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/lit/ - Literature

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10829845 No.10829845 [Reply] [Original]

1/4 of the year 2018 is almost over.

Which books have you read so far?

>> No.10829856

Prometheus Rising
Memerson book

>> No.10829865

I forget. A couple I'm sure

>> No.10829869

Persian Fire
The Iliad
Storm of Steel
Goodbye to all That
The Great Gatsby
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

>> No.10829871

Nice. Make sure to read The Elementary Particles as well, probably his greatest.

>> No.10829890

Tipping the Velvet
Prometheus Rising

>> No.10829925

Infinite Jest
Bleeding Edge
Under the Volcano

Been brushing up on my memes

>> No.10830029

Epic of Gilgamesh
Now reading the Republic, should finish by tonight.

>> No.10830066

one hundred years of solitude - ggm
slaughter-house five - vonnegut
amulet - bolaño

>> No.10830076


>> No.10830086

Is storm of steel any good?

>> No.10830120

The Death of Ivan Ilych
A Confession
Late Fame by Arthur Schnitzler
A Farewell to Arms
Diary of a Superfluous Man

>> No.10830152

The Joke
The Death of Ivan Ilych
The Symposium

>> No.10830276

Elementary Particles
Burke's Reflections
Sound of Waves
Conspiracy Against the Human Race

>> No.10830290

Began the year with Infinite Jest
My grandmother's memoir
Dharma Bums
Lots of fragments of other shit

>> No.10830297

Books? Why would I waste my time on that boring crap? More of a video games kind of guy, personally.

>> No.10830298

>reading books
top kek, OP, you almost got me there

>> No.10830347

Just finished Volcano. How did you like it?

>> No.10830391

Canary Row
Captain Corelli's Mandolin
The Sun Also Rises
At the Mountains of Madness

>> No.10830442

Not as much as I'd like but making some progress.

The Door
The Human Stain
Just Mercy
In the Heart of the Heart of the Country
Fooled by Randomness
Scalia Speaks
The Metaphysical Club (almost)
Don Quixote Part I

I'll finish up The Metaphysical Club probably tomorrow and then Rings of Saturn before going back to Don Quixote for Part II.

>> No.10830492

Ive already read 30 Warhammer 40K titles
>the Emperor Protects

>> No.10830507

I've fallen into a deep depression, which combined with my university work, lead me to not reading anything. I feel like proper rubbish lads, I just want my reading habit back.

>> No.10830514

Notes from Underground
No Longer Human

>> No.10830653
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>> No.10830667

Just read when you can, and do not worry.

>> No.10830668

The Narrow Road to the Deep North - Richard Flanagan - 2 stars
As I Lay Dying - William Faulkner - 5 stars
A Scanner Darkly - Philip K. Dick - 3 stars
White Noise - Don DeLillo - 5 stars
Libra - Don DeLillo - 4 stars

>> No.10830811
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>> No.10831267

Brothers Karamazov
Goodbye to All That
The blade runner art book ;)

>> No.10831280

What the fuck should i read?

>> No.10831291

>The Narrow Road to the Deep North - Richard Flanagan - 2 stars
I read that one last year and found it pretty crap as well, I never get all the critical accolades for Flanagan. I guess it's a 'well he's Australian and he writes about more than XXXX Gold so we should applaud him', like a medal at the retard olympics or something

>> No.10831292

The Gambler - Dostoevsky
Lord of the World - Robert Hugh Benson.

>> No.10831318

Infinet Jest
The Collor Purple
Boven Is Het Stil (the twins)

>> No.10832108

Yes, it's a solid war novel.

>> No.10832129

I'm trying to read one book from every African country this year; so far I've read 10.

>> No.10832166

Stofuhiti (Icelandic book) (It sucked)
The Myth of Sisyphus and other essays
A very short introduction to Metaphysics
The Castle
The City of Ladies
Inherent Vice
Smá Eyríki (Some poems my teacher wrote)
Seven Brief Lessons on Physics

>> No.10832179

How would you guys rate The Death of Ivan Illych ? I found it boring as fuck whereas Master and Servant (which was in the same book) was less naive and at least filled with a little bit of emotion.

