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/lit/ - Literature

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10972279 No.10972279 [Reply] [Original]

Remember this is what reading Harry Potter does to you

>81,900 hours spent listening to the same books over and over again

>> No.10972290

It does what? Turns you into a redditor?

>> No.10972300

At least reddit actually reads

>> No.10972302
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aT lEaSt It GeTs KiDs ReAdInG

>> No.10972309


>> No.10972315

>81,900 hours
>9.35 years

ur math is a bit off buddy

>> No.10972316

Why are redditors always so self-aware?

>> No.10973690

>The whole series 700 times!
>about 500 books!
>well... yeah they kept going while I slept 8 hours every night, but still!
>I re-watched the films too!!!

>> No.10973791

Haven't you gotten bored by it?

Edit: why am I being downvoted?

>> No.10973797

not even, just playing audiobooks in the background.

>> No.10975407

This desu

>> No.10976353

I'm going to go out a limb here and say it's unlikely most people who have read the Potter series have listened to the audiobooks daily for years. I don't think this is Rowling's fault. I've read the series, and have never felt inclined to listen to any audiobook at all.

>> No.10976395

Just checked the thread out, OP is probably a fuckwad from here just baiting, take a look at some of the replies:

"I do. I consume other books/audiobooks while pooping or driving, respectively, like most people. HP is for when I'm in bed. So I only actually listen to 2-3 hours of a book a night. Most of the books are about 8 hours long. So every couple of nights I just pick one at random and repeat the process.

During the day is when I'm listening to physics books."

"Like I said, I don't need to pay attention to it. I'll occassionaly put something else on, like Ready Player One, but if I try to go to bed and relax while listening to a book I've never read before, I'm going to be on edge paying attention to the story. When I wake up, I have to worry about potential spoilers, as well as having to go back several chapters and find where I fell asleep at.

I don't have to do any of that for HP. It's good background. So I save new books for driving and whatnot."

>> No.10976408

why would this be bait? people do that shit, just have tv shows or podcasts or audiobooks playing 24/7 to distract you from thinking because as soon as you're not distracted all you can think of is how much you want to kill yourself.

>> No.10976424

>listening to physics books
how do you even do this? or does he mean pop-sci?

>> No.10976489
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I have something that is worse

>> No.10976493

>I consume other books/audiobooks while pooping or driving, respectively,
What did he mean by this

>> No.10976501

you can't read a book while driving and you can't wipe your ass with a folder of mp3s

>> No.10976505

It means he assumes an austere and dignified demeanour

>> No.10976512

Then visit a psychiatrist or pull the plug

>> No.10976524

>in a day, mind you

>> No.10976569

Bad books are mental poison. Harry Potter seems to stunt people emotionally and intellectually.

>> No.10976614

I refuse to believe this isn't bait.

>> No.10976727
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What about books on tape

>> No.10976819


Pewdiepie gets kids reading. HP just makes them weird after they turn 15

>> No.10976827
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>tfw reading Harry Potter and Series of Unfortunate events was my gateway to literature

>> No.10976871

>shits all over Death of a Salesman, The Great Gatsby, and The Catcher in the Rye
>recommends the Xanth series

>> No.10976931
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Not gonna lie I read almost all of the potter books 5 or so times when I was a teen. Later ones I had to read in English so maybe I learned something there.

>> No.10976983

There's nothing wrong with reading Harry Potter.

>> No.10977010

Now say “there’s nothing wrong with reading Harry Potter hundreds of times”

>> No.10977022


>implying any of you faggots are below 100,000 hours of continuous shitposting

Matthew 7:1

>> No.10977027

Nothing wrong with that. As long as you move past children's books and genre fiction you're good.
For me it was the Star Wars expanded universe novels, which are very much trash as well.

>> No.10977073

Theres some pathology with these people. Its normal to read harry potter, but to read it hundreds of time is insanity.

Also listening to audiobooks is not fucking reading.

