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10751184 No.10751184 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10751190


>> No.10751203

shooter... easy on the carrots

>> No.10751205


>> No.10751208

Player Piano or Breakfast of Champions.

>> No.10751243
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>> No.10751274

that art is really not how I imagined it in the slightest

>> No.10751275
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I am literally sharing a board with fucking Reddit.

>> No.10751284

Scarlet Letter
ez pz

>> No.10751295
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Gaddis - Carpenter's Gothic
Gardner - Grendel
Chopin - The Awakening
Bradbury - The Martian Chronicles
cool pic, op needs more guns

>> No.10751296

Hmmm do women find your victim complex attractive when you attempt to talk to them?

>> No.10751360

Why is the American literary scene so bad?
Could barely write prose
Highschool smutt
Schizophrenic meme fanatic
One good book
One good book
Good for the next 20 years before he becomes totally unreadable

>> No.10751364


>> No.10751377

Stupid picture, the context is if the citizens are armed not the guards. Gun free could mean the kids cant bear arms and neither the parents but the teachers can.

>> No.10751424

Lol do these next. Barth, delilo, gass, mcelroy, O'Connor, vollmann, coover, federman, elkin.

>> No.10751477

Blood Meridian
The Recognitions
The Executioners Song
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Lonesome Dove
From Here to Eternity

>> No.10751482

Honestly, I've only read Delilo of the bunch, but his flaw is being derivative

>> No.10751501

I don't read americ*ns

>> No.10751508

Derivative of WHO

>> No.10751523

Don't school shooters generally target the school they go to?

>> No.10751537
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I like infinite jest

>> No.10751553
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Pic related.

>> No.10751562

What makes the picture stupid is that majority of school shooters are not strangers choosing zones, they are the kids that go to the schools they shoot up

>> No.10751571

What was the point of that side plot about retarded ex emperor with a big dick?

>> No.10751572

Daniel Kehlmann, but I don't think he's read him
Ich und Kaminski is basically Mao II if Mao II was good

>> No.10751574

Blood Meridian

shhhh... it’s a secret

>> No.10751582

I'm another guy but Delilo (and Roth, while we're at it) is the literary equivalent to Jeff Koons, in that his main function seems to be a walking cliche to american media tropes. Never in my life have I seen someone who tries to play his role in the spectacle as much as these men. Roth with his self-aware hypsersexuality and Delilo with his obsession with technology and death are almost characters in their own novels who due to some metalinguistic retarded spell became real.
It's disgusting, really, whenver I see his wimpy figure, his concerned look and his "classy but uncaring" clothes I feel the urge to storm Pyongyang myself and push that red button, since that fat little faggot hasn't yet.

>> No.10751606

>dat pic
How about... hear me out, Amerimutts.... hear me out... let's say... let's say... no, no, listen... hear me.... so, like, imagine.... are you listening... imagine if people couldn't buy guns that easily.

>> No.10751618

But why would you want that? Its our right to have them. The people that shoot shit up will just find a way to get them like in canada lmao

>> No.10751621

How would we kill redcoats if they try to tax us?

>> No.10751632

Hey Patrick, your ignorance is showing.
In Switzerland, most households own a gun or guns. Yet there are no school shootings in Switzerland. Where is your argument now?

>> No.10751667


>> No.10751687

There is a deep moral issue at hand with this kind of thing. You're starting to hear it in the news stories now. People are making tips months in advance and people aren't spending the kind of attention they need to on these issues. Almost like they're okay with these things happening in the first place.

The recent school shooter called police before, extremely distraught and it's thought that the FBI should have done their research between this and the tip and at the very least done something. Psychologically speaking, you could tell he was unstable.

Looking at the fundamental reasons these sorts of things happen is important as well, so it's a triple issue here:

- What is the problem with the morals, where we need to take away guns in the first place
- Why can't the agencies that protect us, reasonably act on psychological behavior conducive to a shooter
- What are the psychological reasons in the first place behind this individual shooting up his former school? How he was treated at school or home? Both? What can we do socially to fix this sort of behavior?

