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10950214 No.10950214 [Reply] [Original]

>duude refugees are like holy men, let them in and let us abolish biopolitics! also, end the war on terrorism just because it controls poc bodies!!

Deleuze and Foucault really sucked the life out of Western philosophy. I can get the same insights from the anarchist hippie down the street.

Within a 100 years only Islamic theology will be taught in European universities, and it's probably for the better.

>> No.10950220

>Within a 100 years only Islamic theology will be taught in European universities
I sort of doubt this, but I am curious what is going to happen when some of these countries are like half Muslim.

>> No.10950221

>and it's probably for the better.
If it's like al-Andalus and they let me read whatever the fuck I want, then i'd actually be okay with this

>> No.10950250

al-andalus was not like that, anon. there were pogroms and crushing dhimmi taxes
I'm French. I hope this time we won't be cowards and do something before it happens.

>> No.10950270
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>> No.10950271

>I'm French.
so do the Muslims assimilate at all, or is it really like an invasion in slow motion? Bit of both?

>> No.10950275

Also, I'm not taking issue with Deleuze or Foucault themselves, it's just that their intellectual legacy (Agamben, and philosophically trained institutions cranking out papers of how detaining illegal migrants and reinforcing nation borders is some fucking crime against humanity) IS COMPLETE FUCKING SHIT

>> No.10950289

This seems more appropriate to Foucault then Deleuze's Legacy; makes me wander, what is your opinion on Derrida? How much of those philosophers work have delved into?

>> No.10950297

>so do the Muslims assimilate at all

the ones that do are considered houseniggers running the errands of white devil

>> No.10950303

well that bodes well lmao.

>> No.10950306

Perniola was the better Italian postmodenist. Why do foreigners always read our worst philosophers? Him and Evola are probably the most well known.

>> No.10950319

Not OP, but Derrida has the absolute shittiest legacy ever, only one who can even compete is Hegel.

>> No.10950335

It's an invasion. Frankly Ím scared. The opposition has been hijacked by former fascists (trying to translate "collobarateurs") like Le Pen so he rightly didn't succeed, but the other end of the spectrum is also the end of France. Most of my fellow young people didn't get out of the brainwashing we endured as children. The future is dim.

>> No.10950344

Praise Macron

>> No.10950387

Macron should hang

>> No.10950411

Maybe you should get involved with the peace movement instead of anti immigration. Africa and the middle east will never get better otherwise.

If someone needs help you help them, that's basic moral understanding. The problem is state bureaucracies are not capable of morality, democracy is amoral by nature.
Turning people in need away when you can help them is selfish cowardly and inhuman. Immigration would sort it self out without all the arbitrary restrictions of state sovernity/private property.

>> No.10950428

>When I could get the same insights from the anarchist hippie down the street

>> No.10950432

>Maybe you should get involved with the peace movement instead of anti immigration.
Yeah dude, a peace march in England is really going to stop the Syrians from murdering each other

>> No.10950434

>talks about Bodies without Organs
>planes of immanence
>silent panentheism
>humans as alchemical experiments
>Land is greatly inspired by him
no you’re wrong

>> No.10950449

>Within a 100 years only Islamic theology will be taught in European universities, and it's probably for the better.
yeah, no, islam can't agree on anything and they'll just start shooting each other as soon as they stop shooting at us

or maybe even before they even start shooting at us

>> No.10950458

>read whatever the fuck I want
top kek, the al-andalus meme is just a meme

>> No.10950464

>im scared of poor brown people

shut up retard go kill a rich person and make our lives better

>> No.10950465

how can they ever assimilate if europe doesn't even have a culture? how do you assimilate into nothingness?

bored middle class people are trying to unironically revitalize the continent through multiculturalism, which will go as bad as it sounds

>> No.10950474

is there any unironical Derridean beyond Avital Ronel? never heard anybody being a Derridean, seems like Foucault thoroughly cucked him with his degenerate coolness

>> No.10950481

>>im scared of poor brown people
yeah, except i'm scared of all people, as you should unironically be

>> No.10950484

t. sheltered white boi

>> No.10950489

It totally can, foreign policy can make or break peace. Public opinion is easy to sway and democratic governments respond to the conscious of their governed(because they have to). The peace movement is about calling out bullshit. if everyone who was pissed off about refugees was as dedicated to giving them a home worth going back too, their problems would be non existent in no time and they wouldn't have any opposition.
Bitching about immigrants is not a practical thing to do. Bawwing about immigrants, and ganging up to prevent powerless people from making their lives better is never going to fix any problems, especially because it has such a strong moral opposition.

>> No.10950500

>googles Avital Ronel
>feminist philosopher
Fucking knew it, Derrideanism is fucking plagued by feminists, lgbtqs and a variety of minorities. Yes, it's a fundamental part of what deconstruction means, but it's still just taking Derrida's method and throwing it at things to sell books.

>> No.10950512

>Avital Ronell argues for the necessity of the unintelligible, the flaw and breakdown. She has supported her argument for the necessity of the unintelligible by saying, "If we could communicate, we wouldn't need to communicate."

>> No.10950517

basically any radical feminist like Judith Butler

>> No.10950518

You have an incredibly naive view of how geopolitics works. Shitting on immigrants is obviously both useless and immoral, but every solution to the problems they face at home is either incredibly costly to the West (both monetarily and in terms of lives), or is going to make the problems worse (a la Iraq). There's no obvious solution to the problem proposed by any peace activist.

>> No.10950525

the solution that would actually work is colonizing the countries. Lots of these places were very nice under European rule. That's obviously never going to happen so hopefully the Chinese morph into that role from where they are now.

>> No.10950526

i mean Butler is influenced by literally everybody trendy when she started, but i don't think there are many strict Derrideans like there are Foucaltians

>> No.10950530
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when will the /pol/ invasion stop

>> No.10950532

you're right, but i'd argue third-wave feminism is equally influenced by both

>> No.10950533

Judith Butler is an hegelian

>> No.10950536
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>> No.10950539


>> No.10950544
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>The opposition has been hijacked by former fascists (trying to translate "collobarateurs") like Le Pen so he rightly didn't succeed, but the other end of the spectrum is also the end of France.

Baudrillard sums it up pretty well in a Conjuration of Imbeciles >http://ctheory.net/ctheory_wp/a-conjuration-of-imbeciles/

>> No.10950546
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>> No.10950552


>>10950518 >>10950489
What's with all this "complaining about immigrants is useless"? Complaining about people complaining about immigrants is useless. People have legitimate grievances caused by immigration. Obviously it isn't the fault of the immigrants, but it is the fault of people like you.

>> No.10950553

>dude, like, you're prioritizing the intelligible over the unintelligible
Literally a slightly creative application of deconstruction, consider for a second how much time you wasted reading her that could have gone to something better.

>> No.10950555

res publica looks patrician

>> No.10950556


>> No.10950558

agreed where do we find such a place

>> No.10950564

i'll just leave here this breddy cool tangentially related Jacobite article

>> No.10950566

if you are from the west then it's your grand-grandfather's fault

>> No.10950570

We had anti-war marches in Britain for Iraq and it amounted to fuck all

>> No.10950572

These guys occasionally have interesting articles but I seriously do not understand who they're writing for. Like what possible target demographic is this article aimed at

>> No.10950574

>hey guy I know your home is in literal ruins, but fuck you because someone you don't know who also came from your country sexually assaulted someone I don't know

>> No.10950575

How? Not to mention that you treat it like an inevitability. It could be overturned today if there was the will to do it.

>> No.10950582

so what, just allow the child rape gangs to continue?

>> No.10950586

Something akin to what happened in Anatolia.

>> No.10950587

Even if they didn't have a rape problem, e.g. the Chinese, allowing mass migration from these countries is still completely ridiculous

>> No.10950590

i don't think they have a clear editorial line, it's everything from unironical Landian accelerationism, to run-of-the-mill alt-right stuff, to reactionary stuff, to lolbertarian stuff, so basically people trying to see new openings to the standard left and right while still leaning right

but in general i'd say it's a pessimistic publication without much hope for politics of any kind

>> No.10950595

Marx is worse. Heck, you can't be worse than Marx. May Antichrist prove me wrong.

