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/lit/ - Literature

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10799984 No.10799984 [Reply] [Original]

Share your most contrarian literary opinions

>> No.10799987

Russian literature is not Western. It is either an imitation of Western forms or an entirely different tradition, usually some mix of both.

>> No.10799989

Shakespeare isn't fun to read, yeah I know he's a master playwright but it's all so cliche now because everyone has used his formula

>> No.10801139

Reading middle brow literature can be more beneficial than reading high grade novels to people like me. I have sub 100 iq. Even though I enjoy reading I will never be able get anything out of Joyce or Tolstoy. As long as the text is challenging but can be surmounted by the reader.

>> No.10801256

Seymour: an introduction is a masterpiece and it was ahead of its time.

>> No.10801259

I enjoy reading

>> No.10801262

Starting a company is a literary act

>> No.10801264

Joyce is shit

>> No.10801588

I second that one

>> No.10801591

Reading YA is fine

>> No.10801594

Dostoevskij is severely overrated.

>> No.10801609
File: 2.74 MB, 720x1280, 150404 choa AOA 초아 - 짧은치마 (불스레이스 여의도한강시민공원) 직캠 fancam by zam-[00.38.354-00.44.177].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fiction is a waste of time. you should only read non-fiction

>> No.10801615

/lit/s definition of genre fiction is absurd.

>> No.10801621

I'm not American but most of the literature I read is American and I hate myself for it but I can't stop because there is so much and the selection is so diverse it's impossible to avoid it.

>> No.10801629

If I just want knowledge about a novel or from a textbook, I’ll just google it. Reading them is just a waste of time when the synopsis is online for free, quick and easy.

>> No.10801635

A synopsis is not written by the writer so therefore you are actually just reading someone's interpretation of what it is without any of the detail that forms the story.

>> No.10801649
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I'm from Africa and I think the colonial european authors are better than the postcolonial native ones.

>> No.10801657

I truly believe Moby Dick is the most overrated book of all time.

>> No.10801663

This isn't contrarian to anyone but students in American colleges

>> No.10801675

The Catcher in The Rye is not in any way interesting.
Reading should be fun. Genre fiction is okay.

Casual non-fiction is a waste of time.
You should only read on topics where you have an education. Most non-fiction you read should be academic papers or textbooks.

>> No.10801682

How is it not interesting?

>> No.10801700
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Death of the Author is just a back-pocket excuse for people who get their interpretations of books wrong.

Not saying you can't interpret it your own way (it's still art), but if the author has said what it means, and the book is very clearly stating a certain message then you can't just eschew it because you had a different opinion.

>> No.10801706

Most of the classics are now boring and just plain out-dated due to modern pop culture over-using and ruining their tropes and characters.

>> No.10801714

The gulag archipielago is boring as fuck

>> No.10801778

People who can't appreciate Fitzgerald have no business discussing literature.

>> No.10801784

I disagree. Just because an author intended to convey a message doesn’t mean that that message was conveyed. And the book ”clearly stating that message” is pretty vague. Plus different interpretations just makes for more fun in my opinion, even if they’re ”heart of darkness is actually about gay sex”-tier.

>> No.10801791

Writing for money is more degrading than prostitution.

>> No.10801797

Greek mythology is overrated.

>> No.10801798

I enjoy heroic couplet and would purchase modern epics in it.

>> No.10801805

Silly anon.

The Death of the Author is not about excusing incorrect interpretations, it is about literary critics trying to grab more power for themselves.

>> No.10801810

I dunno. This seems like a very common opinion among artistic types.

To their detriment, really. To really go hard for a career in writing you really need to treat writing like a business.

Otherwise - I guess - enjoy squeezing in writing after your 9-5 job.

>> No.10801813

Or maybe writing should only be done by the independently wealthy.