>> No.10751691

>muh Switzerland
They have background checking, they have limits of owning guns, they go through military conscription training where they emphasise the guns are for the protection of the country, not from the evil niggers or the evil government

>> No.10751701

and they aren't mongrels

>> No.10751714
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>Psychologically speaking, you could tell he was unstable.
Half the people on this site could be classed pyschologically as unstable

>> No.10751724

Lets hope not. On this site I see a deep-seated belief in God, and fundamentally important discipline in order to read as much as we do.

I honestly do not think too many people on this board are unstable.

>> No.10751737

Wise Blood
The Crossing
Miss Lonelyhearts
Bartleby the Scrivener
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
All the Kings Men

>> No.10751753


>> No.10751761

Catch - 22

>> No.10751774
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T h e

>> No.10751781


Also, Emerson, Henry George, Irving Fisher, Thorstein Veblen, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison,

Basically any sort of actually intelligent sociologist, political theorist, or economist comes from America. I'll give you Britain has some good economists from time to time as well, but that's about all you got.

>> No.10751831

>One good book
The confidence man was a good novel

>> No.10751975

It's difficult to be unstable and a reader, perhaps perpetually melancholic and cynical but hey, who's not
Haven't read it nor has it ever been recommended to me
Stephen Crane might be one of the very few American novelists to make two great novels

>> No.10752101

Yeah, but I'm sure the violent child killers will be pushed to reason if it's made clear their unhelpful oppressive adult structures also want to take preemptive arms against them.

>> No.10752120

Go to bed vlad

>> No.10752122

>hard mode no faulkner
lol Faulkner is fucking trash

>> No.10752132

American Sci-fi is all great. Starship Troopers, Cats Cradle, and the Foundation Trilogy are all top tier lit. Even though the works are all famous, I think they're consistently underrated as works of serious literature, and don't get the attention they deserve.

>> No.10752140

Player Piano is ass, Vonnegut even admitted that while alive. Your taste is terrible if you think that's a good book. Breakfast is worth a read though.

>> No.10752141

The Scarlette Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

>> No.10752177


>posts Ugandan Knuckles meme
>"I'm sharing a board with leddittt DDDDxxxcx"
Kill yourself.


Catcher in the Rye is for depressed 15 year olds, and is literally a meme book though.

>> No.10752208

Yeah, the same way kids stop hitting people when their parents punish them with a beating. Works wonders.

>> No.10752338
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>> No.10753393

No Infinite Jest? It has to be On the Road by Jack Kerouac then

>> No.10753415

Anything by steinbeck.

>> No.10753441

who’s the dude in your pic?

>> No.10753448

her name is alyssa new namefriend

>> No.10753468

Qt youtuber called alfsvoid

>> No.10753536

You say shit about Faulkner again and I will fucking kill you.

>> No.10753561

Don’t school shooters just kill themselves, why the fuck would they care? I guess you would want to shoot up your own school, otherwise what is the point?

>> No.10753587

But what about extreme black market cases? Making guns slightly harder to get than pets only keeps guns out of the hands of responsible Americans who have been banned from gyms.

>> No.10753589


Stop being such a crankyfag, Ugandan knuckles is hilarious.

>> No.10753977

>On this site I see a deep-seated belief in God, and fundamentally important discipline in order to read as much as we do.

>> No.10754497

You mean the country that has put rigid gun regulation laws into effect decades ago?

>> No.10754517


McCarthy, Steinbeck, Barth, Gaddis, John Williams....

>> No.10754525

What the fuck kind of kid is going to know how to access a black market dealer AND have the finances to purchase an illegal product? Assuming, of course, said dealer doesn't just laugh in his fucking face.

>> No.10754539


>> No.10754610

Of mice and men probably. Or unironically catcher in the rye for both sentimental and intellectual reasons.

>> No.10754684

Most overrated of the underrated authors.

>> No.10754686

I guess you aren't wrong in calling it an American book.

>> No.10754689

Imagine being this guy.

>> No.10754712

Switzerland doesn't have a New Orleans.

