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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 245 KB, 761x761, 1200px-L.-F._Céline_c_Meurisse_1932-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10941843 No.10941843 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that /lit/ is a pro-Celine board. Jean Baptiste Sartre and Prout-Proust are not welcomed here.

>> No.10941851

literally whom?

>> No.10941884

Louis Ferdinand Céline

>> No.10941935

sartres a big fag but tillichs ok

>> No.10941992


>> No.10941994

not going to make it

>> No.10941995


>> No.10942020
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>Jean Baptiste Sartre

I don't know why but this makes me laugh more every time I see it

>> No.10942152

JBS aka The Nutcase

>> No.10942159

Second-rate. A tense-looking but really very loose type of writing.

>> No.10942162

Kinda lame since you're not Nabokov.

>> No.10942205

Show me a quote where Nabokov actually said this. I think its a total missinterpretation.
Nobody on Earth would ever call Celine's writing "tense-looking", its literally the opposite. Often bordering on free association.

My guess is the idiot who made that list took a quote where Nabokov was referring to the Existentialists in general and then heard somewhere that Celine was an existentialist (he's not) and so added him to the list.

>> No.10942209
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It's from his criticism of Sartre, where he compares Sartre's writing with Celine: Second rate and tense-looking.

>It belongs to that tense-looking but really very loose type or writing, which has been popularized by many second-raters-Barbusse, Céline and so forth.

>> No.10942221

I see the comparison to Dostoevsky and I agree with that.

>> No.10942232
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>getting intimidated by nabokov
Nabokov is a kind of author you outgrow, anon

>> No.10942237

Celine is just edgy fascist crap lmao

>> No.10942244

>muh A is better than your B and C!
it's getting tiresome, y'know

>> No.10942248

You are not interested in Celine and just want to quickly dismiss him

>> No.10942253

Celine wasnt a fascist

>> No.10942254

If you don’t read Céline in french you should kys.

>> No.10942322

You don't know shit

>> No.10942330

>obvious, absurd bait
>3 replies

>> No.10942338

If you're still replying then no it's not

>> No.10942348
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He warned millions... they didn't listen...

>> No.10942584

so are his other books good or is just the journey to the end of the night?

>> No.10942819

All his books are good but Journey and Death of the Installment Plan are best

>> No.10943187

>ellipsis, ellipsis, exclamation mark: the author

>> No.10943202

French people love exclamation marks in general !

>> No.10943260
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(Day=lilly S=remind(h)er that : /lit/ is a pro=Schmidt board. --) Günter GrAss! : B(w)re(t)cht : and Heinrich Böll(s) are nut welcum her(e).

>> No.10943356

>it's another everyone is insanely stupid episode

>> No.10943372

Schmidt more like shit. All he did was copy Joyce's B-tier portfolio like a hack

>> No.10943375

Or maybe I should kill my self even if I read it in French.

>> No.10943383

Yeah they do, but in the English translation of Journey most of them are omitted for some reason.

>> No.10943387


>> No.10943444

My perspective as someone who can't read French is that his novels that have a coherent plot hold up very well in English, so Journey, Death on Credit, both volumes of Guignol's Band, and the trilogy of books he wrote on WWII. When you get into books like Fable for Another Time for example, it seems like much of the appeal is in the way he plays with language. I remember the notes section being pretty dense with explanations of how the translator tried to work out certain portmanteaus that don't have the same effect in English.

>> No.10943720

Different cultural tones. You get away with more flamboyant expressions in French in general. In English someone has to be fucking dying before you can get away with an exclamation mark

>> No.10944064

Nabokov is an embarrassment to western literature, and anybody who enjoys his work is either 16 or intellectually hopeless.

>> No.10944066

English people are less flamboyant than the French so it makes sense

>> No.10944081

nah, he is easily one of the most proficient writers of English that ever lived

>> No.10944085

t. Dostoevsky fan

>> No.10944102

Maybe he had that potential, but he lacks any force of ideas and his massive ego required him to inject himself into each and every character. He’s Updike but an immigrant.

>> No.10944146

I think some of Nabokov's novels had great ideas

>> No.10944153

Name one then

>> No.10944167
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>you can invite me, if you want

>> No.10944180
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>I read literature for ideas

>> No.10944195

Yeah, seriously, the are prose stylists and the are idea writers, and a writer is seldom both, Borges being a prime example.

