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/lit/ - Literature

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10913905 No.10913905 [Reply] [Original]

dude i hate women now

>> No.10913910

you didn't before? women are just cunts, literally and figuratively.

>> No.10913918

so you... didnt read the book, huh?

>> No.10914079

>Hey guys look at me, I saw a reference to Edith made in the last Stoner thread and now I think I got the whole gist of the book!
That or maybe you lack any basic level of understanding which, being /lit/, is very possible.

>> No.10914091

dude its not that deep of a book lmao

>> No.10914096

Let me guys, intellectual male gets paired with a female due to social norms. He's expectations slowly degrade as he learns that the female has absolutely zero attraction towards him. Extreme self depreciation occurs and he walks the long journey to accepting the harsh truths of reality.

>> No.10914098

you misunderstood the book if you take it as a woman hating novel

>> No.10914104

you misunderstood my post if you take it as a serious post

>> No.10914246

>le another women are stupid and I hate them because they're plebs thread
So funny!

>> No.10914253

roastie or...?

>> No.10914262

Exactly what I was saying.

>> No.10914445

kinda but he has a love affair with another woman and overall thinks his life was worth living

>> No.10914477

I want to be David Masters

>> No.10914484

respect the cock
tame the cunt

srsly tho just beat ur gf until she does anything you say

>> No.10914490

Why is everyone on 4chan completely incapable of understanding female characters?

>> No.10914499


>> No.10914501

you going to put out or not

>> No.10914505

They are stupid

>> No.10914530

I try to but this just makes me dislike them even more because all women seem to care about is their wealth and social status, life is just materialism to them

>> No.10914538

Because most of us have high levels of introspection, we struggle to understand the animalistic nature of women.
They merely follow the whims of their socio-biological making. Whereas many of the guys here prefer to dedicate themselves to self-mastery and self-improvement. Something nearly non-existent in females.
For the same reason, we hate chads who don't care about these things at all and merely operate on the same level that women do.

It's not so much that we are incapable of understanding them, but rather they are beneath our level of comprehension.

>> No.10914544

this is now a /ourlad/ walker thread

>> No.10914675

Not really. Its a love at first sight thing. The woman is actually pretty intelligent, but also a cunt. Which he doesn't realise until he married her.
But yeah their sex life is dull.

>> No.10914678

One female character is a cunt.

His lover is a cutie.
His daughter is deeply depressed but never acts cunty.

>> No.10914789

His wife shows several signs of borderline and other cluster b disorders

I feel for him but so many guys do this shit. They delude themselves and ignore the warning signs of defective women and then legally bind themselves in marriage. They're asking to ruin their lives.

>> No.10914957

you misunderstood my post if you didn't think i was aware of that and baiting you

>> No.10914998

i want to be gordon

>> No.10915079
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>> No.10915094


>> No.10915331

Plus she was molested

>> No.10915353

>wanting to be him
>not simply being him

>> No.10915565

maybe not, but you're just kinda missing the whole point

>> No.10915622

I didn’t see it as implying she was molested. I believe Edith hated her father because she blamed him for her own unhappiness. Her parents raised her to be a perfect upperclass housewife, nothing else was expected or wanted of her. Being forced to fit a mold really fucked her up.

>> No.10915629

Maybe. But I remember after her father died there's a line that I believe was "They were very close. Her mother said mysteriously".
And then after he died Edith is said to act like a new person. Plus it would also explain why she has trouble emotionally connecting and trouble with intimacy

>> No.10915770
File: 32 KB, 361x426, 1514950805843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw woman
>tfw still understand all the muh male books /lit/ keeps spasming over

>inb4 roastie, Chad, reeee
Stay mad, cunts.

>> No.10915874

Does a retard know he's a retard?

>> No.10915886

show me your boobs maybe?

>> No.10915917


>> No.10915939

To be fair, there are books that can only be truly understood by people with certain life experiences. There's a difference between sympathizing with a character and empathizing with their struggles.

I mean most /lit/ memes aren't those books, but they do exist.

>> No.10915951

well put, praise kek!

>> No.10915978

Is this the new Phoebe was raped meme

>> No.10916122

If only blacks understand Black Panther, only men understand men books.
Tbh, I don't really believe in media identification/relation.