>> No.10950596

Plus many of their homes weren't even in ruins. Most of them in fact.

>> No.10950600

>rape and terrorism don't matter as long as only people i don't know get raped and terrorized, the post

>> No.10950604
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Considering they're going to majority Maghrebi social intelligence will drop dramatically. Human rightists are unironically correct when they advocate for the virtue of the Syrian refugees, some Levantines would be much better.

>> No.10950607

How about don't be stupid cowardly bitches like the British police force and actually enforce the law

>> No.10950610

This is a really shit reading of Agamben. Almost like the only thing you read by him was his wikipedia article. He's not even that influenced by D&G anyways.

>> No.10950612
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/pol/ like the resurgence of right-wing politics and populism in general is a symptom and not the disease itself. The disease has irreversibly infected the social body itself. When will leftist fags learn.

>> No.10950614
File: 280 KB, 1024x798, 1800_Wilkinson_Map_of_the_4_Eastern_Churches_rectified.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same thing that happened to the previous 4 out of 5 christian patriarchies:
Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem.

Rome is next https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentarchy

>> No.10950618

Perniolla died? Also, it's not that people don't read him, it's that people only know him as a subpar comentator of situationism and not as a great aesthetician / historian of philosophy. Also, Negri is much more read than Evola, so is Vico.

>> No.10950621

How about don't be stupid cowardly bitches like British members of parliament and don't allow millions of foreign people to move into the country?

>> No.10950625

>Perniolla died?
Yeah, this year

>> No.10950626

is there anybody that has been ever wronger than Negri and Hardt though? i don't think they even leave their house anymore out of shame

>> No.10950632

there's literally nothing you can do, what could you even do? enforce borders? that would be too racist to even conceive of it

>> No.10950637

Fug this sucks, I love Thinking Ritual, it's a very weird and obscure book (almost like a dyonisiac version of Agamben) but whenever I reread it I glimpse something new and it blows me away. Getting time to go back into it btw
I'm not even versed in their work, I only read Negri's book on Spinosa and it didn't seemed like the most impartial reading.

>> No.10950650

what's Perniola about?

>> No.10950663

They went out of the way to bring people in. And the party that did it now reels in their votes. Now they teach this multiculturalism and multiracialism as doctrine.

>> No.10950674

How about not painting arbitrary borders across a desert that happens to be overspread with diversity, it's a historical problem that bites you in the ass, it's the modern age, you don't simply close your borders and run around from a problem that you partly caused (if you want to bind yourself with a national identity, then it's only right to take it all in you, even the bad parts)

also don't forget that in ww2 European born citizens fled from totalitarian regimes, in our time the roles changed, and the west is playing big daddy without being grown up enough to know what the hell they are doing. the westerns states think that it can play the geopolitical game without getting their hands bloody

I don't even need to use the fucking example of Syria. Take a look at Libya. France bombed the living shit out of Gaddaffi. The grand coalition forcing the evil dictator to it's knees. Now you have a flood of immigrants from central Africa taking the route through destabilized Libya to get to Italy. And the European Union is literally paying headhunters and criminals to catch those people before they reach the international waters. The whole problem goes way above everyone's head.

>> No.10950680

unironically importing voters always makes me laugh, it's going to backfire terribly when the voting blocks are big enough to start creating their own parties and they realize they failed at brainwashing 30 year old guys by giving them a 5 hours "civic" language and values training course

>> No.10950687

>also don't forget that in ww2 European born citizens fled from totalitarian regimes
reminder that none of those migrations substantially changed the percentual ethnic makeup of any country

>> No.10950688
File: 52 KB, 771x546, 8ABB9C87-96DA-4B72-979C-D05CB3F7985E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except that decolonization eventually led to a dramatic burst of growth in poor countries. Just look at this graph, look at how the number of people in absolute poverty rises smoothly until colonialism ends and then begins to fall relentlessly. Decolonization clearly worked.

>> No.10950695

>How about not painting arbitrary borders across a desert that happens to be overspread with diversity, it's a historical problem that bites you in the ass, it's the modern age, you don't simply close your borders and run around from a problem that you partly caused (if you want to bind yourself with a national identity, then it's only right to take it all in you, even the bad parts)

>holding contemporary Europeans responsible for the actions of their ancestors that violate your arbitrarily constructed notion of human rights

Middle easterners are just as much at fault for their current situation as Europeans are. To deny that plays into the bigotry of low expectations and is ironically incredibly Euro-centric.

>> No.10950700

That argument absolutely contradicts an anti immigration stance.
It's almost like you don't consider refugees people, not your "people at least. It seems like you don't care if people live in literal fucking war as long as it isn't in your community.

>> No.10950704

I can't tell if this post is a joke or not, but m8 you have a lot of thinking to do if you honestly believe what you're saying here.

Countries like the Congo, Rhodesia, etc. have never recovered from the chaos following decolonization, and the decline in poverty is because of technological advances.

>> No.10950709

That's what's known as an in-group

>> No.10950710

>Nearly 1/2 of the world's population — more than 3 billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty — less than $1.25 a day. 1 billion children worldwide are living in poverty. According to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due to poverty.
sounds legit

>> No.10950711

>It's almost like you don't consider refugees people, not your "people at least. It seems like you don't care if people live in literal fucking war as long as it isn't in your community.
Not that guy but humanity is the biggest spook of them all. Your attempt universalism is so cliche and hypocritical it hurts.

>> No.10950712

can that new big green group of people unironically take care of themselves once the gibs stop flowing though?

>> No.10950717

>partly caused

I'm not denying anything.

>> No.10950718

it's mostly Asians, and they do take care of themselves. Africa is only at 1bil right now, it is if their projected growth plays out that things will get seriously fucked

>> No.10950719

>dude decolonization was immediately followed by rapid economic development in most poor countries but it was still a bad thing because I said so

>> No.10950723

i consider them people, i don't see why you think that moving a group of people from a piece of land A to a piece of land B will radically transform the group of people, and if the people living in land A are just people, why move them to land B at all? they are just people living there in A, just like there's people living here in B, nothing changes by moving them according to your theory

>> No.10950730

Foreign aid didn’t really contribute to this decline of poverty

>> No.10950733
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>tfw former muslim and leftards unironically say this to me when i tell them that islam is a disease

I'll never understand the fetish that the left has for Islam. It's antithetical to everything they stand for.

>> No.10950734

Ah, yes, Congo was such a paradise before it was decolonized. Remember how wonderfully the Belgians treated the native population?

>> No.10950736

It was not followed by rapid development, many of the countries in question literally devolved into civil war and to this day their infrastructure hasn't recovered to the colonial days.

Your graph there is because of industrialization, which can happen with or without colonialism, the East Asian colonies did fine once the Europeans left.

>> No.10950737
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How fast are you expecting things to change?

>> No.10950741

Don't get me wrong, I am absolutely certain that those who drew them knew much more than you did about those regions, and likely had actual first or second hand experience governing the areas, meanwhile you know nothing at all which is why you dare to
suggest no borders.

Still, your opinion is completely and utterly ridiculous.
At the very least, your attempt at moral blackmail into total ethnocultural suicide is based on faulty premises.
The same party that allowed such an unprecedented level of immigration, then went on to invade Iraq. (No, you can't cry about Libya or Syria or whatever the fuck, it is plainly obvious this is post-hoc justification.) And there was an immigration problem even before then, it was just not on the same scale.

>> No.10950746

The Congo was a completely functional country in 1950, it was a genuinely nice place. The Belgians brutalizing the population 50 years earlier doesn't make this somehow not true.

>> No.10950748

>Your graph there is because of industrialization

Well, duh, but why did so many poor countries begin to rapidly industrialize after they were decolonized?

