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/lit/ - Literature

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10904063 No.10904063[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

*blocks your path*

>> No.10904066

she inferior

>> No.10904069

What if she's reading Mein Kampf?

>> No.10904070

>how to spot a pleb 101

>> No.10904071

“Ma’am if you’re not going to pay for that book I’m going to have to ask you to leave the store, also there’s no food or drink allowed in here.”

>> No.10904074

*takes stride over legs, letting one go as I do so and sighing with relief*

>> No.10904079

What? They have their own coffee shops

>> No.10904095

>I peer down at what she's reading.
>"Oh, what's that?"
>She begins to sweat a little, but forces a half-smile.
"Do not let the weightiness of its size detract from the weightiness of its content."
>I raise an eyebrow and try to smile back.
"Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus."
>I give her a quizzical look as to suggest I don't know what that is. Her sweat now collects around her sockless ankles and under her hairline.
"You know," she blurts out anxiously. "Wittgenstein once believed that the hardest and most profound questions could only be discussed in the form of jokes."
>"OK. Tell me a joke then." I say, laughing.
>Her teeth are chattering now. She gulps and speaks.
"There's two cows in a paddock. One says, 'moo'. The other says, 'I was about to say that'..."
>"Excuse me?"
>She leaps up, her face as gaunt-white as her XL coffee cup.
"I'd like to complete the transaction now."
>I take two soggy notes from her hand, and give her a used copy of Artemis Fowl with a sock in it.
>As soon as I give it to her, she snorts them and lets out a sigh, as though her anxiety evaporated.
>She jogs off, sweating.

>> No.10904101

*grabs coloring book*
*sits next to her*
mind if I have a quick sip?

>> No.10904102

Why do people do this? Every bookstore ever has chairs or benches all over the place. Surely the floor is less comfortable? I was just in a store a while ago where some orange haired dyke-looking girl plopped herself in front of the manga section for a good twenty minutes.

>> No.10904111

Not everyone suffers from autism

>> No.10904116
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Why the hell did I laugh so hard at this?
Good job, anon

>> No.10904119

>Sitting on floor is bad
Fucking faggot needs social cues in the form of non-ergonomic furniture to sit. PSHSAHAHAHHA. Real chads sit or squat wherever their Ego demands.

>> No.10904120

A contemporary masterpiece

>> No.10904129
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I love you schizos

>> No.10904131

>Go up to her and ask what she's reading
>Oh hi :), I'm just reading this silly little book abou-
>Interrupt her by shaking my body as if I'm having a seizure
>She looks shocked and asks if I'm okay
>I then drop to my knees and begin to have a flow of saliva pour out of my mouth
>She screams for help and comes to my aid
>As people surround us she rests her hand on my chest and says it's gonna be okay
>I begin laughing joyfully and jump to my feet
>Everyone is confused
>Grab her hand and lift her up, tell her she's passed my sincerity test
>I then lead her to where they keep Infinite Jest and force her to buy a copy

>> No.10904136

I step on her ankle and pretend to be sorry but I'm really not.

>> No.10904142

>Then she says, "thats ironic, I also keep a hidden copy of Infinite Jest"

>> No.10904144

absolute lol

>> No.10904155

>no food or drink

>> No.10904158

She was probably waiting to strike up conversation with the next colored-haired dyke-looking girl to pick up some manga

>> No.10904163

>graphic novels

>> No.10904167

Do people really do this? Why don't they just go to a library and loan the book? Im confused.

>> No.10904172

>Xhe doesn't read parts of the book before reading it.

>> No.10904181

>before buying it*

>> No.10904194

Libraries are for poor people.

>> No.10904199
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I don't have autism, it's just stupid. People that do this are:
a) blocking access to books
b) partly blocking the aisle
c) putting themselves in an objectively uncomfortable position

Here, I outlined all the posture imperfections in OP's girl to help you understand.

>> No.10904202

>I'm not autistic
>I proceed to label a picture as I analyse it like an aspie

>> No.10904203

>I don't have autism
>Here, I outlined all the posture imperfections in OP's girl to help you understand.

You aren't really helping your cause

>> No.10904205


>> No.10904208
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>I don't have autism

>> No.10904221

To be fair, that's definitely going to hurt her head if she starts leaning back

>> No.10904230

I can sleep on ceramic tiles without cushions nigga. Where are all you sheltered, meek bugmen from?

>> No.10904234

>He doesn't just judge the book based on its cover..

Way to follow the herd anon.

>> No.10904237

I could too, but it wouldn't be comfortable, and you're full of shit if you're going to say it is.

>> No.10904238

I can too but it's going to be unpleasant, you feel me?

