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/lit/ - Literature

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10866596 No.10866596[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's your biggest gripe with the /lit/ community?

C'mon, lay it on thick. It's been bugging you, I know.

>> No.10866604 [DELETED] 

All the people who aren't right-wingers and go apeshit when we bring up the jewish problem

>> No.10866800

Too many memes, not enough intellectually stimulating discussions.

>> No.10866806

All the career doomsdayers.

>> No.10866814

Don't really have one. Wade through the bullshit and here and there something interesting presents itself.

>> No.10866816

Yeah seriously. Take that shit to the advice board. No one cares.

>> No.10866818

Too much low-effort classicsposting, not enough in-depth discussion of literature.

>> No.10866822

People who complain about /r9k/ and blog posting on /lit/. You came to arguably the most articulate board, full of nerds who read nerdy books, many of whom are aspiring writers, and then got mad when it turned out that some of them were not so good at talking to girls.

>> No.10866841

Like >>10866818 said, plus Christposting, traditionalist larping and marxists who aren't smart enough to keep up with Marx.

>> No.10866861

At the risk of being the very problem you're talking about, fpbp.

>> No.10867016

The critique threads and the horrible “insight” given by armchair writers who couldn’t tell their Cock from a pencil.

>> No.10867047

Overreaction to SJW culture leading to preemptive dismissal of anything by women or non-whites (Japanese are honorary whites). Not everyone here is like this, but any post discussing something by a black person (for example) will be drowned out by unoriginal screeching about niggers. It's a shame because there's good stuff out there that's never going to be well-known by normies, either because it's too weird/niche/difficult or because there's something """problematic.""" The only reason /lit/ is worthwhile at all is because most other places where you can discuss literature conflate quality with accessibility and a lack of anything that could be construed as objectionable. The militant reverse idpol is stifling and turning /lit/ into a mirror image of what it claims to hate.
I don't really expect this to ever change, it's always gonna be 4chan.

This, basically

>> No.10867066

I never post in the critique threads any more. I feel like no serious writer would.

>> No.10867073
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Why wouldn't we complain about that sort of thing? Tfwnogf posting does not belong on /lit/, since it has nothing to do with literature or philosophy. It is objectively, irrefutably off-topic. We don't want it here, and we don't like the people who post it here. Go to /r9k/ if you want to whine.

>> No.10867190

uneducated people. seems like most posters these days have been here for a week and need recs on which platonic dialogues to start with

>> No.10867202

Is there actually anything worthwhile about the board now? I usually check it out because years ago some posters were actually insightful, and now every thread is easy bait.

>> No.10867212
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Is this the Leftist hugbox thread?

>> No.10867213

I feel like I both should and shouldn't tell you to read The Sorrows of Young Werther, but my suspicion that you mispronounce the author's name makes me inclined to recommend it heartily.

>> No.10867218
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/r9k/ is trash. And it's not just "tfw no gf" it's "tfw no /lit/ gf". Anons want to moan with other Anons that share their interests and/or taste in women. Also, you posted a frog.

>> No.10867219

the fact that you think your infantile nogf posting is anywhere near on par with werther (an inferior work, by the way), goes to show that the world would be better off if you just stopped reading and holding on to those embarrassing literary pretensions of yours

>> No.10867220

Fuck you you mongrel scum this is a European Monarchist board and in an ordered and justified world you would be mining computer components with the rest of of the wogs.

>> No.10867222

Faggots conplaining about how bad muh board is now

>> No.10867223
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Most of them don't read

>> No.10867224

>Eurocucks in charge of anything

You had your chance before becoming Middle East 2.0

>> No.10867227

I thought /lit/ was a Catholic board.

>> No.10867232

It's really not that hard to make the oe sound. Even backwoods hicks can go it for Goering, if you put in a modicum of effort you could stop spazzing out so much about not being able to talk about German Romanticism with any intelligence.