>> No.10916128


>> No.10916142
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[spoilers]read Maugham you fucking plebs[/spoilers]

>> No.10916159

Why is she so cute?
She uploaded a selfie to her insta and erased it before I could like it :c

>> No.10916167

Stoner has been a meme for a while
also it's actually good

>> No.10916172
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there is nothing of worth in Stoner. It's pure wankery. People saw it because it was the first thing on the exit level lit chart thinking it was deep or some shit. ya'll ate the bait.

>> No.10916175

I already thought you were a faggot for your incessant shilling, but I'm glad you've also outed yourself as a retard

>> No.10916181

based anon

>> No.10916439

No this one is actually plausible.

>> No.10916445

worst avatarfag in the history of 4cheng

>> No.10916454 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 322x319, alfsvoi6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no I hurt your feelings! I am sorry friend. you can just come over and hop on my dick whenever you want you pansy ass punk. let daddy teach you how to not be a bitch

>> No.10916755 [DELETED] 

embarrassing post desu

>> No.10916764 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 323x371, alfsvoid12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still loved it enough to respond thanks for the upvote desu desu you too!

>> No.10916901

>Implying Esther isn't the inevitable product of a patriarchy which doesn't let women live fulfilling and free lives

>> No.10917456

Unironically this. Cuckservative societal norms and the men in her life were her main issues. If she wasn't so constricted she would've been free to be a huge bitch outside of marriage

>> No.10917918

She unironically did nothing wrong.

>> No.10918053
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>> No.10918068

Is this a joke?

>> No.10918101

It's post-ironic

>> No.10918171

every female has the same importance as a tree in every book

>> No.10918175

thank you based mods for fucking up avataranon

>> No.10918289

this is one of the most fedora tipping posts ive seen yet

>> No.10918299

This. Worse than Alice, which is a hard thing to accomplish

>> No.10918313
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90% of 4chan users are virgin white males 18-30

>> No.10918644

Thats exactly what John 'Stone her' Stoner was trying to tell you anon.

>> No.10918652

Perhaps 10 years ago, but this place has become a safe haven for normie activity in the last few years

>> No.10918680

Try 13-25

>> No.10919984

Women are nesters whose evolved function is to stabilize the male will to power, the will to show off how you are the best male by conquering (e.g., nature, concepts, other people, societies, etc.).

Men are throwaways, duds until proven otherwise, endlessly reproducible and discardable blank slates, whose only merit, or lack thereof, comes from what they do with their lives. Every man is a needlessly powerful, barely repressed fusion jetpack, with a varying reserve of will-fuel, strapped to a stupid monkey with all kinds of contradictory self-preservationist, hedonistic, and machismo instincts constantly nattering at him and struggling for control of his faculty of judgment. His unbearable will to show off is always in dialectical tension with his will not to slam pointlessly into the side of a mountain on his first jetpack flight.

Fundamentally, there are only a few kinds of men. There are those who learn to master the jetpack, despite it never being really masterable, and who ride it into some kind of fame and success. There are those who try for the same but end up slamming into a mountain. There are those who push the "On" button a few times, get scared of the disproportionate thrust and realise they'll never fully control the thing, and simply give up. And there are those who are too scared ever to turn the thing on, or who for some reason are simply happy being feminine cavecucks and remaining with the tribe their whole lives.

By comparison, women possess all their merit and value at birth, by virtue of being women, and more importantly, they possess a psyche that is literally built upon an instinctive awareness of this merit and value. Only a woman could have achieved nothing whatsoever in her life, and then dish out advice on how to "earn" her company to rejected suitors who are nevertheless much more accomplished than she is. Only a woman could receive endless fawning adulation through her entire adolescence and early adulthood and actually BELIEVE it. All that conceit and self-love has the fitness-promoting function of high standards. Everyone has heard the joke about the woman who fucks Napoleon and thinks, "Can't I do better than him?" It's the reason that high-achieving women invariably become spinsters or mental defectives, because they can never satisfy their drive to be conquered by a man. A D-grade woman wants an A-grade man, and a B-grade woman only wants a Top 10 Luminary of Human History-grade man.

>> No.10919992

In this function as shit-testers, women also serve as dampers on too-easy conquests by jetpack-happy men with more balls (and luck) than brains. They defend the status quo at all costs, worshiping whoever controls it, because, almost by definition, the status quo works. If someone truly exceptional can topple it, that's fine, but most of the time people seeking to topple it should be crushed and then mocked. Only people incredible enough to overcome the crushing and mockery of standing outside the status quo should be graced with the privilege of being a Napoleon or a Beethoven or whatever. The litmus test for parvenus is, again by definition, whether they can overcome the "No Parvenus" rule and do whatever they want anyway.