>> No.10832200

>so far I've read 10
>there's more than 50 countries in Africa
How do you like the taste of failure?

>> No.10832218

Tropic of Capricorn
Heart of Darkness
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
The Stranger
Wise Blood
In the Penal Colony
The Sound and the Fury

>> No.10832221

How is he a failure?
He's basically reading a book a week and so far it's the 10th week of the year. So he's doing just fine

>> No.10832231

None lmao thats why i post on lit

>> No.10832251

The Sellout
Master and Margarita (3rd time through)
Buddha's Little Finger
The Time: Night
The Kukotsky Enigma
Trepanation of the Skull
Re-read the Duino Elegies
Against Nature (A Rebours)

Four of these were for class, so I dunno if that counts. As you can see, I've been on a Russian lit kick.

>> No.10832256
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The two books of Yuval Noah Harari, a book of psychology by Jerome Kagan and "10 things to know about the italian economy" by Friedman

>> No.10832454

The Long Patrol
The Grip of It
Universal Harvester
The Devil in Silver
A Head Full of Ghosts

>> No.10832467

Been on don quixote since feb. Not much free time these days

>> No.10832474

Man, and I thought I wasn't reading all that much this year. /lit/ doesnt fucking read

Just Kids
El material humano
A History of Wolves
The Voyage of the Sable Venus
Calling a Wolf a Wolf
Psalm (Carol Ann Davis)
What We Talk About When We Talk About Love
Practical Gods
Pedro Páramo
The Clean House and Other Plays
Temper (Beth Bachmann)
China in Ten Words
Mrs. Dalloway
Big Sur
When I Grow Up I Want to Be a List of Further Possibilities
Coast of Chicago
Uncle Vanya
Mount Carmel & The Blood Of Parnassus
Take This Stallion
Megg & Mogg Go To Amsterdam
China’s Asian Dream
Playing with Fire: The 1968 Election and the Transformation of American Politics
Poems from the Book of Hours
One More Year
Half-Light Collected Poems of Frank Bidart
Flying Inland
The Speed of Darkness

>> No.10832486
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It's been a busy year.

>> No.10832508

The Illiad
The Stranger

>> No.10832510

Sartor Resartus, which I’m pretty sure is the first post-modern novel ever written, way before that was even a thought in anyone’s head.

All The Pretty Horses, because I’m a McCarthy fanboy

The Nag Hammadi Library, I don’t remember the specific collection.

Mere Christianity

Not nearly enough. Need to keep pushing.

>> No.10832539
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These ones. Also read Iliad but it was in a binding with Odyssey which I haven't read yet so it's still in "currently reading" limbo.

>> No.10832594

Moby Dick
On Film-making
Why am I so slow? I finished like 15 books in 4 months at the end of last year.

>> No.10832614

Were they all 600 pages? Hell they might've been it's certainly possible, you just gotta stop subvocalizing :^)

>> No.10832766

Moby Dick I started just before Christmas and the other one is like 300 or so pages.
pls stop ;_;

>> No.10832787
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The Life of Greece by Will Durant
Bearing the Cross by Taylor Branch
The Iliad by Homer
The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

I'm working my way through the Commie Manifesto now

>> No.10832788
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Storm of Steel
Anarcho Syndicalism Theory and Practice
Starship Troopers
Sabotage, or Socialism vs Syndicalism
New Testament + Revelations
Myth of Sisyphus

>> No.10832793
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>Reading vast amounts of pleb literature

>> No.10832796

Been reading some Chomsky lately and want to take a deep dive into anarcho-syndicalism. Anywhere in particular I ought to start, you think?

>> No.10832810

Wait, are you brazilian as well or those two works get paired often? But I agree, Master and Servant was much more heartfelt and moving.

>> No.10832821

Catcher in the Rye
Doctor Faustus
Notes from the Underground
The Brothers Karamazov
The Trial
The Metamorphosis
Anna Karenina

I think I’m ok

>> No.10832823

not that kind of anarcho-syndicalism anon, he’s a fascist

>> No.10832833

can't imagine being so grim as to keep track of the poetry collections as part of the books you have read that year, i bet you track plays too

>> No.10832845

Most of these are poems or short stories. Shut the fuck up

>> No.10832853

the final dark tower book
god and the philosophers
south of the border west of the sun
and currently working on the republic.
also a poetry anthology to break it up a little bit between certain books.