>> No.10950749

>It seems like you don't care if people live in literal fucking war as long as it isn't in your community.
war is not a natural disaster, if you bring people killing each other into your community they won't stop just because of the air, climate theories of character have no scientific validity

>> No.10950750
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if you are implying that middle eastern/african immigration changed the percentual ethnic makeup of any country today as it stands, except for france that welcomed the blacks with open arms, and without considering the populational downfall of the west due to child policy, please feel free to cite some scientific data/sources

>> No.10950760

Nevermind that the vast majority of these people are not in fact refugees fleeing a war, in fact we hardly took in any refugees at all.

>> No.10950763

Gee, why do Western leftists defend a small and vulnerable minority which has to regularly face xenophobia and racism? I genuinely have no idea.

>> No.10950766

That just didn't happen, I have no idea why you even think that. I just explained to you that many countries collapsed following decolonization, and the countries that rapidly industrialized are made up of both colonies and non-colonies.

South Africa is an obvious example- it industrialized under European rule, and has been declining since they gave up power.

>> No.10950770

all that elitism is bad for you, man

>> No.10950771

>Indeed the foreign born population of England and Wales more than doubled, increasing by nearly four million in the twenty years between the 1991 and 2011 censuses. It has now reached 13.4% of our population. This massive increase dwarfs the scale of any previous inflow in our history.

>> No.10950772

Pretty much. Go shove your humanism up your ass

>> No.10950773

>It's almost like you don't consider refugees people, not your "people at least.

>> No.10950775

All the historical foundational movements and antecedents of leftism are about the interests of the majority. Left and right terminology literally comes from the French revolution lmao. Try again faggot. For the nth time, leftism =/= liberalism.

>> No.10950776

literally nobody buys the 'empathic leftist' thing dude, just don't even bother

>> No.10950779

Dude a 1 billion religion is a small and vulnerable community lmao.

Also ignore the fact that this community spreads war and strife wherever it goes, and commands its followers to wage holy war according to the immutable word of God, that's just a coincidence.

Fuck off.

>> No.10950781

>xenophobia and racism
In other words they have to face people who don't like them, and the way to face up to that is to silence their opposition

>> No.10950784
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>That just didn't happen, I have no idea why you even think that.

>> No.10950788

Why not use some graphs that actually put it into the context of when the country was decolonised?

>> No.10950794

what didn't happen is your narrative of rapid industrialization following decolonization. you can't point to any African country that follows this pattern.

Not to mention Africa receives huge amounts of aid from the West, and there are still Western companies operating in important roles in many countries, like the diamond industry in Botswana

>> No.10950795

take a (You)

>> No.10950796

>share of Africa's population living in extreme poverty increased in the post-colonialism 90s
You sure proved him wrong

>> No.10950801

>Dude a 1 billion religion is a small and vulnerable community lmao.

It is a small and vulnerable minority within most Western countries

>Also ignore the fact that this community spreads war and strife wherever it goes

Thank you, by making a crude generalization about a group of people you made me realize that this group of people should not be defended from crude generalizations.

>> No.10950802

>It is a small and vulnerable minority within most Western countries
And soon it'll be the small and vulnerable majority

>> No.10950805

Because France is now importing soilders from Syria. S.M.H.
So if my community is at war I should get the fuck out and go some place safer, right?
Sweetie, if you are this bad at prospecting you shouldn't be name dropping science like that.

>> No.10950807
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>> No.10950812


>> No.10950813
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>1 billion people
>small minority
There's a Muslim on every fucking corner where I live, and my country only has a population of 36 million. Muslims aren't a minority, not for long at least

>> No.10950814

>It is a small and vulnerable minority within most Western countries
Elaborate. How are they vulnerable? I think you underestimate the economic wellbeing of the average "migrant" or "refugee," not to mention the increasing proportion of immigrants in countries like the UK, US and Canada who are economically better off than the majority of the working class "natives." Economic inequality in places like London is being accelerated by immigration and the rich playboys from abroad who own the city.

>> No.10950815

>literally not doing what I asked
>the schooling is higher now
>obv this is decolonialism

>> No.10950821

What use is higher education for the masses in a pre-industrialised country?

>> No.10950824

>0:07 / 29:15
>can watch the actual numbers of % of unprecedented immigrant population in 30 seconds
yeah, no thanks, can you summarize?

>> No.10950826
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I'm not suggesting a "no borders" policy, if your reading abilities weren't affected by the shaking anxiety caused by my penetration of your ideological mist then you wouldn't start accusing me of something that I didn't even imply in my post. They knew enough to put borders around three ethnic groups (iraq), you also have cases where the border goes straight through a village. Plus in Iraq you currently have one part of the country as a quasi independent state in a state that is controlled by the Kurds. So far to my knowledge about the middle east and your knowledge about anything.

the second part of your post is complete rubbish and only reflects my previous analysis



I'm done talking with you.

All this ideology.

>> No.10950829

No matter what is in this video it cannot defeat the very obvious and real fact that my country has gone from 98% white to 78% white in 2011, its capital and many of its major cities (including the one I live in) being minority white.
If it stops now by the birth rate magic some of your cohorts believe in, it's still not going to be an acceptable outcome.

>> No.10950831

>It is a small and vulnerable minority within most Western countries

They're not vulnerable. Any violence against them is a backlash against their own unwillingness to integrate. It's why Islam causes problems wherever it goes, while Hindus and Buddhists do not.
Also that minority will become more and more violent as it increases in numbers.

>Thank you, by making a crude generalization about a group of people you made me realize that this group of people should not be defended from crude generalizations.

It's hardly crude when Islam has been historically always spread throughout Jihad, and not proselytization. Also the fact that Muhammad said that jihad is the best and most sacred thing a Muslim can do has no effect on the violent nature of the community whatsoever.

To go back to the original point, i do not get why leftists see anything worth defending in Islam. It oppresses women, hates all non-believers, has no concept of secularism, and is incapable of reformation by design. They're an enemy, in every sense of the word.

>> No.10950832
File: 71 KB, 754x530, 7154BC58-AF9D-42B5-AA29-954AE918B8E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much more evidence do you need that Africa has significantly improved since decolonization?

>> No.10950833

Except place A is an active war zone you frickin moron.
These are normal people caught in the crossfire. You act like France is bringing in palatoons of isis fighters. No, these are people running for their lives.

>> No.10950835

>I'm done talking with you.
>All this ideology.
oh come on man. The numbers aren't made up, nobody even on the Left is going to say the census numbers are propaganda

>> No.10950836

>I'm done talking with you.
it was the first google result, here's an official link if that's what you want

>> No.10950837

>has improved since decolonisation
You were saying it improved BECAUSE of decolonisation

>> No.10950838

What country?

>> No.10950842

It couldn't have been that rapid if the child mortality rate was so high in the post-colonialism 80s

>> No.10950848

>my opinion is right, yours is just ideology

This is why the left is dead

>> No.10950850

not him but he's obviously talking about the uk you nonce

>> No.10950851

>Islam has been historically always spread throughout Jihad, and not proselytization.

Indonesia has a larger Muslim population than any other country, and it became majority Muslim through proselytism rather than violent jihad.

>> No.10950852

a)the 1980s is not when decolonization happened, it is in the middle of the chaos directly caused by decolonization with the one execption of SA which was in any case the richest country
b) you're still ignoring the effect of technology and Western aid, all countries everywhere have been improving throughout this entire period, except for those with specific political issues

>> No.10950854

>Place A and B are the same nothing changes right?
Brb I'm moving my cat from my bed to the bottom of the river, it will be fine. Just moving Gizmo from place A to place B, nothing will change.

>> No.10950856

if they were normal people they wouldn't be shooting each other in the first place, it's called a civil war for a reason

>> No.10950860

West Germany has also received a lot of Western aid, even more than any Aftican country

>> No.10950861

He has no self awareness at all. He posted both of these graphs in response to >>10950788 >>10950796, showing he hasn't even understood the criticism.

