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/lit/ - Literature

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10878252 No.10878252 [Reply] [Original]

>be /lit/
>board specifically about text
>get shit score
Shame. Shame.

>> No.10878266

Just because I read books doesn't mean I type books.
Fuck you and your test.

>> No.10878273
File: 137 KB, 323x454, 1509231812363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're assuming that the complexity of text is the purpose of a board about text when the purpose of this board is for text to be more easily understood.

>> No.10878279
File: 7 KB, 238x192, 1520738185814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is /x/ so high, their brains are literally fried off drugs and the, to top it off, /pol/ beat them at their own game: meme magic

>> No.10878333


>> No.10878343

/x/ uses a fair bit of jargon and purple prose when they try to spook each other. Still the dumbest board.

If OP is legit then scoring lower than /sp/ is pretty weird.

>> No.10878350

/sp/ is up there because they use a bunch of long ass sports people names and places

>> No.10878387


>> No.10878403

/his/ is my main board

>> No.10878437

How was this measured, assuming it isn't bullshit? What text was sampled?

>> No.10878442

We barely even beat /int/. This is a shameful score indeed. Should we all just an hero?

>> No.10878485

>big words = more smarterer

>> No.10878501

>big words
more than that
What is a better measurement then?
>durr my special snowflake intelligenc can't be measured

>> No.10878544

Oh, I'm sorry, it measures big words AND long sentences. Yes, those are good measures of intelligence. No, not like good writers will ever listen to Strunk and White and write clearly and simply, no sir!

>> No.10878617

>translation: my special snowflake intelligenc can't be measured

>> No.10878703

A complex thing like intelligence can't be measured by such basic algorithms as that test.

>> No.10878721


>> No.10878729

>/sci/ lower than /his/

>> No.10878732

>basic ideas cant be conceptialized through basic tests

Hmm makes you think

>> No.10878740

/sp/ has funny memes and some witty ass people making fairly alpha jokes, but let's be honest: they haven't a clue of the cannon--ironically-unironically, and have little understanding of the impacts thereof. I'm sure their are some smarties there, who either don't read because, "I live and learn and love from life!", or, have read a few classics here and there. Either way, it's an insult and a slander that they are above us on your graph and I demand an edit! Demand I say! You have 24 hours
Lol, probably true

>> No.10878741

/sci/, /int/ and /his/ are some of the boards least infiltrated by /pol/

>> No.10878749

Its based on sophisticated vocabulary.

>> No.10878754
File: 2.46 MB, 320x320, woowoww.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. I clearly stated that intelligence is a complex thing. Sorry you can't read.
Intelligence is more than sentence length.

>> No.10878767

Nouns don't count

>> No.10878778

I go to /sp/ and I know the canon and read everyday, what now

>> No.10878779

> the harder my shit is to read the better it is
Can someone hurry up and post that IQ image to BTFO OP pl0x?

>> No.10878786

Yes, i know what the flesch kincaid test is, i was wondering what text it was sampling. If it was based on the text on "/lit/ humour thread" it would get a different result than a "critique thread".

>> No.10878810

I'm the one who created this graph. I noticed someone posted it on a few boards for some reason looking though the archives.
I dumped every board into a text file and ran the test on them.
Whoever posted it got it from this thread as you can tell from the filename: >>>/qa/1989755
If you want the actual text it is here: >>>/qa/1990663
I just did this for a bit of fun but I guess some people are going to take it seriously.

>> No.10878829
File: 110 KB, 657x539, 1514953800736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this test shows is how hard it is to parse text. Incomprehensible nonsense in a flesch-kincaid scores higher than plain language, so by this metric of course better writing gets a lower ranking.

>> No.10878834
File: 60 KB, 570x620, 24f4bc9f41ed4eff75b865cb9dafcb24--cool-hats-cats-in-clothes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not done with you. Here's a test to see if you are telling the truth--no cheating, on your honor: How many yards did Tom Brady, the fucking GOAT aka __ ____, throw for in the AFC divisional game in the 2017 playoffs?
What team will Isaiah Thomas play for next year?
Who is in the 76ers karass--or whatever the fuck they call those little groups that they form to root for each other? Usually 4 or 5 teams/
Why is Hume important? What contributions has he made to philosophy, and who became his successors?
Who did Nietzsche BTFO? ;)

>> No.10878844

Reading grade scales are complete crap. They value long sentence disproportionately high while ignoring difficult vocabulary.

>> No.10878848

Clearly fake, shit thread

>> No.10878849

I fucked up the above post. Sorry the strapnel, >>10878834, hit you >>10878779 anon. I'll tell your wife you fought with bravery and honor. Then Bone Down, bitchh! Ughhhhh

>> No.10878864

Damn, it won't let me post the graph, wtf

>> No.10878925

Nietzsche BTFO of everyone. Socrates and God especially.

>> No.10878941

Brevity the soul of wit and all that shit.

>> No.10879088

Thanks for doing it, it's interesting info.
I was thinking that was the method you used considering /news/ is so high, as many posts there are simply dumping the news article in full.

>> No.10879147
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This is very old(and clearly outdated). Doesn’t mean I won’t post it.

>> No.10879298

literal meme chart

>> No.10879304

>this is what /pol/ actually believes

>> No.10879361
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>entirely made up

>calculated from actual data that anyone can verify

>> No.10879369
File: 13 KB, 250x250, 1518985913349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sp/ higher than /lit/
n-no, this cant be happening. im in charge here!

>> No.10879375
File: 93 KB, 625x626, 1521677747701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sp/ poster trying oh so hard

>> No.10879381

>any board lower than [s4s]

>> No.10879486
File: 38 KB, 319x310, niec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[s4s] is a nice board

>> No.10879504

Tell that to /vp/

>> No.10879837

>The "subsaharan africa, genetics, holocaust, make germany win ww2" board
>least infiltrated by /pol/

>> No.10880853

/lit/ a shit

>> No.10880943

it's still a meme metric that signifies nothing

>> No.10880951

A cursory glance at /his/ would allow anyone to conclude that it is populated solely by morons. /sci/ is a glorified homework help board with an inferiority complex. I seriously doubt the relevance of a test such as this.

>> No.10880977

Hello, Mr. Strunk. How was your dirtnap?

>> No.10881171


I say I resemble these remarks!

>> No.10881176

>Flesh Kink Aid


>> No.10881186
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>> No.10881190

Jamaica Kincaid?

>> No.10881254

>/his/ aka pseud central

>> No.10881577
File: 81 KB, 426x428, 2headedboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tom Brady
>the GOAT
nice meme fagboi

>> No.10881814

Put some respek on that name! You are talking about the quintessential athlete of the modern era! Best sportsman in all of sportsball! That super bowl last year was ludicrous! That should never have happened, but the GOAT wanted it: so it happened.

>> No.10881903

>/sci/ and /his/ are good boards
Don't you have a YLYL/funny memes threads to be in?

>> No.10883333

prove him wrong

>> No.10883485

lit has a good score for a board that's more about collecting books than reading them.