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10942719 No.10942719[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Stand up straight with your shoulders back
>slouches constantly

I'm reading "12 Rules For Life," which is a great book so far, but is our guy JBP a hypocrite?

>> No.10942724

To clarify, he constantly uses bad posture, is JBP a hippo in this regard?

>> No.10942727

If I stand up too straight my fat belly sticks out so I hunch over ever so slightly which seems to make it look a wee bit smaller.

>> No.10942733

just wear a corset fatty

>> No.10942740

Posture, if yours isn't so good most of the time, is something that takes consistent awareness to improve. Peterson probably tries his best to do this, but at his age a physical habit such as slouching is an everyday battle.

>> No.10942776

why is this guy famous?

>> No.10942797
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because he shits on SJWs and is actually pretty smart. He believes that truth is rooted in morality and uses all sorts of religious texts to support that claim.

>> No.10942801
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*religious texts and biology

>> No.10942806

Brilliant orator who talks about archetypal ideas.

>> No.10942814

He denounced excessive identity politics in a way that appealed to disaffected young men. Then when they found out he had some entry-level life advice that they'd never heard before he suddenly became a god to them.

>> No.10942845

From what I've heard it's not necessarily literal (although it's a good advice). His point throughout the chapter is to be aggressive, or not back down. I haven't read it, but he's talked about it endlessly.

>> No.10942862

iirc it's pretty literal. he compares it to the posture of lobsters; neurologically, standing up straight, and posture in general, supposedly affects serotonin release in lobsters. the ones that are submissive and defeated have bad posture and lower serotonin. the opposite is true for victorious lobsters.

>> No.10942871


>> No.10942879
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"Jordan Peterson, the polarizing celebrity chef who gain attention in the recent months, is a unique figure in the online culinary world. His bestseller cookbook 12 Ways To Cook A Lobster, dominated the lists for weeks in America. But he's not just an expert on crustaceans. His friend and colleague, Samuel Harris, Asian Culinary Expert, veered him onto the road toward worldwide fame when he invited Peterson to his online cooking show,
"The Waking Up Pot Roast", where their collaboration peaked in the creation of Wok Seared Fish and Shrimp Cakes, a wordwide-renowned and beloved Hawaiian delicacy."

>> No.10942890
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>> No.10942892

Sounds like utter nonsense.

>> No.10942894

fuck you you slouched bitch

>> No.10942904
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well, that was a crude, one sentence paraphrasing of 30 pages of sourced material. Probably sounds less ridiculous if you read the entire chapter.

>> No.10942942

pragmatic Christians are the fucking worse
>scientific determinism and pop neurology
what the fuck are you doing Peterson

>> No.10942952

that means succumbing to old age

>> No.10942957

>free speech advocate
>wants to censor college professors he doesn't agree with
hypocrite he is.

>> No.10942962

So he's another "Youtube" intellectual
What kind of omfortable life do you live to think that SJWs are worth paying any amount of attention to?

>> No.10942967

controlled opposition demagogue who spends a substantial amount of time assuring you that you were right all along and the rest of the world is out to get you.

>> No.10943017

I pay hardly any attention to them. I'm more interested in his philosophy on ethics. But you have to admit, it is funny watching him shut them down.

Probably better to define him as an academic intellectual though, rather than a so-called "YouTube" intellectual. Yes, YouTube helped make him famous, but he's an established clinical and research psychologist.

>> No.10943025

>Probably better to define him as an academic intellectual though, rather than a so-called "YouTube" intellectual

except his public discourse is entirely unrelated to his academic work. He is famous as a cultural commentator, not a clinical psychologist, otherwise he'd be talking about clinical psychology, not gender economics and hate speech legislation

>> No.10943030
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he's a retard who appeals to midwits with no background in philosophy

>> No.10943082

You kind of have a point there. I guess when you said "Youtube" intellectual, it came off as defining someone with no credentials whatsoever.

But Peterson does have credentials, even if he doesn't have an advanced degree in gender studies or law. He's written an original sociological work on morality (maps of meaning) and studied Literature in college. I would even say his credentials as a psychologist gives him some clout since it's the study of human nature.

>> No.10943091
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I have a degree in philosophy and find him fascinating

>> No.10943126

His talks on reality and the order/chaos balance barely includes anything with SJWs. His entire work is on mythology, morality, meaning. The most interesting of Peterson's lectures avoid SJWs completely. "Alternatives to left and right wing ideology" is a good playlist.

>> No.10943144

>I have a degree in philosophy
Do you enjoy being homeless?

>> No.10943152

Most of his lectures are interesting but everything he does on tv is just him trolling the media by being contrarian to get views/donations.

>> No.10943156

no you don't

>> No.10943167

>and is actually pretty smart
You think that he is smart because you are dumb. He is a very shallow hypocrite that is good at convincing people like you that he knows something. He actually doesn't. https://www.currentaffairs.org/2018/03/the-intellectual-we-deserve

>> No.10943174


>> No.10943176

I actually do, mainly continental philosophy
I live with my mom

>> No.10943178

own the fat. Who cares. Girls like dad bodies.

