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/lit/ - Literature

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10826385 No.10826385 [Reply] [Original]

Why would I want to read something written by a virgin?

>> No.10826394

So you can easily relate to it.

>> No.10826401

Fpbp, I just pray I'm in the screenshot

>> No.10826407

virginity breeds virginity

your turn.

>> No.10826409

Virginity doesn't breed anything.

>> No.10826413

refer to original post, then

>> No.10826452
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The most influential human in history died a virgin

>> No.10826454

Yeah and he had the sense to not write anything.

>> No.10826514

because isaac newton is historically relevant and was way smarter than you will ever be

>> No.10826524

it's a prejudice to think 'smarter' is superior to 'dumber'

>> No.10826525

he was an illiterate mong

>> No.10826534


That would make a pretty good /lit/ infographic:-


Principia Mathematica, obviously

Not sure about Jane Austen, but she might well get in there.

I would like to include my man Nietzsche but there is pretty strong evidence he did enter into occasional short-term financial arrangements with members of the opposite sex.

>> No.10826611

Meme trilogy would be included of course

>> No.10826616

>Joyce, Pynchon and Wallace

>> No.10826619

>Bertrand Russell

you could have put "the tractatus logico-philosophicus" tho

>> No.10826626


I wonder about Henry James. I mean I think he was homosexual but he might have been celibate too :)

Emily Bronte might well have been.

Wouldn't be surprised if Emily Dickinson was too.

What about Kafka?

>> No.10826628


I mean Newton obviously sorry, was giving short title, forgot that was Russell & Whitehead's title as well.

>> No.10826773

James was probably just celibate. Kafka fucked prostitutes.
Wittgenstein was a virgin too

>> No.10826820

E.M. Forster was a limp passive homosexual who didn't dare DO anything about it he was late 30s I think, which was after all his main stuff was written.

Wilfred Owen likewise (according to Robert Graves, anyway) - though getting killed super-young didn't help much.

George Bernard Shaw was probably just asexual.

>> No.10826880
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you niggas are forgetting one very important virgin

>> No.10826902
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>> No.10826939

getting pussy is more important than writing great works of literature

>> No.10826962

lmao, OP fucking demolished

>> No.10827168
File: 46 KB, 960x960, 15780940_1938978902990869_6991779039473054271_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't read anything by:
a short man
a virgin man
a bald man
a weak-jawed man
His inferiority complex has made him pessimistic and it shows through his work.

>> No.10827195
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>> No.10827197


Keats and Faulkner were both manlets.
Henry James, Wilfred Owen and G.B.Shaw probably died virgins.
Dostoevsky had a pretty desperate comb-over in some pictures.
Weak-jawed... hmmm... maybe you're on to something there.

>> No.10827351

He read out loud in the synagogue when he went home, then told everyone that the Scripture he was reading was being fulfilled by him right then and there, so they tried to stone him
>inb4 Luke just added that lol

>> No.10827419

The Pynch is weak jawed (he barely even has a jaw) and through all the horrible shit in his book, he always comes out as very life affirming.
Still, he's supposted to have been tall as fuck, so it might have balanced things out.

>> No.10828191

Some say he didn't exist and you know people who don't exist don't have much sex. On the other hand he had a public image to protect like Hitler and and had a sex slave hidden somewhere under the table.

>> No.10828211

Nietzsche was short, practically a virgin and didn't have much of a jaw yet he wrote the purest philosophical works in history.

>> No.10828232

Nietzsche was a prophet/poet, not a faggot philosopher

>> No.10828249

>prophets and poets are above philosophers
>Nietzsche wasn't a philosopher
Stop with the drugs dude, you're ruining yourself.

>> No.10828259

>prophets and poets are above philosophers
>Nietzsche wasn't a philosopher
Correct, also I don't do drugs

>> No.10828262

>I don't do drugs
My condolences then.

>> No.10828440

Whos dat lil nigga right der?