>> No.10950863

Indonesia can be seen as somewhat of an exception, even though the first Muslim ruler murdered his buddhist father and then started oppressing all non-muslims. The fact that this is the most benign example you could find only shows that Islam is horribly violent and oppressive.

>> No.10950865

>Refugees are soilders running from the job.
You fucking moron.

>> No.10950869

Islam is not a monolith

>> No.10950870

>I happen to agree with most principles of the most celebrated philosophers of 200+ years ago, after their ideas have been widely examined, deemed worthy, and incorporated into my culture, in which I was indoctrinated
>but from the 20th century onwards philosophy went to SHIT!!! these people were talking nonsense that goes against my largely objective worldview which I formed independently. Surely they will never be accepted by the mainstream once their ideas and further analyzed and incorporated into culture

>> No.10950872

And cancer is not a monolith either, it's just that its most important properties are shared by all types of cancer. Same goes for (Sunni) Islam. The death penalty for apostasy, for example, is accepted by all four branches of Sunni fiqh.

>> No.10950874

it's not a monolith of oppression and violence, it's a multiplicity of violence and oppression

>> No.10950875

>All this ideology.

>Censuses are ideology

>> No.10950878

Do you actually have any empirical research which demonstrates that decolonization of Africa had an overall negative effect?

>> No.10950882

What exactly is the fetish for mass immigration about? As Zizek said, no matter many you let in, it's NEVER going to be enough

>> No.10950883

you know what a civil war is? it's not the army oppressing normal people

>> No.10950884

Why are you defending Islam? It looks like you're really just repeating ideology; you have no reason to support Islam. Not out of self-interest, and not out of principles, either.

>> No.10950890

>Everyone in the civilization is an active participant in a civil war.
Is this fucking bait?

>> No.10950896

It is simply an objective fact that Islam is not a monolith and that not all movements within Islam support violence.

>> No.10950900

But like >>10950872 and >>10950874 said, the vast majority of Islam is simply incompatible with Western values. Sufis and Quranists are completely negligible.

>> No.10950903
File: 77 KB, 640x480, Syrian-Migrants-640x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You act like France is bringing in palatoons of isis fighters
>normal people caught in the crossfire
>normal people
>no women and children
makes you think

>> No.10950908

ITT: sheltered white ‘men’

>> No.10950910

nobody is going to publish that but occasionally glimpses of the truth are accidentally let through, for example this NYT article has this paragraph:

And the world changed. Before the 1960s, colonial governments and companies fought malaria because their officials often lived in remote outposts like Nigeria’s hill stations and Vietnam’s Marble Mountains. Independence movements led to freedom, but also often to civil war, poverty, corrupt government and the collapse of medical care.''

For any individual country you can see the pattern, but nobody is going to publish a study of all of them together, because of the obvious reasons.

>> No.10950911

>"""Western values"""
Wish my country were sheltered from fucking immigration

>> No.10950917

who are you even attacking here lmao

>> No.10950919

Well yeah, not all eras of philosophy are equal.

>> No.10950923

>Wish my country were sheltered from fucking immigration
it would if you were a rootless white liberal and just moved to the next trendy big city once the one you live in it turns too brown

>> No.10950924

indeed, the number of humanitarian soyboys is obscene

>> No.10950926


>> No.10950929


The decolonization of Africa had an overall negative effect. There are various reasons for this, chief among them the fact that African colonies had not been structured to be self-sustaining or independently successful. But if you want to be racist, surely the answer is "because Africans are incapable of taking care of themselves". There is never any hard evidence for claims such as this, but self-satisfied racists insist that it's the only logical answer, while turning a blind eye or blaming external factors whenever white people fail or underperform.

>> No.10950936

there is actually a lot of evidence for saying that about Africans, but you could never be convinced of it so im not going to try.

>> No.10950937

Zizek looks like Plato. Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.10950939
File: 211 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would take a child into a crowd like that? What kind of woman would want to go into that?

Pic related, it's a limp Bizkit moshpit.

Just fuck off already idiot.

>> No.10950956

>Sufis and Quranists are completely negligible

Al-Azhar is Sufi and it is the most respected authority on religious matters among Muslims. Also, “Western values” are not monolithic either. Clerical fascism has originated in the West, for example.

>> No.10950958


See, knowing that there is no real evidence except sentiment, anecdote, and generalizations, you retreat into "I can't tell you the truth because you've been brainwashed by the PC police" argument

Scientifically speaking, the term "Africans" means nothing other than "people who live on the African continent". However, racists act like Africans are a separate species with different DNA and we are all insane for treating them the same. (They also like to pretend that all Africans are a single society and ethnic group.)

>> No.10950961

So, you don’t have any empirical evidence, just an excerpt from a NYT article?

>> No.10950962

Of course not; but they are unequal in regards to relations of power and domination. In how their respective discourses, or regimes of truth, well at least a part of it has been crystallised, frozen in time.

And whatever it was that was taken over, has been carried over to this day as instruments, or technologies of power that have also adapted, sometimes smoothly and at other times violently, as instruments of subjectification in their historical contexts.

>> No.10950963

Perhaps if he used a term like liberalism or egalitarianism that would be better. Also, saying that a certain culture doesn't mesh well with liberal democracy isn't necessarily a complete insult to that culture, in my opinion.

>> No.10950965

Why do so many "refugees" want to seek safety in the most affluent of western states rather than stable adjacent states? Why are so many of them single young men who should actually defending their communities at home from barbarism, why would we even want these cowards who abandon their own to the wolves so they can get free dental and the new Samsung s9+

>> No.10950967

>Scientifically speaking, the term "Africans" means nothing other than "people who live on the African continent". However, racists act like Africans are a separate species with different DNA and we are all insane for treating them the same. (They also like to pretend that all Africans are a single society and ethnic group.)
Replace every mention of Africa in this sentence with Europe

>> No.10950970

they have smaller skulls and lower iq. there is no example of a successful black country or city. etc.

and I'm aware there are different races like the pygmies and Bushmen and Bantu

>> No.10950979

My man, you remind me of myself like 10 years ago when I took a Modern Islam class my freshman year of college. Great class, but you gotta learn to see above all the liberal bullshit they feed you in college. Being in the real world for a few years after college really gives a different perspective

>> No.10950980

>Why are so many of them single young men

Because you need physical strength to travel from Africa to Europe on a boat.

>> No.10950983


What's your point?

>> No.10950990

It's more of a postmodern case of conquest than a genuine suffering. The only need they have is t o seek revenge on the west, and westerners are trained to be masochists tp sucj an extent that they'll happily oblige them.

>> No.10951008

>Why do so many "refugees" want to seek safety in the most affluent of western states
Obviously because they want to live a good life.
> rather than stable adjacent states?
The stable adjectent states are filled to the brim with refugees, what are you talking about?
>Why are so many of them single young men
They make up a significant chunk of the population, have less things to be responsible for like families, single young men are by far the most capable to leave. And you have a selection bias.
>actually defending their communities at home from barbarism, why would we even want these cowards who abandon their own to the wolves so they can get free dental and the new Samsung s9+
presumptuous bullshit.
Also doesn't this contradict with the "refugees are violent so we shouldn't let them in" argument?

>> No.10951009

That is unironcally sexist and a baseless claim. Women and children are in fact more vulnerable to exploitation and trafficking to the same kind of men who populate the journey, the camps at Calais are rape grounds for women and children for these men. These men who have little concern for leaving their own women and children to fend for themselves at home. Again why would we ever want these people when they refuse to defend their own homeland

>> No.10951015

It's not about what you want, anon. It's about what international corporations and the international political class want. Why would your government give a shit what you, or any of us, want?

>> No.10951022

is there any writing on a population willingly becoming a minority and forfeiting their political influence (as an ethnic group) for the sake of social cohesion and ideology? is this the first time it happens?

>> No.10951024

>doesn't this contradict
Not if they're unwilling to apply violence when it is desirable but willing to apply it when it is undesirable.

