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10944060 No.10944060 [Reply] [Original]

are there books/people doing work on topics like
>if in the future we are able to experience other consciousness's directly, we will then be able to understand xyxyxy about being, consciousness, existence, etc.
is this what nick land writes about?

>> No.10944094

>is this what nick land writes about?
Nick writes about AI, Evolution and Capitalism being being cybernetically analogous and functioning an entropy dissipating convergent wave within history. He is not really interested in the specifics of transhuman subjectivities. I suspect he would view transhumans much like the humans of today, side effects of a deeper and more interesting process.

>> No.10944109

i dont mean transhumanism. i mean making assumptions about what could happen in the future, and what we would learn from it, and how it might be able to answer some of philosophy's big questions about consciousness, time, universals, language, etc.

>> No.10944116

there was a big heyday of things like that in the interwar period and then in the new age period for a little bit before it kind of dissolved into a patchouli festival for hippies to read, but nowadays it's less common for various reasons.

one of them being that the academy is five miles up its own ass and obsessed with publish-or-perish plausibility - you rarely get weirdos with grand theories to begin with, but when you do get one of those weirdos (however well-meaning), their grand theory is often pathologically mindful of the need to ground itself in an existing philosophical system in order to maintain that academic plausibility.

so there are some sorta-exciting thinkers floating around but rarely do you get a whitehead out of nowhere who comes along and invents process philosophy. more often you get Deleuzian-Emersonian-Benjaminian-alterity-theorist #982375812491024812904871204812395719241 who wants to wank his dick in your face over how he's discovered that the SECRET TO OVERCOMING ALL RELATIVISM IS........ A REHASH OF THE CULTURAL TURN!!! WRITTEN IN 1980s-VINTAGE "HEYYY, I'M AN ACADEMIC BUT I'M A COOL GUY TOO.. I CAN WRITE INFORMALLY AND COLLOQUIALLY, WHILE ALSO BEING SUPER SMART AND JUMPING THROUGH ALL THE ACADEMIC HOOPS ;) I MAY BE A TENURED IVORY TOWER INTELLECTUAL BUT I'M ALSO A COOL CAT WHO NEVER STOPPED BEING COUNTER-CULTURAL IN GRAD SCHOOL WHEN IWAS ALSO A BOURGEOIS CUNT ;^)"

and then you have to read 400 pages of him writing "experimental" (but still "eminently readable") prose about how the guala-guala people have a more authentic (wait, say "enworlded" instead, that sounds cooler) experience of recycling garbage than we do, and wouldn't you know it, the neoliberal hellscap-i mean, world, is alright after all, and all we gotta do is learn to recycle like the guala-guala people man, it's all about using my meticulously manicured monograph on mimesis to overcome cartesianism duuuuuude i can talk about the dialectic of enlightenment while also being a cool guy who wears scarves indoors mannnnnnnn


>> No.10944126

was this whole post about ray brassier

>> No.10944339
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>one of them being that the academy is five miles up its own ass and obsessed with publish-or-perish plausibility
>writing "experimental" (but still "eminently readable") prose

10/10 post anon, had a good chuckle

>> No.10944435

Quality post! thanks, i'm mostly here because of people like you. by the way, i feel the same about academia - although i'm to dyslexic for jumping the hoops

>> No.10944830
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the fuck

>> No.10944843

brassier is not like that at all

>> No.10944846

>fiction = philosophy
psued in 60 seconds or less

>> No.10944917


>> No.10945149

I read some sci-fi short story with fictional ontological metaphysics born out of the mechanical existence of souls in the story and some scientific proof of an Observer Effect that strengthens in consolation as the universe ages, in the setting. So one philosophical group waged war on another, because with the fact that observation meaningfully effects the character of what is observed So as entropy enviably reduces the population of observers.Team One believed in cultivating humanity to one final, perfect observer that will reset the universe and make it perfect, the other Team believed in propagating observers regardless of their character, to perpetuate the lifespan of the universe.

Story didn't really solve any real ontological problems, it was just a thematic device.

>> No.10945173

post of the day

>> No.10946369

I was thinking about when they were my age, the concern of my parents was whether or not let me watch cable TV.
Me I'm thinking right now that I wont let my kids have phones and social medias account, but little did I know my little snorty brat will directly upload the feeling you get when you watch someone steps in doodoo directly into his friend microchip that will release the correct amount of endorphines and they will look at each other and understand each other perfectly and giggle like the little shit they are, and when I explain that I my time to try to form a genuine connexion to someone I had to go on a computer and then on a specific website to post a stricly define formated text attached with a picture of a drawing of an anthropomorphic frog they'll look at me like I'm some sad old coot that wasted his life away and they'll be right

>> No.10946533

just read time cube, that'll answer everything

>> No.10947519
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You win a gold star for making this post :)

>> No.10948063

When will you realize you're just as bad as them?