Throughout history, the young generation of men has been a revolution waiting to happen. Whatever the status quo is, in knowledge or in politics, men will always want to stand on the shoulders of their ancestors and blast off to greater heights. Most of these will either fail catastrophically and early, or get lost in the systems and institutions of the status quo and fizzle out along their way, or heroically make it to the gates but be crushed in the usual way, as an example of almost-but-not-quite. Eventually, pressure builds up, fate brings enough exceptional men together, and enough exceptionally gifted almost-but-not-quites (who make great lieutenants in revolutions) break away from the status quo, so that they are not lost in the twists and turns and cul-de-sacs of the system anymore. Any man with any jetpack-gefuhl at all is drawn into the orbit of this mass until it becomes critical. The revolutionary build-up then girds itself manfully, and penetrates the status quo, which is increasingly composed of only the detritus and stabilising elements: women and failed men. A new order is established, a new morphology emanates, and the cycle continues, whether you prefer the one described by Plato or Ibn Khaldun or whatever.

But bourgeois society has broken the cycle of history and entered into post-histoire, the end of history. Modernity since at least the Enlightenment is machinic and adaptive, not morphological and evolutionary. The fundamental premise of the organic, of morphology, is death and rebirth, with the sublation of the same into something new and higher with every passing generation. Morphology annihilates the same while remaining the same; difference is encountered and assimilated dialectically. The fundamental premise of the machine is that its ground premises can never change. No matter what happens, the base code must remain intact at the end of the day. You can add anything you like to the machine, as long as the machine is still there, unchanged, at the end of the day. Any changing shape or form can be brought before the machine as long as it does not require the machine itself to change.

>> No.10919998

The machine is the status quo run amok. Bourgeois pluralism, whiggish presentism, liberal individualism, capitalist hedonism, are all premised on a rejection of organic self-transformation - of initiation, of the mannerbund (which is by definition initiatic and exists away from the status quo), on lines of flight.

Modern society, bourgeois capitalism, is one gigantic duck pussy. Instead of being shocked and transformed by the gradual build-up of revolutionary penis energy, it simply adapts to create a new cul-de-sac to catch all the duck cum and prevent a new insemination from occurring. Each generation of men (ducks) evolves newer and more exciting explosive phalluses to try to penetrate the pussy, as they have always done, but the pussy no longer yields and allows the origin to be recapitulated. As a result, our penises are evolving in strange ways like bendy straws or overgrown fingernails, confused in purpose, pseudomorphological dead ends. The status quo has always absorbed failed men, but now it absorbs all these confused malformed duck cock men as well, strengthening itself even further. The duck pussy extends outward into society, conforming men into one giant extension of itself, one gigantic feminized pussy labyrinth for any would-be penis that would confront it. As the will to penetrate declines, the difficulty of penetration increases exponentially. "The cruelty of the enemy, the fearsomeness of his methods, appears to increase in the same measure in which weakness grows in man." The skills and wills of the enslaved, machinised men, now only mute sexless guardians of the unassailable labyrinth of vaginal mediocrity, are perverted, morgoth-like, to defend rather than to attack the status quo. Some men even specialise their deformed wangs to joust and oust any knights who come in this twilight to conquer the maze, those rare few with "the tenacity [to] remain at their post even though all is lost."

The bourgeois duck pussy with its machinic, fractal extension outward into reality is an aberration of evolution itself, an evolved state that yet negates evolution, exactly like the historical eschatology that eventuated in our post-historical condition. It is beyond and above history, standing outside the stream of life and death merely for the sake of itself. Nietzsche called these duck cunt adjuncts the last men, the passive nihilists, but he had no way of predicting the self-enclosing, self-encrusting nature of a critical mass of these ersatz women, feminised "femin-ists" who defend rather than attack the norms qua norms of the tribe.

>> No.10920003

The masculine, romantic longing for transgression has always been latent in the masculine impulse to destroy and create, to return to origins by fleeing from tradition, to attain the centre by escaping to the utmost margins, in short to re-instantiate the coincidentia oppositorum. It is the thanatological lebenstrieb that recreates the cosmos out of chaos in every generation. Its disruption and stifling by history, and the harnessing of the essentially feminine essence of waiting-to-be-penetrated, is paradoxically world-historical in its (by definition) lack of precedent. The organic model could have gone on indefinitely. But even more confusing than its break in the organic chain is its failure to metastasise and overtake the host-body properly, if its aim was truly to smother all possibility of a masculine restoration of organicity. It would have been easy enough to do this with libidinal/liquid, machinic capitalism, hypergamy, the gradual winnowing of revolution-willing and capable men, etc. Instead, it pressed certain aspects of this process too hard and too fast and ended up recreating the conditions of interwar fascism. This century, instead of fully instantiating the machine and ending all possibility of history or eschatology for the human race, will soon see humanity either destroyed or degenerated into post-destruction monads, fully capable of new morphological developments.