>> No.10801823

>XY is a waste of time
>posts on a Moldovan ostirch breeding forum

>> No.10801826

Anway you are missing my point. Writing should not become a career. There should be no such thing as a publishing industry. I would say literature should resemble folk song traditions; evolving only among the people who enjoy it without mercenary or academic intent; the values which define literature have long been bourgeois values, writers like DH Lawrence knew this, but he was just a failed normie so to speak; I think the develoment of literary activity that is cooperative and based purely on idiosyncratic aesthetics (something like Renga) would be great. Essentially literature has been whored out, and that is why we have this perennial desire to renovate (modernism, postmodernism, feminism, etc.) But unfortunately it cannot be changed by staying essentially the same. Writing must be taken by force from the professors and pimps.

>> No.10801828

It came so much later, of course it had to imitate western forms. I agree that it is its own style, as well, but if it imitates western literature, and it's not from the east, what is it that makes it non-western?

>> No.10801829

you're limiting yourself, pleb

>> No.10801830


I can tell none of you studied at any kind of tertiary institution.

>> No.10801832


>> No.10801833

why is such a soulless and cynical opinion so common?

>> No.10801836

it's called not mindlessly parroting academia

>> No.10801837

If I ever met you in real life I'd bloody your nose

>> No.10801839

British lit > French lit > the rest of books

>> No.10801844

no u

>> No.10801847

Don't fall for the bait.

>> No.10801849
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>tfw not contrarian enough for anon to contradict in a contrarianism thread

>> No.10801890

I think that the chinese and japanese literary traditions (especially poetry) are far superior to western traditions. although, i'm not really familiar with both. most certainly have no clue about the academic discussions about the two strands. and i think, it is most unfortunate, that the translations from chinese into german or english will never capture the true spirit of these works, however, i hope to find translations that consider the foreignness of chinese traditions.

>> No.10801900

Just accept like the rest of us have that you'll never read all the literature there is, or ever has been.

>> No.10801910

>I know nothing about any literary tradition whatsoever but the oriental tradition is best, haven't read it btw

>> No.10801941

>bourgeois values
There's that word. Well, now I'm afraid I'm wasting my time, but why not give it a try.

To start with, my main point is just that I don't think it is a contrarian view. A lot of artistic types don't really view themselves as having a career in art.

Moving on, though... That you have some sort of moral view on what literature is or should be is revealing about you and your politics, but says almost nothing of value about literature.

It is interesting that you mention evolution. In ancient times, folk songs and poetry survived because poetic devices (rhyme, meter) made them easier to remember. But even so, oral traditions are still notorious for problems of transmission. The idea that they are somehow purer of egregious intent is almost certainly trash, as these kinds of things were regularly changed or censored or appropriated to suit the ruling powers of the day (see: all the bronze age oral traditions and literatures compiled into the Bible by ancient israeli scribes).

Something you should realise is that literature and storytelling in general has a very close relationship to power. In ancient Mesopotamia, some of the first known literature emerged for reasons of religious worship and economic deals.

Today, a brutal form of global capitalism is centre stage. And yes, we also have modernism and an insane neoliberal academia. But is it any surprise that literature is beholden to capital? In the same way it was beholden to churches, nations, aristocracies, etc. Should it be resisted? Can you hope, when rejecting power, to create anything but powerless art? Can writers survive in a vacuum, independent of a patron of some kind, however loose the patronage?

A so-called cooperative literature is itself a whoring of sorts. Maybe it is some consolation to you that it is a circle jerk instead of a fucking, but it is just sordid in its own way.

>> No.10801962

I'm retarded too. I think we would be good friends.

>> No.10801972

I like fan theories etc. but when talking seriously about art it's silly to pretend the artist doesn't exist.

I'm more than inclined to agree with you. Critics are the fucking worst.


>> No.10801983

In this case bourgeois and neoliberal may be used interchangeably.