>> No.10977074

No he's a genius

>> No.10977097

This is actually true

>> No.10977106

No, Space Ghost, like Shakespeare, actually reading Shakespeare.

>> No.10977107


>> No.10977110

It is safe to assume that there is no bait on reddit

>> No.10977210

This board seems to stunt people emotionally and intellectually.

>> No.10977276

Man I hated rereading to the depths of my soul, but rereading poetry is the real shit.
Pound's Exultations is fucking great.

>> No.10977306

I kekd

>> No.10977314

Every time /r/books is mentioned here i go there and the top post is always about someone reading there first book

>> No.10977422

Why the hate for HP desu? It was comfy back in the day. Just enjoy the memories and move on. Also forget that Rowling wrote it.

>> No.10977428
File: 205 KB, 1280x660, shroom-networks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw running while listening to books

>> No.10977557

It's incessantly brought up in pop culture and it has a weird, cult-like following. Countless manchildren are obsessed with it and think it's the peak of literature/art.

>> No.10977567

But that's not the book's problem.

>> No.10977573

True but that doesn't make the cult surrounding it any less irritating. Plus if these cretins worm their way into academia they'll canonize it even though it's just an above-average YA fantasy series.

>> No.10977650

I happily read everything up to The Half Blood Prince. It's quite good children's lit imo. Didn't hear anything about it for a couple of years after that. Then suddenly when I'm around 18 I start hearing about acquaintances that are "obsessed" with Harry Potter. I thought it was just a nostalgic re-read at first. That they'd drop it eventually, but these weirdos keep spamming quotes and HP related shit on social media even today - 7 years later.

What the fuck happened? Is it because of the movies? It baffles me how someone can be stuck on the same CHILDREN'S fantasy series for a decade.

>> No.10977684

Desu I'm still bawling over LotR at 25 as embarrassing as that may take. Thank God I don't act like a tool you described and keep it to myself.

>> No.10977698

But it is the peak.

>> No.10977790


>> No.10978049

Hellooo Dunning-Kruger

>> No.10978093

He might be right to be honest. Now that there really is close to zero hope of convincing a lot of high school kids that reading Shakespeare is an enriching activity, it may be better to show them how literature works through easier and more relatable books and hope that a few understand how reading a book can be meaningful and seek higher forms of the craft later on.

>> No.10978110

>you now remember Charlton Heston doing the 'friends, Romans, countrymen' speech

>> No.10978138

It's nothing more than a string of fantasy cliches expressed in unremarkable writing that preaches an emetic bourgeois liberalism. Those books provide no emotional or spiritual nourishment for their target audience and encourage them for the rest to be childish with in the way they engage with the world. There are few books out there more deserving of such hatred.
It's not even half as effective as those books.

>> No.10978170

>In a day, mind you
>Reading quickly is a good thing
This is a meme and it should fucking die. Reading a book that size in a single day means that you're reading it simply so you can say you've read it. You don't absorb any of the information and the entire point of the activity is lost.

>> No.10978183
File: 42 KB, 399x322, pepe cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw It was Eragon and HP for me
Going back and reading Eragon now, I can't understand how I ever thought it was good.

>> No.10978212

Did you grow up with the books? I did and it was pure escapism. The movies were special to me growing up to. I was about the same age as Harry, I had just moved to a foreign country and I have a lot of good memories of the franchise and world. I’m not obsessed with it and I haven’t read or watched anything H.P. in years but I still have a lot of nostalgia for the world.

>> No.10978231

Harry Potter is the new MK Ultra.

>> No.10978266

I digged Eragon when I was 14 too.

Jesus christ. Even King was better.

>> No.10978270

I knew a lot of people in High School like this. Most of the time I was the only one who enjoyed my literature classes.
Was always frustrating.

>> No.10978356
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>the hobbit as an example of bad YA book
>Hunger Games as an example of a good YA book
What the fuck is this?

>> No.10978922

I love the modern world.

>> No.10978934

I had the same experience, I guess reading a book written by a kid is less cringy when you're a kid.