>> No.10754717

w2c that shirt

>> No.10754718

Do school shooters even shoot up random schools they didn't attend?

>> No.10754722

The Scarlet Letter.

>> No.10754878

School shooters are white or white-ish because they're the ones that actually go to school

>> No.10754909

what we really need is more access to guns. make carrying a firearm at all times mandatory if everyone is armed then no one will have the gall to fire at another person. guns are part of our culture. this is the point of america. to deprive ourselves of them would be to commit cultural suicide. this isnt sweden my friend. now go back to plebbit.

>> No.10754923

in moldova everyone is armed with an automatic rifle by age 7 and they havent had a gun death in two decades

>> No.10754931

Lmao what a sperg

>> No.10754932

of mice and men is fuckin' classic

>> No.10754936

Obviously its trying to make the argument that they will be less likely to shoot up a school with armed guards because they'll be shut down before they can kill anyone.

>> No.10754937

Micheal Chabon's adventures of K&K was nice

realistically though, As I Lay Dying is an incredibly powerful story with so many layers to it.

Grapes of Wrath has a great narrative to it too, come to think of it.

>> No.10754941

really? I thought in america you just went to whatever school you wanted for education like how you choose hamburger palaces

>> No.10754949
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Maximum Bob

>> No.10754967
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>> No.10754969

>calling fucking Branco a lib

>> No.10754972

Tropic of Cancer - Miller, Main Street - Sinclair

>> No.10755000

>What if people couldn't easily buy guns in the US
I don't know what if the earth was flat? Get it, because that's a stupid what if question as the black market would just end supplying whatever terrorist cell needed guns that day

Because in the US, for some reason, we think civies should be armed and not just the criminals

>> No.10755008

Edgar Allen Poe collected works

>> No.10755010

the absolute state of bertildas

>> No.10755011
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>Have rigid gun laws in place
>Somehow Ahmed and crew can get ak47's and hand grenades to blow up your europoor country club
>Ha, well at least we aren't Americans
The truck of peace be with you

>> No.10755018
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I agree with this guy, those damn terrorist cells keep shooting up my schools and shopping malls, man I can't even bounce on my boys dick in the changing room of A&F without wondering if an armor piercing round isn't gonna explode my skull all over the fucking place. And have you seen the prices at the local black markets these days? fucking hell we'd have an economic collapse worse than 08' with that kind of shit. Continue letting our 16 year olds buy whatever weapons they want don't judge us they are the only ones defending us from the shadow men and those that would march us from our homes at night into fema camps.

>> No.10755024

The Magnificent Ambersons

>> No.10755029
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why do some people always want women to be secretly men? ohhh because they are homosexual men. 4chan doesn't ruin everyone but it sure got to you

>> No.10755037

>16 year olds
*18 year olds, 21 in some states, no access to automatic rifles unless you have very specific licenses (you basically have to be a gun dealer yourself)

Also yes we have a massive issue with terrorism, as was the case with the church shootings last year, one by some fedora athiest and the other by an African immigrant who was shot by someone in the congregation , stopping him from being able to murder a bunch of old women. We have issues with gang violence, serial killers, mass murders, drug addicts, etc.

We don't have a gun problem in this country, we have a problem with violence and lawlessness in general.

>> No.10755054

ah well damn I gotta write my state senator now. I am not paying membership dues to NRA to not be able to defend myself from the terrorist who keeps taking my parking space at work. Hmm if you could choose only one would you rather have one mass shooting a year or one prolific serial killer? I think the serial killer option is better because those deluded fucks are motivated and methodical, not some pissy pants boy with access to drunk daddies guns who was too busy complaining about immigrants to lock his shit up properly and a chip on his shoulder

>> No.10755059

we dont have a gun problem in this country, we have a gun control problem (as in too much of it).
if it werent guns it would be pressure cooker bombs and trained grizzly bear attacks.

