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10872295 No.10872295 [Reply] [Original]

just bought this. what am i in for lads?

>> No.10872332

Some shit about kant and some unreadable ranting with some good parts in the middle.

>> No.10872335

fuck, i've never read kant. am i fucked?

>> No.10872350

Kant is babby tier, you'll be fine.

>> No.10872365

sweet. hope this book isn't just a meme. i'm looking to have my mind blown.

>> No.10872373

No its just one of his early papers

>> No.10872376

a pretty rad title my guy! the inside of the book however is uhh. i think nick land's writing is what happens when you unironically listen to rage against the machine every day for a quarter century. his philosophy such as it is isn't useful, it boils down to yea fuck everything. might be okay for someone who likes ligotti, but not grown adults.

>> No.10872389

if you have to ask, then the answer is: you'll end up with another overpriced, unread book on your shelf.

>> No.10872402

lol his tweets can be hard to understand sometimes. mostly reading it as a 20 year old edge lord.

>> No.10872412

anon, where did you found available copy? it costs like 100 pounds where I live... will it be republished by urban?

>> No.10872415

i have a rule where i don't buy a book unless i'm half way through the one i'm currently reading, so i'll get to it after

okay, looks like im in the clear

>> No.10872419

sequence press, they're based in NY but maybe they ship internationally, i paid 30$ which is a lot but whatever

>> No.10872425

he's been doing that french-highly-auto-referential-so-deep-shit-style since ever. if you went through any cont. philo. you get used to it.

>> No.10872446

ahaha yeah, but once and awhile he says something super interesting so even if i have to sort through some shit in his book i hope i'll get something out of it

>> No.10872602


I think context might be important on that one. You gotta know that Fanged Noumena was collected and put together mainly by Ray Brassier, who has his own project and it's quite different from Land's (an example of his disagreement: https://moskvax.wordpress.com/2010/09/30/accelerationism-ray-brassier/).).

With that said, this is what Brassier considers to be the prime of Land's works for that period, and he is indeed a very competent reader so expect good stuff to lie in there. However, I know /lit/ has another collected essays edition of Land with many things that are not in Fanged Noumena. Also keep in mind that you should read his blog, both older and recent posts in order to fully grasp what he wants (rather than what he actually is saying) to say. Somewhere along the lines he [stopped doing drugs, started a regular non-accelerated family, and] shifted his thoughts from a kind of extremely (EXTREEEMELY) radical deleuzian nihil-machinic-self-obliterating capitalism, to a more run of the mill right, reactionary if even, once again human-centered thought.

>> No.10872632

Oh dang, that's super helpful to know. Should I read his blogs before or would I be good to just go right into the book first?

>> No.10872728

Absolutely do his seminars first, solid 30 to 40 hours content out there. Look up concepts he referes to and don't understand .

>> No.10872816

where can i find his seminars?