>> No.10951025

That is a shockingly accurate depiction of what actually goes on there.

>> No.10951032

>Obviously because they want to live a good life.
Why would that be a primary concern when they're allegedly fleeing persecution?

>> No.10951034

The EU is 96% white

>> No.10951036

So brainlets come in, and then they're filled with brains?

>> No.10951048

How white was it 30 years ago, and what if you give a breakdown by region?

>> No.10951052

By 30 years ago I mean the countries that are in presently, before you complain. (Also technically the EEC is more than 30 years old.)

>> No.10951059

What amazes me is how the relationship between sexual assault and power is completely forgotten in these. When kept in mind, it's clear that these cases are nothing more than a display of dominance over their new homes.

>> No.10951065

Back to pol brainlet

>> No.10951067

That's because most feminists can't be too harsh on Islam and brown people because they are "oppressed"

>> No.10951074

It's really interesting seeing, for instance, the vitriol between pro and anti trans feminists.

>> No.10951076

I have always been against aggressive foreign policy. I spoke against involvement in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Egypt, Lybia, Ukraine. What happened in places like Somalia I also consider a disgrace.
But two things need to be clear: 1. The countries, where the people coming to Europe are coming from, are mostly at fault themselves for the state of them. 2. Foreign aid strategy has failed. The model should be S. Korea. 3. The people coming here are not innocent paupers in seek of bread. They are a. criminal, b. privileged compared to most of their countrypeople and c. economic (voluntary) migrants in almost all cases.

>> No.10951082

if leaving is literally more dangerous than staying, then why leave?

>> No.10951090

>Obviously because they want to live a good life.
I'd like to live in Australia and live a good life through their state but my comfort is not a right I expect the Australian s to accept. When your your concerns are primarily economic then the whole reason for being a refugee goes out the window

>The stable adjectent states are filled to the brim with refugees, what are you talking about?
And it will never be enough so why do you expect us to end up like Lebanon, lumbering under the weight of refugees it cannot stop from entering the country. Ironically the same example bleeding hearts morally blackmail the west with, if they can accept them why can't we

>They make up a significant chunk of the population, have less things to be responsible for like families, single young men are by far the most capable to leave. And you have a selection bias.
They actually make up less than half the population, they are the most privileged portion of their community, they are the least deserving of aid considering actually take up the significant resources that should be allocated to the vulnerable at home they abandoned

> Also doesn't this contradict with the "refugees are violent so we shouldn't let them in" argument?
I never made that argument

>> No.10951096


fucking retarded OP

>> No.10951099

This, actually. I have no interest in National Socialism, I don't consider anyone inferior based on their ethnicity, I certainly don't want my country to dominate anything outside of its borders etc.
Even so I am concerned.

>> No.10951109

Many refugees are uneducated third-world people with uneducated third-world behaviors. They often don't know how to respect women and are certainly not tolerant of homosexuality or trans persons. They need to learn to conduct themselves in civil first-world society because they have no experience with that.

There is nothing wrong or racist in admitting that. However the fact that refugees are like this does not mean that there is a legitimate reason for rejecting them wholesale. The truth is first-world countries can accommodate for at least some of these people and teach them to behave.

"But I as a private citizen don't want to bear the cost of that!" You whine.

Yeah neither do I but what else are we going to do? Pretend the problem doesn't exist? Even if you utterly ignore the moral argument (very convenient, unless you also ignore the moral argument in all other situations), from a geopolitical perspective we need to start indoctrinating people into Western liberal democracy if it's going to survive.

Alt-right bois always complain about how we'll all be Muslims by 2050, but continue to insist that we should just ignore and keep away from the rapidly-growing Islamic world, as if we lived on different planets. If you really don't want to be "replaced" by Muslims, then maybe start educating those Muslims.

Of course at this point, the "conservative" reveals his true colors as a short-sighted, brainlet racist, because in the end, he doesn't want to live next to an educated and civilized brown person. He simply does not want to live next to a brown person, period.

>> No.10951113

See Kosovo. In the space of 200 years it went from the national heart of the Serbs to almost entirely Albanian. Not through massacre but mass migration and extremely high-birth rates

>> No.10951115

You forget Paolo Virno
and Bifo Cute Berardi

>> No.10951126

The rich are allied with these people more than they are the middle and lower classes of their own countries.

>> No.10951129

>posts brainlet wojak
>muh anecdotal evidence
wew lad

>> No.10951144

>He simply does not want to live next to a brown person, period.
I agree with this part, I don't want to live in a brown country

>> No.10951145

And they want the elimination of borders which stand in the way of human capital. The global market demands its labour surplus, Neoliberals which stoked the flames of these crisis have no concern for the suffering, nor for the impact they bring home, they offer commercial opportunity for the great all consuming ideology of growth

>> No.10951147

>The truth is first-world countries can accommodate for at least some of these people and teach them to behave.
except the west believes in nothing and is not in the place to teach anybody anything

>> No.10951156

it believes in believing in nothing
nihilism is a positive position

>> No.10951158


It's the place to teach people to believe in nothing strongly and mostly keep to themselves

Not the most exciting beliefs set, but doesn't usually result in armed revolts or total geopolitical collapse

>> No.10951159

the west believes in 'equality'

>> No.10951162

>He simply does not want to live next to a brown person, period.

You're the type to complain about gentrification too, aren't you?

>> No.10951165
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1522716936313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally in every way not our problem, except that we made it ours on very poor grounds. Now we have economic migrants who fly home twice a year for vacation and cost more than the average local citizen earns.

>> No.10951168
File: 25 KB, 400x328, 1522611577124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board isn't very fun nowadays.

>> No.10951171

>hurr we are ONE Humanity
I bet you're the kind of person who finds the Family reactionary too.

>> No.10951173

I left it two years ago

>> No.10951175

couldn't achieve material equality so instead it set about destroying normative claims, or creating excuses

>> No.10951178


Gentrification is a made-up concept that people use because they feel alienated by capitalism but aren't really aware of it/prepared to admit it

>> No.10951180

Discussion of anything contemporary isn't very fun nowadays tbqh. Everything has gotten so political, so ideological.

>> No.10951181

Why exactly should they conform to your liberal universal standard?

>> No.10951187

>nihilism is a positive position
but the west is passive nihilism, ISIS is active nihilism, so go to them if you that's what you want

>and mostly keep to themselves
that's racist if you apply it to anybody except westerners though

again, that's racist when applied to non-westerners, you can't force them to be equal

>> No.10951188

Le Pen has never been a “collaborateur” and tried to enroll in the Resistance when he was a teenager. You lying piece of shit.

>> No.10951189

well there are two things there, there are a lot of true believers who exchanged(refined?) Christianity for 'equality', and then there are a bunch of psychopaths using this for political reasons.

>> No.10951192

>ISIS is active nihilism
No it isn't, ISIS believe in things.

>> No.10951198

the post-ideological world of the 90s was a lie anyway and only credible from inside a very reduced number of countries

>> No.10951202

>ISIS believe in things.
lol, next you'll tell me ISIS is not the most postmodern movement in the world, look at what they do, not at what they say they are doing

>> No.10951204
File: 78 KB, 1024x934, 1501855597073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, at least we're not /mu/, right?

>> No.10951210

Honestly, I envy you. At least you’ll have an entertaining culture if nothing else

>> No.10951212

They're not bringing transexuality to children, even if they're just typical third worlders being paid by the US gov and trained by the UK gov to attack targets

>> No.10951214

Refugees are never a fun topic. And internet discourse in general has gotten very polarized over the last years.

I've been radicalized, too.

>> No.10951215

but this is just edgy contrarianism, provocation and desecration ad infinitum -- not politics.

>> No.10951216


I'm not saying they should, I'm saying that if conservatives are so fretful about non-white non-Christians "replacing" them, they should be focusing on indoctrinating those Christians instead of keeping them away

It's like how the Catholic Church continues to try courting secular Europeans when their future is clearly in Africa, Asia, and South America. It's a racist attitude. You don't want brown people on your side, you want them out of your sight.