The ability of power to recuperate the revolutionary or even mundane aspects of autonomy does not undermine the value of autonomy entirely, even if it does make the prospect of free agency seem at times a futile effort. And I cannot say if most artists feel as I do since my experience has been largely with art school or liberal arts students who most definitely aspire to a career. I take as my example the folk song tradition of the USA before it began to be recorded and put on the radio. Today it has devolved all the way to Mumford and Sons etc.

>> No.10801987

Can art survive without power and patronage? It made it from the caves of lascaux and for millenia without it. So i imagine so.

>> No.10801990

American scholars are the absolute worst. They are so deluded in thinking their academia is important in any way and not just the laughingstock of the whole intellectual world. "Oh, but the great American novel!". The quintessential American retardation.

I do not understand modern journalism. Why the fuck do they have so much pride? Why do they think they are important in any way?

I don't trust people who have a single favorite novel or a clearly defined Top5 or whatever. If your taste doesn't change over time, you're doing something wrong. Or maybe you're just deluding to yourself.
(The only exception is when people admittedly re-read said favorite books or actually cite a few reasons).

I wished genre fiction authors included a list of their classical readings so some of their readers may grasp the concept they are reading shit tailored for and by uneducated manchildren.

>> No.10801993

>I don't trust people who have a single favorite novel or a clearly defined Top5 or whatever. If your taste doesn't change over time, you're doing something wrong. Or maybe you're just deluding to yourself.

I agree here. If your favourite book is still the one you read at 15 then chances are you haven't been developing your tastes. To be honest, there are so many great books out there that every other one I pick up becomes a favourite.

>> No.10801998

Good god this is the dumbest thing I've ever read on this website.

>> No.10801999

Infinite Jest is a genuinely good book and shouldn't be a meme

>> No.10802003
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You are boring.

>> No.10802036

t. never prostituted himself

>> No.10802039

no u
You write platitude after platitude and your platitudes don't even make sense.

>> No.10802046

>American scholars are the absolute worst. They are so deluded in thinking their academia is important in any way and not just the laughingstock of the whole intellectual world. "Oh, but the great American novel!". The quintessential American retardation.
You haven't met Italians. Italian scholars are capable of writing page long dissertations on a single passage or word choice of Dante.

>> No.10802051

Actually i have lol

>> No.10802053
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You say nothing at all

>> No.10802055

Scholars of all nations have to write long abstruse critiques of nothing so that they can pretend they're doing shit. This is in no way restricted to Italians

>> No.10802058

I agree but Moby Dick has been my favorite book for years and I love it more every day

>> No.10802062

You're mom gay

>> No.10802082

i would need a friend, because hardly have any

>> No.10802096

Unrelated story. A friend of mine moved to Italy when he was 14 and after finishing HS, he decided to study Art History in a Milanese college. He graduated in just 2 years and felt extremely embarrassed during the graduation ceremony because they made him wear a gilded laurels wreath which, he felt, should've been reserved for masters or individuals who had actually achieved something worthy of respect.
His gf later graduated from a hair-dressing institute and, again, he saw how all the students got their gilded laurels.
Before moving back to South America (to study Art History a second time, lol), he threw the wreath to the ocean and now has very little trust of Italian professionals.

>> No.10802212
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>> No.10802232

An how is that bad?

>> No.10802282

it's a fiction that you'll ever get to tap that ass yet you still pursue it

>> No.10802301
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> the book you really want will bring down that whole archway

>> No.10802356
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>> No.10802385
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If a book requires multiple read troughs to understand. Then the author has failed.

>> No.10802388

Hitler was a great man.

>> No.10802425

That's not literary, just edgy.

>> No.10802618


>> No.10802639
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Audio books are gay as fuck
Self help books are not literature
Everyone here should at least read 1 recently released book ( 5 years)

>> No.10802645
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>> No.10802663

>In ancient Mesopotamia, some of the first known literature emerged for reasons of religious worship and economic deals.
The ones that are preserved and perpetuated sure. The problem is not who is telling stories, but what stories are favored and preserved/edited over others to serve an agenda rather for its own artistic sake

>> No.10802667
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That's demonstrably incorrect.