>> No.10755068

>from the terrorist who keeps taking my parking space at work
>Is literally ignoring my points about violence in American society
Okay fag

>> No.10755069

I am willing to meet you halfway. Get rid of all guns, but anyone over 16 can get bows and arrows. not crossbows, not super fancy olympic caliber bullshit either. but a decent enough weapon if you want to go hunting or if you are really really pissed off shoot at a person

>> No.10755075

the thing is a lot of these people seem fairly impotent so i think they would actually be easily deterred by stricter laws. everyone says "but muh black market," but i doubt losers with personality disorders and autism are going to seek out gangs flipping sophisticated weaponry.

in the end it's all fairly trivial. people are so emotional though they allow every shooting to become this huge spectacle that just goads other autists on. i think it's kinda funny that america continues to shit itself before the entire world because cletus thinks the founding fathers wanted him to have an ar-15.

>> No.10755078

2 "terrorist cases" last year and 244 mass shootings. I dunno one or two anti religious incidents versus a veritable plague of indiscriminate, unjust killings. Clearly our obsession with violence has reached the logical point where we simply can't trust citizens with guns anymore, because the power is being abused. Brought it on ourselves because we would rather shoot first and ask why am I so angry after. But yeah, you can keep worrying about violence from "drug addicts" and "gang violence" because who the fuck cares if one gangbanger blasts away another one or if a meth head shoots his meth addled gf. let the scum self regulate itself. but regular folk aren't morally responsible enough anymore to not turn public areas into shooting galleries so guns have to go

>> No.10755088

yea i mean the major damage is already done. there already exists a culture of mass shootings where some psychos recognize shooting up a school as a real possibility.

also, i think i agree with your first point. i think people underestimate how much of a deterrent stricter gun laws would be. obvi dudes in gangs willl get their guns elswehere, but yea, an 18 y.o. with no social skills will be hard pressed to get the right contacts. i mean buying a gun off the black market is way fucking harder than buying something like weed in a state where its still illegal

>> No.10755111
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alright bros thanks for the stimulating gun debate, sorry for derailing your thread op but asking for it with that picture. goodnight and until next time

>> No.10755118

>and 244 mass shootings.
*Most of those gang related, otherwise known as "drive buys", many of them terrorist influences (as was the case with ISIS inspired terrorism, or random lone wolves who spend years gathering supplies)

The majority of gun violence is done by people with illegal firearms , and now you oh master of all logic, think that disarming the law abiding populace is how you stop violence in general? Genius. Absolute genius.

>> No.10755122

>He thinks it's law abiding citizens doing the murder
Oh honey... That's so wrong

>> No.10755146
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Most of those gang related, otherwise known as "drive buys"
WRONG. no you see, "Investigative Assistance for Violent Crimes Act of 2012, signed into law on Jan 2013, a mass shooting is defined as a shooting resulting in at least 3 victims." another definition loosely used by the FBI also marks them as " indiscriminate" shootings. So a drive by usually has an intended target, and usually only one or two targets at most. I agree with you that terrorists use mass shooting tactics. I also agree that majority of violence is done by bad people illegally. However when USA alone owns half the worlds firearms, no wonder there is violence all over the fucking place. aright for real I am turning the computer off now

>> No.10755150


>> No.10755152


>> No.10755175
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>You see, here is a semantics issue with the definition of mass shooting, *sometimes* the FBI says that mass shootings need to involve "indescriminate" targets
Too bad most studies of mass shootings involved the 3 or more at one time rule
>When the USA owns half the world's the guns
Pic related, legally owned guns prevent crime over here, always have. The United States is a special case due to it's economic and geographic situation.

>> No.10755180

I hope this is b8, I really want to believe this is b8. But it's not, you were just too stupid to realize I was talking about legal vs illegal gun ownership

>> No.10755241

Jesus not that guy but at least he seems to have respect to the subject. And also you show no signs of reading comprehension because you ignored where he quoted the 3 or more rule than said your drive by theory wad wrong because the victim count was always lower. Then you post a chart saying there is no problem with homicide in The USA to back up your argument that there is too much violence?

>> No.10755364
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Sorry dude I like actual females not mtf lookalikes

>> No.10755377
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Stop shilling this repellent troglodyte ya fuckin canuck

>> No.10755393
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