>> No.10951221

>we need to start indoctrinating people into Western liberal democracy if it's going to survive
But I want western liberal democracies to die

>> No.10951223

We're almost there desu

>> No.10951228

that's completely normal though, that's mostly how people are. Rarely cultures will intermingle, but usually they are hostile to each other

>> No.10951243

>They're not bringing transexuality to children
not, they are just unironically turning children into sex slaves, probably putting makeup on them as well

>> No.10951245


Yeah well, the problem is hypocrisy. Social conservatism, Catholicism, "Western values", etc are generally not transparently racist, but covertly so. Just admit that you're not interesting in social harmony already.

>> No.10951246

/mu/ has the most cancerous board culture though. I mean, every once and a while people post retarded threads about "bash duh fash" or how rap is nigger music on both /mu/ and /lit/, but I'd say that /lit/ is nowhere near as atomized, nor is it as populated by cancerous tripfags.

/lit/ as a board is in a decent place compared to how far other boards have fallen.

>> No.10951256

Nietzsche eat your heart out

>> No.10951257


>le twitter communist that was probably an atheist libertarian two years ago

You sure this is the ideological hill you've decided to die on?

>> No.10951260

what option is there left when the mainstream is pretending borders are racist and there's no such thing as a country or social relationships between people?

when that's the mainstream, """reasonable""" positions are out of the way, the only option is to meme harder

>> No.10951263

Supporting "western liberal democracy" basically makes you a proto commie anyway, or some god awful neoliberal capitalist.

>> No.10951268

well i am not a conservative or reactionary or anything like that, but i am racist, and I consider racism to be the normal state of humans. I was raised 'anti-racist' so i know what it's like, and the only way I could maintain my view of the world back then was by shutting off my mind when certain topics appeared to it, with an emotion resembling light panic. I think that that is not normal, and it is what i see in most people who are devoutly anti-racist.

Social harmony is something everyone wants, and I don't actually mind living around other races, because I grew up doing so, but social harmony would be higher if things were homogenous.

>> No.10951270

Liberal capitalism is a massive cause of this problem in the first place

>lets not deal with the cause but just deal with the consequences in perpetuity that will surely sort things out, if we just help out a very small minority their own countries will just sort themselves out

>> No.10951278


bitch, if you're gonna do your worker's revolution how about you wait until capitalism delivers us to a post-scarcity economy with realistic VR porn and digital brain uploads huh? is that so hard???

>> No.10951281

I know, I'm a long-time affiliated on /mu/ and I hate it. /lit/ is flooded by /pol/ and pseuds, which is still better than getting flooded by shitty memes as /mu/ does. Still insufferable though.

>> No.10951283

I don't want a workers revolution, I want a Kings revolution

>> No.10951285

We had massive anti war marches in London against the Vietnam war, it didn't do a fucking thing. How old are you?

>> No.10951289

The problem is that you conceive of humanity as the basis of morality rather than western society itself. Being liberal or democratic aren't our defining characteristics, but they are the ones that could likely survive this wave of mass immigration. That's besides the point. The human rights era and our postwar conception of humanity are vile political fabrications sustained by narcissism of consumer society. I want nothing more than to see it fall.

>> No.10951292

Maybe you should have gone on anti-war marches in Vietnam instead

>> No.10951296

Because conservation is in principle about conserving the existing essence, why would the concern be for the Other, they wouldn't be Other

>> No.10951297

Just make lots of money and live far away from these problems while other people have to deal with the brunt of it

Only poor plebs complain about immigration

>> No.10951300

imagine forfeiting your only political project because you've been so thoroughly brainfucked by neoliberal think-tanks and multiculti propaganda.

no, you wont be able to "educate" the brown people. you wont be able to solve somali clan wars, you wont make pashtuns suddenly care for hazaras, the han chinese wont stop steamrolling africans because you ask them pretty please, saudi oil sheiks wont stop pissing on the abeed because you bend over some more, the pakistani gene pool wont recover from generations of inbreeding because you give them harry potter books, the jewish diaspora wont suddenly play nice with low IQ brownies because you think there should be more poc board members. there will be ethnic stratification, there will be ethnic conflict and the political struggle will be little more than different ethnic groups vying for power

the only thing that will "solve" these issues is if you have the ability to create habitats where your ideology can flourish. the habitat that is multiculti west is the worst habitat for any kind of "ennobling" activity. you fucking moron

>> No.10951301


Being uncomfortable around discussions of race is normal. It's how we've been raised. We've been told not to talk about race because racism hasn't been solved and likely never will be entirely. We prefer to pretend we live in a post-racial society when that is clearly not the case.

You can say that racism is part of humanity's "natural state", but so is normalized rape, child abuse, lynching, etc., and I don't see "race realists" defending any of those behaviors

>> No.10951303

Never. It's just a reaction to current sociopolitics and the over politicization of the mass media. You can't ever really end the inflammation if the virus keeps living.

>> No.10951304

I'm neither of those

>> No.10951306

I'm sure you were really happy about those
diverse Grenfell victims getting rehoused into high end hotels

>> No.10951313

conservatism only means progressivism 5 years delayed, traditionalism means progressivism 10 years delayed

>> No.10951319

The good thing about having lots of money is that you don't have to stay in one location. You just move.

>> No.10951322

What does Western society mean?

>> No.10951323

The anti war movement was the only thing that allowed USA to admit defeat and made major cultural change, then the 80s happened

>> No.10951330

Racism is not comparable to those things because it is a belief rather than an action. It is very totalitarian to control people's minds and emotions in this way.

In any case I believe the basic intuition of racists is correct, and this is why you see the same pattern of racism among people in all parts of the world, with the exception that they rate their own race too highly usually.

The fact that many racists are pathological and irrational about their racism is due to humans just being that way about everything.

>> No.10951331

“The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected. Even when the revolutionist might himself repent of his revolution, the traditionalist is already defending it as part of his tradition. Thus we have two great types -- the advanced person who rushes us into ruin, and the retrospective person who admires the ruins. He admires them especially by moonlight, not to say moonshine. Each new blunder of the progressive or prig becomes instantly a legend of immemorial antiquity for the snob. This is called the balance, or mutual check, in our Constitution.”

America, and Europe under American tyranny. All of the evils of Americanism (secularism, republicanism) plus the recent progressivist nonsense (trannyism for instance). That's what western means.

>> No.10951334

>marches are about achieving things
>how old are you?
How old are you?

>> No.10951336

Then why do we defend that thing?

>> No.10951337
File: 46 KB, 333x499, culture of narcissism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot happened between the end of the Vietnam war and the 80s.

>> No.10951338


I don't care if you have racist thoughts. Racist actions are what cause harm to third parties. You can believe that women should be raped, children should be abused, and thieves should be publicly lynched. I don't care as long as you don't have the power to act upon these beliefs in society.

>> No.10951343

We don't, we're forced to choose between the historical third world and the moral third world.
Commies to the left of us, Cappies to the right, stuck in the middle with EU.

>> No.10951347

I don't deny the contemporary political movements of "conservativism" are wholly consumed by the geist of progressivism, though I m not concerned with that since they've always been poor expressions of social thought

>> No.10951348


Because it won the 20th century

>> No.10951351

>he thinks the world is going to exist in 100 years

>> No.10951354

Are you against, for instance, a business refusing to serve a particular race? Or refusing to hire a particular race? What about forming an opinion about members of a particular race?
What do you define as "harmful racism", that isn't obviously something like rape that's just racially motivated.

>> No.10951357

>Racist actions are what cause harm to third parties.
Included in this is the decision to not want to live around certain races, which means in effect that you are forcing people to interact.

>> No.10951363

The economy took over. It has a mind of its own. We have to stop it. Economy (left or right) is the first AI humans ever invented, and it's also our mortal enemy. It plans to make us its slaves.