>> No.10904241

Its alright to have autism, many great thinkers do. Joyce might have even been one.

>> No.10904243

*shatters your patella and severs ACL with steel toed boot*

>> No.10904246

Depends on your definition of comfort. I get sore if I sleep on big, soft beds. And I think this is because it restricts your movement when you sleep at night e.g. tossing and turning.

Also like to sleep on the ground when my back is tense, usually makes it better.

>> No.10904269

a) infantile autism
b) infantile autism
c) infantile autism

>> No.10904283

I agreed with you but you went full autist with this post

>> No.10904324

>reading in what is presumably the "pop culture"/YA section
>drinks coffee
>no sense of shame for exposing her flesh so readily

No thanks

>> No.10904327

How can she block my path when I'm never going to the gameing book section?

>> No.10904329

As I looked right, I saw a muscular Turk, squatting, taking a photo of a woman sitting on the floor, reading a book propped by her left knee.
After the brief flash of white, the woman stood up, put the book back on the shelf in front of her, then turned towards her black bulll.
"That should do, U'mar," she said in a pissed of tone of someone a week into constipation. "Let's get the fuck out of here - it's so nerdy it makes sick - and let's find some white kids. I get really wet seeing you cracking their heads against the sidewalk."

>> No.10904335

This is God-tier bait. Well kek'd my good man. Well kek'd indeed.

>> No.10904337

good thing the coffee cup is full of change

>> No.10904343

I want to lower her into my mouth, holding onto her ponytail, her legs kicking my taste buds hmmmmm

>> No.10904346

Totally normal thing to say.

>> No.10904348

Hello int
Good morning

>> No.10904356

Vore isn't an int meme, it's a lifestyle.

>> No.10904366

sometimes I fantasize about dropping my kids off at the school or the bus stop or whatever with my wife and bending her over and fucking her while talking about how proud we are of our baby

>> No.10904367

Had a glorious giggle, m8, you clearly understand irony and still use it to wipe the fucking floor

>> No.10904375
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I just wanted to have a good morning of shitposting but I got this instead. Why do you do behave this way, /lit/?

>> No.10904550

>the kid curved the corner and passed the oakslats and rubworn shelving to his left and stood silent in the economics section. He drew threadthin the piece of mint gum in his mouth between his teeth and tongue, his jaw loudly settling like a wild whipcrack on a sweltering desert day.
>he picked up a copy of Rothbard's Man, Economy, and State and edged the tome against the sunlight crashing from the rear window in swathes of dustladen rays like hell's own stinking vapors.
>he began to sweat
>whats that there
>that there in yer paws m'boi
>sure looks like somethin
>its a book on economics
>economics? dint ye know thas a dismal science? sorry science that is there fer sure. ain't no hearth in't no place n space fer the heart
>ye pick'n up son? its a sorry way'a life a sorry way'a thinkin its a heavensent grief mask'd in graphs and plotpoints all n' the purpose of steepin heavy in ye heart't make it drop to ye guts'n pine fer death
>the tiny Asian man stepped a few feet back abreast and reached for a copy of Rich Dad Poor Dad and heaved it towards the kid
>he dropped it
>ye want purpose? thet there book is no demon. thet there is a shedself angel thets brought you in here n now to meet me to gentle ye into sanity
>itll change yer life if I don't kill yer ass first.
>the kid took the book to the counter and purchased the book, and with it took home a complimentary tortilla. >and he left.

>> No.10904574

This is a barnes and noble, they don't have chairs

>> No.10904611

I would use my lanklet legs to walk over her. Not over her legs, but directly in front of her face.

>> No.10904665

This actually doesn't happen. Most women that do this aren't even reading, but usually just hanging out with other people. I don't know why, but I think women llike this must think that because they sit in the library, it's going to make them look smart or something.

>> No.10904675
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Roastie desu. I'd sneer at her as I stepped over her STD infected legs.

>> No.10904749

brilliant post

>> No.10904808

>Spends her own or her cucks money at starbucks

>> No.10904812

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.10904909


>> No.10904910

oh god I'm so lonely

>> No.10904946

>gets on the floor and start sniffing her shoe

>> No.10904970
File: 72 KB, 768x432, 1521486466469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I dont have autism

>> No.10904989

>in the gaming books section
I leave her alone

>> No.10904997


I'm actually about 80% sure I know exactly where this photo was taken. I've stood in the same exact spot. Weird. What would this feeling be described as?

