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10842475 No.10842475 [Reply] [Original]

>The New York Mongoloid problem is beyond calm mention. The city is befouled and accursed—I come away from it with a sense of having been tainted by contact, and long for some solvent of oblivion to wash it out!… How in Heaven’s name sensitive and self-respecting white men can continue to live in the stew of Asiatic filth which the region has become—with marks and reminders of the locust-plague on every hand—is absolutely beyond me.… There is here a grave and mighty problem beside which the negro problem is a jest—for in this case we have to deal not with childlike half-gorillas, but with yellow, soulless enemies whose repulsive carcasses house dangerous mental machines warped culturelessly in the single direction of material gain at any cost. I hope the end will be warfare … In New England we have our own local curses… in the form of simian Portuguese, unspeakable Southern Italians, and jabbering French-Canadians. Broadly speaking, our curse is Latin just as yours is Semitic-Mongoloid, the Mississippian’s African, the Pittsburgher’s Slavonic, the Arizonian’s Mexican, and the Californian’s Chino-Japanese.

>> No.10842494


>> No.10842503
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>Racist tirade
*Anglophilic tirade

>> No.10842506

>there are Mexicans in muh Arizona (Spanish for: arid zone), who would've thought?

>> No.10842509

is he holding his mouth in that shape or is it just naturally like that?

>> No.10842512


>> No.10842517

da colored men be keepin da white men down

>> No.10842524

It's naturally like that. He was born like that because he's part of the Master Race™, of course.

>> No.10842528

>Your slum travelogue interested me vastly, and I hope you will take me to this hideous cesspool someday soon. Whether I have ever beheld any place of equal putrefaction remains to be seen—at present I find it hard to conceive of anything more utterly and ultimately loathsome than certain streets of the lower east side where Kleiner took Loveman and me in April 1922. The organic things -Italo-Semitico-Mongoloid- inhabiting that awful cesspool could not by any stretch of the imagination be call’d human. They were monstrous and nebulous adumbrations of the pithecanthropoid and amoebal; vaguely moulded from some stinking viscous slime of earth’s corruption, and slithering and oozing in and on the filthy streets or in and out of windows and doorways in a fashion suggestive of nothing but infesting worms or deep-sea unnamabilities. They -or the degenerate gelatinous fermentation of which they were composed- seem’d to ooze, seep and trickle thro’ the gaping cracks in the horrible houses… and I thought of some avenue of Cyclopean and unwholesome vats, crammed to the vomiting-point with gangrenous vileness, and about to burst and innundate the world in one leprous cataclysm of semi-fluid rottenness. From that nightmare of perverse infection I could not carry away the memory of any living face. The individually grotesque was lost in the collectively devastating; which left on the eye only the broad, phantasmal lineaments of the morbid soul of disintegration and decay…a yellow leering mask with sour, sticky, acid ichors oozing at eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, and abnormally bubbling from monstrous and unbelievable sores at every point…

>> No.10842532

>How in Heaven’s name sensitive and self-respecting white men can continue to live in the stew of Asiatic filth which the region has become—with marks and reminders of the locust-plague on every hand—is absolutely beyond me.…


>> No.10842533

>French Canadians
>Not white
Bruh Lovecraft was just a major anglophile he wasn't a white nationalist. He was married to a Jew for awhile as well.

>> No.10842538

Even his racist rants are pretty well-written. Can't say the same about his dialogue.

>> No.10842539

>Once again, misreading the quote and attributing to him modern day white nationalist sympathies while not nderstanding anything of Lovecraft's actual views
Stop posting anytime, holy shit the whole world is not /pol/

>> No.10842540

Lovecraft had a wild imagination.

>> No.10842544

My apologies. I meant the Anglo-Saxon Race™

>> No.10842545
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>Talks shit about people of the same race as him
Have forgotten what racism even is and assume any kind of bigotry that involves xenophobia towards anyone of x heritage is now racism? I mean come on

>> No.10842547

You have to go back

>> No.10842548

Funny cause he looks like an ugly mongoloid

>> No.10842554
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You're still not getting the issue here huh?

>> No.10842557

I'm in my homeland. YOU have to go back.

>> No.10842559

>I'm in my Homeland
>Says a half white half amerindian immigrant whose amerindian descendants had nothing to do with that area of America for thousands of years
Okay fag

>> No.10842566


>> No.10842570

>Freshen ya drink eh guvna

>> No.10842571


I'm in my homeland. Can't you read? Not in the US ffs.

>> No.10842577

>it's not about his conception of race, it's about culture and nationality, pal.