>> No.10944222
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>picking a fascist douche-nozzle whose 'writing' boils down to Hitchens-esque insult throwing over the guy who did so many drugs that he was personally accompanied by a small army of hallucinogenic crabs for the latter half of his life and spent his time under Nazi occupation formulating a way to philosophically give them the middle finger by putting human freedom back in its properly Heideggerian realm of transcendent subjectivit

just admit Sartre's too much of an actual author for you brainlets to comprehend and go back to your hungry caterpillar coloring books

>> No.10944236
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>/lit/ in a nutshell

>> No.10944248

>yummy aesthetics
no better than women who have sex 3 times a week with different lovers each occasion, no better than a frat jock taking 5 hits of molly and DP'ing some mexican girl at a rave. You people think there is elevated hedonism

>> No.10944288

So you're saying we're Chads and you're the squeeky virgin manlet

>> No.10944323
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>I take Satre's philosophy very seriously

>> No.10944330

>transcendent subjectivit [sic]

Fucking idiot

>> No.10944359

I always found Celine to be a much more tender writer than Proust, who in my opinion is overly cerebral. That bit about Alcide sleeping, surrounded by a bleak colonial North Africa, never fails to to move me. Of course I only read Swann's Way and other bits here and there. Any Proust fans care to comment?

>> No.10944361
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>all this shitposting, never any actual critique of his methods or writing

>> No.10944374

What method? He's a fucking imbecile, there's no argument to be made with a made who made no arguments

>> No.10944384
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>no method
>literally wrote a book titled "Search for a Method"

who hurt you, anon?

>> No.10944403

the stupidity of this post is alarming

>> No.10944422
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>"Search for a Method"

Sounds like he never found it

>> No.10944427

Imo proust is more tender; it shows the most throughout volumes 2-4.

>> No.10944438

how old are you?
solid trips btw

>> No.10944491


Nah. Journey has a few good sequences (particularly the New York one) and some good aphorisms sprinkled throughout, but is mostly an unbearable slog, especially the second half. Not going to bother with anything else he wrote, and for those who are thinking about reading him, I'd say read Bloy and Cioran instead for something similar but far better.

The worst thing about him is the fact that he's such a big influence on so many mediocre writers, Kerouac and Mailer to name two off the top of my head. Don't really care about his antisemitism, but that doesn't help...

>> No.10944495


>> No.10944497

Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahaha Oh wow

>> No.10944499
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>yfw you attempt to systematically rebuild Marxism from the ground up inbetween banging Simone and shooing away imaginary crabs that even though you never 'finish' it, you still manage to leave such a gaping whole in the entire field of philosophy that all subsequent authors resort to talking about the semantics of language and other trivialities

>> No.10944504
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>Don't really care about his antisemitism, but that doesn't help...

>> No.10944506

>but is mostly an unbearable slog, especially the second half
whydontcha look at that. I stopped reading halfway through.

>> No.10944507

>not adapting to the prevailing modes of language
You’ll never be an artist anon

>> No.10944512
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>28 years old

>> No.10944516

>you’re effeminate and a slave if you don’t do what these mostly ugly german lunatic militarists propagandized

>> No.10944518
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>> No.10944524

What’s wrong with being 28?

>> No.10944525


>> No.10944526
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not even me, but nice try pepe

>> No.10944527

Its funny because you are an embarrassment, let me guess, you just started picking up philosophy at 26 and have all the wisdom of a 17 year old as a result.

>> No.10944540

How am I an embarrassment? And no, my father was a Wittgenstein professor at a major university. I’ve been “philosophizing” for decades. You just have an inferiority complex, sadly.

>> No.10944546

>I’ve been “philosophizing” for decades.

Doesn't fucking show laddy

>> No.10944551
File: 554 KB, 295x221, 1348819232524.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ is so saturated with brainlets they've started to migrate to /lit/ under the guise of Celine
jesus christ, how pathetic do you have to be to shitpost about your Jew fetish on other boards?

>> No.10944560
File: 58 KB, 612x594, celine doggos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Our French Republic is no more than a great gullet swallowing the negroizing of the French at the command of the Jews. Our governors are a clique of sadistic yids and yellow-bellied masons sworn to swallow us up, to bastardize us further, to boil us down by all the grotesque, primitive means of inter-mixture, part negro, part yellow, part white, part red, part monkey, part Jewish, part everything.

>> No.10944564

Not him but /lit/ is a Christian board and the Christ-killers are a vile and incomensurate bunch

>> No.10944566
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>this much non-argument from one person
no seriously anon, who hurt you?
it's ok now buddy, the bad times are over

>> No.10944572

Good point! Well reasoned! Sorry you’re too much of a brainlet to make sense of Sartre. May I suggest The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (translated in English, of course)?

>> No.10944574
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>Daffy masturbating.gif


>> No.10944578

Name one single way in which Sartre improved upon the work of Heidegger without just arbitrarily nigger-rigging words like "freedom" to his terminology

>> No.10944580
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>4chan's Jew fetish is this strong
your persecution complex stemming from your own miserable worth as a person is showing, friends

>> No.10944587
File: 1.78 MB, 1109x832, Jennifer_Lawrence_Harvey_Weinstein-35fdd49ba5c6cd6db627d45de068c1c4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jews aren't raping women Anon, don't be such a conspiracy theorist

>> No.10944588

it's possible to just not really like the frugal folk

>> No.10944594
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>nigger-rigging words like "freedom"

That the best you got, anon? Jesus, you can't keep your shitposting entertaining at this point

>> No.10944599

Thanks for admitting I'm right

>> No.10944600
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>the work of Heidegger
What IS the work of Heidegger?
Genuinely curious. I see him mentioned around here for years and he seems as big a nothing burger as DFW.

