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10740812 No.10740812 [Reply] [Original]

poetry: french or german?

>> No.10740820

Who's the guy on the right?

>> No.10740896


>> No.10740900

French obviously

>> No.10740923

French. The germanic soul is not capable of producing beauty or anything of true artistic merit.

>> No.10740934


>> No.10740938

Norwegian Motherfuckers!

>> No.10740940


>> No.10740993


>> No.10741125

t. Français

>> No.10741155

What an absolute gærn mann.

>> No.10741182

lmao germandroids.

>> No.10741230

not necessarily german but german speaking is superior imo, the vienna circle around Rilke, George and Trakl produced the best poetry known to mankind, other than that germans had the better romantics but frenchies had the better fin de siecle modernists

>> No.10741237

also why make it an either/or, when u can just read both ffs

>> No.10741244

Found the kraut

>> No.10741358

go listen to some Bach, Wagner and Beethoven you moron

>> No.10741448



t. dumb American

Germans have contributed more to art, literature, philosophy than the Fr*Nch ever will

>> No.10741481

Typical of the teutonic mind to be so terrified of the Anglos that he accuses all detractors of his "unique culture" to be either English or American. German contributions to the arts have always been, and always will be, sub-par at best and embarrassingly mediocre at worst. You would think a nation which has interacted with the French and Russians for so long would have learned something about culture, but they have stubbornly refused to do so.

>> No.10741492

Germanbros, is there a better poem in your language than Schiller's die Kindesmorderin?

>> No.10741535
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>> No.10741627
File: 119 KB, 768x932, Nitzke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The greatest aesthetic theory in the world was formulated by a German though.

>> No.10741636

So embarrassing that Germans basically had to outsource their literature to Austria and the Czechs because their own output was such second-rate trash.

>> No.10741644
File: 81 KB, 426x428, 2headedboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bach, Wagner and Beethoven
is it physically possible to be more of an entry-level pleb than this?

>> No.10741645

>he doesn't know Gezelle
but French ofc

>> No.10741652

>ywn hear rimbaud's soft moans as you push your metre into his tight little verse

>> No.10741661

Brainlet here, give me better composers?

>> No.10741691


Best god damn literature there is.

>> No.10741729

I'm a composer myself, no one comes close to the German and Austrian catalog

>> No.10741734

>I'm a composer myself

u just know this dude has a fedora and a doting mommy

>> No.10741748

>Goethe versus some horny frogs

>> No.10741750

I know you can't even read music

>> No.10741753

He was Polish actually

>> No.10741760

Can you link me some of your scores then? Not doubting you, just keen to hear. <3

>> No.10741779

Off the top of my head,
Dmitri Shostakovich
M.K. Čiurlionis

>> No.10741786

>t. pleb

>> No.10741790

I write them all out by hand and I'm not comfortable publishing or leaving out anything in the public just yet

>> No.10741794


>> No.10741803

(already been said, but should be stressed) Shostakovich

Max Richter
Yann Tiersen

>> No.10741833

>bad thing
You could not come off as more of a pleb

>> No.10741847

I'm a big fan of Russian composers as well (particularly Tchaikovsky) but they still don't stack up to the German and Austrian heavyweights. Comparing Rachmaninoff to Beethoven or Wagner is just laughable

>> No.10741857

Every single person on that list smokes him. You have to be joking.

>> No.10741911

I don't even know how to respond to that

>> No.10741967


this is about poetry.

>> No.10742017

Are prose poems allowed? If so Kafka blows everyone out of the water.

>> No.10742020

Quelle surprise

>> No.10742028

That neckbeard is only loved by pseuds like Nietzsche.

>> No.10742035

Considering that the two last two composers mostly make music for movies (probably to keep themselves paid), do you think Beethoven and Wagner would make music for big films, or small art ones? Try to keep their meme songs out of mind, because I know they're always used in big pics anyway.

>> No.10742064

Iet me respond for you:

Wagner demands 100 percent attention when you listen to him, just close your eyes, ignore all else and you will hear the beauty






>> No.10742073

How is it even a question? French for sure.

>> No.10742147

>german poetry

>> No.10742187


>> No.10742347

French between 1860 and 1899
German before and after

>> No.10742387

>German before 1860
End yourself please, it's truly embarrassing.

>> No.10742399

Rimbaud a cute!

>> No.10742446

not even reading this thread in fear of anyone who thought about saying german