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File: 27 KB, 311x475, symposium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10889053 No.10889053 [Reply] [Original]

What philosophical wisdom should this be giving me? The only thing I took away from this is "Start fucking teenage boys."

Is all philosophy this retarded? Tell me now, because I don't want to go down this rabbit hole if that's the case.

>> No.10889059

Is that really all you took away from this dialogue? Are you actually unironically fucking mentally incapacitated?

>> No.10889068

I'm working my way through his dialogues and I don't understand why this is the one that was chosen to be his "masterpiece." I found Euthyphro, Ion, Apology and Laches much more enjoyable, well written and with better concepts discussed.

The only thing in Symposium that struck me as a potentially good idea was the concept of poiesis, which seemed intriguing. But he only talks about that for about a paragraph, then gets right on back to the boyfucking.
Tell me what else I should be getting from this one. If it's just for the prose, I can get that, but for an philosophical dialogue it's kind of missing the philosophy part.

>> No.10889071

t. triggered christcuck

>> No.10889077

It's not the gay shit that bothered me. It's the fact that he felt he needed 7 different speeches to justify doing gay shit that bothered me.

>> No.10889166

you fell for the lit meme, rule numver 1 is never read a book another litizen recommends its almost always not a good choice

>> No.10889174

There is literally nothing about boy fucking until the end. The rest of the Symposium is discussion of love and it’s origin and attributes.

Really beautiful stuff. Symposium is a personal favorite of mine.

>> No.10889183

I hate the greeks meme

>> No.10889219

I felt the speeches on love were contrived to fit only in the context of justifying their.....habits, to put it mildly.

They would have been great speeches if they talked about love in its universal sense, but throughout them they keep referring to "young boys" and "young men" and it takes you back to reality and reminds you of the subjectivity of their beliefs.

Even Alcibiades' speech, which is slightly amusing, veers off into masturbating over how perfect of a Gary Cooper-like stoic everyman superhero that Socrates is. He's just humble and modest and perfect. And it's almost condescending to read.

>> No.10889236

Well you’re wrong. Symposium has a meaning for me and my girlfriend.

>> No.10889476

that's my favourite part, the fact that despite all their actually good investigations and analysis of love, it can be boiled down to the following:
> The second best thing you can do is plow little boys so you can """teach them wisdom"""
>the best thing is of course, be a philosopher

>> No.10889483

its a dialectic you fucking idiot, the context doesn’t fucking matter, the forms of the arguments do. this is why literacy needs to be cut back heavily, being offended by their degeneracy is a waste of energy.

>> No.10889497

Most of Plato's work has been consigned to the garbage can philosophically speaking, nobody agrees with Plato much anymore (except the theatetus- which is Godly), the symposium however is a work of art and therefore stands over his more technical works.

>> No.10889504
File: 5 KB, 205x246, 1517319467073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read text from ancient civilisation
>errr wtf why r they discussing their foreign practices lol? ugghh when am i gonna get #wise already???!

>> No.10889508

Thank goodness you’re incorrect, academics of all kinds reference Plato in their works. I’m reading Vilfredo Pareto and in Chapter II he goes over Plato extensively. No one has ‘denounced’ Plato’s theories because they aren’t wrong. Just like how none of Euclid’s propositions are wrong, either.

If you haven’t taken the time to read The Republic as a self- help book and The Laws to help you analyze political phenomena, you are missing out, kid

>> No.10889511

Plato’s metaphysics is correct as is his epistemology, i don’t know why people think they’re safe from mathematically derived platonic realism which necessarily becomes idealist when AI mathematicians are created

>> No.10889513

This post is absolutely insane.

Get help

>> No.10889515


>> No.10889536
File: 212 KB, 1218x1015, 1518136853167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