>> No.10832856

The Stars My Destination

I need to make time to read.

>> No.10832881

The Prince, and More's Utopia this week. Been a good week.

>> No.10832898

Do you niggers keep tabs on what books you have read? I have been keeping a spreadsheet with the title and author of every book or novella or short story I have read since December 2010.

>> No.10832903
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currently reading Stoner

>> No.10832908
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The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
The ABC Murders
Lord of the Flies
The Hour of the Star
Gardens of the Moon
A collection of short stories by Machado de Assis

I've also been reading Lovecraft's Complete Works since last year, and Murilo Rubião's (national fantastic realist)

I'm waiting for Notes from the Underground, Book of the New Sun and As Águas Vivas Não Sabem de Si (national fantasy, I think) in the mail

feeling down today because my family is in debt

>> No.10832910

Nothing good.

>> No.10833061
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I guess Lucein van deer Welt and maybe read George Orwell's on Catalonians for some historical perspective. That's where I when I was in my anarcho Syndicalism days. Actually just re read a few of those this year, brings me back
Yep. It's comfy

>> No.10833109

three men in a boat
the noise of time

>> No.10833113

Crime and Punishment
The road to Wigan Pier
Soren Kierkegaard's Christian Psychology

Just realized how shit my reading at been this year. Guess I gotta get on that thanks OP.

>> No.10833185
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>All these typos

>> No.10833266

Forgotten Soldier
Nihilism: Root of Revolution in the Modern World
War is a Racket

>> No.10833330


Notes from Underground + The Double (2nd time)
Gravitys Rainbow
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
The Rise and Fall of the British Empire
The Sound and the Fury

>> No.10833345


Did you read January in January? Your intelligence is too much for me, I don't think my brain can handle your level of being.

>> No.10833361

lincoln in the bardo
the magical year of thinking (why is didion never on this board?)
pedro paramo
american inventions
the door
swing time
blood meridian
the unknown masterpiece
the collected stories of ernest hemmingway
fathers and sons
frank lloyd wright: a biography
the bluest eye
a season in hell
the book of light

in the middle of collected tales by gogol. planning on reading anna karenina next which should grind my progress to a halt

>> No.10833377

Teacher Man
What makes Sammy Run?

Reading 1984 now.

>> No.10833461

>reading vast amounts of writing from graphic novels to poetry to drama to literary fiction to non-fiction

What've you read this year, anon?
I track individual books. Do you only consider fiction to be collectable within a book? Does non-fiction fit within a book? Are 600 page poetry collections not a book? Are a playwright's body of work not a book?
More short stories and poems and plays and novels and non-fiction than you've read, my dear
: >)

Ya sorry, forgot about formatting.

>> No.10833868

The Eisenhorn Omnibus
The Great War by Peter Hart
The Crimean War - A History
A People's Tragedy - A History of the Russian revolution
The Great Game by Peter Hopkirk
And I just started Master and Commander

>> No.10833888

Richard III
Taming of the Shrew
Henry IV I and II
Theft By Finding
Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls
In the middle of The Devil All The Time - solid book.

>> No.10833896
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>Master and Commander

>> No.10834510

The Second World Wars
This Side of Paradise
A Confederacy of Dunces
Light in August
Book of Disquiet
Blood Meridian
Crying Lot of 49
As I Lay Dying
Tender is the Night
The Case Against Education
I Want to Show You More
Norwegian Wood
The Largesse of the Sea Maiden
Fire Sermon
Hive Mind
The Cold War
Conversations With Friends

Reading Moby Dick now.

>> No.10834534

Cat's Cradle (Vonnegut)
Thus Spake Zarathustra (Nietzsche)
The Pale King (DFW)

>> No.10834896
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Mason & Dixon
Born to Run
Memerson (garbage)
The Sun Also Rises
Nabokov short story collection

>> No.10835137

Did you read Gentlemen Prefer Blondes because of that Monty Python skit?