If you don't have the requisite foundation, academically, then there are some ideas and abstractions of instantiated conceptualisation that are impossible for you to comprehend.

There is a ground level at which a bare minimum level of intellect is required to comprehend it sufficiently.

>> No.10803144

pynchon is shit
moby dick is a masterpiece
blood meridian is a cozy comedy

>> No.10804065


>> No.10804084

Yeah but which have you most consistently looked back on? You must have some that outlast the rest.

>> No.10804102

Pessimists and antinatalists are huge whiny babies who rationalize their weak natures as universal truths to make themselves feel better, and Thomas Ligotti is the biggest faggot out of all of them.

>> No.10804105


>> No.10804116

The Great Gatsby is an idiot’s idea of a classic novel

>> No.10804121

>Pessimists and antinatalists are huge whiny babies who rationalize their weak natures as universal truths to make themselves feel better
>and Thomas Ligotti is the biggest faggot out of all of them.
True, as well as a shitty fiction writer desu

>> No.10804127

Ligotti has some kind of mental problem that causes his outlook on life.

And the Conspiracy is great entertainment if you take out the nonsense about 'horror' being some key to understanding reality

>> No.10804143

Yeah the mental problem is called brainlet schools of philosophy

>> No.10804160

no he legitimately can't experience pleasure most of the time or something like that.

Also nihilism Ligotti style isn't brainlet, it's just edgy

>> No.10805021

is he retarded?

>> No.10805115

>Everyone here should at least read 1 recently released book ( 5 years)

Any suggestions?

>> No.10805124

the bible is the most valuable piece of literature ever written

>> No.10805162

I see where you're coming from, but ultimately it's just a pipe dream and a publishing industry is necessary. It has many of the pitfalls of most capitalist systems but is ultimately and demonstrably better than the unrealistic and unsustainable alternatives.

>> No.10805172

>Pessimists and antinatalists are huge whiny babies who rationalize their weak natures as universal truths to make themselves feel better

Not even a religionfag but I agree.

>> No.10805186

>imitation of Western forms
Isn't that just a derogatory way to say western tradition?

>> No.10805240

The western canon is bullshit. Things in the canon should be scrutinized extra hard because of their status. You should not just ask the usual questions of the books, but also "why does this deserve to be in the canon?"
Everyone here posts the same books and has no taste of their own. Just look at haul/shelf/stack threads. Which makes sense since most of you are late teens or early twenties and still developing your own opinions, but it still annoys me

>> No.10805242

Not him but Krasznahorkai is pretty great,

>> No.10805299

The goddamned printer. They won't stop talking about the goddamned printer. I am a nice guy to my family, especially since they're letting me stay with them until I sign a lease, I let him talk and talk, I just nod and try my best to help him with what he needs done, but it's getting to an overwhelmingly ridiculous level of absurdity. He has had dementia screenings before and he comes in the clear. He is active and healthy for his old age. It has been a month since I started living with my grandfather. He is a good man, a real Eisenhower republican. I just moved into town and have been looking at apartments. His printer is acting up and he wants me to fix it. He won't stop talking about it. Its making me fucking nauseous just thinking about it. Jesus fucking Christ I would rather lodge a bullet in my brain before I hear one more iota of fucking information about this goddamned printer.
"Well I was trying to print out the e-mail I got from JR. You know JR and his wife had brisket out in old town last week. They said it was good. The printer ink is fine. I checked the levels. Wait hold on. Let me check the levels again. How do I check the ink levels, because last time they were down...or no they were up. Okay nice I can see them now. So the black ink...the black ink is alright, the yellow ink is...let me get my measuring tape out...no I know what I'm doing...I want a precise measurement...okay there we go, two centimeters of ink...The color ink is high, no use checking. The yellow on this page is not so good. It skips a few lines here and there. It does skip, don't you see it? My buddy down at southwest knows alot about printers, maybe I will call him. I bought this down at Sam's Club, but this printer doesn't have a warranty on it. Does it have a warranty? I think I remember JR down at Sam's telling me a one year warranty. I don't want to turn it in just yet. Do something to fix it. I don't know how to work those things. Plug it back in, but don't reset the computer. I have some files open, word documents, that I haven't saved, get those saved and come back to me."

