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/lit/ - Literature

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10778004 No.10778004 [Reply] [Original]

>finally joined a bookclub focusing on classics and real literature
>it's filled with pseuds and snobs

time to revert back to being illiterate

>> No.10778015

What type of person do you believe exists in literary environments besides pseuds and snobs?
What do you consider yourself?

>> No.10778018
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who the fuck joins a bookclub not for picking hot hoes?

>> No.10778026
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I thought they would just be normal people who are into literature and would help a book dummy like me out, not IRL /lit/

I consider myself a simpleton pic related it's me

>> No.10778043

>normal people who are into literature
That would be the pseuds. They'd love to help you out but they can't, really. The snobs would be able to help you out, but liking literature for long enough to understand it usually turns you into an ostracized, bitter sperg in most social settings.

>> No.10778104
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> join a philosophy club through weeb friend
> is actually full of hot guys
> no girls
Are we going Greek?

>> No.10778109

Learn to be a loner.

>> No.10778139

Everyone that knows less than you = Pseud
Everyone that knows more = Snob
You = Normal person

This reminds me of a friend who I used to play online games with, anyone worse than him was a scrub, anyone better a no-lifer. He alone existed in the ideal state of equilibrium where he fell into neither category.

>> No.10778144

people who talk about books but then "oh I've never read it, but that doesn't matter" = pseud

people who act condescending and shitty when I tell them I like Dickens and Jane Austen = snob

me = me

>> No.10778150

>actualling meeting up w literary people

? most of these people are vain and pretentious especially when they are young

>> No.10778156

>normal people

>liking literature for long enough to understand it usually turns you into an ostracized, bitter sperg in most social settings
would you kindly explain why this is so

I shifted to Creative Writing from Economics last year. strange that the people I go to class with now aren't exactly so humbled by the things we have to read...
meanwhile you won't meet anyone in Econ who'd admit to knowing more than you

>anyone worse than him was a scrub, anyone better a no-lifer. He alone existed in the ideal state of equilibrium where he fell into neither category.
let's call this the Gamer's Law

>> No.10778167


Sounds alright. I purposefully avoid the book club at my uni now as they decided to read Roald Dahl. I mean what's there to discuss?

>> No.10778170

>Jane Austen
I'm not sure what you expected, Austin is adored by the type of people that 'LOVE BOOKS' but really just like pictures of books on instagram.
As an anecdote, I had an ex who loved books and Austin in particular but for the four months we were together she didn't pick up a book once. Also her absolute favorite was Harry Potter.
These sort of people are abundant and while I'm not saying you fall into this category, you should expect people to think that you do if the best author who you name drop is Austin.
I've never read Dickens (because I'm a pseud) but generally he's just used to make people on sitcoms sound intelligent from what I can tell.

>> No.10778181

Just sounds like you're projecting your regret about teh decision to shift onto these people. But you may be right, actually studying writing/literature now requires some combination of rich parents, hubris and mental illnesses

>> No.10778184

>tfw in japan
>tfw help girls with english lit homework because every other sentence confuses the fuck out of them
>tfw transition to sex

>> No.10778210

>you should expect people to think that you do

So I should never be honest about my taste because people are judgemental assholes? From now on I'm just gonna tell people I don't read.

>> No.10778229

Describe the different people in it. Also, keep going, dont be intimidated

>> No.10778232

>conversing with people irl especially the literary types

Sounds painful

>> No.10778280

Holy shit dude, maybe just be aware of the tendency for people to judge in this way and compensate for it in your behavior. Acknowledge the stereotype and explain that you believe yourself to be apart from it. Are you entirely socially inept? You just judged an entire room of people and categorized them into two shallow groups, why would you not expect them to do the same to you? Grow some self-awareness.

>> No.10778286

>You just judged an entire room of people and categorized them into two shallow groups

I walked in expecting a good conversation about books and the people were nice at first. It's when I revealed my taste they turned into assholes. I know it's an easy copout to say "I'm the victim it's not my fault" but I really don't know what I did wrong other than like books they don't like.

>> No.10778302

Did they really turn into assholes or just criticize your taste? How do you typically handle criticism?
It's interesting that they were nice at first, what kind of books were they into that they expected you to appreciate?

I've had too much coffee and am procrastinating from studying for a quiz so I've become invested in your situation but you need to provide more details if you want people to offer useful advice and not just placate you about how bad you feel.

>> No.10778363


Here I'll expand and say what happened in detail

>enter meeting room at library
>people chat about the weather ask how they're doing and stuff
>finally people take their seats
>leader, some old lady, introduces me to everyone
>asks me what my favourite books are
>say I don't know
>well what was the last book you've read?
>Jane Austen's Emma
>hear distinct "pppffff"
>hear some young college dude "overrated, totally overrated."
>old dude in a leather jacket: "oh yeah, her and Dickens are the two most overrated writers in the english language."
>I-I like Dickens too
>"pfff no you don't"
>I-I think he has a lot of lovable characters and-
>dude wearing heaphones: "characters are just made up of words man" (??????)
>old dude again: "He was a longwinded hack. he was paid by the word you know?"
>try to say that's actually a myth
>he gets really mad, turning red, and says I'm full of shit
>ask him what he's read by him
>"Nothing, I don't read garbage."
>try to say then his opinion doesn't matter
>college dude notices and says "Anon, there's nothing stopping anyone from talking about books and that includes weather they've read it or not."
>another person tells me I'm young and I'll understand when I grow up
>"understand what?"
>he just sighs and looks away from me
>get upset and leave

And then here's your cue to say "didn't happen bro" "you're the real asshole" well fuck you you're probably one of the snobs or pseuds who acted shitty to me there

>> No.10778419

Sounds like you were baited by a couple of assholes and fell for it hard. Why didn't you just say what your favorite books were in the first place?
Your awkward defensiveness is what stands out the most in your story. Learn not to rise to someones shitty comment like that. Defend things that matter, not opinions.

>> No.10778429

You went to a /lit/ meetup and didn't even realize it.

>> No.10778456

You should have said Thomas Pynchon and James Joyces and start stringing big words together when they start asking questions, always using long pauses.

>> No.10778469

very funny post

>> No.10778488

jane austen is fucking shit tho and if you cant take someone elses opinion about you should probably just never speak, u man baby

>> No.10778799

your first mistake was joining a book club

>> No.10778823

That old dude sounds like /ourguy/

>> No.10779109

That sounds like real-life /lit/. One would have thought that during your time here you would have learned how to not be baited.

>> No.10779912

yeah this is exactly what I meant about CW majors not being humble

>> No.10779940

>tfw you're playing videogames with Aristotle

>> No.10779949


You should have accused them of being autistic like we do here.

>> No.10779950

yo op let me guess your plan was to go to some bookclub and pretend to enjoy reading shitty female authors to impress chicks and get laid, failed gambit comrade, chicks can smell that soy from a mile away

>> No.10779967
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Thank you for the pasta!

>> No.10779970
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>Austen and Dickens are shit also I've never read them lol
the canon disintegrates by the day

>> No.10780012

jesus christ

>> No.10780108

Lulz. Right on.

>> No.10780110

even if post-ironic this was still gay man

>> No.10780120

>weather they've read it or not
I guess you just aren't cool enough from the get-go weather talk.

>> No.10780145

Shit like this is why I don't socialize

>> No.10780176

So because some guys biased story is presented on here, you have finally decided to never go out and socialize? You're just as dumb as that guy.

>> No.10780182

Are you illiterate?

>> No.10780712

>online games