>> No.10905008

>if you want to keep drinking in here, you'll need to take a drink of this
>unzips dick

>I don't have autism
-Anon, moments prior to being diagnosed with autism

>virgin cannot expose his skin to the sun without breaking out in rash

>> No.10905028
File: 278 KB, 1277x1023, IMG_7188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yana Kozlova. She is exactly what I pictured Helen from the Iliad to look like. I wouldnt call her a semen demon though as she's angelic and pure. She doesnt want to drain you of your life force. She only wants to love you for who you truly are in spirit and help you save the world.

>> No.10905033
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>> No.10905053

>he’s not a member of a 200+ year old private library
Who’s poor now?

>> No.10905054


>> No.10905060
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>I'll never taste a homemade apricot tart baked by her

>> No.10905177
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>> No.10905206

She's sitting in YA, the only people she's blocking are other teenage girls who want to read romance stories about perfect boys falling in love with other girls/perfect boys

>> No.10905212
File: 499 KB, 882x758, 1519203216478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She only wants to love you for who you truly are in spirit and help you save the world.
why did you post this for!?

>> No.10905245

She looks like Nikki Next. Nikki Next is an absolutely terrible actress and she has very mediocre small pygmyish monkey feet. She does not enjoy being in any foot fetish clips and she is very wooden and never relaxes and gets into it. I hate her early material where she was too cool for the room and can't enjoy being paid for very little effort like Sasha Foxxx does, and I hate her later phase where she tries too hard to seem like she's some porno queen.

She isn't attractive. She's 6/10 at best but she has an ersatz version of the elfin profile of a truly cute woman so she has been allowed to think she is cute for years and it has destroyed her personality completely. She can't put in a good hour of work and get paid probably five hundred dollars to have platonic physical contact with another woman. She can't even do that competently. It is already painful to watch porn because the 10% of my brain that wants to suspend disbelief is in a constant war with the other 90% that is picking apart how phony and sad it is and how badly the women don't want to be there. I don't need Nikki Next being the absolute epitome of the 90%, making me feel miserable and sad, making me think about capitalism and how it destroys human beings, making me imagine her pathetic real life and deconstruct the circumstances of her doing lesbian porn in the first place. I don't need all that shit in my brain when I'm trying to achieve one blissfully naive childish moment of joy at seeing two girls lick each other's bodies. And I don't need her to be massively overrepresented in every other fucking clip because she fakes being cuter than she is, with her completely mediocre little shrunken african tribesman feet. Fucking worthless Nikki Next.

Sasha Foxxx and that absolute trooper blonde girl who is usually the sub, those two are great. Those two are managing to manifest some kind of brothel queen archetype of true humanity among the sleaze.

>> No.10905259
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>> No.10905279
File: 23 KB, 400x308, LT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My time with Anon has come to an end. During our time together, I learned about his general cynicism and misanthropy but also his irreverent, self-deprecating style of humour and his ability to show compassion toward those who shared his "feels". What had started as a journey into the "dark side of the internet" had become a poignant investigation into the lives of wayward young men. With no community to fall back on and plenty of free time to spend online, they had forged an alliance not out of common interests but a common sense of displacement. Although they have been attacked in the media as Nazis, perverts and nihilists, the picture I was presented was one of loneliness and desperation. I finally realised that the "Internet Hate Machine" hates nothing more than itself.

>> No.10905290

There is nothing of any value on the far bookcases, so she wouldn't be blocking my path in any way, shape or form.

>> No.10905294

How can women take pics like this without the least bit shame?
The narcissism must be off the charts but no one raises an eyebrow because it's a hot girl.

>> No.10905302

I think Louis could do a great 4chan documentary if he wanted to look at it properly and not with the agenda of alt-right or some other /pol/ shit.

>> No.10905327

*accidentally kicks the coffee*
Nothing personal kid

>> No.10905425

Dude 90% of those stores have the exact same layout

>> No.10905434

Whats wrong with having your picture taken? Im man and I wouldnt feel shame if I did that

>> No.10905495

you wouldn't feel shame sitting down on the floor of a bookstore and posing with a book pretending to read while your friend takes a picture of you so you can post it online for compliments?

>> No.10905498

>in every bookstore
>manga section
The absolute state of literature in the (((west)))

>> No.10905499

I do have autism and completely agree with you.

>> No.10905501

It looks like a library not a bookstore.

>> No.10905508

>going to a store

You deserve everything you get, buy online and save money and don't have to deal with filth.

>> No.10905522

it's not something I would do because my legs are far from beautiful and I would not like someone to feel disturbed by looking at them, but the thought of getting to the level of not feeling shame while doing it, it's quite interesting

>> No.10905529

she's posing for a photo, she's not reading like that, she probably sat there for a few seconds, and again for a recapture of the photo if she's not satisfied with the result, repeat hundred times,

you are actually right

>> No.10905584

>sets up 5k USD camera on her 4999 USD tripoid
>tehe i'm such a Book Worm anon

>> No.10905598
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I will certainly be buying the Skyrim book and also the Fallout 4 book, hard cover, soft cover and the e-book.