>> No.10805436

/lit/ is never right about anything.

>> No.10805489

>Shakespeare is only good seen from an occult psychological perspective, beyond this he is food for plebs and narcissistic literati
>Ezra Pound is a pseud but his works are still pleasant enough that you can humor him
>TS Eliot is the same
>Kafka is underrated not overrated
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra is one of the greatest books ever written and exceeds most poetry and prose in its profundity despite Nietzsche being philosopher, philologist and psychologist first and foremost
>the French are superior writers and philosophers to the Anglos, something the Anglos are aware of hence the posturing with analytics
>EM and Subjective Idealism are degenerate forms of panpsychism and dualism they have no basis in the world as it is
>Spengler's Decline is one of the greatest works to assembled by any author
>Faust is actually good as is Goethe
>contemporary literature is an affront to the species
>rw belief loses all of its teeth as soon as the JQ shows up and the whining ressentiment pours out of the mouths of every underaccomplished hack on the internet or historically
>Woolf and Dickinson are insufferable as is Plath, women are far superior poets than they are writers but none of these are worth championing
>Poetry will always dominate prose
>Aphorism is the highest, nothing can reach its peaks and the depths it dives into are too high pressure, to perilous for prose to navigate within
>Philosophy is the only form of knowledge, religion cannot by definition present us with knowledge and science is a kind of utility function, it has nothing to do with knowledge, only mechanics and abstract systems of motion
>Marx was right and we will all pay for not realizing this
>Techno-Capital is the end, its already over
>Heidegger opened the door to a new metaphysics and ontology that is post-human, he did not end these disciplines, Wittgenstein is the same
>neural nets can never be genius and this is so significant because the public who are the market will erase the proper definition of a mind and genius
>essences are real but they are just another kind of appearance
>Souls exist and are finite, they do not survive this world
>Imperium is the only noble mode of civilization and this is a condemnation of itself towards all the modes of human society
>things-in-themselves are real but they are again just appearances
>the Asians will break ground into the new ontology not the whytes
>high iq was more prevalent among the Meds than the Northern races until the 1600's
>if you could deracinate a higher iq black and give them the gnosis they would likely create a work of art greater than anything a whyte could aspire to, due to a lack of race memory interfering with their apperception of existence
I am a part of /lit/ and much of what I say on here is true in the very realest sense of the word

>> No.10805743

Gutshot by Amelia Gray

>> No.10806214

Absolutely awful opinions. Theres no way you aren't a teenager.

>> No.10806231


>> No.10806234
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>> No.10806243
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>> No.10806245

Walden by Thoreau reads like a buzzfeed article.
>I spent two years in a cabin and let me tell you what it's like to live in the wilderness

>> No.10806295

Plato is collectivist trash that's only famous because it was so early and influential.

>> No.10806298

good bait

>> No.10806348

Jane Austen is shite. A woman neither promiscuous nor married talking like she knows so much about male and female relationships. Ships her young pretties with rich oldfags. GTFO

Ayn Rand is double shit. Wants a penis so she can blow herself.

Boy With Striped Pajamas, Kill a mockingburd, needless books. Bandwagoning.

Neil Gaiman aint shit. Garth Ennis should have written every franchise ever ever, ever.

>> No.10807168
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>> No.10808780


>> No.10809170

The Holy Bible is over lengthy coercive and manipulative utter meaningless trash that nobody in this day and age should ever bother with reading.