>> No.10842583


>> No.10842589
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>But success and happiness were not to be. Garish daylight shewed only squalor and alienage and the noxious elephantiasis of climbing, spreading stone where the moon had hinted of loveliness and elder magic; and the throngs of people that seethed through the flume-like streets were squat, swarthy strangers with hardened faces and narrow eye, shrewd strangers without dreams and without kinship to the scenes around them, who could never mean aught to a blue-eyed man of the old folk with the love of fair green lanes and white New England village steeples in his heart.

This hurts the heart

>> No.10842592

>Cultural and nationality
*Different ethnic groups he happened to dislike , including European/white ones. That's mot racism my dude that is just xenophobia in general. Of course he was a biological determinist and racist to some extent, it's not like he didn't hate different ethnicities of his own racial category

>> No.10842600

>Can't you read
>Says someone whose second language is English not understanding that he tacitly implied he was an immigrant by espousing a common Chicano sentiment you hear in the US

>> No.10842602

OP here... 'racist' was probably a poor choice of words on my part, since it is not precise enough. Lovecraft's thoughts and feelings about human genetic and cultural differences are more complex than can be captured by any one word, really, and they changed depending on the degree of his proximity to non-Anglo Saxon culture. When he actually lived in New York he seemed to be viscerally outraged by everything non-Anglo Saxon. On the other hand, there are letters written by him in what appear to be cooler moods in which he states his belief that all human groups other than Africans and Australian aborigines are potentially or actually equal, and that the problem isn't any sort of inferiority on the part of Latins, Jews, Chinese, etc. - but rather, that the problem is mixing. The Jew might be tremendously intelligent, the Chinaman might be heir to a potent and lofty culture... but their mixing with Anglo-Saxon culture is corrosive.

>> No.10842624



>> No.10842634

My bad. I intended to imply that there were Mexicans already in the US, obviously in states with Spanish names (or otherwise, like Texas), that not every Mexican there was an immigrant.

>> No.10842638

>Of course they can’t let niggers use the beach at a Southern resort – can you imagine sensitive persons bathing near a pack of greasy chimpanzees? The only thing that makes life endurable where blacks abound is the Jim Crow principle, & I wish they’d apply it in N.Y. both to niggers & to the more Asiatic type of puffy, rat-faced Jew. Either stow em out of sight or kill em off – anything so that a white man may walk along the streets without shuddering nausea.

>> No.10842646

He literally says this when shitting on the Nazis:
>Only an ignorant dolt would attempt to call a Chinese gentleman—heir to one of the greatest artistic & philosophical traditions in the world—an “inferior” of any sort….& yet there are potent reasons, based on wide physical, mental, & cultural differences, why great numbers of the Chinese ought not to mix into the Caucasian fabric, or vice versa. It is not that one race is any better than any other, but that their whole respective heritages are so antipodal as to make harmonious adjustment impossible. Members of one race can fit into another only through the complete eradication of their own background-influences–& even then the adjustment will always remain uneasy & imperfect if the newcomer’s physical aspect forms a constant reminder of his outside origin. Therefore it is wise to discourage all mixtures of sharply differentiated races—though the colour-line does not need to be drawn as strictly as in the case of the negro, since we know that a dash or two of Mongolian or Indian or Hindoo or some such blood will not actually injure a white stock biologically. John Randolph of Roanoke was none the worse off for having the blood of Pocahontas in his veins, nor does any Finn or Hungarian feel like a mongrel because his stock has a remote & now almost forgotten Mongoloid strain. With the high-grade alien races we can adopt a policy of flexible common-sense—discouraging mixture whenever we can, but not clamping down the bars so ruthlessly against every individual of slightly mixed ancestry. As a matter of fact, most of the psychological race differences which strike us so prominently are cultural rather than biological. If one could take a Japanese infant, alter his features to the Anglo-Saxon type through plastic surgery, & place him with an American family in Boston for rearing—without telling him that he is not an American—the chances are that in 20 years the result would be a typical American youth with very few instincts to distinguish him from his pure Nordic college-mates. The same is true of other superior alien races including the Jew—although the Nazis persist in acting on a false biological conception. If they were wise in their campaign to get rid of Jewish cultural influences (& a great deal can be said for such a campaign, when the dominance of the Aryan tradition is threatened as in Germany & New York City), they could not emphasize the separatism of the Jew but would strive to make him give up his separate culture & lose himself in the German people. It wouldn’t hurt Germany—or alter its essential physical type—to take in all the Jews it now has. (However, that wouldn’t work in Poland or New York City, where the Jews are of an inferior strain, & so numerous that they would essentially modify the physical type.) (1/2)