>> No.10951364

Why do you think I'm American? America is a small part of that world we seem to call Western society

>> No.10951377

Hey dudes I have a difficult question for you, would you like to hear it?

>> No.10951382

I hope the singularity happens so an AI can either run everything or destroy us all.

>> No.10951383

So you basically just want brown people that act white and are passively religious?

>> No.10951389

>Are you against, for instance, a business refusing to serve a particular race? Or refusing to hire a particular race?
>What about forming an opinion about members of a particular race?

Harmful racism is an externalized policy or action that acts upon racist principles. It is the precise difference between saying "I don't care for Asians" and actually deciding not to serve Asians in your establishment.

False. Choosing NOT to live with black people is like choosing NOT to interact with black people; racist, but not harmful (unless we're talking about exceptional situations, like when a black person needs emergency aid and you're the only one around).

>> No.10951391

>Would you like to hear it
Was that the difficult question?
Why are you against those actions?

>> No.10951396


Yes anon, the purpose of capitalism is to serve capital. But isn't that nice? It's nice to have a god to which you sacrifice your time and moral principles, in exchange for luxury goods and services. It's kind of like a video game. Could be worse, no?

>> No.10951400

Then your issue is with nearly everyone in a position of power, a diverse group that hold at least some preconsieved or hard won prejudices

>> No.10951407

It is covers only a few human affairs
Trade will be free, but at what cost?

>> No.10951408

>Was that the difficult question?
N-no, not really... The question is:

Why do you guys care about niggers and muslisms if you'll never leave your house (or you will less and less every year)?

>> No.10951417


Ideally a democratic liberal society guarantees basic protections for everyone. We cannot vote to strip black people of their rights no matter how racist our upper/political class is. In the end, the racism going on in people's heads is not a problem. Their ability to act upon these ideas and harm others is the problem.

Also, I really don't know what you mean by "hard-won prejudices" but being rich or an elected official does not give you the right to enact racist policy or harm racial minorities, as far as I know

>> No.10951423

Tbh im just sick of halal

>> No.10951425

Why is racism a problem at all? Europe and US are white, so why would they take an issue with it unless it's anti-white or against groups white people are quite fond of?

>> No.10951431

Why does a person care for his family?

>> No.10951435

Because s/he lives in the same house.

>> No.10951440

What if he was forced to live in a different house?

>> No.10951441

Look again

>> No.10951444

>Also, I really don't know what you mean by "hard-won prejudices
You're really going to argue with a Jew who is cautious around Germans, eastern Europeans and Arabs? Shows just how out of touch you are

>> No.10951446

Then it's about blood.

>> No.10951450

True liberalism hasn't been achieved until a German-born Jew pays an Israel-born German reparations

>> No.10951460

Honestly this kind of gets me. I have a friend who by all accounts is a mainline neoliberal dem, heavily influenced by Pod Save America and John Oliver. He lives in his parents basement outside of a 95% white town and outside of work does little else. On a given day he interacts with his family members and one friend, and to my knowledge has never had any sort of minority friend ever. What does he get out of championing these causes besides the comfort of virtue signaling? Am I autistic for even carrying out this train of thought?

>> No.10951461

What's there to see? That the brains aren't plugged in? I thought that was just a part of the shitty brainlet meme.

>> No.10951479

Meanwhile the same people who decry racism will actively use anti-Semitic tropes and call for the destruction of Israel. Corbyn just cannot understand why Jews despise his base because in his mind he's the good guy

>> No.10951489

>dude anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism lmao

>> No.10951490

They have no self-awareness whatsoever. One minute it's "w-we're not antisemitic, these laws are preventing criticism of israel" the next it's "i'm glad we've made racist wrongthink even more illegal, now how do we make TV more diverse?"

>> No.10951495

Life has no meaning outside vapid consumer culture (and that's a good thing)

>> No.10951497


lol are you really trying to victimize yourself in order to be racist? No one is telling you to go suck an anti-semite's dick, but you are not allowed to enact racist policy from a position of power regardless of who you are

>> No.10951499

>Am I autistic for even carrying out this train of thought?
No you aren't. This is such a crucial question because it concerns our lives and thinking. It seems to me, but I might be wrong, that racism is all about the satisfaction you get from fighting (and online world is the main arena) rather than the necessity of protecting against a real danger.

>> No.10951500

It doesn't matter if it is or not. At one level, obviously you're opposing semitic interests, and these same people will say opposing XYZ-minority interests is anti-XYZ. But at another level, they scream racism all the damn time and dare to cry when someone does it to them

>> No.10951511


Ideological identities are like kits you purchase for yourself. They give you the same utility as being a fan of a sports team or band. People want to feel like they belong. In neoliberal secular society all expressions of belief or non-belief are reducible to virtue signaling and tribalism. Even your own "asocial disinterested hermit" attitude is an identity you have procured for yourself, which you proudly express when appropriate.

>> No.10951514

We are though, humans are more than 99% genetically identical

>> No.10951519

For crying out loud, Agamben is basically a crypto-anarchist and he shares the same sick hatred Deleuze harboured for “State Philosophy”.

>> No.10951524

>Antizionism as a convenient cover to engage in age old Jew bashing tactics
Dude I don't hate Jews but blood libel and secret cabals is actually real

>> No.10951535

It is lmao. Stop being a pussy

>> No.10951542

They're just brain hats. The delusion of intellect

>> No.10951543

99.5% actually. We're 99% identical with chimps, which goes to show that a 1% difference is fucking enormous.

>> No.10951544

>the alpha male who read one Agamben essay is here to teach us what Agamben relly is in one sentence

>> No.10951554

You should use a semi-colon because those clauses are unrelated

>> No.10951561

The original claim was
> I don't care as long as you don't have the power to act upon these beliefs in society

Anyone in a position of power has by definition the ability to act upon their prejudices in some manner, if you believe they shouldnt be in power then you have an issue with everyone with a prejudice

>> No.10951563

In such a short sentence you can use a comma, it's the same

>> No.10951564

It is though just like how people pretend they're anti-Islam because they're not brave enough to admit to themselves that they're actually anti-brown people

>> No.10951566

>it’s another thread about politics disguised as a thread about literature


>> No.10951577

Yeah man it's fucking suicidal

>> No.10951580

>resorting directly to descriptions of power relations

>> No.10951582

tbf how you can expurgate political posting without doing away with any discussion of theory in general. As much as I despise the political lens, esp. regarding literary criticism, it is intimately tied to the humanities.

>> No.10951585

That's just not relevant in any way. Do chimpanzees consider themselves one family, due to genetic similarity or phenotypal similarity or whatever?
It's simply a lie, you cannot feel the same towards all people. There's a reason "racism" is considered primitive, because it is natural.
At the very least a greater trust towards people with whom you are able to communicate, who share values with you and possibly even interests is nothing but sensible. And whether or not you'll admit it, you feel this way too.

>> No.10951587

True but you have to admit this thread has at least had some degree of proper discourse rather than outright shitposting or other less desirable pol tropes

>> No.10951592

>power relation

>> No.10951606

Are babies racist, checkmate pol

>> No.10951611

>people with whom you are able to communicate, who share values with you and possibly even interests is nothing but sensible.

Curiously, none of these things are determined by race

>> No.10951613

Babies are tribal

>> No.10951616

Umm sweaty, Foucault is a prerequisite to understanding Agamben, go do your homework hun xx

>> No.10951624

>I know your home is in literal ruins
If you're European, how can you still be this naive? The majority flee to Europe because they've been assured that all of their financial and social problems will be solved. Is that a problem? Of course, but wouldn't a better solution be for them to solve their own problems at home by themselves? The people who are left behind aren't helped.
>fuck you because someone you don't know who also came from your country sexually assaulted someone
No fuck you because we took in hundreds of thousands of your people and instead of thanking us and contributing to our society you rape our women, commit crimes and live off our tax money.
This is a justified and perfectly reasonable reaction.

>> No.10951629

Curiously, I never advocated for racism, I only offered one justification.
Historically the two correlate. I am not a "racist", nor is that a valid reading of my comment.