>> No.10943192

I've noticed that on "reputable" discussion avenues like the autistically moderated reddits, hackernews and forums people criticise JBP with arguments along the line of: he is a good orator so he manages to draw in listeners...

Right, you see, they attack the fact that he can talk in an engaging manner, but they don't actually refute anything he says.

Imagine if a leftist politician also happened to be a good orator. Would anyone say "he can sure talk well!" as an argument against his views? Nope, they'd be really happy to have a leftist who can also employ good rhetoric.

I very rarely see critiques of JBP that don't involve pussy ass bullshit like "tone" and "oration". Like one of his biggest drums he beats is the whole idea that it's okay if men want to work in technology and women want to be nurses, and he backs it up with psychology, yet all people spout is "it's just propaganda dude he can just speak in a way that sounds smart".

Honestly eat shit.

>> No.10943197

Okay midwit

>> No.10943207

No, you eat shit.

>> No.10943213

This reads like someone in the 60s butthurt over Lacan's prominence in intellectual circles, dismissing him as an obscurant or whatever. Like, are you actively trying to understand the thinker you are interrogating or are you satisfied pointing out inconsistencies in the rhetoric he is using?

>> No.10943220
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>A more important reason why Peterson is “misinterpreted” is that he is so consistently vague and vacillating that it’s impossible to tell what he is “actually saying.”

Many, many philosophers throughout history write in an obfuscating way. I guess Kant was a shallow hypocrite too eh? Sartre? Aristotle? Or any other philosopher eh? eh?

I think the author you linked is probably too dense to understand anything really so chalks up his frustration to MUH VAGUENESS.

t. kek if you're the author.

>> No.10943224

>has no arguments
>resorts to insults
You know the way out.

>> No.10943227

There are lots of concrete examples that show how vague and meaningless the shit that he says/writes is. Try harder.

>> No.10943233

All those philosophers did have something concrete to say unlike Peterson

>> No.10943235

Stand up straight with your shoulders back
Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping
Make friends with people who want the best for you
Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today
Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them
Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world
Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)
Tell the truth – or, at least, don’t lie
Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t
Be precise in your speech
Do not bother children when they are skateboarding
Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street

Why shouldn't i bother children when they are skateboarding?

>> No.10943253


>> No.10943255
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because our lord and savior elon mu-jordan peterson says so you fucking flamming, flamboyant faggot?

>> No.10943256
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you think I'm gonna read something by a guy who looks like someone I'd bully in school?

>> No.10943257


go read your engineering textbooks, fucking redditors

>> No.10943259

>implying there is anything in Peterson to understand other than "muh postmodernism" or "muh marxism"

>> No.10943265

He parrots the kind of self help philosophy that disenfranchised people wish for.

>> No.10943269
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All these damage control...

>> No.10943270

he also talks about lobsters you fucking nitwit

>> No.10943279

He's an idiot pseud but nothing he says is difficult to understand.

>> No.10943281
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>Absolute state of Peterson fags

>> No.10943290

Yes, I agree, but for people who have no knowledge in philosophy the shit that he says might sound smart and complicated.

>> No.10943292

I actually disagree with about 50% of JBP says (his interpretations of scriptures, his understanding on Nietzsche and Kierkegaard, and most of his religious views) but that doesn't mean I'm going to align myself with some leftist manlets who wear cardigans.

>> No.10943293
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>you're being fallacious
>it's damage control!

>> No.10943294


>> No.10943295


>> No.10943302


>> No.10943303
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>even more damage control

>> No.10943308

I don't even like Peterson, but promoting articles written by a 20 year old sophomore thinking "obscurantism" renders a thinker useless is just intellectually dishonest

>> No.10943319

>Provides lots of evidence with direct quotes from his books to show that when it seems like Peterson is saying something he is actually saying nothing
>B-but he is 20 years old!!!
I hope you are trolling. If you are not, then the state of this board is even worse than i thought.

>> No.10943323

>sophomore thinking "obscurantism" renders a thinker useless
That isn't what the article says. It says Peterson is consciously vague to avoid any attempts to pinpoint what he is saying. Obscure impiles there is something to be learnt.

Peterson is the No Man's Sky of youtube intellectuals

>> No.10943329
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to see /pol/tards changing sides on Peterson, an interesting development

>> No.10943335

>t. kek ten minutes later


>> No.10943339

You're supposed to capitalise the letter 'I' in the word "I"

>> No.10943379

Yeah but most philosophers, including your lecturers as I'm sure you've realised, are morons who are not in any sense of the word "philosophers" so whatever.

>> No.10943391
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>"autodidact" thinks he understands philosophy

>> No.10943431

>Peterson ACTUALLY doesn’t mean anything at all with his writing unlike real thinkers, trust me
Wow, then he’s the arch-postmodernist he loathes

>> No.10943437

>Peterson is the No Man's Sky of youtube intellectuals
That's a pretty fucking good insult, although baseless.

>> No.10943438
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>thinks criticising academic philosophers implies one is not an academic philosopher

>> No.10943459

That is not what i meant, Peterson does attempt to convey a message, but said message is so vague that he can flip flop around the message's content as and when he wished

>> No.10943487

Was Nietzsche an ubermensch? You don't need to be the one you are writing about