>> No.10905604

It's clearly a Barnes and Nobles, have you been outside?

>> No.10905663

>*steps over*
>*release huge fart*
>she says excuse me

>> No.10905707

worthy effort
mccarthy doesn't exaggerate the dialect in this way but
still okay

>> No.10905714

i liked this

>> No.10905830

but store is inside

>> No.10905864

I am in class now trying not to burst out laughing. Thanks anon

>> No.10905867

move the zelda book to the Z section.
>that pose
it's like nobody in that store can triforce

>> No.10905869
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>give her a used copy of Artemis Fowl

Is it you?

>> No.10905894

*points at her outstretched leg*
*gives one sharp whistle, like you would give to a dog*

>> No.10905898

don't give sharp things to dogs, anon, they'll hurt themselves. puppers are not that dexterous or uninquisitive.

>> No.10905982

I feel the same way, Instagram and selfies feel so inherently narcisstic it just makes me almost disgusted. Word to the wise I probably have minor autism

>> No.10906032
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turning shitposting into an art form

>> No.10906354

this is actually not bad

>> No.10906409

>trying to walk to the graphic novels section

>> No.10906415

Why am i sneaking through the library?

>> No.10906437

Wow cool
>look at shelf behind her
>Carrie, If I Fall, The Mysterious Case of the Vanishing Girls
>look at shelf in front of her
>Dr. Seuss, BIlly's Diary, Rowena Rainbow
>look at shelf next to her
>Zelda Artbook, Minecraft Tool Guide, Big Book of Pokemon, Elder Scrolls Player Pamphlet
FUck shit wow

>> No.10906455

Kick her face on my way to claim my Big Book Pokemon

>> No.10906461

actually i'm pretty sure we're supposed to assume we are an animated garden gnome in OP's scenario

>> No.10906463

marry her

>> No.10906511

>casually step on her leg with malice and act as if nothing happened when she reacts

>> No.10906529

>he pictured an Ionian Greek as a slav

>> No.10906542
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>give her a used copy of Artemis Fowl with a sock in it.

>> No.10906616
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>> No.10906914


>> No.10906920
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She looks like a much prettier version of my gf.

>> No.10906932

He might be autistic, but he's absolutely right.

>> No.10906957
File: 22 KB, 804x743, tmp_20978-1469285278015956937509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walk into bookstore
>pop music with loud, sassy mulatto woman vocals is blaring
>walk out

What in the ever-lovin' FRICK happened to Barnes & Noble?

>> No.10906969

the fact he changed the color of "precariously" and "one" is what reall did me in

>> No.10907000
File: 88 KB, 640x815, zenmeha0z4cblqpjn0we.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plese wriet moar

>> No.10907014


>> No.10907016

they do this because of how they do it in tv shows and tumblr gifs and the like.

girls are basically always larping. it's larping all the way down.

>> No.10907046

good lord this is so true. never thought of it in 4chan terms like this.
t. grill

>> No.10907113
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>t. grill

>> No.10907118

we're all qt victorian grillchilds in modest dresses and ribbons on /lit/.

>> No.10907134
File: 2.99 MB, 640x360, breastplate stretcher.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please don't stimulate me or attempt to stimulate me. i don't need this right now.

>> No.10907137 [DELETED] 

>step over her abruptly
“Watch you shit”

>> No.10907184

All of society is just larping m8. That's the whole point of fitting in.

>> No.10907213
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you're gonna make it

>> No.10907230
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>> No.10907232

I would crouch down in front of her, Slav squatting style, and make direct eye contact with her until she becomes so uncomfortable that she gets up and leaves. Thus establishing my dominance of that book store aisle.

>> No.10907244

fart in her face as i walk by

>> No.10907248
File: 47 KB, 800x522, Ptbw9yH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pleas delet

>> No.10907258

Ancient Greeks were white.

>> No.10907260

As if a woman who looked like that would ever drop her spaghetti as hard as the motherfucker in that "weightiness of its contents" pasta

>> No.10907285


>> No.10907293

don't fall for the victorian girlchild meme or you end up like stoner

>> No.10907295
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>models pretending to be cute, pure girls
it's like they're mocking me

>> No.10907302

>11 years old girl

>> No.10907332
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I've been tricked

>> No.10907341
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>> No.10907345

that doesn’t mean anything, they looked nothing like slavs

>> No.10907354

Early Slavs were pure Nordic IE steppe genes. The early Greeks were conquered by these same people, giving them blonde hair and light eyes. So the nobility and most beautiful people in Greece would actually look not too different from ancient Slavs. So maybe more like Scandanavians, but Slavs are closer than Greeks.