>> No.10951632

>you must take part in a social experiment that is almost certainly going to destroy your culture and family
>no you are not allowed to have space for yourself with political autonomy run for the sake of your own people

U-fucking-believable. I feel bad for "refugees" but if you think we can actually fix this shit by bringing them here you are wrong. You must remember we also need to consider our own survival as well.

>> No.10951633


>> No.10951637


>> No.10951640


>> No.10951642

You know what sickens me? Atheists who try to build their own New Jerusalem on earth, whatever the expense may be.

>> No.10951643


>> No.10951646

Ethnics fight on the street for the entertainment of the white man.
We have re-created the colosseum on a grand scale, and it's beautiful.

>> No.10951647

Ugh, Schmitt is actually much more fundamental to understanding gamben (and that's okay)

>> No.10951663
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Curiously, given how humans reproduce and acculturate, the two are almost inseparable.

>> No.10951666

Panem et circenses

>> No.10951672


lol yeah, that would be true if we lived in tribal homogenous societies instead of atomised globalized metropolises

>> No.10951683

Oh my fucking God you are clueless. Step out of your upper class social strata and you'll find for most of humanity it is still the case, even in those globalized cities.

>> No.10951693


yeah, and I bet you live in a rural third-world village and have never met a city slicker, which is why you can't be blamed for having racist attitudes

stop appropriating the circumstances of poor brown people in order to justify your discrimination against them lol

>> No.10951700
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Vulnerable to what? People having their own opinion? There's already anti-discrimination laws in every western nation.

Fun fact: In the United States hate crimes are overwhelmingly against Jews. They are the #1 most targetted demographic, the most vulnerable as you say. Look it up, it's a statistical fact. But do you hear a lot of leftist rhetoric about protecting them? Of course not, because it's not about empathy or helping your fellow citizens, it's about forwarding the leftist agenda which is arbitrary and utilizes whatever group is most convenient and marketable, regardless of reality or reason.

>> No.10951709

That's not a fact, the fact is that there's an overwhelming number of reported hate incidents against Jews, which can be interpreted in a number of ways.

>> No.10951713


>> No.10951716

How about you actually learn about the dynamics of demographics and realize even a moderate preference for in-group results in massive patterns of segregation and enclaving.

>stop appropriating the circumstances of poor brown people in order to justify your discrimination against them lol

This is just absurd.

>> No.10951717
File: 6 KB, 210x240, 1518652212152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fun fact: In the United States hate crimes are overwhelmingly against Jews. They are the #1 most targetted demographic, the most vulnerable as you say. Look it up, it's a statistical fact. But do you hear a lot of leftist rhetoric about protecting them? Of course not, because it's not about empathy or helping your fellow citizens, it's about forwarding the leftist agenda which is arbitrary and utilizes whatever group is most convenient and marketable, regardless of reality or reason.
Ben stop shitposting on /lit/

>> No.10951719

Here's a (you) for the undeniable truth.

>> No.10951720

>I can't win by sticking to facts so I have to resort to strawmen and pseudo-psychology

>> No.10951726

imagine being so fucking dumb that you actually believe you're not ruled by ethnically exclusive elites

>> No.10951728


jews aren't poor

literally that's it

>> No.10951732

Did you get that line from Goebbels?

>> No.10951737

lol I think I know you irl, there's a guy on my facebook feed who clearly posts on here but also has Ben Shapiro tier political views and a Jewish persecution complex

>> No.10951756

who cares

>> No.10951760

That's exactly my point, they drape their socialist and borderless agenda under the guise of racial discrimination, when it's not about that all. They are genuinely trying to deceive and shame people into supporting them, the American left.

>> No.10951771

Are you implying it is the work of perhaps some clandestine cabal and that antisemitism isn't a big a problem as Jews believe it to be?

>> No.10951776

Why are you posting in this thread?

>> No.10951781

Because the discussions in here are important

>> No.10951796

Go see the hasidic community being pushed out of Williamsburg

>> No.10951812

They aren't at all

>> No.10951825

I think there are many different things brought up in your post
>Is there one overarching conspiracy?
>Do certain actors have common interests?
>Are all antisemitic reports genuine antisemitism?
>Is antisemitism as big a problem for jews as they claim?
>Is antisemitism a problem?

>> No.10951827
File: 48 KB, 680x500, 1515052771492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In America Democrats harp on about protecting Muslims and Mexicans and the need for immigrants because those are the groups who vote for them, or aligns with the sympathies of those who vote democrat, that's all. It's not some sinister plot to flood America with brown people, although that is an inadvertent consequence I suppose. This is the same reason they're so against reducing public spending, it would upset their key demographics.

>> No.10951841


and to add to this


" ... The project got derailed after news reports accused the Chinese of hatching a plot to breed 'genius babies.'"

people who are feigning ignorance about the importance of race politics are worthless and should be cast aside

>> No.10951845

>being so mad you get to the point of writing such useless posts

>> No.10951854

What do you mean? The post I was replying to touched on a number of different propositions, all packed into one "yes/no". It was a loaded question.

>> No.10951927

>Jews cannot be trusted to voice their own concerns and experience s
>There is literally a conspiracy afoot

Whatever you're hinting at, your hiding your own prejudice poorly

>> No.10951949


>> No.10951974

>Jews cannot be trusted to voice their own concerns
I agree
>There is literally a conspiracy afoot
I almost certainly disagree, depending on what you mean by conspiracy.

>> No.10951978

Um many of those questions you raised shouldn't require obfuscation, do you really need to question the legitimacy of how Jews perceive hatred of the jews

>> No.10951986

And here it comes out, when you point out that people's narrative is inconsistent with reality they just go full ideologue and themselves act inconsistent with their supposed politics, it's deeply strange how liberals resort to prejudice to support their own anti-prejudice pursuits.

>> No.10951997
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>> No.10952002

I'm not liberal. The guy you were talking to about "most hate crimes are against jews" is another guy. I simply interpreted this as being the same sort of argument as "wow but look at this homosexual conservative".
What am I obfuscating? I have simply split a loaded question.
>Do you really need to question the legitimacy of how Jews perceive hatred of the jews

>> No.10952005

Congratulations you are an antisemite in denial, please for the love of G-d do not pretend to act on behalf of Jewish interests

>> No.10952023

I'm not in denial, nor have I ever pretended to act in Jewish interests. By the way, I also don't trust Jews to act in their own interest.

>> No.10952030

>I understand antisemitism more from a distance than how Jews live it
>I don't like the word conspiracy because this is an anti-Semitic tropes but invariably yes, a conspiracy exists

>> No.10952041

Do you openly call yourself an antisemite outside the internet?

>> No.10952047

Your entire post is, just like your previous loaded question, entirely based on verbal trickery. No, I do not trust Jews to accurately report anti-semitism.
Once again you try to attach "conspiracy" to me. I already said, "depending on what you mean, almost certainly not". There is certainly no "round table of Jews".
I don't suppose you're Jewish, by any chance?

No, because it would be very bad for my livelihood. Perhaps I am a coward then. I'm still not voting Labour though, even if it is an antisemitic party.

>> No.10952132

Hello Moldbug, hows it going?

>> No.10952187

>because Africans are incapable of taking care of themselves". There is never any hard evidence for claims such as this
Other than the fact they were colonized in the first place you mean.

>> No.10952192

>didn't even invent the wheel until Europeans arrive with it
>fully capable of maintaining a functioning society

>> No.10952205

You don't even need to make the racist argument (which you can), you can just say that many of these things are inherited and that by being colonised they became the inheritors of a grand tradition, so to say. Plus all of the infrastructure you need to "exploit" the third world, that they kept. Would anyone* deny that Roman imperialism was good for Europe?

*i'm sure one of you fucks does

>> No.10952671
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>TFW you realize Islam will usher in a golden age of right wing paradise

>> No.10952738

Fully zealotised straight humble space crusading when
I want my 72 cyberwaifus