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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 190 KB, 1300x1300, ScheduleCalendar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10813573 No.10813573 [Reply] [Original]

What is your daily schedule like /lit/?

How much do you write/read/study/work?

What are your ambitions and how are you meeting these goals?

>> No.10813822

>wake up
>browse reddit/lit for 2 hours
>drag myself to class sometimes
>browse reddit for 3 more hours
>homework interspersed with reddit
>smoke weed

seriously how do I escape this cycle, i know im literally wasting practically every moment of my life but I can't stop myself. i feel so fucking empty. ive known how shit my lifestyle is for almost a year now and nothing's changed.

>> No.10813828

what do you do on Reddit? I try to browse it and I get so angry I have to punch things

>> No.10813843
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>browse reddit

I have identified your problem

>> No.10813899

I just constantly refresh boards on shit I'm interested in. I've been addicted to it for like 5 years at this point and I'm positive it basically ruined my attention span and sort of my life, but the addiction is fucking real. I don't really fuck around with default subs and the whole reddit community thing that makes me want to gauge my eyes out, although I still hate the website with a fucking passion for its shit community and it's insane addictiveness. I'm just really dependant on it for news and updates on shit I'm interested, it's so damn useful for that but it just ends up killing my entire day/week/life

>> No.10813906

>get up @ 4
>work on trucks
>come home and read/play vg/work on certs after showering and cooking dinner
Knowing it and doing anything about it are two different things. Show some discipline and change. Don't cry about it being hard, of course it's hard. You have it cash if you can get away with that lifestyle, you have no excuse for not being able to improve.

>> No.10813915

How do some of you read 4 hours straight? I can do it in small bursts, but I'd like to improve my ability.

>> No.10813927
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Depends on the day.

>Eat dinner with big titty mommy Gf
>Get blown or have sex
>go to sleep
If I am going to uni
>waste my time with professor
>school work
>answer work email
>food maybe

No weekends. No breaks. Do this till you die

>> No.10813978

You can't be addicted to a fucking website idiot. You choose to use the internet

>> No.10814004

this is definitely not true

>> No.10814022
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i have no idea how i manage to dedicate a day to reading to then only do it for thirty minutes
it bothers me immensly

>> No.10814066
File: 1.90 MB, 3264x2448, 79A0F11E-3FA9-455C-8EAE-E84BC45980ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wake at 6:00
Write till 7:30
Shit, shower, shine, shave, eat.
Out the door at 8:00
Arrive at work at 8:23
Work till 11:30 lunch
Write during from 11:30 to 12:30
Work till 4:30
Go home
Write till 7-8 pm
Eat dinner/ Play vidya/fuck wife
If any time left over write till 11
Go to bed
Saturday: wake up 9-ish, eat, write till noon.
Go play basketball till 2-3
Shower, eat, do something NOT writing till bedtime (club, drink)
Sunday: wake up 10-ish, write till noon. Visit parents/friends/make art.
Go to bed at 11.

Repeat all.

>> No.10814136

> wake up
> normal morning shit
> go to school
> long ass pause where I am either eating, watching youtube, listening to music, being on 4chan or reddit
> do homework, read, practice my instruments
> eat dinner
> step 4 again
> 3 sets of 15 pushups before shower
> shower
> read some on bed, or /lit/
> sleep

at least my normal school day schedule. On weekends I am usually really productive (read books, finish school submissions etc) or don't do shit at all.

>> No.10814152
File: 147 KB, 255x308, kkk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you release any of your lit work? Making any money?

What do you mean by "make art"? Do you paint as well?

Looks like an ideal schedule, anon.

>> No.10814166

Literally define to me what addiction in a way in which not every single action falls under its description

>> No.10814179

we infinite jest now

>> No.10814184
File: 694 KB, 1536x2048, FA1EBA93-5D4C-4C63-8DEA-A51B123A9F1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make easy to mass produce, bullshit pop culture stencil art to sell to millennials. The returns pay for other art projects.

Pic related: I heard on facebook there was going to be a Harry Potter Trivia night at a local pub and that 200+people had signed up for. I contacted the guy and asked if I could set up a table if I in turn gave him a piece or two for him to use as door prizes.

TLDR: I made $400 shilling potter stuff to fans.
The rest went into a fund to create some Banksy-like content is like to do in the future.

>> No.10814193
File: 614 KB, 1536x2048, CDFA95A9-2076-4518-8065-729D8AA60F08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s another.

>> No.10814257
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damn thats pretty smart. Dope.

>> No.10814620

fuck off with these non-/lit/ threads already

>> No.10815161

Spotted the newfag.