>> No.10907361

holy fuck you are a retard

>> No.10907373

> being this delusional/uneducated

>> No.10907399

"Oi, mate! (Genaric british slang and cursing)".

>> No.10907424

>Real chads sit or squat wherever their Ego demands.
Slav detected

>> No.10907431

This confirms she’s pure


>> No.10907437

fellow autist here, it can be fun to sit in a deliberately awkward position

>> No.10907438

casually spray my baby batter on her face.

>> No.10907445

This, when I read on a couch for more than 5 hours or so I sit in all sorts of bizzare positions.

>> No.10907448

Note how she’s not wearing any makeup and has no need to because she’s naturally radiant as the pure driven snow.

All roastie sluts are covered in makeup to trick you.

>> No.10907451

my autistic personality says sitting down next to her and starting a convo would be creepy, but my logical side says that it's fine. What think /lit?

>> No.10907453

> Pass young teen/childrens book section to peruse on /co/ material for my collection
> Girl blocks pathway
> 6/10, looks like my college mates ex
> My bulbous shadow dimly cast over her, makimg myself present
"Oh, shit. Let me move out of my way."
> "No, no. Just sit."
> Complete disregard of my sissy insistance and hand gestures as she jumps up with the latte
> Sweating heavily
> I stumble past her, looking the other direction
> She peeks my hand cletched to a copy of Kafka on the Shore and a collection of Vonnegut
"Whats that?" she asks with a raised eyebrow
> "Uh...uuuh.."
> Wished my dad put his sperm can and sent me off to space
"Murakami? Do they write manga novels?"
> Sweat pearls come dripping onto the ground
"Hey, I know you from somewhere!"
> I take three giant leaps down to the cashier, slide the card, then bounce out Barnes & Noble.

>> No.10907458

This girl is fucking eleven years old, I would be shocked if she weren't pure. It's not like she's a starlet on a show produced by Dan Schneider

>> No.10907464

>Walk up to her arch my body over her legs and face her.
>"Hey bitch, what are you reading?"
>She looks confused and slightly offended but holds the book up slightly below my groin anyway, showing me the cover.
>Its the Maze Runner series
>"Heh" I say, "Why don't you read through this instead." I plop my dick out onto the cover of her shitty YA """Novel."""
>"It'll blow your mind better than any shitty book you've ever read anywho."
I got my dick sucked so hard that day.

>> No.10907469

uhm. yeah...no. it's far more complicated.

>> No.10907471
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I'm an ex-lolicon but I feel targeted by these slav girls. She looks like 20 wtf
I don't know how to feel about all this.

>> No.10907478

It's creepy if you're ugly.

>She looks like 20 wtf

>> No.10907484


>> No.10907487

The makeup and dresses make her look far older.

>> No.10907491

Yeah but I don't know what sort of 20 year-olds you know that look like that (i'm sure there's some, but they'd be exceptions). She looks like a teenager.

>> No.10907497

It depends on what you say.

>> No.10907500

>why am I attracted to fair virgin maidens of an age they were traditionally married to patricians

You’re sick! You have to date 25+ yo roasties whom’st’ve had 50 sexual partners.

Hellen in the Iliad was 11 btw.

>> No.10907502
File: 9 KB, 274x184, download (15).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw just want a roastie whore with a heart of gold who wants to settle down with a good penis
only those who have seen true degeneracy can know the value of purity

>> No.10907503

>blocking the way
>inconveniencing all people
>book i want is behind her
>autistic introvert so theres nothing i can do
>rude bitch

>> No.10907511

Look I know more than most about all that but my emotions were taken off guard by this 11 year old. 20 yr olds like that do exist but fuck 11 is too pure. I need to rethink things.

>> No.10907520

spent 6 months shelter hopping, can confirm comfy beds give back pain if you're used to sleeping in shitty spots
HOWEVER in my experience this was just pain from adjusting back to normal, and in about 2 weeks I was used to the bed again. just depends what you're used to desu.