>> No.10944604
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>even a beautiful blonde women like Lawrence is susceptible to the evil Jew mind waves

looks like they've won to me. might as well get on living in a post-Hitler world, anon

>> No.10944605

Quiet dyke, men are speaking

>> No.10944606

>my father was a Wittgenstein professor at a major university.
Just to verify this, you should know the answer to this, what was Wittgenstein's solution to rule following paradox?

>> No.10944609

>rich white men dont rape women
>hollywood starlets being worked over by producers is shocking
>bootyful aryan wimmin defiled by jooden

>> No.10944610
File: 28 KB, 488x612, actress-sally-hawkins-attends-the-film-independent-at-lacma-screening-picture-id874375016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you don't know.

>> No.10944611

>What IS the work of Heidegger?
>Genuinely curious. I see him mentioned around here for years and he seems as big a nothing burger as DFW.
is this some sort of performance art where you see how awful you can be

>> No.10944613
File: 88 KB, 453x695, 1470441704316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glad I could bring a little sunshine to your basement, anon
you'll think of me when you're jerking off to this later, yea?

>> No.10944614

>not jewposting recreationally

people like you are what makes it worthwhile desu.

>> No.10944624
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>its properly Heideggerian realm of transcendent subjectivit

>> No.10944628

He established the categories of 20th century Continental thought through his radical break with practically all preceding philosophy's notion of the ontological foundation, the subject-object divide. Earning himself as being widely credited as the indisputed greatest philosopher of the 20th century along with Wittgenstein

>> No.10944630

He didn’t have one. And you don’t need to know anything about him to know this.

>> No.10944641

Sorry, who are you?

>> No.10944674
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Why is it called "continental", whats the difference between that and the other ...approach?

>> No.10944680

The fact that you judge people this coldly suggests that you're a sad, bitter individual. Probably a virgin too.

>> No.10944682

I don't know who gives a shit, go finger your cunt

>> No.10944697

>he says this with zero sense of irony

My man the fact my life is miserable is to be taken for granted on this site and I go through no lengths of hiding it

>> No.10945010
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Nice advice.

>> No.10945618
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>¿Puede un autor crear personajes superiores a él? Yo respondería que no y en esa negación abarcaría lo intelectual y lo moral. Pienso que de nosotros no saldrán criaturas más lúcidas o más nobles que nuestros mejores momentos.

Will Louis Ferdinand Céline ever recover?

>> No.10945663

That's what makes it so sad.

>> No.10945780

>Woah this French intellectual did a lot of drugs to the point it destroyed his mind, he also hopped on popular political bandwagons in ways that entailed no actual personal risk or discomfort, he also slept with lots of young and easily impressionable women, affirming his high social status by the carrying out of his biological imperative. All of these things signal to me a profundity beyond measure.
>Clearly such a man who so perfectly checks all the boxes of what society has agreed is entailed by being cool and high social status must be an authentic genius, just look at how often he stresses his own authenticity, just look at how loudly he affirms the value of his philosophy, clearly such a person is more authentic and philosophical than the average man, he just simply fits the glove so well.

It takes a certain amount of brutal honesty to enjoy Céline... Sartre is good at making bourgeoisie ennui look sexy and mysterious and impressing the panties off 19 year old college girls... Céline spent his entire life healing the sick and poor and never once fell self aggrandizement or the banal romanticism of tyrants and murderers.

>> No.10945795

Céline went out of his way to assist the Vichy french who were tyrranical brutes, basically enabled the Holocaust and constantly spoke about himself. I side with him almost universally, even on jews being degenerative as a presence in france, but he’s no pure man as you so ignorantly assert

>> No.10946169
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I read him in Finnish.

>> No.10946873

>no fun allowed.jaypeg

>> No.10948846
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>J. Lawrence
Wew lad

>> No.10948861
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>don't judge others man!
>le virgin argument

>> No.10949005

douche-nozzle is not "prevailing" old man
juno came out 11 years ago

>> No.10950470


>> No.10950635

The Jews deserved it and we'd be objectively better off if Hitler won

>> No.10950699


>> No.10950866
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>being in this much denial

>> No.10950921

Sartre is a literal non-entity in serious philosophy today. His entire legacy is limited to just his fiction, anyone with a serious study in the canon regards his intellectual work as bogus, to be generous.

>> No.10951131

who let /b/ in?

>> No.10951227


>> No.10951311

She's so fucking ugly.