>> No.10842653

The fact is, my instinctive loyalties and area of interest seem to follow cultural rather than biological lines…a tendency directly opposed to the Nazi tribal ideal. Undeniably, my own blood kinfolk on the continent interest me less than my cultural kinfolk—whose blood diverges sharply from my own as the stream recedes in time. The northern nations—biologically akin to me—seem foreign and of minor interest; whilst France, Italy, and Greece—the successive cultural precursors of the Anglo-Norman civilisation around me—seem close, ancestral, and of vital personal interest. To me the Roman Empire will always seem the central incident of human history—and this perspective cannot but colour (both consciously and unconsciously) my national interests and literary appreciations in connexion with the modern world. Incidentally—this perspective was quite typical of the 18th century, to which I am so inextricably bound. The conflicting inclinations and tastes of a composite civilisation—where race and artistic-intellectual heritage spring from different sources—form a curious study. Conscious, objective interests tend to follow the line of culture rather than of race; but inward mental and emotional processes (ethical concepts and compulsions, social-political preferences, trends of imagination, modes of every-day living, &c) gravitate toward the line of race. An Anglo-American can talk art and history and philosophy with a Frenchman better than with a German…yet his unconscious habits and outlook and way of life make him vastly closer to the German in practical, everyday matters. (2/2)

>> No.10842678

A man ahead of his time

>> No.10842693

A man of his time.*

>> No.10842702


>> No.10842703


>> No.10842716

t. soyboi of the time

remember to tell jamal that you hate lovecraft and voted for obama when hes robbing your house and raping your daughter

>> No.10842753

>implying I like all blacks
>implying I don't like Lovecraft because of his views

Not saying it's bad or good, but this was the common sentiment of the time, disgust at the non-Anglos. Remember to tell Brett you voted Trump when he's turning your raped and dismembered daughter into a popsicle or something, for his serial-killer fantasy.

>> No.10842763

He was xenophobic and racist. He hated blacks because of their race, not their nationality.

>> No.10842767

>white nonliberals are actively trying to import serial killers and defend/ignore their behavior

>> No.10842779

>ignoring I'm using silly stereotypes just like "he" did.

>> No.10842782
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>> No.10842798

blacks being criminal is a fact though. what is wrong with you?

>> No.10842806

the majority of american serial killers being white is a fact, though. what is wrong with you?

>> No.10842821

thats because actual serial killers are so rare (like 200 for the entire country at a time) and because for now its a white majority country still

besides comparing some sensationalist crime like serial murders that will literally never effect you in any way with the constant and overwhelming criminality of blacks is silly

are you saying that if you had to choose between living in a white or a black area you would choose black?

>> No.10842828

per capita?

>> No.10842829

Worth noting, most low IQ types are spree killers and not serial killers. It's a thinking man's game. Check the psychometrics for what I'm getting at.

>> No.10842846

the serial killers have high IQ thing is a meme too though. they come out average, some below and some higher but nothing special. and there is so very few cases over such a long time its hard and silly trying to construct some sort of single model

serials killers come from all sorts. rich millionaire, poor, handsome, ugly, smart, dumb, etc. basically they are real jerks

>> No.10842866

>are you saying that if you had to choose between living in a white or a black area you would choose black?
Depends. If they're African-American, no. If they're British, yeah why not. If the area is white but Neo-Nazi or white trash then, no. If they're common folks, yes.

But if we're talking Murica exclusively, I'll go with the least fucked up community, I don't hate all Black people of the world, just African-Americans (their accent, the way they ruin the English language, their shit music, their gangsta culture, the attitude of their women, which are nothing but whores and gold diggers, and on top of that the fucking crimes). So, I'll go with peaceful, non-trashy white community.

I'm just using serial-killers as a counter-example. Most school shooters and domestic terrorists in Murica are white, too. I don't even live in America, and hardly give a fuck about people, anyway.

>> No.10842890

yeah no shit if you had more info to go on you would use that you fucking numbnuts. this is about averages. if you know absolutely nothing about them other than race, white would be the objectively correct answer

its the same as say a doctor. if you only knew sex, you would choose male since females are statistically worse. thats not the same as saying there is no single female doctor thats better than any single male doctor and if you had the personal information of each, you would instead use that data to decide who was better

although with the place to live question, having lived in meth head areas before and been around blacks a lot, i would still choose white trash methheads

>> No.10842891

I feel ya. I don't want to live around black ghetto types, but the idea of living around white trash doesn't strike me as being much if at all better. Human shit is human shit. Whites might contribute a higher fraction of genius to the world than any other race, but that does not mean whites are uniformly gifted.

>> No.10842925
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plus if you end up having to blow the head off of some white methhead you wont end up with the us president getting on national television and declaring that youre gilty of murder

>> No.10842932

>stacy aryan vs bertha anglo