>> No.10907523

No you’re confusing the Rus Vikings from the 7th-9th centuries with the Ionians and Annatolians who are related to the Indo-Aryans from the lower caucasus. Red hair and blue eyes are found in a remarkably large range, and the physiognomy that bears them tends to vary wildly among caucasoid skull morphologies. The Greeks own Doric depictions of themselves are: gracile, swarthy, dark haired, dark eyes. Its without a doubt thay they had blonde-red haired and blue-green-grey-hazel eyed phenos but they were rare and did not constitute the upper class at all, most ancient Greeks are not described as being of that pheno. Further still the depictions of Germanics, Celts and Nords (all distinct taxa with their own distinct physiognomy and ancestral migratory patterns, along with distinct languages) are totally disparate from the gracile, med faced Greeks going all the way back to the Mycenean and Minoan period. The Thracians did not receive serious Celtic admixture till the time of Plato and they did not replace the native populations nor did they at all replace the native Macedonian and Greek populations. Annatolians don’t look anything like Germanics at all, they look like middle eastern caucasoids and again most of them did not have red hair and blue eyes, which were rare phenos as they are recessive traits. Finally, while the Greeks and Indo-Aryans are closer related linguistically than the Germanics and Greeks neither group is from the same migration nor are they at all similar to Nords and Germanics. Germanic tribes, with the characteristic Germanic pheno, and the Nords, showed up almost a thousand years after the Dorians and Anntolians and had significantly more simplistic artwork, language, culture than the southern caucasoids.

There’s absolutely no evidence of anything you’re saying, R1A and R1B just means they have distant common ancestry in the Steppe but so do lots of of other ethnic groups that don’t claim to be Greek. This is like equating Bantus with Ethiopids because they share a large amount of genetics, its fucking asinine sophistry.

Go back to /pol/ or Salo Forum and cry about

Slavs are Iranic and native EEF hybrids mixed with Steppe genes, the phenotypic reconstruction of Yamna DNA, a PIE population, shows black hair, tanned skin and dark eyes, there were certainly tawny blue eyed people in the Steppe, they weren’t nords or germanics. Anachronistic and retroactive reorganization of phylogeny and the development of cultures is a sign of dishonesty, it has no place in a study of history.

Go look at minoan and mycenean art, tan skin, black hair, dark eyes everywhere. This includes nobles and warriors who would have been leaders or rulers

>> No.10907524

With virgins it doesn’t matter you penis size. That’s only a used goods meme. Virgins are so tight not even your pinky could penetrate without tearing them and making them cry. This is why our ancestors held virgin marriage so highly and also why the Jew uses penis envy and slut promotion to destroy noble European society.

>> No.10907545

Marriage age varied highly in societies of antiquity and the middle ages, m8. It's never as high as 25 (for men or women really), but 11 is pretty young, universally.

>> No.10907573

kys normie

>> No.10907578

Andronovo were blonde, so was Khvalynsk. There's a difference between Nords and Nordic phenotypes. The PIE people were largely Nordic in origin.

> minoan
non-Nordics who got conquered and bred with the PIE
> mycenean
Mostly dark-haired but Greeks mostly had non-PIE genes. Again, lots of Greeks in history and nobility are described as blonde and light eyed, and it's always a description to imply divine and noble blood. All the IE civilizations were like this, from Greece to India, even if these two for example, were largely descendants of dark-skinned native women with the invaders. You're confusing language with genetics, most IE speakers today are not pure IE genetics - the closest to that are North Europeans....who are? That's right, Nordic in phenotype.

Cry all you want, but the IE languages were brought by Nordic people to the world. Germanics might be only one branch, but if anyone has the right to call themselves true descendants of the PIE, it's them.

>> No.10907612

Rofl, braindead pol user

>> No.10907637

Nice argument, revisionist cuck

>> No.10907653

Nordicists are pretty fucking annoying. All you have are some shit stones with stick figures carved into them and yet claim you build everything around the Mesopotamian from Egypt to Rome.

Do yourself a favour and look at the palace of Knossos on Crete. Look at the time it was built. Then realise you’re a Sythian mongrel that was infamous for being vandals.

>> No.10907690

I'm not a Nordicist and I never said that IE built all the civilizations. I'm completely aware that the PIE started out as horseniggers. They took most of them over and enslaved/cucked the natives.

Still, Nordic genes, horses and culture were given to these people, and that's where almost all the important later cultures originate. Universally, these civilizations valued Nordic features and worshiped the IE gods. They modeled their societies after that of the IE people (read: weren't weak matriarchal cucks). They won in the end, because it's only this society and these genes that allowed European to become dominant.

>> No.10907694
File: 127 KB, 720x1065, 4A8017A1-6C9A-4C57-9686-E7C2061B4F81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to talk about revisionism reasearch Victorian British history and then compare it to pre 1700’s British history. There were no mention of celts ever in If to do with Britain till Anglo Saxon revisionists rewrote history to glorify themselves and justify marrying into German royal families.