>> No.10809379
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Nice reference.

>> No.10810248

>Shakespeare is by far the greatest of all poets - I am counting the language of his plays as poetry -, and like one critic said about him, to simply state that he is greater than other English poets is to underrate him: it’s like saying that King Kong is bigger than other monkeys. The question here is that we can say the same of Shakespeare even if we compare him to Dante and Homer: he is simply in another level.

>Emily Dickinson is not only the greatest female poet, but also the greatest American poet (and on of the US greatest writers). She is far superior to Walt Whitman.

>One Hundred Years of Solitude is one of the greatest books ever written, and it can compete with Son Quijote face to face.

>Tolstoy is the greatest novelist of all time, superior to Joyce and Proust.

>Latin America produced the best literature of the second half of the twentieth century.

>Nabokov probably wrote the greatest American novel with Lolita. Only contender is Moby Dick.

>Goethe is a boring poet, with deficiency in the creation of new and fresh metaphors. The same can be said of Camões and Petrarch.

>Büchner, who died with only 25, was a genius, and would probably be the only playwright who could honor the genre after Shakespeare.

>Sophocles is only superior to Aeschylus in the construction and plotting of his plays, but Aeschylus is immensely superior as a poet.

>There is no point in being a playwright today of younger going to use prosaic and realistic language: movies and TV do that far better and with larger resources. You need to invest on poetic language (that feels inadequate on the screen but is fit to adorn plays) if you want to work on the stage.

>Memoirs of Hadrian is superior to Madam Bovary.

>Wislawa Szymborska was probably the greatest poet of the twentieth century, and is one of the great poets of all time.

>John Webster’s poetic talent (his imagistic imagination) was very rare, and had his biography been different he might have been greater than Milton.

>Pablo Neruda is far greater than many people here think (people tend to question his work here based on the fact that he had communistic ideals and was from Latin America). He had one of the most fertile imaginations I have ever encountered for the creation of imagery. However, he was not prone to take efforts to organize his books better, to work better with metric and rhyme, to make his body of work more concise and meaningful. He was at the same time hard-working and lazy, and that was a mistake that denied him all the glory he could have achieved.

>Finnegans Wake was a great waste of time. The man that wrote the ending paragraph of “The Dead” could have crafted sublime short stories and smaller novels in all the time consumed with FW. It’s one of the great tragedies in the husotrybof literature.

>Tolstoy and Checkhov alone make Russian literature one of the greatest in the world.

>Dostoievsky is overrated and to say that he was an equal to Tolstoy is nonsense

>> No.10810301


>Fernando Pessoa is far superior to Eliot and Pound, and had he been a native English speaker and writer he would be much more famous around the world (he is the poet that comes to mind when one think in a challenger to Wislawa Szymborska).

>Kafka was much more important as the creator of a literary style and strange new world than as an actual writer. His prose is generally very poor and unimpressive. That, however, doesn’t take away the glory of his achievement.

>Virgil is overrated. Homer is far better than he is.

>Latin ismpeobay the most beautifully sounding language the world has ever witnessed, but there is fewer worth is languages thatbare more flexible, such as Greek, German and English. But when it comes to sound, nothing compares to Latin.

>Of humanity had to choose between the Bible and the Works of Shakespeare, it would be much wiser tho choose Shakespeare: such a talent for language has never been equaled, and is far more important than the mostly historical and cultural value of the Bible. The only time the Bible approaches the verbal and poetic exuberance that Shakespeare constantly displays is on the Speech of God that comes out of the tempest in the end of The Book of Job.

>> No.10810311

>Wislawa Szymborska was probably the greatest poet of the twentieth century, and is one of the great poets of all time.
That's a funny way to spell Montale.

>> No.10810357


Hi, I never read him. Threads like this one are more about pretending to be the absolute master of the truth and mister oracle than actually thinking to be one.

Where should I start with Montale?

>> No.10810425

Dostoyevsky is not Christian.