Several tentative conclusions follow.
1) Women are not responsible for feminising men. Their natural function has been perverted and (it seems) harnessed in order also to pervert the natural function of men; the goal seems rather to have been an instantiation of machinic modes of thought and organisation, by the interruption of self-renewing (and therefore self-cleansing) morphology. Certain subordinate aspects of human existence, such as fractal repetition of existing (dead) forms, or what Coleridge called "fancy" as opposed to "imagination," were allowed to become hypertrophic in the distended interval between the decline of one form and the emergence of some new offspring.
2) The lopsidedness of the process of interruption, the jarring pointlessness of this "machinic interval," over against the elegant symmetry of morphology, further suggests an outside and opportunistic influence, an alien purpose whose needs did not emerge dialectically from within the morphological progression itself.
3) Assuming an outside influence, the machinic interval also seems either to have been botched - which is unlikely, or at least unwise to presume - or to have been cast off once it was no longer needed.

>> No.10920008

We should begin ourselves: What might an outside influence on the spiritual progression of a monadic humanity look like? And given that this alien entity seems to be operating on a spiritual plane that is presently invisible to us, how can we infer its designs and presence from what we CAN see of its effects? If the interruption of human history ceased to be managed and stabilised competently beyond a certain point, i.e., if what seems like the attempt to convert humanity into a machinic, post-capitalist, post-historical, feminised orgyporgy has failed and only resulted in a 21st century that will soon lapse into reactionary neo-fascism, then what did the interval of interruption accomplish that would make the foregoing unimportant? Was the machinic interval only necessary as a gestation chamber for creating the now un-uncreatable idea of machinic transhumanism and machine-"intelligence," by all accounts the logical conclusions of the dialectic of enlightenment?

Finally, we ought to begin preparing ourselves for spiritual warfare against unseen forces. Again, we can only infer how we ought to prepare with reference to the after-effects of the spiritual invader into "our" plane of reality or awareness. They have tried to destroy all possibility of initiation, of authenticity and non-machinic self-transcendence and self-sacrifice. But they are also indifferent to neo-fascism, which often includes these elements in "counter-initiatory" form, which suggests that a humanist variant of romantic initiation might be necessary, and that merely "death worshiping," reactionary variants of fascism will not generate the critical mass required for a new morphology, especially if neo-fascist movements flirt with transhumanism and machinic ideas (which they almost certainly will).

>> No.10920011

We ought also to be mindful of the proliferation of "New Age" forms of counter-initiation, like vulgar liberalised forms of self-annihilating (rather than self-transcending, self-justifying) Buddhism, Sufism, and Taoism, along with the craze for similarly anti-transcendental, neo-monistic Western philosophies, like neo-pragmatism, naturalism, cybernetic "informationalism" and its scientistic, neo-materialist offshoots, post-Benjamin or post-Heidegger (etc.) versions of pantheist, cosmicised "semiosis," the perversion of Merleau-Ponty's embodied cognition to deny repetitively the ontological status of consciousness and the possibility of a transcendental deduction, all forms of quietism and especially of determinism, and so on, and so on.

Some principles for combating feminism and the feminisation of the Western male emerge:
>Recovery of initiation and the mysterium of self-transcendence (without vulgar self-negation)
>Recovery of the transcendental perspective in metaphysics and phenomenology
>Recovery of a post-neo-Kantian, respectful (Zarte?) dualism, with the possibility of authentic advaita vedanta later on
>Recovery of the mystery of the Christ-principle as the bridge between nature and the divine, and as a means of avoiding degenerate quietism
>A new mysterium of Freedom as the specifically anti-machinic principle, i.e., the urphänomen or yet-unfulfilled erfragte of the ek-stasis of and eventual ana-stasis machine-overcoming

>> No.10920017

didn't read lol

>> No.10920043
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>> No.10921960

Books are literally made of trees you idiot

>> No.10921966
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>> No.10922680

Make a thread without relying on shitty /tv/ memery, newfaggot.

>> No.10922791