Early British history was all written off as lies based in their belief that Brutus, grandson of Aeneas founded Britain and from him those kings and a great many descended from. Victorian historians claimed Troy itself was a myth made up by homer therefore British history was all lies. Too bad Troy was found and confirmed real past century but the Saxon leaders of Britain wang the natives repressed by telling them they were caved people and basically niggers till Romans and Saxons invaded.

Read the holy kingdom by Adrian Gilbert and Alan wilson. All the evidence is there but the corrupt elite want no part of it. Kill yourself.

>> No.10907703

what if Finnegans Wake?

>> No.10907739

>wearing shorts
>also wearing gloves indoors
she must be ratarded, nothing to see here move along dont agitate the special person

>> No.10907782

Not gloves, just long sleeves on the jacket.

>> No.10907844

>Andronovo were blonde, so was Khvalynsk
those aren't nords
> There's a difference between Nords and Nordic phenotypes.
No there is not
>just says the PIE people were Nords
no they were not
>non-Nordics who got conquered and bred with the PIE
They were assimilated by the IE Dorians and Ionians and this isn't helping your case at all since both those groups were dark caucasoids
>Mostly dark-haired but Greeks mostly had non-PIE genes
You mean IE you fucking nigger, and this isn't helping your case at all its making you look even more like a fucking retard.
>Again, lots of Greeks in history and nobility are described as blonde and light eyed, and it's always a description to imply divine and noble blood.
Most of them are not, the Greeks fatuously ascribed all kinds of physical features to mythical characters it doesn't mean anything regarding the genetic makeup of there people. And again, you cognitive dissonance suffering subhuman, Blonde Hair and light eyes are found all over the place and even native European Hunter Gatherers who had zero Steppe genes had tawny hair and blue eyes while having dark skin.
>from Greece to India
Indians didn't have blonde hair at all, there's not record of it anywhere. The closest thing is red hair but that's not Nordic at all, it would be closer to Celtic. Except red hair is found in a number of Eurasian taxa so its not Celtic either.
>even if these two for example, were largely descendants of dark-skinned native women with the invaders
No, you don't get it. The Aryans who came down from the steppe had dark hair and dark eyes, swarthy skin. They looked like modern Iranians and North Indians with slightly lighter skin tone than the modern Punjabi people.
> You're confusing language with genetics, most IE speakers today are not pure IE genetics
No I am not at all, you are confusing Nords with phenotypes that are found among the Nordic population but are also found among Armenians and Eurasians and have nothing to do with a Nordic diaspora, because there is no such fucking thing in the ancient world.
>the closest to that are North Europeans
No they're not, the highest steppe admixture is found in Eastern Europe, Armenia and Northern India-Pakistan
>who are? That's right, Nordic in phenotype.
wow completing your own incorrect premise with an incorrect conclusion. Very convincing if you are an impressionable retarded conformist drone from /pol/ who doesn't do follow-up research
>Cry all you want, but the IE languages were brought by Nordic people to the world
No they were spread dozens of different groups all over Eurasia and one of them BECAME nordic after intermixing with WHG's in Northern Europe, they were not Nords before that and they would have lacked most of the distinguishing features of Nords at the time when they migrated into Scandinavia
> but if anyone has the right to call themselves true descendants of the PIE, it's them
No its the people of Eurasia who would be able to say that.

>> No.10907862

It's funny to play with expectations

>> No.10907866

whats she reading, bros?

>> No.10907875

Shut the fuck up, redditor. We say "normalfag" here, not your shitty soy-addled version of the word.

>> No.10907882

Your favourite author

>> No.10907884

>They modeled their societies after that of the IE people (read: weren't weak matriarchal cucks).
Such a broad loaded statement as to be useless
>They won in the end, because it's only this society and these genes that allowed European to become dominant.
Those populations were a huge mix of people, the one's who ended up being Celts, Italians and Greeks weren't the same group as the one's who ended up being Germanic and Nordic if they were, they would have had the same pheno, which we know they didn't, they would have spoken the same language, they don't, and they would have said their ancestors came from the Northern Steppe where the Nords IE ancestors come from, they do not. The kurgan hypothesis does not hold up at all, the Pontic Steppe and the Yamna and Corded Ware cultures are the basis for IE in Europe and they are decidedly heterogeneous, and there is such a wide variety of Phenos that only a self-interested sophist would say that was Nordic since the Nords are a late population, they literally did not exist before the turn of the last millenium BCE at all. Those were blonde Hunter Gatherers mixing with mixed pheno IE steppe peoples.

>> No.10907929

>move bitch

>> No.10907931
File: 85 KB, 584x960, 1521509176824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The superior bookfu

>> No.10907936

Wait, just a question. Is over-analyzation of stuff a sign of autism?

