you will want to make sure you understand natural expressions to get the most out of their philosophy

>> No.10982051

Obviously not an official term because I’m not a genealogist, but you should be able to understand that if you’re not 12.
By outside gene I mean one introduced that doesn’t share the gene of the original ancestor

>> No.10982360

Well one thing is obvious, you're not a genealogist. In every generation there is a new genome consiting of 50% orange and 50%. There is no reason to imply that there's any genes left of the original green after a couple of generations.

>> No.10982365

>Lolita in her Aztec Red swimming pants

>> No.10982373

Why are they touching hands like that?

Is that how babies are made?

>> No.10982394

>There were fewer people in the past
>The further back you go, the more people there are

It literally doesn't make sense.

>> No.10982440

>Books basically saved me from being a massive faggot
Not really.

>> No.10982461
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>> No.10982486

You have got to be trolling. It doesn’t matter how much is left, you still have less male ancestors than female, because the males bred with multiple females, and there was some crossover of offspring generations ahead. It happens because women are choosy maters and this is because of the expense to a woman of pregnancy, childbirth and raising them. This then leads to only an elite class of males who are seen as sexually desirable getting all the pussy. Every female gets to have kids, but (for arguments sake) not every male gets to because Chad is claiming more than his fair share of pussy. Your male ancestors are fewer than your female ancestors. Your great great grand daddy was more of a shagger than you’ll ever be, and when you die a childless virgin, your last thought will be “oh shit I finally get it!”

>> No.10982536

For Mr. Retarded.
>The male ancestors repeats.
All your grand parents share male ancestors, and all their grandparents share male ancestors, and all their grandparents share male ancestors, ad infinitum to the first human tribe. (you also share female)

>> No.10982545

Is that a metaphor for the Holocaust?

>> No.10982554

your chad granddads fucked their own mothers.

>> No.10982578

Fucking Struwwelpeter.

>> No.10982583

It does matter when you are talking about genes you fucking idiot. The stereotypical chad male doesn't necesarily passes his individual genes down more succesfully after many generations. Both becomes after two or three generations of monogamy he could be stamped out, and because genes change anyway.

I get that some people can share a male ancestor, but not a female one. It's is still retarded to claim that we, plural, have more male ancestors then female. Every individual has just as many and some people share ancestors and some dont.

>> No.10982587
File: 286 KB, 571x542, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Es brennt die Hand, es brennt das Haar,
>es brennt das ganze kind sogar

>> No.10982618
File: 256 KB, 3000x1055, schwarzebuben.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah Struwwelpeter is from the 1800s. There's actually a story where three kids get punished (dipped in black ink) by St Nicholas for making fun of a moor/black kid

>> No.10982628

How dense are you? Consider two facts:
1. At 25 generations in the past, you have a shitload of ancestors
2. Guys have children with more partners than women
Therefore, one of your great-great-great-great[...]grandpas could have fucked 15 of your great-great-great-great[...]grandmas.

>> No.10982646

>Only one of those women in my great great great great gandma though.
No. If you go far enough in history, all women in Europe (assuming you're white, but this holds for any race of course) are your great-great-great-grandmas. Therefore, if grandpa Chad had children with multiple women, then you have multiple great-great-great-grandmas who fucked the same great-great-great-grandpa.

>> No.10982775

Don’t bother I drew him a picture and everything he’s obviously 10

>> No.10982869

My father would also come up with bedtime stories for me about whatever I requested. My mother read stories like Russian folk tales, Nikolai Gogol, Dostovesky, and Alice in Quantumland to me. Besides that, they also read Dick and Jane, the Bible, Pooh, and various children's picture books to me. My mother's efforts to get me interested in Russian literature and chemistry were ultimately successful, so I think early exposure to relatively complex topics and stories isn't a waste.

>> No.10982873

>2. Guys have children with more partners than women
Not true anymore.

>> No.10982874

Roald Dahl was Norwegian desu.

>> No.10982915

absolutely based

>> No.10982940

Whoa, I had these too! I can't remember the English title though.

>> No.10983283

This is not true for an individual you stupid idiot. The claim 'we have more male then female ancestors' is imprecise. We as a collective don't have the same ancestors. Besides.all this implies that females don't bear children from different partners which is fucking stupid too.