>> No.10810437

but how

>> No.10810446

Cuttlefish bones. I have no idea if he's good in translation though, a lot of his appeal rests on the unique characteristics of Italian.

>> No.10810478
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>> No.10810533
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daily reminder ;)

>> No.10810602

the only thing i agree with here is the bit about garth ennis. rest is retardation.

>> No.10810611

decent opinions for the most part, disagree with a lot of it but unlike most of the thread you're not an autistic. have a (You).

>> No.10810619

That's not really what death of the author did, and it probably wasn't what barthes was aiming for either. The young, rebellious literary critiques of the time were going up against author-centric readings of texts which placed an absurd level of importance on biography, so they figured that divorcing the meaning of a text from authorial intent was a way of 'empowering readers' by getting rid of the idea of correct readings of the text.

In reality, this line of thinking lead to the complete dis-empowerment of both the author and the reader. To deny authorship altogether is to deny that the individual has any kind of real agency over what they are doing or saying. There is no truth, nothing for you to understand, nothing to pass on to anyone else, and even if there were you wouldn't have the ability or the right to. Art loses all power and meaning, the aesthetic is no longer tied to anything and becomes purely subjective.

In the end, it was probably still a necessary step to get away from the retarded understanding of literature which was prevalent when the author was considered alive without any argument, just like secularism was necessary for people to get away from the more retarded aspects of religious thinking, but at this point it's high-time we move on.

>> No.10810631

David Foster Wallace actually is one of the greatest authors of his generation and maybe prove to be one of the best of the latter half of the 20th century.

Death of the Author is a great thing for literary criticism because historicism is cancer.

Harold Bloom is low-key the most important literary critic of the past few decades.

Milton is better than Shakespeare if you don't count the plays as part of his poetry oeuvre.

French culture on the whole is massively overrated, and pales in comparison to that of Germany, Russia, and the anglosphere. ESPECIALLY in music.

>> No.10810636

what's this?

>> No.10810687

Nadeko did nothing wrong

>> No.10810716

>French culture on the whole is massively overrated, and pales in comparison to that of Germany, Russia, and the anglosphere. ESPECIALLY in music.
How to spot a huge illiterate pleb.
The XVIIth century is better (even for music, which you obviously dont know ; try listening Charpentier, or the École française d'orgue and especially Nicolas de Grigny before you open your mouth) than the entirety of Russian culture.

>> No.10810733

Cumming deep inside a petite anime slut's tight little fuck hole is a thought more beautiful than it can ever be articulated in literature

>> No.10810758

>French culture on the whole is massively overrated, and pales in comparison to that of Germany, Russia, and the anglosphere.
absolutely this.

>> No.10811068

Francophile detected. Go eat some baguettes and fuck some hairy french whores you weak willed little faggot.

I'll still check those out though.

>> No.10811071

Freud is a genius, Jung is a hack

>> No.10811075

Maybe nowadays, but France was really the ideal civilization for centuries. Russians themselves were complete Frenchboos.

>> No.10812231
File: 36 KB, 652x338, 21112017_macron_merkel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insane neoliberal academia

>> No.10812243

The problem is that you're reading Shakespeare, instead of experiencing it as a play. No shit it's going to be dry, you're reading a fucking script.

>> No.10812298

Russians were a bit late to the party
Sure they have their own taste to it but Dostoevsky and Tolstoy still sit beside other westerners on my book shelf.
Most Western forms are an imitation from Ancient Greek philosophy, The Bible, the Eddas and mythology either way. Sometimes something spiritual from the East comes along too.

>> No.10812337

Büchner actually died at the age of 23 and wrote Danton's Death when he was 21 years old.

>> No.10812823


Is his work good?

>> No.10812856

Small-scale lyric forms of ancient Latin poetry like Horace, Catullus, and Virgil's Eclogues are more engaging and beautiful than epics like the Aeneid.