>> No.10907946


I wonder if you actually expect somebody to read that shit. Stop with the greentexting.

>> No.10907981

>broad loaded statement as to be useless
No, it's not. All IE religions have women in their proper place, and their lineage clearly followed the father's. That's why native women were taken as wives and their cultures otherwise destroyed.
> they would have had the same pheno,
no, because of mixing. I'm stating that the early nobility however, were Nordic.
You say PIE was mixed pheno, I agree. But the dominant class were fair haired and light eyed.

>> No.10907983

Fuck off Ahmed here in freedom land women can wear shorts, maybe if you weren't chemically imbalanced you could handle seeing some skin without going into a rape rampage

>> No.10907997

overanalyzing a picture, going to the trouble of posting a diagram on 4chan after someone calls you autistic (or doing it to get (You)'s) and then giving numbered pointers on what's wrong with the picture is autistic, yes

>> No.10908033

>those aren't nords
Yeah, they were Nordic, in genetics, pigmentation and skull shape. Maybe a little more robust Nordid than Scandanavians, but still Nordic. And yes, PIE were Nordic (tho not Nords).
> both those groups were dark caucasoids
Greek nobility were Nordic, not dark-skinned. They had tan, golden skin and golden hair.
> Hunter Gatherers who had zero Steppe genes had tawny hair and blue eyes while having dark skin.
EHG did have light features and IE was a mix of these and CHG. Blonde hair evolved in many places tho, I agree - never said Nordic is the only source. But the case of Greece, there's no evidence of light hair before the IE came.
> You mean IE you fucking nigger
Nah I meant they have no PIE (steppe) genetics. Stop nitpicking you know what I mean.
> Indians didn't have blonde hair at all, there's not record of it anywhere.
Indians hated dark skinned people, and Indra had blonde hair, Buddha had blue eyes, etc. Persian kings often had blonde hair until Islamic times. The Indo-Iranians were Nordic (like the Scythians...who were blonde or red haired!!), until they mixed with the Indians.
> They looked like modern Iranians and North Indians
Yeah, and some of those, as well as the blonde, light-eyed Yaghnobi, look very Nordic. You're shooting your revisionism in the foot by mentioning this, it's the perfect example. Even the Chinese talked about Iranic/Tocharian people having blonde hair.
> Nordic diaspora
We just call it Nordic because Nords today have the most of these features. It's just the pure, PIE look that only the Northern Euros maintained.
> Eastern Europe, Armenia and Northern India-Pakistan
You're fucking retarded. Eastern Europe yes. Armenia and India, not even close. The fuck do you get this shit from?
> they would have lacked most of the distinguishing features of Nords
The PIE were robust Nordids. The easiest way to look at this is look at Tocharians, Andronovo, etc.
> people of Eurasia
Yeah, who exactly? Scythians are dead. Slavs and Germanics are the closest, but lots of Slavs have mongoloid and other admixture now.

>> No.10908051

fuck I want this dress

>> No.10908061

Is shitposting just to get (You)'s autistic? It's honestly great entertainment.

>> No.10908076

its a mild form of autism or sociopathy, take your pick. some of the people who do it are obviously socially stunted, others are highly socially adept. I'd assume the former group are mega autists and the latter are mildly sociopathic. Doing a behavior in a public place to incite rage against you in most contexts is sociopathic by definition, or at the very mildest anti-social, which if habitual could be described as moderate sociopathic inclination.

No judgement here

t. OCD schizothymic autist

>> No.10908104

Holy shit the absolute state of /lit/. This is a post about literally nothing. Fuck rhis board

>> No.10908105

>Doing a behavior in a public place to incite rage against you in most contexts is sociopathic
I don't do it in public though, only online. Though sometimes I find myself pushing my friends' buttons or saying slightly off-color jokes to see how far I can push people without looking legitimately bad. It's like, mild antagonizing at most but just for fun, but I do get fun out of seeing the underlying discomfort. Is that normal? I avoid actual conflict in real life though, I almost never have issues with my friends. With the gf, we never argue but she says I'm "hard to read" (not emotionless mind you). Is this sociopathy or just autism?

Pls help anon, I find myself easily able to understand other people's emotions so either I'm too empathetic and feel bad about normal jesting, or I'm a sociopath? fuck.

>> No.10908310

Try to avoid stepping over her as I go for those sexy minecraft books in the bg... Unless we're talking about "her" in a "shes's literally sitting there waiting to have her picture taken" scenario, in which case... I would stand in the way, just cause I'm a bitter asshole.

>> No.10908321

Tbqh I just grab anything based by it's name alone,

>> No.10908436

anon pls